use common::*; use hashdb::*; use nibbleslice::*; use rlp::*; use super::node::*; use super::journal::*; use super::trietraits::*; /// A `Trie` implementation using a generic `HashDB` backing database. /// /// Use it as a `Trie` trait object. You can use `db()` to get the backing database object, `keys` /// to get the keys belonging to the trie in the backing database, and `db_items_remaining()` to get /// which items in the backing database do not belong to this trie. If this is the only trie in the /// backing database, then `db_items_remaining()` should be empty. /// /// # Example /// ``` /// extern crate ethcore_util as util; /// use util::trie::*; /// use util::hashdb::*; /// use util::memorydb::*; /// use util::hash::*; /// use util::rlp::*; /// /// fn main() { /// let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); /// let mut root = H256::new(); /// let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); /// assert!(t.is_empty()); /// assert_eq!(*t.root(), SHA3_NULL_RLP); /// t.insert(b"foo", b"bar"); /// assert!(t.contains(b"foo")); /// assert_eq!(t.get(b"foo").unwrap(), b"bar"); /// assert!(t.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); /// t.remove(b"foo"); /// assert!(!t.contains(b"foo")); /// assert!(t.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); /// } /// ``` pub struct TrieDBMut<'db> { db: &'db mut HashDB, root: &'db mut H256, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub hash_count: usize, } /// Option-like type allowing either a Node object passthrough or Bytes in the case of data alteration. enum MaybeChanged<'a> { Same(Node<'a>), Changed(Bytes), } #[allow(wrong_self_convention)] impl<'db> TrieDBMut<'db> { /// Create a new trie with the backing database `db` and empty `root` /// Initialise to the state entailed by the genesis block. /// This guarantees the trie is built correctly. pub fn new(db: &'db mut HashDB, root: &'db mut H256) -> Self { let mut r = TrieDBMut{ db: db, root: root, hash_count: 0 }; // set root rlp *r.root = SHA3_NULL_RLP.clone(); r } /// Create a new trie with the backing database `db` and `root`. /// Panics, if `root` does not exist. // TODO: return Result pub fn from_existing(db: &'db mut HashDB, root: &'db mut H256) -> Self { if !db.exists(root) { flush(format!("Trie root not found {}", root)); panic!("Trie root not found!"); } TrieDBMut { db: db, root: root, hash_count: 0 } } /// Get the backing database. pub fn db(&'db self) -> &'db HashDB { self.db } /// Get the backing database. pub fn db_mut(&'db mut self) -> &'db mut HashDB { self.db } /// Determine all the keys in the backing database that belong to the trie. pub fn keys(&self) -> Vec { let mut ret: Vec = Vec::new(); ret.push(self.root.clone()); self.accumulate_keys(self.root_node(), &mut ret); ret } /// Convert a vector of hashes to a hashmap of hash to occurances. pub fn to_map(hashes: Vec) -> HashMap { let mut r: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for h in hashes.into_iter() { let c = *r.get(&h).unwrap_or(&0); r.insert(h, c + 1); } r } /// Determine occurances of items in the backing database which are not related to this /// trie. pub fn db_items_remaining(&self) -> HashMap { let mut ret = self.db.keys(); for (k, v) in Self::to_map(self.keys()).into_iter() { let keycount = *ret.get(&k).unwrap_or(&0); match keycount <= v as i32 { true => ret.remove(&k), _ => ret.insert(k, keycount - v as i32), }; } ret } /// Set the trie to a new root node's RLP, inserting the new RLP into the backing database /// and removing the old. fn set_root_rlp(&mut self, root_data: &[u8]) { self.db.kill(&self.root); *self.root = self.db.insert(root_data); self.hash_count += 1; trace!("set_root_rlp {:?} {:?