// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . use cache::CacheConfig; use db::migrate; use dir::{helpers::replace_home, DatabaseDirectories}; use ethcore::{ client::{BlockId, ClientConfig, DatabaseCompactionProfile, Mode, VMType, VerifierType}, miner::{Penalization, PendingSet}, }; use ethereum_types::{clean_0x, Address, U256}; use ethkey::Password; use journaldb::Algorithm; use miner::pool::PrioritizationStrategy; use std::{ collections::HashSet, fs::File, io, io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write}, time::Duration, }; use sync::{self, validate_node_url}; use upgrade::{upgrade, upgrade_data_paths}; pub fn to_duration(s: &str) -> Result { to_seconds(s).map(Duration::from_secs) } fn to_seconds(s: &str) -> Result { let bad = |_| { format!( "{}: Invalid duration given. See openethereum --help for more information.", s ) }; match s { "twice-daily" => Ok(12 * 60 * 60), "half-hourly" => Ok(30 * 60), "1second" | "1 second" | "second" => Ok(1), "1minute" | "1 minute" | "minute" => Ok(60), "hourly" | "1hour" | "1 hour" | "hour" => Ok(60 * 60), "daily" | "1day" | "1 day" | "day" => Ok(24 * 60 * 60), x if x.ends_with("seconds") => x[0..x.len() - 7].trim().parse().map_err(bad), x if x.ends_with("minutes") => x[0..x.len() - 7] .trim() .parse::() .map_err(bad) .map(|x| x * 60), x if x.ends_with("hours") => x[0..x.len() - 5] .trim() .parse::() .map_err(bad) .map(|x| x * 60 * 60), x if x.ends_with("days") => x[0..x.len() - 4] .trim() .parse::() .map_err(bad) .map(|x| x * 24 * 60 * 60), x => x.trim().parse().map_err(bad), } } pub fn to_mode(s: &str, timeout: u64, alarm: u64) -> Result { match s { "active" => Ok(Mode::Active), "passive" => Ok(Mode::Passive( Duration::from_secs(timeout), Duration::from_secs(alarm), )), "dark" => Ok(Mode::Dark(Duration::from_secs(timeout))), "offline" => Ok(Mode::Off), _ => Err(format!( "{}: Invalid value for --mode. Must be one of active, passive, dark or offline.", s )), } } pub fn to_block_id(s: &str) -> Result { if s == "latest" { Ok(BlockId::Latest) } else if let Ok(num) = s.parse() { Ok(BlockId::Number(num)) } else if let Ok(hash) = s.parse() { Ok(BlockId::Hash(hash)) } else { Err("Invalid block.".into()) } } pub fn to_u256(s: &str) -> Result { if let Ok(decimal) = U256::from_dec_str(s) { Ok(decimal) } else { clean_0x(s) .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid numeric value: {}", s)) } } pub fn to_pending_set(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "cheap" => Ok(PendingSet::AlwaysQueue), "strict" => Ok(PendingSet::AlwaysSealing), "lenient" => Ok(PendingSet::SealingOrElseQueue), other => Err(format!("Invalid pending set value: {:?}", other)), } } pub fn to_queue_strategy(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "gas_price" => Ok(PrioritizationStrategy::GasPriceOnly), other => Err(format!("Invalid queue strategy: {}", other)), } } pub fn to_queue_penalization(time: Option) -> Result { Ok(match time { Some(threshold_ms) => Penalization::Enabled { offend_threshold: Duration::from_millis(threshold_ms), }, None => Penalization::Disabled, }) } pub fn to_address(s: Option) -> Result { match s { Some(ref a) => clean_0x(a) .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid address: {:?}", a)), None => Ok(Address::default()), } } pub fn to_addresses(s: &Option) -> Result, String> { match *s { Some(ref adds) if !adds.is_empty() => adds .split(',') .map(|a| { clean_0x(a) .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid address: {:?}", a)) }) .collect(), _ => Ok(Vec::new()), } } /// Tries to parse string as a price. pub fn to_price(s: &str) -> Result { s.parse::().map_err(|_| { format!( "Invalid transaction price {:?} given. Must be a decimal number.", s ) }) } pub fn join_set(set: Option<&HashSet>) -> Option { set.map(|s| { s.iter() .map(|s| s.as_str()) .collect::>() .join(",") }) } /// Flush output buffer. pub fn flush_stdout() { io::stdout().flush().expect("stdout is flushable; qed"); } /// Formats and returns parity ipc path. pub fn parity_ipc_path(base: &str, path: &str, shift: u16) -> String { let mut path = path.to_owned(); if shift != 0 { path = path.replace("jsonrpc.ipc", &format!