// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//! Test client.
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering as AtomicOrder};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use std::mem;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use hash::keccak;
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use journaldb;
use kvdb::DBValue;
use kvdb_memorydb;
use bytes::Bytes;
use rlp::{Rlp, RlpStream};
use ethkey::{Generator, Random};
use ethcore_miner::pool::VerifiedTransaction;
use transaction::{self, Transaction, LocalizedTransaction, SignedTransaction, Action};
use blockchain::{TreeRoute, BlockReceipts};
use client::{
Nonce, Balance, ChainInfo, BlockInfo, ReopenBlock, CallContract, TransactionInfo, RegistryInfo,
PrepareOpenBlock, BlockChainClient, BlockChainInfo, BlockStatus, BlockId,
TransactionId, UncleId, TraceId, TraceFilter, LastHashes, CallAnalytics, BlockImportError,
ProvingBlockChainClient, ScheduleInfo, ImportSealedBlock, BroadcastProposalBlock, ImportBlock, StateOrBlock,
Call, StateClient, EngineInfo, AccountData, BlockChain, BlockProducer, SealedBlockImporter, IoClient
use header::{Header as BlockHeader, BlockNumber};
use filter::Filter;
use log_entry::LocalizedLogEntry;
use receipt::{Receipt, LocalizedReceipt, TransactionOutcome};
use error::ImportResult;
use vm::Schedule;
use miner::{Miner, MinerService};
use spec::Spec;
use types::basic_account::BasicAccount;
use types::mode::Mode;
use types::pruning_info::PruningInfo;
use verification::queue::QueueInfo;
use block::{OpenBlock, SealedBlock, ClosedBlock};
use executive::Executed;
use error::CallError;
use trace::LocalizedTrace;
use state_db::StateDB;
use header::Header;
use encoded;
use engines::EthEngine;
use trie;
use state::StateInfo;
use views::BlockView;
/// Test client.
pub struct TestBlockChainClient {
/// Blocks.
pub blocks: RwLock>,
/// Mapping of numbers to hashes.
pub numbers: RwLock>,
/// Genesis block hash.
pub genesis_hash: H256,
/// Last block hash.
pub last_hash: RwLock,
/// Extra data do set for each block
pub extra_data: Bytes,
/// Difficulty.
pub difficulty: RwLock,
/// Balances.
pub balances: RwLock>,
/// Nonces.
pub nonces: RwLock>,
/// Storage.
pub storage: RwLock>,
/// Code.
pub code: RwLock>,
/// Execution result.
pub execution_result: RwLock>>,
/// Transaction receipts.
pub receipts: RwLock>,
/// Logs
pub logs: RwLock>,
/// Block queue size.
pub queue_size: AtomicUsize,
/// Miner
pub miner: Arc,
/// Spec
pub spec: Spec,
/// Timestamp assigned to latest sealed block
pub latest_block_timestamp: RwLock,
/// Ancient block info.
pub ancient_block: RwLock>,
/// First block info.
pub first_block: RwLock >,
/// Traces to return
pub traces: RwLock >>,
/// Pruning history size to report.
pub history: RwLock >,
/// Is disabled
pub disabled: AtomicBool,
/// Used for generating test client blocks.
pub enum EachBlockWith {
/// Plain block.
/// Block with an uncle.
/// Block with a transaction.
/// Block with an uncle and transaction.
impl Default for TestBlockChainClient {
fn default() -> Self {
impl TestBlockChainClient {
/// Creates new test client.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Creates new test client with specified extra data for each block
pub fn new_with_extra_data(extra_data: Bytes) -> Self {
let spec = Spec::new_test();
TestBlockChainClient::new_with_spec_and_extra(spec, extra_data)
/// Create test client with custom spec.
pub fn new_with_spec(spec: Spec) -> Self {
TestBlockChainClient::new_with_spec_and_extra(spec, Bytes::new())
/// Create test client with custom spec and extra data.
