// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . //! Stratum protocol implementation for parity ethereum/bitcoin clients extern crate jsonrpc_tcp_server; extern crate jsonrpc_core; extern crate ethereum_types; extern crate keccak_hash as hash; extern crate parking_lot; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[cfg(test)] extern crate tokio; #[cfg(test)] extern crate tokio_io; #[cfg(test)] extern crate env_logger; mod traits; pub use traits::{ JobDispatcher, PushWorkHandler, Error, ServiceConfiguration, }; use jsonrpc_tcp_server::{ Server as JsonRpcServer, ServerBuilder as JsonRpcServerBuilder, RequestContext, MetaExtractor, Dispatcher, PushMessageError, }; use jsonrpc_core::{MetaIoHandler, Params, to_value, Value, Metadata, Compatibility, IoDelegate}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap}; use hash::keccak; use ethereum_types::H256; use parking_lot::RwLock; type RpcResult = Result; const NOTIFY_COUNTER_INITIAL: u32 = 16; /// Container which owns rpc server and stratum implementation pub struct Stratum { /// RPC server /// /// It is an `Option` so it can be easily closed and released during `drop` phase rpc_server: Option, /// stratum protocol implementation /// /// It is owned by a container and rpc server implementation: Arc, /// Message dispatcher (tcp/ip service) /// /// Used to push messages to peers tcp_dispatcher: Dispatcher, } impl Stratum { pub fn start( addr: &SocketAddr, dispatcher: Arc, secret: Option, ) -> Result, Error> { let implementation = Arc::new(StratumImpl { subscribers: RwLock::default(), job_que: RwLock::default(), dispatcher, workers: Arc::new(RwLock::default()), secret, notify_counter: RwLock::new(NOTIFY_COUNTER_INITIAL), }); let mut delegate = IoDelegate::::new(implementation.clone()); delegate.add_method_with_meta("mining.subscribe", StratumImpl::subscribe); delegate.add_method_with_meta("mining.authorize", StratumImpl::authorize); delegate.add_method_with_meta("mining.submit", StratumImpl::submit); let mut handler = MetaIoHandler::::with_compatibility(Compatibility::Both); handler.extend_with(delegate); let server_builder = JsonRpcServerBuilder::new(handler); let tcp_dispatcher = server_builder.dispatcher(); let server_builder = server_builder.session_meta_extractor(PeerMetaExtractor::new(tcp_dispatcher.clone())); let server = server_builder.start(addr)?; let stratum = Arc::new(Stratum { rpc_server: Some(server), implementation, tcp_dispatcher, }); Ok(stratum) } } impl PushWorkHandler for Stratum { fn push_work_all(&self, payload: String) -> Result<(), Error> { self.implementation.push_work_all(payload, &self.tcp_dispatcher) } fn push_work(&self, payloads: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { self.implementation.push_work(payloads, &self.tcp_dispatcher) } } impl Drop for Stratum { fn drop(&mut self) { // shut down rpc server self.rpc_server.take().map(|server| server.close()); } } struct StratumImpl { /// Subscribed clients subscribers: RwLock>, /// List of workers supposed to receive job update job_que: RwLock>, /// Payload manager dispatcher: Arc, /// Authorized workers (socket - worker_id) workers: Arc>>, /// Secret if any secret: Option, /// Dispatch notify couinter notify_counter: RwLock, } impl StratumImpl { /// rpc method `mining.subscribe` fn subscribe(&self, _params: Params, meta: SocketMetadata) -> RpcResult { use std::str::FromStr; self.subscribers.write().push(meta.addr().clone()); self.job_que.write().insert(meta.addr().clone()); trace!(target: "stratum", "Subscription request from {:?}", meta.addr()); Ok(match self.dispatcher.initial() { Some(initial) => match jsonrpc_core::Value::from_str(&initial) { Ok(val) => Ok(val), Err(e) => { warn!(target: "stratum", "Invalid payload: '{}' ({:?})", &initial, e); to_value(&[0u8; 0]) }, }, None => to_value(&[0u8; 0]), }.expect("Empty slices are serializable; qed")) } /// rpc method `mining.authorize` fn authorize(&self, params: Params, meta: SocketMetadata) -> RpcResult { params.parse::<(String, String)>().map(|(worker_id, secret)|{ if let Some(valid_secret) = self.secret { let hash = keccak(secret); if hash != valid_secret { return to_value(&false); } } trace!(target: "stratum", "New worker #{} registered", worker_id); self.workers.write().insert(meta.addr().clone(), worker_id); to_value(true) }).map(|v| v.expect("Only true/false is returned and it's always serializable; qed")) } /// rpc method `mining.submit` fn submit(&self, params: Params, meta: SocketMetadata) -> RpcResult { Ok(match params { Params::Array(vals) => { // first two elements are service messages (worker_id & job_id) match self.dispatcher.submit(vals.iter().skip(2) .filter_map(|val| match *val { Value::String(ref s) => Some(s.to_owned()), _ => None }) .collect::>()) { Ok(()) => { self.update_peers(&meta.tcp_dispatcher.expect("tcp_dispatcher is always initialized; qed")); to_value(true) }, Err(submit_err) => { warn!