("jsonrpc-{}.ipc", shift)); } replace_home(base, &path) } /// Validates and formats bootnodes option. pub fn to_bootnodes(bootnodes: &Option) -> Result, String> { match *bootnodes { Some(ref x) if !x.is_empty() => x .split(',') .map(|s| match validate_node_url(s).map(Into::into) { None => Ok(s.to_owned()), Some(sync::ErrorKind::AddressResolve(_)) => { Err(format!("Failed to resolve hostname of a boot node: {}", s)) } Some(_) => Err(format!( "Invalid node address format given for a boot node: {}", s )), }) .collect(), Some(_) => Ok(vec![]), None => Ok(vec![]), } } #[cfg(test)] pub fn default_network_config() -> ::sync::NetworkConfiguration { use super::network::IpFilter; use sync::NetworkConfiguration; NetworkConfiguration { config_path: Some(replace_home(&::dir::default_data_path(), "$BASE/network")), net_config_path: None, listen_address: Some("".into()), public_address: None, udp_port: None, nat_enabled: true, discovery_enabled: true, boot_nodes: Vec::new(), use_secret: None, max_peers: 50, min_peers: 25, snapshot_peers: 0, max_pending_peers: 64, ip_filter: IpFilter::default(), reserved_nodes: Vec::new(), allow_non_reserved: true, client_version: ::parity_version::version(), } } pub fn to_client_config( cache_config: &CacheConfig, spec_name: String, mode: Mode, tracing: bool, fat_db: bool, compaction: DatabaseCompactionProfile, vm_type: VMType, name: String, pruning: Algorithm, pruning_history: u64, pruning_memory: usize, check_seal: bool, max_round_blocks_to_import: usize, ) -> ClientConfig { let mut client_config = ClientConfig::default(); let mb = 1024 * 1024; // in bytes client_config.blockchain.max_cache_size = cache_config.blockchain() as usize * mb; // in bytes client_config.blockchain.pref_cache_size = cache_config.blockchain() as usize * 3 / 4 * mb; // db cache size, in megabytes client_config.db_cache_size = Some(cache_config.db_cache_size() as usize); // db queue cache size, in bytes client_config.queue.max_mem_use = cache_config.queue() as usize * mb; // in bytes client_config.tracing.max_cache_size = cache_config.traces() as usize * mb; // in bytes client_config.tracing.pref_cache_size = cache_config.traces() as usize * 3 / 4 * mb; // in bytes client_config.state_cache_size = cache_config.state() as usize * mb; // in bytes client_config.jump_table_size = cache_config.jump_tables() as usize * mb; // in bytes client_config.history_mem = pruning_memory * mb; client_config.mode = mode; client_config.tracing.enabled = tracing; client_config.fat_db = fat_db; client_config.pruning = pruning; client_config.history = pruning_history; client_config.db_compaction = compaction; client_config.vm_type = vm_type; client_config.name = name; client_config.verifier_type = if check_seal { VerifierType::Canon } else { VerifierType::CanonNoSeal }; client_config.spec_name = spec_name; client_config.max_round_blocks_to_import = max_round_blocks_to_import; client_config } pub fn execute_upgrades( base_path: &str, dirs: &DatabaseDirectories, pruning: Algorithm, compaction_profile: &DatabaseCompactionProfile, ) -> Result<(), String> { upgrade_data_paths(base_path, dirs, pruning); match upgrade(&dirs.path) { Ok(upgrades_applied) if upgrades_applied > 0 => { debug!("Executed {} upgrade scripts - ok", upgrades_applied); } Err(e) => { return Err(format!("Error upgrading OpenEthereum data: {:?}", e)); } _ => {} } let client_path = dirs.db_path(pruning); migrate(&client_path, compaction_profile).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e)) } /// Prompts user asking for password. pub fn password_prompt() -> Result { use rpassword::read_password; const STDIN_ERROR: &'static str = "Unable to ask for password on non-interactive terminal."; println!("Please note that password is NOT RECOVERABLE."); print!