pub fn new_with_spec_and_extra(spec: Spec, extra_data: Bytes) -> Self {
let genesis_block = spec.genesis_block();
let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash();
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient {
blocks: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
numbers: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
genesis_hash: H256::new(),
extra_data: extra_data,
last_hash: RwLock::new(H256::new()),
difficulty: RwLock::new(spec.genesis_header().difficulty().clone()),
balances: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
nonces: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
storage: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
code: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
execution_result: RwLock::new(None),
receipts: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
logs: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
queue_size: AtomicUsize::new(0),
miner: Arc::new(Miner::new_for_tests(&spec, None)),
spec: spec,
latest_block_timestamp: RwLock::new(10_000_000),
ancient_block: RwLock::new(None),
first_block: RwLock::new(None),
traces: RwLock::new(None),
history: RwLock::new(None),
disabled: AtomicBool::new(false),
// insert genesis hash.
client.blocks.get_mut().insert(genesis_hash, genesis_block);
client.numbers.get_mut().insert(0, genesis_hash);
*client.last_hash.get_mut() = genesis_hash;
client.genesis_hash = genesis_hash;
/// Set the transaction receipt result
pub fn set_transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionId, receipt: LocalizedReceipt) {
self.receipts.write().insert(id, receipt);
/// Set the execution result.
pub fn set_execution_result(&self, result: Result) {
*self.execution_result.write() = Some(result);
/// Set the balance of account `address` to `balance`.
pub fn set_balance(&self, address: Address, balance: U256) {
self.balances.write().insert(address, balance);
/// Set nonce of account `address` to `nonce`.
pub fn set_nonce(&self, address: Address, nonce: U256) {
self.nonces.write().insert(address, nonce);
/// Set `code` at `address`.
pub fn set_code(&self, address: Address, code: Bytes) {
self.code.write().insert(address, code);
/// Set storage `position` to `value` for account `address`.
pub fn set_storage(&self, address: Address, position: H256, value: H256) {
self.storage.write().insert((address, position), value);
/// Set block queue size for testing
pub fn set_queue_size(&self, size: usize) {
self.queue_size.store(size, AtomicOrder::Relaxed);
/// Set timestamp assigned to latest sealed block
pub fn set_latest_block_timestamp(&self, ts: u64) {
*self.latest_block_timestamp.write() = ts;
/// Set logs to return for each logs call.
pub fn set_logs(&self, logs: Vec) {
*self.logs.write() = logs;
/// Add blocks to test client.
pub fn add_blocks(&self, count: usize, with: EachBlockWith) {
let len = self.numbers.read().len();
for n in len..(len + count) {
let mut header = BlockHeader::new();
header.set_number(n as BlockNumber);
let uncles = match with {
EachBlockWith::Uncle | EachBlockWith::UncleAndTransaction => {
let mut uncles = RlpStream::new_list(1);
let mut uncle_header = BlockHeader::new();
uncle_header.set_number(n as BlockNumber);
_ => RlpStream::new_list(0)
let txs = match with {
EachBlockWith::Transaction | EachBlockWith::UncleAndTransaction => {
let mut txs = RlpStream::new_list(1);
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
// Update nonces value
self.nonces.write().insert(keypair.address(), U256::one());
let tx = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(100),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::from(200_000_000_000u64),
nonce: U256::zero()
let signed_tx = tx.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
_ => ::rlp::EMPTY_LIST_RLP.to_vec()
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3);
rlp.append_raw(&txs, 1);
rlp.append_raw(uncles.as_raw(), 1);
/// Make a bad block by setting invalid extra data.
pub fn corrupt_block(&self, n: BlockNumber) {
let hash = self.block_hash(BlockId::Number(n)).unwrap();
let mut header: BlockHeader = self.block_header(BlockId::Number(n)).unwrap().decode().expect("decoding failed");
header.set_extra_data(b"This extra data is way too long to be considered valid".to_vec());
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3);
rlp.append_raw(&::rlp::NULL_RLP, 1);
rlp.append_raw(&::rlp::NULL_RLP, 1);
self.blocks.write().insert(hash, rlp.out());
/// Make a bad block by setting invalid parent hash.