("Error while submitting share: {:?}", submit_err); to_value(false) } } }, _ => { trace!(target: "stratum", "Invalid submit work format {:?}", params); to_value(false) } }.expect("Only true/false is returned and it's always serializable; qed")) } /// Helper method fn update_peers(&self, tcp_dispatcher: &Dispatcher) { if let Some(job) = self.dispatcher.job() { if let Err(e) = self.push_work_all(job, tcp_dispatcher) { warn!("Failed to update some of the peers: {:?}", e); } } } fn push_work_all(&self, payload: String, tcp_dispatcher: &Dispatcher) -> Result<(), Error> { let hup_peers = { let workers = self.workers.read(); let next_request_id = { let mut counter = self.notify_counter.write(); if *counter == ::std::u32::MAX { *counter = NOTIFY_COUNTER_INITIAL; } else { *counter = *counter + 1 } *counter }; let mut hup_peers = HashSet::with_capacity(0); // most of the cases won't be needed, hence avoid allocation let workers_msg = format!("{{ \"id\": {}, \"method\": \"mining.notify\", \"params\": {} }}", next_request_id, payload); trace!(target: "stratum", "pushing work for {} workers (payload: '{}')", workers.len(), &workers_msg); for (ref addr, _) in workers.iter() { trace!(target: "stratum", "pusing work to {}", addr); match tcp_dispatcher.push_message(addr, workers_msg.clone()) { Err(PushMessageError::NoSuchPeer) => { trace!(target: "stratum", "Worker no longer connected: {}", &addr); hup_peers.insert(*addr.clone()); }, Err(e) => { warn!(target: "stratum", "Unexpected transport error: {:?}", e); }, Ok(_) => { }, } } hup_peers }; if !hup_peers.is_empty() { let mut workers = self.workers.write(); for hup_peer in hup_peers { workers.remove(&hup_peer); } } Ok(()) } fn push_work(&self, payloads: Vec, tcp_dispatcher: &Dispatcher) -> Result<(), Error> { if !payloads.len() > 0 { return Err(Error::NoWork); } let workers = self.workers.read(); let addrs = workers.keys().collect::>(); if !workers.len() > 0 { return Err(Error::NoWorkers); } let mut que = payloads; let mut addr_index = 0; while que.len() > 0 { let next_worker = addrs[addr_index]; let mut next_payload = que.drain(0..1); tcp_dispatcher.push_message( next_worker, next_payload.nth(0).expect("drained successfully of 0..1, so 0-th element should exist") )?; addr_index = addr_index + 1; } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SocketMetadata { addr: SocketAddr, // with the new version of jsonrpc-core, SocketMetadata // won't have to implement default, so this field will not // have to be an Option tcp_dispatcher: Option, } impl Default for SocketMetadata { fn default() -> Self { SocketMetadata { addr: "".parse().unwrap(), tcp_dispatcher: None, } } } impl SocketMetadata { pub fn addr(&self) -> &SocketAddr { &self.addr } } impl Metadata for SocketMetadata { } pub struct PeerMetaExtractor { tcp_dispatcher: Dispatcher, } impl PeerMetaExtractor { fn new(tcp_dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> Self { PeerMetaExtractor { tcp_dispatcher, } } } impl MetaExtractor for PeerMetaExtractor { fn extract(&self, context: &RequestContext) -> SocketMetadata { SocketMetadata { addr: context.peer_addr, tcp_dispatcher: Some(self.tcp_dispatcher.clone()), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::net::{SocketAddr, Shutdown}; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::{io, runtime::Runtime, timer::timeout::{self, Timeout}, net::TcpStream}; use jsonrpc_core::futures::{Future, future}; pub struct VoidManager; impl JobDispatcher for VoidManager { fn submit(&self, _payload: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(()) } } fn dummy_request(addr: &SocketAddr, data: &str) -> Vec { let mut runtime = Runtime::new().expect("Tokio Runtime should be created with no errors"); let mut data_vec = data.as_bytes().to_vec(); data_vec.extend(b"\n"); let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr) .and_then(move |stream| { io::write_all(stream, data_vec) }) .and_then(|(stream, _)| { stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Write).unwrap(); io::read_to_end(stream, Vec::with_capacity(2048)) }) .and_then(|(_stream, read_buf)| { future::ok(read_buf) }); let result = runtime.block_on(stream).expect("Runtime should run with no errors"); result } #[test] fn can_be_started() { let stratum = Stratum::start(&"".parse().unwrap(), Arc::new(VoidManager), None); assert!