}", root_data.pretty(), self.root); } /// Apply the items in `journal` into the backing database. fn apply(&mut self, journal: Journal) { self.hash_count += journal.apply(self.db).inserts; } /// Recursion helper for `keys`. fn accumulate_keys(&self, node: Node, acc: &mut Vec) { let mut handle_payload = |payload| { let p = Rlp::new(payload); if p.is_data() && p.size() == 32 { acc.push(p.as_val()); } self.accumulate_keys(self.get_node(payload), acc); }; match node { Node::Extension(_, payload) => handle_payload(payload), Node::Branch(payloads, _) => for payload in &payloads { handle_payload(payload) }, _ => {}, } } /// Get the root node's RLP. fn root_node(&self) -> Node { Node::decoded(self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!")) } /// Get the root node as a `Node`. fn get_node<'a>(&'a self, node: &'a [u8]) -> Node { Node::decoded(self.get_raw_or_lookup(node)) } /// Indentation helper for `formal_all`. fn fmt_indent(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, size: usize) -> fmt::Result { for _ in 0..size { try!(write!(f, " ")); } Ok(()) } /// Recursion helper for implementation of formatting trait. fn fmt_all(&self, node: Node, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, deepness: usize) -> fmt::Result { match node { Node::Leaf(slice, value) => try!(writeln!(f, "'{:?}: {:?}.", slice, value.pretty())), Node::Extension(ref slice, ref item) => { try!(write!(f, "'{:?} ", slice)); try!(self.fmt_all(self.get_node(item), f, deepness)); }, Node::Branch(ref nodes, ref value) => { try!(writeln!(f, "")); if let Some(v) = *value { try!(self.fmt_indent(f, deepness + 1)); try!(writeln!(f, "=: {:?}", v.pretty())) } for i in 0..16 { match self.get_node(nodes[i]) { Node::Empty => {}, n => { try!(self.fmt_indent(f, deepness + 1)); try!(write!(f, "'{:x} ", i)); try!(self.fmt_all(n, f, deepness + 1)); } } } }, // empty Node::Empty => { try!(writeln!(f, "")); } }; Ok(()) } /// Return optional data for a key given as a `NibbleSlice`. Returns `None` if no data exists. fn do_lookup<'a, 'key>(&'a self, key: &NibbleSlice<'key>) -> Option<&'a [u8]> where 'a: 'key { let root_rlp = self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"); self.get_from_node(&root_rlp, key) } /// Recursible function to retrieve the value given a `node` and a partial `key`. `None` if no /// value exists for the key. /// /// Note: Not a public API; use Trie trait functions. fn get_from_node<'a, 'key>(&'a self, node: &'a [u8], key: &NibbleSlice<'key>) -> Option<&'a [u8]> where 'a: 'key { match Node::decoded(node) { Node::Leaf(ref slice, ref value) if key == slice => Some(value), Node::Extension(ref slice, ref item) if key.starts_with(slice) => { self.get_from_node(self.get_raw_or_lookup(item), &key.mid(slice.len())) }, Node::Branch(ref nodes, value) => match key.is_empty() { true => value, false => self.get_from_node(self.get_raw_or_lookup(nodes[ as usize]), &key.mid(1)) }, _ => None } } /// Given some node-describing data `node`, return the actual node RLP. /// This could be a simple identity operation in the case that the node is sufficiently small, but /// may require a database lookup. fn get_raw_or_lookup<'a>(&'a self, node: &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] { // check if its sha3 + len let r = Rlp::new(node); match r.is_data() && r.size() == 32 { true => self.db.lookup(&r.as_val::()).expect("Not found!"), false => node } } /// Insert a `key` and `value` pair into the trie. /// /// Note: Not a public API; use Trie trait functions. fn insert_ns(&mut self, key: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8]) { trace!("ADD: {:?} {:?}", key, value.pretty()); // determine what the new root is, insert new nodes and remove old as necessary. let mut todo: Journal = Journal::new(); let root_rlp = self.augmented(self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"), key, value, &mut todo); self.apply(todo); self.set_root_rlp(&root_rlp); trace!("/"); } /// Remove a `key` and `value` pair from the trie. /// /// Note: Not a public API; use Trie trait functions. fn remove_ns(&mut self, key: &NibbleSlice) { trace!("DELETE: {:?}", key); // determine what the new root is, insert new nodes and remove old as necessary. let mut todo: Journal = Journal::new(); match self.cleared_from_slice(self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"), key, &mut todo) { Some(root_rlp) => { self.apply(todo); self.set_root_rlp(&root_rlp); }, None => { trace!("no change needed"); } } trace!("/"); } /// Compose a leaf node in RLP given the `partial` key and `value`. fn compose_leaf(partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8]) -> Bytes { trace!("compose_leaf {:?} {:?} ({:?