pub fn corrupt_block_parent(&self, n: BlockNumber) {
let hash = self.block_hash(BlockId::Number(n)).unwrap();
let mut header: BlockHeader = self.block_header(BlockId::Number(n)).unwrap().decode().expect("decoding failed");
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3);
rlp.append_raw(&::rlp::NULL_RLP, 1);
rlp.append_raw(&::rlp::NULL_RLP, 1);
self.blocks.write().insert(hash, rlp.out());
/// Get block hash with `delta` as offset from the most recent blocks.
pub fn block_hash_delta_minus(&mut self, delta: usize) -> H256 {
let blocks_read = self.numbers.read();
let index = blocks_read.len() - delta;
fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
match id {
BlockId::Hash(hash) => Some(hash),
BlockId::Number(n) => self.numbers.read().get(&(n as usize)).cloned(),
BlockId::Earliest => self.numbers.read().get(&0).cloned(),
BlockId::Latest => self.numbers.read().get(&(self.numbers.read().len() - 1)).cloned()
/// Inserts a transaction with given gas price to miners transactions queue.
pub fn insert_transaction_with_gas_price_to_queue(&self, gas_price: U256) -> H256 {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let tx = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(100),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: gas_price,
nonce: U256::zero()
let signed_tx = tx.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
self.set_balance(signed_tx.sender(), 10_000_000_000_000_000_000u64.into());
let hash = signed_tx.hash();
let res = self.miner.import_external_transactions(self, vec![signed_tx.into()]);
let res = res.into_iter().next().unwrap();
/// Inserts a transaction to miners transactions queue.
pub fn insert_transaction_to_queue(&self) -> H256 {
/// Set reported history size.
pub fn set_history(&self, h: Option) {
*self.history.write() = h;
/// Returns true if the client has been disabled.
pub fn is_disabled(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_temp_state_db() -> StateDB {
let db = kvdb_memorydb::create(NUM_COLUMNS.unwrap_or(0));
let journal_db = journaldb::new(Arc::new(db), journaldb::Algorithm::EarlyMerge, COL_STATE);
StateDB::new(journal_db, 1024 * 1024)
impl ReopenBlock for TestBlockChainClient {
fn reopen_block(&self, block: ClosedBlock) -> OpenBlock {
impl PrepareOpenBlock for TestBlockChainClient {
fn prepare_open_block(&self, author: Address, gas_range_target: (U256, U256), extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock {
let engine = &*self.spec.engine;
let genesis_header = self.spec.genesis_header();
let db = self.spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap();
let last_hashes = vec![genesis_header.hash()];
let mut open_block = OpenBlock::new(
).expect("Opening block for tests will not fail.");
// TODO [todr] Override timestamp for predictability
impl ScheduleInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn latest_schedule(&self) -> Schedule {
Schedule::new_post_eip150(24576, true, true, true)
impl ImportSealedBlock for TestBlockChainClient {
fn import_sealed_block(&self, _block: SealedBlock) -> ImportResult {
impl BlockProducer for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl BroadcastProposalBlock for TestBlockChainClient {
fn broadcast_proposal_block(&self, _block: SealedBlock) {}
impl SealedBlockImporter for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl ::miner::TransactionVerifierClient for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl ::miner::BlockChainClient for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl Nonce for TestBlockChainClient {
fn nonce(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option {
match id {
BlockId::Latest => Some(self.nonces.read().get(address).cloned().unwrap_or(self.spec.params().account_start_nonce)),
_ => None,
fn latest_nonce(&self, address: &Address) -> U256 {
self.nonce(address, BlockId::Latest).unwrap()
impl Balance for TestBlockChainClient {
fn balance(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option {
match state {
StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest) | StateOrBlock::State(_) => Some(self.balances.read().get(address).cloned().unwrap_or_else(U256::zero)),
_ => None,
fn latest_balance(&self, address: &Address) -> U256 {
self.balance(address, BlockId::Latest.into()).unwrap()
impl AccountData for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl ChainInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
let number = self.blocks.read().len() as BlockNumber - 1;
BlockChainInfo {
total_difficulty: *self.difficulty.read(),
pending_total_difficulty: *self.difficulty.read(),
genesis_hash: self.genesis_hash.clone(),
best_block_hash: self.last_hash.read().clone(),
best_block_number: number,
best_block_timestamp: number,
first_block_hash: self.first_block.read().as_ref().map(|x| x.0),
first_block_number: self.first_block.read().as_ref().map(|x| x.1),
ancient_block_hash: self.ancient_block.read().as_ref().map(|x| x.0),
ancient_block_number: self.ancient_block.read().as_ref().map(|x| x.1)
impl BlockInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
.and_then(|hash| self.blocks.read().get(&hash).map(|r| view!(BlockView, r).header_rlp().as_raw().to_vec()))
fn best_block_header(&self) -> Header {
.expect("Best block always has header.")
