// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use compute::Light; use either::Either; use keccak::{H256, keccak_512}; use memmap::{Mmap, Protection}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use seed_compute::SeedHashCompute; use shared::{ETHASH_CACHE_ROUNDS, NODE_BYTES, NODE_DWORDS, Node, epoch, get_cache_size, to_hex}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::slice; use std::sync::Arc; type Cache = Either, Mmap>; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum OptimizeFor { Cpu, Memory, } impl Default for OptimizeFor { fn default() -> Self { OptimizeFor::Cpu } } fn byte_size(cache: &Cache) -> usize { use self::Either::{Left, Right}; match *cache { Left(ref vec) => vec.len() * NODE_BYTES, Right(ref mmap) => mmap.len(), } } fn new_buffer(path: &Path, num_nodes: usize, ident: &H256, optimize_for: OptimizeFor) -> Cache { let memmap = match optimize_for { OptimizeFor::Cpu => None, OptimizeFor::Memory => make_memmapped_cache(path, num_nodes, ident).ok(), }; memmap.map(Either::Right).unwrap_or_else(|| { Either::Left(make_memory_cache(num_nodes, ident)) }) } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct NodeCacheBuilder { // TODO: Remove this locking and just use an `Rc`? seedhash: Arc>, optimize_for: OptimizeFor, } // TODO: Abstract the "optimize for" logic pub struct NodeCache { builder: NodeCacheBuilder, cache_dir: Cow<'static, Path>, cache_path: PathBuf, epoch: u64, cache: Cache, } impl NodeCacheBuilder { pub fn light(&self, cache_dir: &Path, block_number: u64) -> Light { Light::new_with_builder(self, cache_dir, block_number) } pub fn light_from_file(&self, cache_dir: &Path, block_number: u64) -> io::Result { Light::from_file_with_builder(self, cache_dir, block_number) } pub fn new>>(optimize_for: T) -> Self { NodeCacheBuilder { seedhash: Arc::new(Mutex::new(SeedHashCompute::new())), optimize_for: optimize_for.into().unwrap_or_default(), } } fn block_number_to_ident(&self, block_number: u64) -> H256 { self.seedhash.lock().hash_block_number(block_number) } fn epoch_to_ident(&self, epoch: u64) -> H256 { self.seedhash.lock().hash_epoch(epoch) } pub fn from_file>>( &self, cache_dir: P, block_number: u64, ) -> io::Result { let cache_dir = cache_dir.into(); let ident = self.block_number_to_ident(block_number); let path = cache_path(cache_dir.as_ref(), &ident); let cache = cache_from_path(&path, self.optimize_for)?; let expected_cache_size = get_cache_size(block_number); if byte_size(&cache) == expected_cache_size { Ok(NodeCache { builder: self.clone(), epoch: epoch(block_number), cache_dir: cache_dir, cache_path: path, cache: cache, }) } else { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Node cache is of incorrect size", )) } } pub fn new_cache>>( &self, cache_dir: P, block_number: u64, ) -> NodeCache { let cache_dir = cache_dir.into(); let ident = self.block_number_to_ident(block_number); let cache_size = get_cache_size(block_number); // We use `debug_assert` since it is impossible for `get_cache_size` to return an unaligned // value with the current implementation. If the implementation changes, CI will catch it. debug_assert!(cache_size % NODE_BYTES == 0, "Unaligned cache size"); let num_nodes = cache_size / NODE_BYTES; let path = cache_path(cache_dir.as_ref(), &ident); let nodes = new_buffer(&path, num_nodes, &ident, self.optimize_for); NodeCache { builder: self.clone(), epoch: epoch(block_number), cache_dir: cache_dir.into(), cache_path: path, cache: nodes, } } } impl NodeCache { pub fn cache_path(&self) -> &Path { &self.cache_path } pub fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(last) = self.epoch.checked_sub(2).map(|ep| { cache_path(self.cache_dir.as_ref(), &self.builder.epoch_to_ident(ep)) }) { fs::remove_file(last).unwrap_or_else(|error| match error.kind() { io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (), _ => warn!("Error removing stale DAG cache: {:?