(stratum.is_ok()); } #[test] fn records_subscriber() { let _ = ::env_logger::try_init(); let addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let stratum = Stratum::start(&addr, Arc::new(VoidManager), None).unwrap(); let request = r#"{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": [], "id": 1}"#; dummy_request(&addr, request); assert_eq!(1, stratum.implementation.subscribers.read().len()); } struct DummyManager { initial_payload: String } impl DummyManager { fn new() -> Arc { Arc::new(Self::build()) } fn build() -> DummyManager { DummyManager { initial_payload: r#"[ "dummy payload" ]"#.to_owned() } } fn of_initial(mut self, new_initial: &str) -> DummyManager { self.initial_payload = new_initial.to_owned(); self } } impl JobDispatcher for DummyManager { fn initial(&self) -> Option { Some(self.initial_payload.clone()) } fn submit(&self, _payload: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(()) } } fn terminated_str(origin: &'static str) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); s.push_str(origin); s.push_str("\n"); s } #[test] fn receives_initial_payload() { let addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let _stratum = Stratum::start(&addr, DummyManager::new(), None).expect("There should be no error starting stratum"); let request = r#"{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": [], "id": 2}"#; let response = String::from_utf8(dummy_request(&addr, request)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(terminated_str(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["dummy payload"],"id":2}"#), response); } #[test] fn can_authorize() { let addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let stratum = Stratum::start( &addr, Arc::new(DummyManager::build().of_initial(r#"["dummy autorize payload"]"#)), None ).expect("There should be no error starting stratum"); let request = r#"{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["miner1", ""], "id": 1}"#; let response = String::from_utf8(dummy_request(&addr, request)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(terminated_str(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true,"id":1}"#), response); assert_eq!(1, stratum.implementation.workers.read().len()); } #[test] fn can_push_work() { let _ = ::env_logger::try_init(); let addr = "".parse().unwrap(); let stratum = Stratum::start( &addr, Arc::new(DummyManager::build().of_initial(r#"["dummy autorize payload"]"#)), None ).expect("There should be no error starting stratum"); let mut auth_request = r#"{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["miner1", ""], "id": 1}"# .as_bytes() .to_vec(); auth_request.extend(b"\n"); let auth_response = "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":true,\"id\":1}\n"; let mut runtime = Runtime::new().expect("Tokio Runtime should be created with no errors"); let read_buf0 = vec![0u8; auth_response.len()]; let read_buf1 = Vec::with_capacity(2048); let stream = TcpStream::connect(&addr) .and_then(move |stream| { io::write_all(stream, auth_request) }) .and_then(|(stream, _)| { io::read_exact(stream, read_buf0) }) .map_err(|err| panic!("{:?}", err)) .and_then(move |(stream, read_buf0)| { assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(read_buf0).unwrap(), auth_response); trace!(target: "stratum", "Received authorization confirmation"); Timeout::new(future::ok(stream), ::std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)) }) .map_err(|err: timeout::Error<()>| panic!("Timeout: {:?}", err)) .and_then(move |stream| { trace!(target: "stratum", "Pusing work to peers"); stratum.push_work_all(r#"{ "00040008", "100500" }"#.to_owned()) .expect("Pushing work should produce no errors"); Timeout::new(future::ok(stream), ::std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)) }) .map_err(|err: timeout::Error<()>| panic!("Timeout: {:?}", err)) .and_then(|stream| { trace!(target: "stratum", "Ready to read work from server"); stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Write).unwrap(); io::read_to_end(stream, read_buf1) }) .and_then(|(_, read_buf1)| { trace!(target: "stratum", "Received work from server"); future::ok(read_buf1) }); let response = String::from_utf8( runtime.block_on(stream).expect("Runtime should run with no errors") ).expect("Response should be utf-8"); assert_eq!( "{ \"id\": 17, \"method\": \"mining.notify\", \"params\": { \"00040008\", \"100500\" } }\n", response); } #[test] fn jsonprc_server_is_send_and_sync() { fn is_send_and_sync() {} is_send_and_sync::(); } }