where T: KeyFileManager {
path: PathBuf,
key_manager: T,
/// Keys file manager for root keys directory
pub struct DiskKeyFileManager;
impl RootDiskDirectory {
pub fn create(path: P) -> Result where P: AsRef {
pub fn at(path: P) -> Self where P: AsRef {
DiskDirectory::new(path, DiskKeyFileManager)
impl DiskDirectory where T: KeyFileManager {
/// Create new disk directory instance
pub fn new(path: P, key_manager: T) -> Self where P: AsRef {
DiskDirectory {
path: path.as_ref().to_path_buf(),
key_manager: key_manager,
fn files(&self) -> Result, Error> {
.filter(|entry| {
let metadata = entry.metadata().ok();
let file_name = entry.file_name();
let name = file_name.to_string_lossy();
// filter directories
metadata.map_or(false, |m| !m.is_dir()) &&
// hidden files
!name.starts_with(".") &&
// other ignored files
.map(|entry| entry.path())
pub fn files_hash(&self) -> Result {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
let files = self.files()?;
for file in files {
fn last_modification_date(&self) -> Result {
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
let duration = fs::metadata(&self.path)?.modified()?.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap_or(Duration::default());
let timestamp = duration.as_secs() ^ (duration.subsec_nanos() as u64);
/// all accounts found in keys directory
fn files_content(&self) -> Result, Error> {
// it's not done using one iterator cause
// there is an issue with rustc and it takes tooo much time to compile
let paths = self.files()?;
.filter_map(|path| {
let filename = Some(path.file_name().and_then(|n| n.to_str()).expect("Keys have valid UTF8 names only.").to_owned());
.and_then(|file| self.key_manager.read(filename, file))
.map_err(|err| {
warn!("Invalid key file: {:?} ({})", path, err);
.map(|account| (path, account))
/// insert account with given filename. if the filename is a duplicate of any stored account and dedup is set to
/// true, a random suffix is appended to the filename.
pub fn insert_with_filename(&self, account: SafeAccount, mut filename: String, dedup: bool) -> Result {
// path to keyfile
let mut keyfile_path = self.path.join(filename.as_str());
// check for duplicate filename and append random suffix
if dedup && keyfile_path.exists() {
let suffix = ::random::random_string(4);
filename.push_str(&format!("-{}", suffix));
// update account filename
let original_account = account.clone();
let mut account = account;
account.filename = Some(filename);
// save the file
let mut file = fs::File::create(&keyfile_path)?;
// write key content
self.key_manager.write(original_account, &mut file).map_err(|e| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", e)))?;
if let Err(_) = restrict_permissions_to_owner(keyfile_path.as_path()) {
return Err(Error::Io(io::Error::last_os_error()));
/// Get key file manager referece
pub fn key_manager(&self) -> &T {
impl KeyDirectory for DiskDirectory where T: KeyFileManager {
fn load(&self) -> Result, Error> {
let accounts = self.files_content()?
.map(|(_, account)| account)
fn update(&self, account: SafeAccount) -> Result {
// Disk store handles updates correctly iff filename is the same
let filename = account_filename(&account);
self.insert_with_filename(account, filename, false)
fn insert(&self, account: SafeAccount) -> Result {
let filename = account_filename(&account);
self.insert_with_filename(account, filename, true)
fn remove(&self, account: &SafeAccount) -> Result<(), Error> {
// enumerate all entries in keystore
// and find entry with given address
let to_remove = self.files_content()?