.expect("decoding failed")
fn block(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
.and_then(|hash| self.blocks.read().get(&hash).cloned())
fn code_hash(&self, address: &Address, id: BlockId) -> Option {
match id {
BlockId::Latest => self.code.read().get(address).map(|c| keccak(&c)),
_ => None,
impl CallContract for TestBlockChainClient {
fn call_contract(&self, _id: BlockId, _address: Address, _data: Bytes) -> Result { Ok(vec![]) }
impl TransactionInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn transaction_block(&self, _id: TransactionId) -> Option {
None // Simple default.
impl BlockChain for TestBlockChainClient {}
impl RegistryInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn registry_address(&self, _name: String, _block: BlockId) -> Option { None }
impl ImportBlock for TestBlockChainClient {
fn import_block(&self, b: Bytes) -> Result {
let header = view!(BlockView, &b).header();
let h = header.hash();
let number: usize = header.number() as usize;
if number > self.blocks.read().len() {
panic!("Unexpected block number. Expected {}, got {}", self.blocks.read().len(), number);
if number > 0 {
match self.blocks.read().get(header.parent_hash()) {
Some(parent) => {
let parent = view!(BlockView, parent).header();
if parent.number() != (header.number() - 1) {
panic!("Unexpected block parent");
None => {
panic!("Unknown block parent {:?} for block {}", header.parent_hash(), number);
let len = self.numbers.read().len();
if number == len {
let mut difficulty = self.difficulty.write();
*difficulty = *difficulty + header.difficulty().clone();
mem::replace(&mut *self.last_hash.write(), h.clone());
self.blocks.write().insert(h.clone(), b);
self.numbers.write().insert(number, h.clone());
let mut parent_hash = header.parent_hash().clone();
if number > 0 {
let mut n = number - 1;
while n > 0 && self.numbers.read()[&n] != parent_hash {
*self.numbers.write().get_mut(&n).unwrap() = parent_hash.clone();
n -= 1;
parent_hash = view!(BlockView, &self.blocks.read()[&parent_hash]).header().parent_hash().clone();
else {
self.blocks.write().insert(h.clone(), b.to_vec());
impl Call for TestBlockChainClient {
// State will not be used by test client anyway, since all methods that accept state are mocked
type State = ();
fn call(&self, _t: &SignedTransaction, _analytics: CallAnalytics, _state: &mut Self::State, _header: &Header) -> Result {
fn call_many(&self, txs: &[(SignedTransaction, CallAnalytics)], state: &mut Self::State, header: &Header) -> Result, CallError> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(txs.len());
for &(ref tx, analytics) in txs {
res.push(self.call(tx, analytics, state, header)?);
fn estimate_gas(&self, _t: &SignedTransaction, _state: &Self::State, _header: &Header) -> Result {
impl StateInfo for () {
fn nonce(&self, _address: &Address) -> trie::Result { unimplemented!() }
fn balance(&self, _address: &Address) -> trie::Result { unimplemented!() }
fn storage_at(&self, _address: &Address, _key: &H256) -> trie::Result { unimplemented!() }
fn code(&self, _address: &Address) -> trie::Result>> { unimplemented!() }
impl StateClient for TestBlockChainClient {
// State will not be used by test client anyway, since all methods that accept state are mocked
type State = ();
fn latest_state(&self) -> Self::State {
fn state_at(&self, _id: BlockId) -> Option {
impl EngineInfo for TestBlockChainClient {
fn engine(&self) -> &EthEngine {