})", partial, value.pretty(), partial.encoded(true).pretty()); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&partial.encoded(true)); s.append(&value); let r = s.out(); trace!("compose_leaf: -> {:?}", r.pretty()); r } /// Compose a raw extension/leaf node in RLP given the `partial` key, `raw_payload` and whether it `is_leaf`. fn compose_raw(partial: &NibbleSlice, raw_payload: &[u8], is_leaf: bool) -> Bytes { trace!("compose_raw {:?} {:?} {:?} ({:?})", partial, raw_payload.pretty(), is_leaf, partial.encoded(is_leaf)); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&partial.encoded(is_leaf)); s.append_raw(raw_payload, 1); let r = s.out(); trace!("compose_raw: -> {:?}", r.pretty()); r } /// Compose a branch node in RLP with a particular `value` sitting in the value position (17th place). fn compose_stub_branch(value: &[u8]) -> Bytes { let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); for _ in 0..16 { s.append_empty_data(); } s.append(&value); s.out() } /// Compose an extension node's RLP with the `partial` key and `raw_payload`. fn compose_extension(partial: &NibbleSlice, raw_payload: &[u8]) -> Bytes { Self::compose_raw(partial, raw_payload, false) } /// Return the bytes encoding the node represented by `rlp`. `journal` will record necessary /// removal instructions from the backing database. fn take_node<'a, 'rlp_view>(&'a self, rlp: &'rlp_view Rlp<'a>, journal: &mut Journal) -> &'a [u8] where 'a: 'rlp_view { if rlp.is_list() { trace!("take_node {:?} (inline)", rlp.as_raw().pretty()); rlp.as_raw() } else if rlp.is_data() && rlp.size() == 32 { let h = rlp.as_val(); let r = self.db.lookup(&h).unwrap_or_else(||{ println!("Node not found! rlp={:?}, node_hash={:?}", rlp.as_raw().pretty(), h); println!("Journal: {:?}", journal); panic!(); }); trace!("take_node {:?} (indirect for {:?})", rlp.as_raw().pretty(), r); journal.delete_node_sha3(h); r } else { trace!("take_node {:?} (???)", rlp.as_raw().pretty()); panic!("Empty or invalid node given?"); } } #[allow(cyclomatic_complexity)] /// Determine the RLP of the node, assuming we're inserting `partial` into the /// node currently of data `old`. This will *not* delete any hash of `old` from the database; /// it will just return the new RLP that includes the new node. /// /// `journal` will record the database updates so as to make the returned RLP valid through inserting /// and deleting nodes as necessary. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn augmented(&self, old: &[u8], partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8], journal: &mut Journal) -> Bytes { trace!("augmented (old: {:?}, partial: {:?}, value: {:?})", old.pretty(), partial, value.pretty()); // already have an extension. either fast_forward, cleve or transmute_to_branch. let old_rlp = Rlp::new(old); match old_rlp.prototype() { Prototype::List(17) => { trace!("branch: ROUTE,AUGMENT"); // already have a branch. route and augment. let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); let index = if partial.is_empty() {16} else { as usize}; for i in 0..17 { match index == i { // not us - leave alone. false => { s.append_raw(, 1); }, // branch-leaf entry - just replace. true if i == 16 => { s.append(&value); }, // original had empty slot - place a leaf there. true if => journal.new_node(Self::compose_leaf(&partial.mid(1), value), &mut s), // original has something there already; augment. true => { let new = self.augmented(self.take_node(&, journal), &partial.mid(1), value, journal); journal.new_node(new, &mut s); } } } s.out() }, Prototype::List(2) => { let existing_key_rlp =; let (existing_key, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(; match (is_leaf, partial.common_prefix(&existing_key)) { (true, cp) if cp == existing_key.len() && partial.len() == existing_key.len() => { // equivalent-leaf: replace trace!("equivalent-leaf: REPLACE"); Self::compose_leaf(partial, value) }, (_, 0) => { // one of us isn't empty: transmute to branch here trace!("no-common-prefix, not-both-empty (exist={:?}; new={:?}): TRANSMUTE,AUGMENT", existing_key.len(), partial.len()); assert!