// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . extern crate docopt; extern crate env_logger; extern crate ethkey; extern crate panic_hook; extern crate parity_wordlist; extern crate rustc_hex; extern crate serde; extern crate threadpool; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; use std::num::ParseIntError; use std::{env, fmt, process, io, sync}; use docopt::Docopt; use ethkey::{KeyPair, Random, Brain, BrainPrefix, Prefix, Error as EthkeyError, Generator, sign, verify_public, verify_address, brain_recover}; use rustc_hex::{FromHex, FromHexError}; const USAGE: &'static str = r#" Parity Ethereum keys generator. Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. Usage: ethkey info [options] ethkey generate random [options] ethkey generate prefix [options] ethkey sign ethkey verify public ethkey verify address
ethkey recover
ethkey [-h | --help] Options: -h, --help Display this message and exit. -s, --secret Display only the secret key. -p, --public Display only the public key. -a, --address Display only the address. -b, --brain Use parity brain wallet algorithm. Not recommended. Commands: info Display public key and address of the secret. generate random Generates new random Ethereum key. generate prefix Random generation, but address must start with a prefix ("vanity address"). sign Sign message using a secret key. verify Verify signer of the signature by public key or address. recover Try to find brain phrase matching given address from partial phrase. "#; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Args { cmd_info: bool, cmd_generate: bool, cmd_random: bool, cmd_prefix: bool, cmd_sign: bool, cmd_verify: bool, cmd_public: bool, cmd_address: bool, cmd_recover: bool, arg_prefix: String, arg_secret: String, arg_secret_or_phrase: String, arg_known_phrase: String, arg_message: String, arg_public: String, arg_address: String, arg_signature: String, flag_secret: bool, flag_public: bool, flag_address: bool, flag_brain: bool, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Error { Ethkey(EthkeyError), FromHex(FromHexError), ParseInt(ParseIntError), Docopt(docopt::Error), Io(io::Error), } impl From for Error { fn from(err: EthkeyError) -> Self { Error::Ethkey(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: FromHexError) -> Self { Error::FromHex(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: ParseIntError) -> Self { Error::ParseInt(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: docopt::Error) -> Self { Error::Docopt(err) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: io::Error) -> Self { Error::Io(err) } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { match *self { Error::Ethkey(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), Error::FromHex(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), Error::ParseInt(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), Error::Docopt(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), Error::Io(ref e) => write!(f, "{}", e), } } } enum DisplayMode { KeyPair, Secret, Public, Address, } impl DisplayMode { fn new(args: &Args) -> Self { if args.flag_secret { DisplayMode::Secret } else if args.flag_public { DisplayMode::Public } else if args.flag_address { DisplayMode::Address } else { DisplayMode::KeyPair } } } fn main() { panic_hook::set_abort(); env_logger::try_init().expect("Logger initialized only once."); match execute(env::args()) { Ok(ok) => println!("{}", ok), Err(Error::Docopt(ref e)) => e.exit(), Err(err) => { eprintln!("{}", err); process::exit(1); } } } fn display(result: (KeyPair, Option), mode: DisplayMode) -> String { let keypair = result.0; match mode { DisplayMode::KeyPair => match result.1 { Some(extra_data) => format!("{}\n{}", extra_data, keypair), None => format!("{}", keypair) }, DisplayMode::Secret => format!("{:x}", keypair.secret()), DisplayMode::Public => format!("{:x}", keypair.public()), DisplayMode::Address => format!("{:x}", keypair.address()), } } fn execute(command: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef { let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE) .and_then(|d| d.argv(command).deserialize())?; return if args.cmd_info { let display_mode = DisplayMode::new(&args); let result = if args.flag_brain { let phrase = args.arg_secret_or_phrase; let phrase_info = validate_phrase(&phrase); let keypair = Brain::new(phrase).generate().expect("Brain wallet generator is infallible; qed"); (keypair, Some(phrase_info)) } else { let secret = args.arg_secret_or_phrase.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidSecret)?; (KeyPair::from_secret(secret)?, None) }; Ok(display(result, display_mode)) } else if args.cmd_generate { let display_mode = DisplayMode::new(&args); let result = if args.cmd_random { if args.flag_brain { let mut brain = BrainPrefix::new(vec![0], usize::max_value(), BRAIN_WORDS); let keypair = brain.generate()?; let phrase = format!("recovery phrase: {}", brain.phrase()); (keypair, Some(phrase)) } else { (Random.generate()?, None) } } else if args.cmd_prefix { let prefix = args.arg_prefix.from_hex()?; let brain = args.flag_brain; in_threads(move || { let iterations = 1024; let prefix = prefix.clone(); move || { let prefix = prefix.clone(); let res = if brain { let mut brain = BrainPrefix::new(prefix, iterations, BRAIN_WORDS); let result = brain.generate(); let phrase = format!("recovery phrase: {}", brain.phrase()); result.map(|keypair| (keypair, Some(phrase))) } else { let result = Prefix::new(prefix, iterations).generate(); result.map(|res| (res, None)) }; Ok(res.map(Some).unwrap_or(None)) } })? } else { return Ok(format!("{}", USAGE)) }; Ok(display(result, display_mode)) } else if args.cmd_sign { let secret = args.arg_secret.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidSecret)?; let message = args.arg_message.