// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { statusBlockNumber, statusCollection, statusLogs } from './statusActions'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; export default class Status { constructor (store, api) { this._api = api; this._store = store; this.__pingable = false; this._apiStatus = {}; this._status = {}; } start () { this._subscribeBlockNumber(); this._pollPing(); this._pollStatus(); this._pollLogs(); this._fetchEnode(); } _fetchEnode () { this._api.parity .enode() .then((enode) => { if (this._store.state.nodeStatus.enode !== enode) { this._store.dispatch(statusCollection({ enode })); } }) .catch(() => { window.setTimeout(() => { this._fetchEnode(); }, 1000); }); } _subscribeBlockNumber () { this._api .subscribe('eth_blockNumber', (error, blockNumber) => { if (error) { return; } this._store.dispatch(statusBlockNumber(blockNumber)); }) .then((subscriptionId) => { console.log('status._subscribeBlockNumber', 'subscriptionId', subscriptionId); }); } _pollPing = () => { const dispatch = (pingable, timeout = 500) => { if (pingable !== this._pingable) { this._pingable = pingable; this._store.dispatch(statusCollection({ isPingable: pingable })); } setTimeout(this._pollPing, timeout); }; fetch('/', { method: 'HEAD' }) .then((response) => dispatch(!!response.ok)) .catch(() => dispatch(false)); } _pollTraceMode = () => { return this._api.trace.block() .then(blockTraces => { // Assumes not in Trace Mode if no transactions // in latest block... return blockTraces.length > 0; }) .catch(() => false); } _pollStatus = () => { const { isConnected, isConnecting, needsToken, secureToken } = this._api; const nextTimeout = (timeout = 1000) => { setTimeout(this._pollStatus, timeout); }; const apiStatus = { isConnected, isConnecting, needsToken, secureToken }; if (!isEqual(apiStatus, this._apiStatus)) { this._store.dispatch(statusCollection(apiStatus)); this._apiStatus = apiStatus; } if (!isConnected) { nextTimeout(250); return; } Promise .all([ this._api.web3.clientVersion(), this._api.eth.coinbase(), this._api.parity.defaultExtraData(), this._api.parity.extraData(), this._api.parity.gasFloorTarget(), this._api.eth.hashrate(), this._api.parity.minGasPrice(), this._api.parity.netChain(), this._api.parity.netPeers(), this._api.parity.netPort(), this._api.parity.nodeName(), this._api.parity.rpcSettings(), this._api.eth.syncing() ]) .then(([clientVersion, coinbase, defaultExtraData, extraData, gasFloorTarget, hashrate, minGasPrice, netChain, netPeers, netPort, nodeName, rpcSettings, syncing, traceMode]) => { const isTest = netChain === 'morden' || netChain === 'testnet'; const status = { clientVersion, coinbase, defaultExtraData, extraData, gasFloorTarget, hashrate, minGasPrice, netChain, netPeers, netPort, nodeName, rpcSettings, syncing, isTest, traceMode }; if (!isEqual(status, this._status)) { this._store.dispatch(statusCollection(status)); this._status = status; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error('_pollStatus', error); }); nextTimeout(); } _pollLogs = () => { const nextTimeout = (timeout = 1000) => setTimeout(this._pollLogs, timeout); const { devLogsEnabled } = this._store.getState().nodeStatus; if (!devLogsEnabled) { nextTimeout(); return; } Promise .all([ this._api.parity.devLogs(), this._api.parity.devLogsLevels() ]) .then(([devLogs, devLogsLevels]) => { this._store.dispatch(statusLogs({ devLogs: devLogs.slice(-1024), devLogsLevels })); nextTimeout(); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('_pollLogs', error); nextTimeout(); }); } }