(is_leaf || !existing_key.is_empty()); // extension nodes are not allowed to have empty partial keys. let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); let index = if existing_key.is_empty() {16} else {}; for i in 0..17 { match is_leaf { // not us - empty. _ if index != i => { s.append_empty_data(); }, // branch-value: just replace. true if i == 16 => { s.append_raw(, 1); }, // direct extension: just replace. false if existing_key.len() == 1 => { s.append_raw(, 1); }, // original has empty slot. true => journal.new_node(Self::compose_leaf(&existing_key.mid(1),, &mut s), // additional work required after branching. false => journal.new_node(Self::compose_extension(&existing_key.mid(1),, &mut s), } }; self.augmented(&s.out(), partial, value, journal) }, (_, cp) if cp == existing_key.len() => { trace!("complete-prefix (cp={:?}): AUGMENT-AT-END", cp); // fully-shared prefix for this extension: // transform to an extension + augmented version of onward node. let downstream_node: Bytes = match is_leaf { // no onward node because we're a leaf - create fake stub and use that. true => self.augmented(&Self::compose_stub_branch(, &partial.mid(cp), value, journal), false => self.augmented(self.take_node(&, journal), &partial.mid(cp), value, journal), }; trace!("create_extension partial: {:?}, downstream_node: {:?}", existing_key, downstream_node.pretty()); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&existing_key.encoded(false)); journal.new_node(downstream_node, &mut s); s.out() }, (_, cp) => { // partially-shared prefix for this extension: // split into two extensions, high and low, pass the // low through augment with the value before inserting the result // into high to create the new. // TODO: optimise by doing this without creating augmented_low. trace!("partially-shared-prefix (exist={:?}; new={:?}; cp={:?}): AUGMENT-AT-END", existing_key.len(), partial.len(), cp); // low (farther from root) let low = Self::compose_raw(&existing_key.mid(cp),, is_leaf); let augmented_low = self.augmented(&low, &partial.mid(cp), value, journal); // high (closer to root) let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&existing_key.encoded_leftmost(cp, false)); journal.new_node(augmented_low, &mut s); s.out() }, } }, Prototype::Data(0) => { trace!("empty: COMPOSE"); Self::compose_leaf(partial, value) }, _ => panic!("Invalid RLP for node: {:?}", old.pretty()), } } /// Given a `MaybeChanged` result `n`, return the node's RLP regardless of whether it changed. fn encoded(n: MaybeChanged) -> Bytes { match n { MaybeChanged::Same(n) => n.encoded(), MaybeChanged::Changed(b) => b, } } /// Fix the node payload's sizes in `n`, replacing any over-size payloads with the hashed reference /// and placing the payload DB insertions in the `journal`. fn fixed_indirection<'a>(n: Node<'a>, journal: &mut Journal) -> MaybeChanged<'a> { match n { Node::Extension(partial, payload) if payload.len() >= 32 && Rlp::new(payload).is_list() => { // make indirect MaybeChanged::Changed(Node::Extension(partial, &Node::decoded(payload).encoded_and_added(journal)).encoded()) }, Node::Branch(payloads, value) => { // check each child isn't too big // TODO OPTIMISE - should really check at the point of (re-)constructing the branch. for i in 0..16 { if payloads[i].len() >= 32 && Rlp::new(payloads[i]).is_list() { let n = Node::decoded(payloads[i]).encoded_and_added(journal); let mut new_nodes = payloads; new_nodes[i] = &n; return MaybeChanged::Changed(Node::Branch(new_nodes, value).encoded()) } } MaybeChanged::Same(n) } _ => MaybeChanged::Same(n), } } /// Given a node `n` which may be in an _invalid state_, fix it such that it is then in a valid /// state. /// /// _invalid state_ means: /// - Branch node where there is only a single entry; /// - Extension node followed by anything other than a Branch node. /// - Extension node with a child which has too many bytes to be inline. /// /// `journal` will record the database updates so as to make the returned RLP valid through inserting /// and deleting nodes as necessary. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn fixed<'a, 'b>(&'a self, n: Node<'b>, journal: &mut Journal) -> MaybeChanged<'b> where 'a: 'b { trace!("fixed node={:?