## Usage ```docker build -f docker/ubuntu/Dockerfile --tag ethcore/parity:branch_or_tag_name .``` ## Usage - CentOS Builds a lightweight non-root Parity docker image: ``` git clone https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum.git cd parity-ethereum ./scripts/docker/centos/build.sh ``` Fully customised build: ``` PARITY_IMAGE_REPO=my-personal/parity \ PARITY_BUILDER_IMAGE_TAG=build-latest \ PARITY_RUNNER_IMAGE_TAG=centos-parity-experimental \ ./scripts/docker/centos/build.sh ``` Default values: ``` # The image name PARITY_IMAGE_REPO - parity/parity # The tag to be used for builder image, git commit sha will be appended PARITY_BUILDER_IMAGE_TAG - build # The tag to be used for runner image PARITY_RUNNER_IMAGE_TAG - latest ``` All default ports you might use will be exposed: ``` # secret # store ui rpc ws listener discovery # ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ EXPOSE 8082 8083 8180 8545 8546 30303/tcp 30303/udp ```