("Type password: "); flush_stdout(); let password = read_password().map_err(|_| STDIN_ERROR.to_owned())?.into(); print!("Repeat password: "); flush_stdout(); let password_repeat = read_password().map_err(|_| STDIN_ERROR.to_owned())?.into(); if password != password_repeat { return Err("Passwords do not match!".into()); } Ok(password) } /// Read a password from password file. pub fn password_from_file(path: String) -> Result { let passwords = passwords_from_files(&[path])?; // use only first password from the file passwords .get(0) .map(Password::clone) .ok_or_else(|| "Password file seems to be empty.".to_owned()) } /// Reads passwords from files. Treats each line as a separate password. pub fn passwords_from_files(files: &[String]) -> Result, String> { let passwords = files.iter().map(|filename| { let file = File::open(filename).map_err(|_| format!("{} Unable to read password file. Ensure it exists and permissions are correct.", filename))?; let reader = BufReader::new(&file); let lines = reader.lines() .filter_map(|l| l.ok()) .map(|pwd| pwd.trim().to_owned().into()) .collect::>(); Ok(lines) }).collect::>, String>>(); Ok(passwords?.into_iter().flat_map(|x| x).collect()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{ join_set, password_from_file, to_address, to_addresses, to_block_id, to_bootnodes, to_duration, to_mode, to_pending_set, to_price, to_u256, }; use ethcore::{ client::{BlockId, Mode}, miner::PendingSet, }; use ethereum_types::U256; use ethkey::Password; use std::{collections::HashSet, fs::File, io::Write, time::Duration}; use tempdir::TempDir; #[test] fn test_to_duration() { assert_eq!( to_duration("twice-daily").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(12 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("half-hourly").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(30 * 60) ); assert_eq!(to_duration("1second").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(1)); assert_eq!(to_duration("2seconds").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(2)); assert_eq!(to_duration("15seconds").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(15)); assert_eq!(to_duration("1minute").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(1 * 60)); assert_eq!( to_duration("2minutes").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(2 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("15minutes").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(15 * 60) ); assert_eq!(to_duration("hourly").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(60 * 60)); assert_eq!( to_duration("daily").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(24 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("1hour").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(1 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("2hours").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(2 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("15hours").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(15 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("1day").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(1 * 24 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("2days").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(2 * 24 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("15days").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(15 * 24 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!( to_duration("15 days").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(15 * 24 * 60 * 60) ); assert_eq!(to_duration("2 seconds").unwrap(), Duration::from_secs(2)); } #[test] fn test_to_mode() { assert_eq!(to_mode("active", 0, 0).unwrap(), Mode::Active); assert_eq!( to_mode("passive", 10, 20).unwrap(), Mode::Passive(Duration::from_secs(10), Duration::from_secs(20)) ); assert_eq!( to_mode("dark", 20, 30).unwrap(), Mode::Dark(Duration::from_secs(20)) ); assert!(to_mode("other", 20, 30).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_to_block_id() { assert_eq!(to_block_id("latest").unwrap(), BlockId::Latest); assert_eq!