}", n); match n { Node::Branch(nodes, node_value) => { // if only a single value, transmute to leaf/extension and feed through fixed. #[derive(Debug)] enum UsedIndex { None, One(u8), Many, }; let mut used_index = UsedIndex::None; for i in 0..16 { match (nodes[i] == NULL_RLP, &used_index) { (false, &UsedIndex::None) => used_index = UsedIndex::One(i as u8), (false, &UsedIndex::One(_)) => used_index = UsedIndex::Many, (_, _) => {}, } } trace!("branch: used_index={:?}, node_value={:?}", used_index, node_value); match (used_index, node_value) { (UsedIndex::None, None) => panic!("Branch with no subvalues. Something went wrong."), (UsedIndex::One(a), None) => { // one onward node // transmute to extension. // TODO: OPTIMISE: - don't call fixed again but put the right node in straight away here. // call fixed again since the transmute may cause invalidity. let new_partial: [u8; 1] = [a; 1]; MaybeChanged::Changed(Self::encoded(self.fixed(Node::Extension(NibbleSlice::new_offset(&new_partial[..], 1), nodes[a as usize]), journal))) }, (UsedIndex::None, Some(value)) => { // one leaf value // transmute to leaf. // call fixed again since the transmute may cause invalidity. MaybeChanged::Changed(Self::encoded(self.fixed(Node::Leaf(NibbleSlice::new(&b""[..]), value), journal))) } _ => { // onwards node(s) and/or leaf // no transmute needed, but should still fix the indirection. trace!("no-transmute: FIXINDIRECTION"); Self::fixed_indirection(Node::Branch(nodes, node_value), journal) }, } }, Node::Extension(partial, payload) => { match Node::decoded(self.get_raw_or_lookup(payload)) { Node::Extension(sub_partial, sub_payload) => { // combine with node below journal.delete_node(payload); MaybeChanged::Changed(Self::encoded(Self::fixed_indirection(Node::Extension(NibbleSlice::new_composed(&partial, &sub_partial), sub_payload), journal))) }, Node::Leaf(sub_partial, sub_value) => { // combine with node below journal.delete_node(payload); MaybeChanged::Changed(Self::encoded(Self::fixed_indirection(Node::Leaf(NibbleSlice::new_composed(&partial, &sub_partial), sub_value), journal))) }, // no change, might still have an oversize node inline - fix indirection _ => Self::fixed_indirection(n, journal), } }, // leaf or empty. no change. n => { MaybeChanged::Same(n) } } } /// Determine the RLP of the node, assuming we're removing `partial` from the /// node currently of data `old`. This will *not* delete any hash of `old` from the database; /// it will just return the new RLP that represents the new node. /// `None` may be returned should no change be needed. /// /// `journal` will record the database updates so as to make the returned RLP valid through inserting /// and deleting nodes as necessary. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn cleared_from_slice(&self, old: &[u8], partial: &NibbleSlice, journal: &mut Journal) -> Option { self.cleared(Node::decoded(old), partial, journal) } /// Compose the RLP of the node equivalent to `n` except with the `partial` key removed from its (sub-)trie. /// /// `journal` will record the database updates so as to make the returned RLP valid through inserting /// and deleting nodes as necessary. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn cleared(&self, n: Node, partial: &NibbleSlice, journal: &mut Journal) -> Option { trace!("cleared old={:?}, partial={:?})", n, partial); match (n, partial.is_empty()) { (Node::Empty, _) => None, (Node::Branch(_, None), true) => { None }, (Node::Branch(payloads, _), true) => Some(Self::encoded(self.fixed(Node::Branch(payloads, None), journal))), // matched as leaf-branch - give back fixed branch with it. (Node::Branch(payloads, value), false) => { // Branch with partial left - route, clear, fix. let i: usize = as usize; trace!("branch-with-partial node[{:?}]={:?}", i, payloads[i].pretty()); self.cleared(self.get_node(payloads[i]), &partial.mid(1), journal).map(|new_payload| { trace!("branch-new-payload={:?}; delete-old={:?}", new_payload.pretty(), payloads[i].pretty()); // downsteam node needed to be changed. journal.delete_node(payloads[i]); // return fixed up new node. let mut new_payloads = payloads; new_payloads[i] = &new_payload; Self::encoded(self.fixed(Node::Branch(new_payloads, value), journal)) }) }, (Node::Leaf(node_partial, _), _) => { trace!