.find(|&(_, ref acc)| acc.id == account.id && acc.address == account.address);
// remove it
match to_remove {
None => Err(Error::InvalidAccount),
Some((path, _)) => fs::remove_file(path).map_err(From::from)
fn path(&self) -> Option<&PathBuf> { Some(&self.path) }
fn as_vault_provider(&self) -> Option<&VaultKeyDirectoryProvider> {
fn unique_repr(&self) -> Result {
impl VaultKeyDirectoryProvider for DiskDirectory where T: KeyFileManager {
fn create(&self, name: &str, key: VaultKey) -> Result, Error> {
let vault_dir = VaultDiskDirectory::create(&self.path, name, key)?;
fn open(&self, name: &str, key: VaultKey) -> Result, Error> {
let vault_dir = VaultDiskDirectory::at(&self.path, name, key)?;
fn list_vaults(&self) -> Result, Error> {
.filter_map(|e| e.ok().map(|e| e.path()))
.filter_map(|path| {
let mut vault_file_path = path.clone();
if vault_file_path.is_file() {
path.file_name().and_then(|f| f.to_str()).map(|f| f.to_owned())
} else {
fn vault_meta(&self, name: &str) -> Result {
VaultDiskDirectory::meta_at(&self.path, name)
impl KeyFileManager for DiskKeyFileManager {
fn read(&self, filename: Option, reader: T) -> Result where T: io::Read {
let key_file = json::KeyFile::load(reader).map_err(|e| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", e)))?;
Ok(SafeAccount::from_file(key_file, filename))
fn write(&self, mut account: SafeAccount, writer: &mut T) -> Result<(), Error> where T: io::Write {
// when account is moved back to root directory from vault
// => remove vault field from meta
account.meta = json::remove_vault_name_from_json_meta(&account.meta)
.map_err(|err| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", err)))?;
let key_file: json::KeyFile = account.into();
key_file.write(writer).map_err(|e| Error::Custom(format!("{:?}", e)))
fn account_filename(account: &SafeAccount) -> String {
// build file path
account.filename.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let timestamp = time::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S", &time::now_utc()).expect("Time-format string is valid.");
format!("UTC--{}Z--{}", timestamp, Uuid::from(account.id))
mod test {
extern crate tempdir;
use std::{env, fs};
use super::{KeyDirectory, RootDiskDirectory, VaultKey};
use account::SafeAccount;
use ethkey::{Random, Generator};
use self::tempdir::TempDir;
fn should_create_new_account() {
// given
let mut dir = env::temp_dir();
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let password = "hello world";
let directory = RootDiskDirectory::create(dir.clone()).unwrap();
// when
let account = SafeAccount::create(&keypair, [0u8; 16], password, 1024, "Test".to_owned(), "{}".to_owned());
let res = directory.insert(account);
// then
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Should save account succesfuly.");
assert!(res.unwrap().filename.is_some(), "Filename has been assigned.");
// cleanup
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
fn should_handle_duplicate_filenames() {
// given
let mut dir = env::temp_dir();
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let password = "hello world";
let directory = RootDiskDirectory::create(dir.clone()).unwrap();
// when
let account = SafeAccount::create(&keypair, [0u8; 16], password, 1024, "Test".to_owned(), "{}".to_owned());
let filename = "test".to_string();
let dedup = true;
directory.insert_with_filename(account.clone(), "foo".to_string(), dedup).unwrap();
let file1 = directory.insert_with_filename(account.clone(), filename.clone(), dedup).unwrap().filename.unwrap();
let file2 = directory.insert_with_filename(account.clone(), filename.clone(), dedup).unwrap().filename.unwrap();
let file3 = directory.insert_with_filename(account.clone(), filename.clone(), dedup).unwrap().filename.unwrap();
// then
// the first file should have the original names
assert_eq!(file1, filename);
// the following duplicate files should have a suffix appended
assert!(file2 != file3);
assert_eq!(file2.len(), filename.len() + 5);
assert_eq!(file3.len(), filename.len() + 5);
// cleanup
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
fn should_manage_vaults() {
// given
let mut dir = env::temp_dir();
let directory = RootDiskDirectory::create(dir.clone()).unwrap();
let vault_name = "vault";
let password = "password";
// then
// and when
let before_root_items_count = fs::read_dir(&dir).unwrap().count();
let vault = directory.as_vault_provider().unwrap().create(vault_name, VaultKey::new(password, 1024));
// then
let after_root_items_count = fs::read_dir(&dir).unwrap().count();
assert!(after_root_items_count > before_root_items_count);
// and when
let vault = directory.as_vault_provider().unwrap().open(vault_name, VaultKey::new(password, 1024));
// then
let after_root_items_count2 = fs::read_dir(&dir).unwrap().count();
assert!(after_root_items_count == after_root_items_count2);
// cleanup
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
fn should_list_vaults() {
// given
let temp_path = TempDir::new("").unwrap();
let directory = RootDiskDirectory::create(&temp_path).unwrap();
let vault_provider = directory.as_vault_provider().unwrap();
vault_provider.create("vault1", VaultKey::new("password1", 1)).unwrap();
vault_provider.create("vault2", VaultKey::new("password2", 1)).unwrap();
// then
let vaults = vault_provider.list_vaults().unwrap();
assert_eq!(vaults.len(), 2);
assert!(vaults.iter().any(|v| &*v == "vault1"));
assert!(vaults.iter().any(|v| &*v == "vault2"));
fn hash_of_files() {
let temp_path = TempDir::new("").unwrap();
let directory = RootDiskDirectory::create(&temp_path).unwrap();
let hash = directory.files_hash().expect("Files hash should be calculated ok");
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let password = "test pass";
let account = SafeAccount::create(&keypair, [0u8; 16], password, 1024, "Test".to_owned(), "{}".to_owned());
directory.insert(account).expect("Account should be inserted ok");
let new_hash = directory.files_hash().expect("New files hash should be calculated ok");
assert!(new_hash != hash, "hash of the file list should change once directory content changed");