(to_block_id("0").unwrap(), BlockId::Number(0)); assert_eq!(to_block_id("2").unwrap(), BlockId::Number(2)); assert_eq!(to_block_id("15").unwrap(), BlockId::Number(15)); assert_eq!( to_block_id("9fc84d84f6a785dc1bd5abacfcf9cbdd3b6afb80c0f799bfb2fd42c44a0c224e") .unwrap(), BlockId::Hash( "9fc84d84f6a785dc1bd5abacfcf9cbdd3b6afb80c0f799bfb2fd42c44a0c224e" .parse() .unwrap() ) ); } #[test] fn test_to_u256() { assert_eq!(to_u256("0").unwrap(), U256::from(0)); assert_eq!(to_u256("11").unwrap(), U256::from(11)); assert_eq!(to_u256("0x11").unwrap(), U256::from(17)); assert!(to_u256("u").is_err()) } #[test] fn test_pending_set() { assert_eq!(to_pending_set("cheap").unwrap(), PendingSet::AlwaysQueue); assert_eq!(to_pending_set("strict").unwrap(), PendingSet::AlwaysSealing); assert_eq!( to_pending_set("lenient").unwrap(), PendingSet::SealingOrElseQueue ); assert!(to_pending_set("othe").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_to_address() { assert_eq!( to_address(Some("0xD9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41".into())).unwrap(), "D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41".parse().unwrap() ); assert_eq!( to_address(Some("D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41".into())).unwrap(), "D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41".parse().unwrap() ); assert_eq!(to_address(None).unwrap(), Default::default()); } #[test] fn test_to_addresses() { let addresses = to_addresses(&Some( "0xD9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41,D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a42" .into(), )) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( addresses, vec![ "D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a41".parse().unwrap(), "D9A111feda3f362f55Ef1744347CDC8Dd9964a42".parse().unwrap(), ] ); } #[test] fn test_password() { let tempdir = TempDir::new("").unwrap(); let path = tempdir.path().join("file"); let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap(); file.write_all(b"a bc ").unwrap(); assert_eq!( password_from_file(path.to_str().unwrap().into()) .unwrap() .as_bytes(), b"a bc" ); } #[test] fn test_password_multiline() { let tempdir = TempDir::new("").unwrap(); let path = tempdir.path().join("file"); let mut file = File::create(path.as_path()).unwrap(); file.write_all( br#" password with trailing whitespace those passwords should be ignored but the first password is trimmed "#, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( password_from_file(path.to_str().unwrap().into()).unwrap(), Password::from("password with trailing whitespace") ); } #[test] fn test_to_price() { assert_eq!(to_price("1").unwrap(), 1.0); assert_eq!(to_price("2.3").unwrap(), 2.3); assert_eq!(to_price("2.33").unwrap(), 2.33); } #[test] fn test_to_bootnodes() { let one_bootnode = "enode://e731347db0521f3476e6bbbb83375dcd7133a1601425ebd15fd10f3835fd4c304fba6282087ca5a0deeafadf0aa0d4fd56c3323331901c1f38bd181c283e3e35@"; let two_bootnodes = "enode://e731347db0521f3476e6bbbb83375dcd7133a1601425ebd15fd10f3835fd4c304fba6282087ca5a0deeafadf0aa0d4fd56c3323331901c1f38bd181c283e3e35@,enode://e731347db0521f3476e6bbbb83375dcd7133a1601425ebd15fd10f3835fd4c304fba6282087ca5a0deeafadf0aa0d4fd56c3323331901c1f38bd181c283e3e35@"; assert_eq!(to_bootnodes(&Some("".into())), Ok(vec![])); assert_eq!(to_bootnodes(&None), Ok(vec![])); assert_eq!( to_bootnodes(&Some(one_bootnode.into())), Ok(vec![one_bootnode.into()]) ); assert_eq!( to_bootnodes(&Some(two_bootnodes.into())), Ok(vec![one_bootnode.into(), one_bootnode.into()]) ); } #[test] fn test_join_set() { let mut test_set = HashSet::new(); test_set.insert("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111".to_string()); test_set.insert("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000".to_string()); let res = join_set(Some(&test_set)).unwrap(); assert!( res == "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" || res == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111" ); } }