("leaf partial={:?}", node_partial); match node_partial.common_prefix(partial) { cp if cp == partial.len() => { // leaf to be deleted - delete it :) trace!("matched-prefix (cp={:?}): REPLACE-EMPTY", cp); Some(Node::Empty.encoded()) }, _ => None, // anything else and the key doesn't exit - no change. } }, (Node::Extension(node_partial, node_payload), _) => { trace!("extension partial={:?}, payload={:?}", node_partial, node_payload.pretty()); match node_partial.common_prefix(partial) { cp if cp == node_partial.len() => { trace!("matching-prefix (cp={:?}): SKIP,CLEAR,FIXUP", cp); // key at end of extension - skip, clear, fix self.cleared(self.get_node(node_payload), &partial.mid(node_partial.len()), journal).map(|new_payload| { trace!("extension-new-payload={:?}; delete-old={:?}", new_payload.pretty(), node_payload.pretty()); // downsteam node needed to be changed. journal.delete_node(node_payload); // return fixed up new node. Self::encoded(self.fixed(Node::Extension(node_partial, &new_payload), journal)) }) }, _ => None, // key in the middle of an extension - doesn't exist. } }, } } } impl<'db> Trie for TrieDBMut<'db> { fn root(&self) -> &H256 { &self.root } fn contains(&self, key: &[u8]) -> bool { self.get(key).is_some() } fn get<'a, 'key>(&'a self, key: &'key [u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]> where 'a: 'key { self.do_lookup(&NibbleSlice::new(key)) } } impl<'db> TrieMut for TrieDBMut<'db> { fn insert(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) { match value.is_empty() { false => self.insert_ns(&NibbleSlice::new(key), value), true => self.remove_ns(&NibbleSlice::new(key)), } } fn remove(&mut self, key: &[u8]) { self.remove_ns(&NibbleSlice::new(key)); } } impl<'db> fmt::Debug for TrieDBMut<'db> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(writeln!(f, "c={:?} [", self.hash_count)); let root_rlp = self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"); try!(self.fmt_all(Node::decoded(root_rlp), f, 0)); writeln!(f, "]") } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { extern crate json_tests; use self::json_tests::{trie, execute_tests_from_directory}; use triehash::*; use hash::*; use hashdb::*; use memorydb::*; use super::*; use nibbleslice::*; use rlp::*; use env_logger; use rand::random; use std::collections::HashSet; use bytes::{ToPretty,Bytes,Populatable}; use super::super::node::*; use super::super::trietraits::*; fn random_key(alphabet: &[u8], min_count: usize, journal_count: usize) -> Vec { let mut ret: Vec = Vec::new(); let r = min_count + if journal_count > 0 {random::() % journal_count} else {0}; for _ in 0..r { ret.push(alphabet[random::() % alphabet.len()]); } ret } fn random_value_indexed(j: usize) -> Bytes { match random::() % 2 { 0 => encode(&j), _ => { let mut h = H256::new(); h.as_slice_mut()[31] = j as u8; encode(&h) }, } } fn populate_trie<'db>(db: &'db mut HashDB, root: &'db mut H256, v: &[(Vec, Vec)]) -> TrieDBMut<'db> { let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(db, root); for i in 0..v.len() { let key: &[u8]= &v[i].0; let val: &[u8] = &v[i].1; t.insert(&key, &val); } t } fn unpopulate_trie<'db>(t: &mut TrieDBMut<'db>, v: &[(Vec, Vec)]) { for i in v { let key: &[u8]= &i.0; t.remove(&key); } } macro_rules! map({$($key:expr => $value:expr),+ } => { { let mut m = ::std::collections::HashMap::new(); $( m.insert($key, $value); )+ m } };); #[test] fn playpen() { env_logger::init().ok(); /*let maps = map!{ "six-low" => StandardMap{alphabet: Alphabet::Low, min_key: 6, journal_key: 0, count: 1000}, "six-mid" => StandardMap{alphabet: Alphabet::Mid, min_key: 6, journal_key: 0, count: 1000}, "six-all" => StandardMap{alphabet: Alphabet::All, min_key: 6, journal_key: 0, count: 1000}, "mix-mid" => StandardMap{alphabet: Alphabet::Mid, min_key: 1, journal_key: 5, count: 1000} }; for sm in maps { let m = sm.1.make(); let t = populate_trie(&m); println!("{:?}: root={:?}, hash_count={:?}", sm.0, t.root(), t.hash_count); };*/ // panic!(); for test_i in 0..1 { if test_i % 50 == 0 { debug!("{:?