impl BlockChainClient for TestBlockChainClient {
fn replay(&self, _id: TransactionId, _analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result {
fn replay_block_transactions(&self, _block: BlockId, _analytics: CallAnalytics) -> Result>, CallError> {
fn block_total_difficulty(&self, _id: BlockId) -> Option {
fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
Self::block_hash(self, id)
fn storage_root(&self, _address: &Address, _id: BlockId) -> Option {
fn code(&self, address: &Address, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option> {
match state {
StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest) => Some(self.code.read().get(address).cloned()),
_ => None,
fn storage_at(&self, address: &Address, position: &H256, state: StateOrBlock) -> Option {
match state {
StateOrBlock::Block(BlockId::Latest) => Some(self.storage.read().get(&(address.clone(), position.clone())).cloned().unwrap_or_else(H256::new)),
_ => None,
fn list_accounts(&self, _id: BlockId, _after: Option<&Address>, _count: u64) -> Option> {
fn list_storage(&self, _id: BlockId, _account: &Address, _after: Option<&H256>, _count: u64) -> Option> {
fn transaction(&self, _id: TransactionId) -> Option {
None // Simple default.
fn uncle(&self, _id: UncleId) -> Option {
None // Simple default.
fn uncle_extra_info(&self, _id: UncleId) -> Option> {
fn transaction_receipt(&self, id: TransactionId) -> Option {
fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Vec {
let mut logs = self.logs.read().clone();
let len = logs.len();
match filter.limit {
Some(limit) if limit <= len => logs.split_off(len - limit),
_ => logs,
fn last_hashes(&self) -> LastHashes {
fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
match id {
BlockId::Number(number) => Some(number),
BlockId::Earliest => Some(0),
BlockId::Latest => Some(self.chain_info().best_block_number),
BlockId::Hash(ref h) =>
self.numbers.read().iter().find(|&(_, hash)| hash == h).map(|e| *e.0 as u64)
fn block_body(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
self.block_hash(id).and_then(|hash| self.blocks.read().get(&hash).map(|r| {
let block = view!(BlockView, r);
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
stream.append_raw(block.transactions_rlp().as_raw(), 1);
stream.append_raw(block.uncles_rlp().as_raw(), 1);
fn block_extra_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option> {
.map(|block| block.view().header())
.map(|header| self.spec.engine.extra_info(&header))
fn block_status(&self, id: BlockId) -> BlockStatus {
match id {
BlockId::Number(number) if (number as usize) < self.blocks.read().len() => BlockStatus::InChain,
BlockId::Hash(ref hash) if self.blocks.read().get(hash).is_some() => BlockStatus::InChain,
BlockId::Latest | BlockId::Earliest => BlockStatus::InChain,
_ => BlockStatus::Unknown,
// works only if blocks are one after another 1 -> 2 -> 3
fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option {
Some(TreeRoute {
ancestor: H256::new(),
index: 0,
blocks: {
let numbers_read = self.numbers.read();
let mut adding = false;
let mut blocks = Vec::new();
for (_, hash) in numbers_read.iter().sorted_by(|tuple1, tuple2| tuple1.0.cmp(tuple2.0)) {
if hash == to {
if adding {
adding = false;
if hash == from {
adding = true;
if adding {
if adding { Vec::new() } else { blocks }
fn find_uncles(&self, _hash: &H256) -> Option> {
// TODO: returns just hashes instead of node state rlp(?)
fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option {
// starts with 'f' ?
if *hash > H256::from("f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") {
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
return Some(rlp.out());
fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option {
// starts with 'f' ?
if *hash > H256::from("f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") {
let receipt = BlockReceipts::new(vec![Receipt::new(
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new();
return Some(rlp.out());
fn queue_info(&self) -> QueueInfo {
QueueInfo {
verified_queue_size: self.queue_size.load(AtomicOrder::Relaxed),
unverified_queue_size: 0,
verifying_queue_size: 0,
max_queue_size: 0,
max_mem_use: 0,
mem_used: 0,
fn clear_queue(&self) {
fn additional_params(&self) -> BTreeMap {
fn filter_traces(&self, _filter: TraceFilter) -> Option> {
fn trace(&self, _trace: TraceId) -> Option {
self.traces.read().clone().and_then(|vec| vec.into_iter().next())
fn transaction_traces(&self, _trace: TransactionId) -> Option> {
fn block_traces(&self, _trace: BlockId) -> Option> {
fn ready_transactions(&self) -> Vec> {
fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option { None }
fn mode(&self) -> Mode { Mode::Active }
fn set_mode(&self, _: Mode) { unimplemented!(); }
fn spec_name(&self) -> String { "foundation".into() }
fn set_spec_name(&self, _: String) { unimplemented!(); }
fn disable(&self) { self.disabled.store(true, AtomicOrder::Relaxed); }
fn pruning_info(&self) -> PruningInfo {
let best_num = self.chain_info().best_block_number;
PruningInfo {
earliest_chain: 1,
earliest_state: self.history.read().as_ref().map(|x| best_num - x).unwrap_or(0),
fn transact_contract(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> Result<(), transaction::Error> {
let transaction = Transaction {
nonce: self.latest_nonce(&self.miner.authoring_params().author),
action: Action::Call(address),
gas: self.spec.gas_limit,
gas_price: U256::zero(),
value: U256::default(),
data: data,
let chain_id = Some(self.spec.chain_id());
let sig = self.spec.engine.sign(transaction.hash(chain_id)).unwrap();
let signed = SignedTransaction::new(transaction.with_signature(sig, chain_id)).unwrap();
self.miner.import_own_transaction(self, signed.into())
fn registrar_address(&self) -> Option { None }
fn eip86_transition(&self) -> u64 { u64::max_value() }
impl IoClient for TestBlockChainClient {
fn queue_transactions(&self, transactions: Vec, _peer_id: usize) {
// import right here
let txs = transactions.into_iter().filter_map(|bytes| Rlp::new(&bytes).as_val().ok()).collect();
self.miner.import_external_transactions(self, txs);
fn queue_ancient_block(&self, b: Bytes, _r: Bytes) -> Result {
fn queue_consensus_message(&self, message: Bytes) {
impl ProvingBlockChainClient for TestBlockChainClient {
fn prove_storage(&self, _: H256, _: H256, _: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec, H256)> {
fn prove_account(&self, _: H256, _: BlockId) -> Option<(Vec, BasicAccount)> {
fn prove_transaction(&self, _: SignedTransaction, _: BlockId) -> Option<(Bytes, Vec)> {
fn epoch_signal(&self, _: H256) -> Option> {
impl super::traits::EngineClient for TestBlockChainClient {
fn update_sealing(&self) {
fn submit_seal(&self, block_hash: H256, seal: Vec) {
let import = self.miner.submit_seal(block_hash, seal).and_then(|block| self.import_sealed_block(block));
if let Err(err) = import {
warn!(target: "poa", "Wrong internal seal submission! {:?}", err);
fn broadcast_consensus_message(&self, _message: Bytes) {}
fn epoch_transition_for(&self, _block_hash: H256) -> Option<::engines::EpochTransition> {
fn as_full_client(&self) -> Option<&BlockChainClient> { Some(self) }
fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option {
BlockChainClient::block_number(self, id)
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<::encoded::Header> {
BlockChainClient::block_header(self, id)