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidMessage)?; let signature = sign(&secret, &message)?; Ok(format!("{}", signature)) } else if args.cmd_verify { let signature = args.arg_signature.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidSignature)?; let message = args.arg_message.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidMessage)?; let ok = if args.cmd_public { let public = args.arg_public.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidPublic)?; verify_public(&public, &signature, &message)? } else if args.cmd_address { let address = args.arg_address.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidAddress)?; verify_address(&address, &signature, &message)? } else { return Ok(format!("{}", USAGE)) }; Ok(format!("{}", ok)) } else if args.cmd_recover { let display_mode = DisplayMode::new(&args); let known_phrase = args.arg_known_phrase; let address = args.arg_address.parse().map_err(|_| EthkeyError::InvalidAddress)?; let (phrase, keypair) = in_threads(move || { let mut it = brain_recover::PhrasesIterator::from_known_phrase(&known_phrase, BRAIN_WORDS); move || { let mut i = 0; while let Some(phrase) = it.next() { i += 1; let keypair = Brain::new(phrase.clone()).generate().unwrap(); if keypair.address() == address { return Ok(Some((phrase, keypair))) } if i >= 1024 { return Ok(None) } } Err(EthkeyError::Custom("Couldn't find any results.".into())) } })?; Ok(display((keypair, Some(phrase)), display_mode)) } else { Ok(format!("{}", USAGE)) } } const BRAIN_WORDS: usize = 12; fn validate_phrase(phrase: &str) -> String { match Brain::validate_phrase(phrase, BRAIN_WORDS) { Ok(()) => format!("The recovery phrase looks correct.\n"), Err(err) => format!("The recover phrase was not generated by Parity: {}", err) } } fn in_threads(prepare: F) -> Result where O: Send + 'static, X: Send + 'static, F: Fn() -> X, X: FnMut() -> Result, EthkeyError>, { let pool = threadpool::Builder::new().build(); let (tx, rx) = sync::mpsc::sync_channel(1); let is_done = sync::Arc::new(sync::atomic::AtomicBool::default()); for _ in 0..pool.max_count() { let is_done = is_done.clone(); let tx = tx.clone(); let mut task = prepare(); pool.execute(move || { loop { if is_done.load(sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst) { return; } let res = match task() { Ok(None) => continue, Ok(Some(v)) => Ok(v), Err(err) => Err(err), }; // We are interested only in the first response. let _ = tx.send(res); } }); } if let Ok(solution) = rx.recv() { is_done.store(true, sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); return solution; } Err(EthkeyError::Custom("No results found.".into())) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::execute; #[test] fn info() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "info", "17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "secret: 17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55 public: 689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124 address: 26d1ec50b4e62c1d1a40d16e7cacc6a6580757d5".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn brain() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "info", "--brain", "this is sparta"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "The recover phrase was not generated by Parity: The word 'this' does not come from the dictionary. secret: aa22b54c0cb43ee30a014afe5ef3664b1cde299feabca46cd3167a85a57c39f2 public: c4c5398da6843632c123f543d714d2d2277716c11ff612b2a2f23c6bda4d6f0327c31cd58c55a9572c3cc141dade0c32747a13b7ef34c241b26c84adbb28fcf4 address: 006e27b6a72e1f34c626762f3c4761547aff1421".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn secret() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "info", "--brain", "this is sparta", "--secret"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "aa22b54c0cb43ee30a014afe5ef3664b1cde299feabca46cd3167a85a57c39f2".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn public() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "info", "--brain", "this is sparta", "--public"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "c4c5398da6843632c123f543d714d2d2277716c11ff612b2a2f23c6bda4d6f0327c31cd58c55a9572c3cc141dade0c32747a13b7ef34c241b26c84adbb28fcf4".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn address() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "info", "-b", "this is sparta", "--address"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "006e27b6a72e1f34c626762f3c4761547aff1421".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn sign() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "sign", "17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55", "bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn verify_valid_public() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "verify", "public", "689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124", "c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200", "bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "true".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn verify_valid_address() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "verify", "address", "26d1ec50b4e62c1d1a40d16e7cacc6a6580757d5", "c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200", "bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "true".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } #[test] fn verify_invalid() { let command = vec!["ethkey", "verify", "public", "689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124", "c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200", "bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec986"] .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect::>(); let expected = "false".to_owned(); assert_eq!(execute(command).unwrap(), expected); } }