} of 10000 stress tests done", test_i); } let mut x: Vec<(Vec, Vec)> = Vec::new(); let mut got: HashSet> = HashSet::new(); let alphabet = b"@QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM[/]^_"; for j in 0..100usize { let key = random_key(alphabet, 5, 0); if !got.contains(&key) { x.push((key.clone(), random_value_indexed(j))); got.insert(key); } } let real = trie_root(x.clone()); let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut memtrie = populate_trie(&mut memdb, &mut root, &x); if *memtrie.root() != real || !memtrie.db_items_remaining().is_empty() { println!("TRIE MISMATCH"); println!(""); println!("{:?} vs {:?}", memtrie.root(), real); for i in &x { println!("{:?} -> {:?}", i.0.pretty(), i.1.pretty()); } println!("{:?}", memtrie); } assert_eq!(*memtrie.root(), real); assert!(memtrie.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); unpopulate_trie(&mut memtrie, &x); if *memtrie.root() != SHA3_NULL_RLP || !memtrie.db_items_remaining().is_empty() { println!("- TRIE MISMATCH"); println!(""); println!("remaining: {:?}", memtrie.db_items_remaining()); println!("{:?} vs {:?}", memtrie.root(), real); for i in &x { println!("{:?} -> {:?}", i.0.pretty(), i.1.pretty()); } println!("{:?}", memtrie); } assert_eq!(*memtrie.root(), SHA3_NULL_RLP); assert!(memtrie.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); } } #[test] fn init() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); assert_eq!(*t.root(), SHA3_NULL_RLP); assert!(t.is_empty()); } #[test] fn insert_on_empty() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]) ])); } #[test] fn remove_to_empty() { let big_value = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t1 = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t1.insert(&[0x01, 0x23], &big_value.to_vec()); t1.insert(&[0x01, 0x34], &big_value.to_vec()); println!("********************** keys remaining {:?}", t1.db_items_remaining()); assert!(t1.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); let mut memdb2 = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root2 = H256::new(); let mut t2 = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb2, &mut root2); t2.insert(&[0x01], &big_value.to_vec()); t2.insert(&[0x01, 0x23], &big_value.to_vec()); t2.insert(&[0x01, 0x34], &big_value.to_vec()); t2.remove(&[0x01]); assert!(t2.db_items_remaining().is_empty()); /*if t1.root() != t2.root()*/ { trace!("{:?}", t1); trace!("{:?}", t2); } } #[test] fn insert_replace_root() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x23u8, 0x45]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x23u8, 0x45]) ])); } #[test] fn insert_make_branch_root() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], &[0x11u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], vec![0x11u8, 0x23]) ])); } #[test] fn insert_into_branch_root() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x81u8, 0x23], vec![0x81u8, 0x23]), (vec![0xf1u8, 0x23], vec![0xf1u8, 0x23]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_value_into_branch_root() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[], &[0x0]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![], vec![0x0]), (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_split_leaf() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x34], &[0x01u8, 0x34]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x01u8, 0x34], vec![0x01u8, 0x34]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_split_extenstion() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01, 0x23, 0x45], &[0x01]); t.insert(&[0x01, 0xf3, 0x45], &[0x02]); t.insert(&[0x01, 0xf3, 0xf5], &[0x03]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01, 0x23, 0x45], vec![0x01]), (vec![0x01, 0xf3, 0x45], vec![0x02]), (vec![0x01, 0xf3, 0xf5], vec![0x03]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_big_value() { let big_value0 = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let big_value1 = b"11111111111111111111111111111111"; let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], big_value0); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], big_value1); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], big_value0.to_vec()), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], big_value1.to_vec()) ])); } #[test] fn insert_duplicate_value() { let big_value = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], big_value); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], big_value); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()) ])); } #[test] fn test_node_leaf() { let k = vec![0x20u8, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; let v: Vec = From::from("cat"); let (slice, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(&k); assert_eq!