}", error), }); } consume_cache(&mut self.cache, &self.cache_path) } } fn make_memmapped_cache(path: &Path, num_nodes: usize, ident: &H256) -> io::Result { use std::fs::OpenOptions; let file = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(true) .create(true) .open(&path)?; file.set_len((num_nodes * NODE_BYTES) as _)?; let mut memmap = Mmap::open(&file, Protection::ReadWrite)?; unsafe { initialize_memory(memmap.mut_ptr() as *mut Node, num_nodes, ident) }; Ok(memmap) } fn make_memory_cache(num_nodes: usize, ident: &H256) -> Vec { let mut nodes: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(num_nodes); // Use uninit instead of unnecessarily writing `size_of::() * num_nodes` 0s unsafe { initialize_memory(nodes.as_mut_ptr(), num_nodes, ident); nodes.set_len(num_nodes); } nodes } fn cache_path<'a, P: Into>>(path: P, ident: &H256) -> PathBuf { let mut buf = path.into().into_owned(); buf.push(to_hex(ident)); buf } fn consume_cache(cache: &mut Cache, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> { use std::fs::OpenOptions; match *cache { Either::Left(ref mut vec) => { let mut file = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(true) .create(true) .open(&path)?; let buf = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(vec.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, vec.len() * NODE_BYTES) }; file.write_all(buf).map(|_| ()) } Either::Right(ref mmap) => { mmap.flush() } } } fn cache_from_path(path: &Path, optimize_for: OptimizeFor) -> io::Result { let memmap = match optimize_for { OptimizeFor::Cpu => None, OptimizeFor::Memory => Mmap::open_path(path, Protection::ReadWrite).ok(), }; memmap.map(Either::Right).ok_or(()).or_else(|_| { read_from_path(path).map(Either::Left) }) } fn read_from_path(path: &Path) -> io::Result> { use std::fs::File; use std::mem; let mut file = File::open(path)?; let mut nodes: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(file.metadata().map(|m| m.len() as _).unwrap_or( NODE_BYTES * 1_000_000, )); file.read_to_end(&mut nodes)?; nodes.shrink_to_fit(); if nodes.len() % NODE_BYTES != 0 || nodes.capacity() % NODE_BYTES != 0 { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Node cache is not a multiple of node size", )); } let out: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts( nodes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _, nodes.len() / NODE_BYTES, nodes.capacity() / NODE_BYTES, ) }; mem::forget(nodes); Ok(out) } impl AsRef<[Node]> for NodeCache { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[Node] { match self.cache { Either::Left(ref vec) => vec, Either::Right(ref mmap) => unsafe { let bytes = mmap.ptr(); // This isn't a safety issue, so we can keep this a debug lint. We don't care about // people manually messing with the files unless it can cause unsafety, but if we're // generating incorrect files then we want to catch that in CI. debug_assert_eq!(mmap.len() % NODE_BYTES, 0); slice::from_raw_parts(bytes as _, mmap.len() / NODE_BYTES) }, } } } // This takes a raw pointer and a counter because `memory` may be uninitialized. `memory` _must_ be // a pointer to the beginning of an allocated but possibly-uninitialized block of // `num_nodes * NODE_BYTES` bytes // // We have to use raw pointers to read/write uninit, using "normal" indexing causes LLVM to freak // out. It counts as a read and causes all writes afterwards to be elided. Yes, really. I know, I // want to refactor this to use less `unsafe` as much as the next rustacean. unsafe fn initialize_memory(memory: *mut Node, num_nodes: usize, ident: &H256) { let dst = memory as *mut u8; debug_assert_eq!(ident.len(), 32); keccak_512::unchecked(dst, NODE_BYTES, ident.as_ptr(), ident.len()); for i in 1..num_nodes { // We use raw pointers here, see above let dst = memory.offset(i as _) as *mut u8; let src = memory.offset(i as isize - 1) as *mut u8; keccak_512::unchecked(dst, NODE_BYTES, src, NODE_BYTES); } // Now this is initialized, we can treat it as a slice. let nodes: &mut [Node] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(memory, num_nodes); // For `unroll!`, see below. If the literal in `unroll!` is not the same as the RHS here then // these have got out of sync! Don't let this happen! debug_assert_eq!(NODE_DWORDS, 8); // This _should_ get unrolled by the compiler, since it's not using the loop variable. for _ in 0..ETHASH_CACHE_ROUNDS { for i in 0..num_nodes { let data_idx = (num_nodes - 1 + i) % num_nodes; let idx = nodes.get_unchecked_mut(i).as_words()[0] as usize % num_nodes; let data = { let mut data: Node = nodes.get_unchecked(data_idx).clone(); let rhs: &Node = nodes.get_unchecked(idx); unroll! { for w in 0..8 { *data.as_dwords_mut().get_unchecked_mut(w) ^= *rhs.as_dwords().get_unchecked(w); } } data }; keccak_512::write(&data.bytes, &mut nodes.get_unchecked_mut(i).bytes); } } }