(is_leaf, true); let leaf = Node::Leaf(slice, &v); let rlp = leaf.encoded(); let leaf2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(leaf, leaf2); } #[test] fn test_node_extension() { let k = vec![0x00u8, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; // in extension, value must be valid rlp let v = encode(&"cat"); let (slice, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(&k); assert_eq!(is_leaf, false); let ex = Node::Extension(slice, &v); let rlp = ex.encoded(); let ex2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(ex, ex2); } #[test] fn test_node_empty_branch() { let null_rlp = NULL_RLP; let branch = Node::Branch([&null_rlp; 16], None); let rlp = branch.encoded(); let branch2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); println!("{:?}", rlp); assert_eq!(branch, branch2); } #[test] fn test_node_branch() { let k = encode(&"cat"); let mut nodes: [&[u8]; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() }; for i in 0..16 { nodes[i] = &k; } let v: Vec = From::from("dog"); let branch = Node::Branch(nodes, Some(&v)); let rlp = branch.encoded(); let branch2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(branch, branch2); } #[test] fn test_at_empty() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0x5]), None); } #[test] fn test_at_one() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0x1, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x1u8, 0x23]); } #[test] fn test_at_three() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0x01, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0xf1, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0x81, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(t.get(&[0x82, 0x23]), None); } #[test] fn test_print_trie() { let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x02u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); println!("trie:"); println!("{:?}", t); //assert!(false); } #[test] fn stress() { for _ in 0..50 { let mut x: Vec<(Vec, Vec)> = Vec::new(); let alphabet = b"@QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM[/]^_"; for j in 0..4u32 { let key = random_key(alphabet, 5, 1); x.push((key, encode(&j))); } let real = trie_root(x.clone()); let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let memtrie = populate_trie(&mut memdb, &mut root, &x); let mut y = x.clone(); y.sort_by(|ref a, ref b| a.0.cmp(&b.0)); let mut memdb2 = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root2 = H256::new(); let memtrie_sorted = populate_trie(&mut memdb2, &mut root2, &y); if *memtrie.root() != real || *memtrie_sorted.root() != real { println!("TRIE MISMATCH"); println!(""); println!("ORIGINAL... {:?}", memtrie.root()); for i in &x { println!("{:?} -> {:?}", i.0.pretty(), i.1.pretty()); } println!("{:?}", memtrie); println!("SORTED... {:?}", memtrie_sorted.root()); for i in &y { println!("{:?} -> {:?}", i.0.pretty(), i.1.pretty()); } println!("{:?}", memtrie_sorted); } assert_eq!(*memtrie.root(), real); assert_eq!(*memtrie_sorted.root(), real); } } #[test] fn test_trie_json() { println!("Json trie test: "); execute_tests_from_directory::("json-tests/json/trie/*.json", &mut | file, input, output | { println!("file: {}", file); let mut memdb = MemoryDB::new(); let mut root = H256::new(); let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut memdb, &mut root); for operation in input.into_iter() { match operation { trie::Operation::Insert(key, value) => t.insert(&key, &value), trie::Operation::Remove(key) => t.remove(&key) } } assert_eq!(*t.root(), H256::from_slice(&output)); }); } #[test] fn test_trie_existing() { let mut root = H256::new(); let mut db = MemoryDB::new(); { let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(&mut db, &mut root); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); } { let _ = TrieDBMut::from_existing(&mut db, &mut root); } } }