// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . //! Eth PUB-SUB rpc implementation. use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, sync::{Arc, Weak}, }; use jsonrpc_core::{ futures::{self, Future, IntoFuture}, Error, Result, }; use jsonrpc_pubsub::{ typed::{Sink, Subscriber}, SubscriptionId, }; use v1::{ helpers::{errors, limit_logs, Subscribers}, metadata::Metadata, traits::EthPubSub, types::{pubsub, Header, Log, RichHeader}, }; use ethcore::client::{ BlockChainClient, BlockId, ChainNotify, ChainRouteType, EngineInfo, NewBlocks, }; use ethereum_types::H256; use parity_runtime::Executor; use parking_lot::RwLock; use types::{encoded, filter::Filter as EthFilter}; type Client = Sink; /// Eth PubSub implementation. pub struct EthPubSubClient { handler: Arc>, heads_subscribers: Arc>>, logs_subscribers: Arc>>, transactions_subscribers: Arc>>, } impl EthPubSubClient { /// Creates new `EthPubSubClient`. pub fn new(client: Arc, executor: Executor) -> Self { let heads_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default())); let logs_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default())); let transactions_subscribers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Subscribers::default())); EthPubSubClient { handler: Arc::new(ChainNotificationHandler { client, executor, heads_subscribers: heads_subscribers.clone(), logs_subscribers: logs_subscribers.clone(), transactions_subscribers: transactions_subscribers.clone(), }), heads_subscribers, logs_subscribers, transactions_subscribers, } } /// Creates new `EthPubSubCient` with deterministic subscription ids. #[cfg(test)] pub fn new_test(client: Arc, executor: Executor) -> Self { let client = Self::new(client, executor); *client.heads_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::default(); *client.logs_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::default(); *client.transactions_subscribers.write() = Subscribers::default(); client } /// Returns a chain notification handler. pub fn handler(&self) -> Weak> { Arc::downgrade(&self.handler) } } /// PubSub Notification handler. pub struct ChainNotificationHandler { client: Arc, executor: Executor, heads_subscribers: Arc>>, logs_subscribers: Arc>>, transactions_subscribers: Arc>>, } impl ChainNotificationHandler where C: EngineInfo, { fn notify(executor: &Executor, subscriber: &Client, result: pubsub::Result) { executor.spawn( subscriber .notify(Ok(result)) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(|e| warn!(target: "rpc", "Unable to send notification: {}", e)), ); } fn notify_heads(&self, headers: &[(encoded::Header, BTreeMap)]) { for subscriber in self.heads_subscribers.read().values() { for &(ref header, ref extra_info) in headers { Self::notify( &self.executor, subscriber, pubsub::Result::Header(Box::new(RichHeader { inner: Header::new( header, self.client.engine().params().eip1559_transition, ), extra_info: extra_info.clone(), })), ); } } } fn notify_logs(&self, enacted: &[(H256, Ex)], logs: F) where F: Fn(EthFilter, &Ex) -> T, Ex: Send, T: IntoFuture, Error = Error>, T::Future: Send + 'static, { for &(ref subscriber, ref filter) in self.logs_subscribers.read().values() { let logs = futures::future::join_all( enacted .iter() .map(|&(hash, ref ex)| { let mut filter = filter.clone(); filter.from_block = BlockId::Hash(hash); filter.to_block = filter.from_block; logs(filter, ex).into_future() }) .collect::>(), ); let limit = filter.limit; let executor = self.executor.clone(); let subscriber = subscriber.clone(); self.executor.spawn( logs.map(move |logs| { let logs = logs.into_iter().flat_map(|log| log).collect(); for log in limit_logs(logs, limit) { Self::notify(&executor, &subscriber, pubsub::Result::Log(Box::new(log))) } }) .map_err(|e| warn!("Unable to fetch latest logs: {:?}", e)), ); } } /// Notify all subscribers about new transaction hashes. pub fn notify_new_transactions(&self, hashes: &[H256]) { for subscriber in self.transactions_subscribers.read().values() { for hash in hashes { Self::notify( &self.executor, subscriber, pubsub::Result::TransactionHash(*hash), ); } } } } impl ChainNotify for ChainNotificationHandler { // t_nb 11.3 RPC. Notify subscriber header/logs about new block fn new_blocks(&self, new_blocks: NewBlocks) { if self.heads_subscribers.read().is_empty() && self.logs_subscribers.read().is_empty() { return; } const EXTRA_INFO_PROOF: &str = "Object exists in in blockchain (fetched earlier), extra_info is always available if object exists; qed"; let headers = new_blocks .route .route() .iter() .filter_map(|&(hash, ref typ)| match typ { ChainRouteType::Retracted => None, ChainRouteType::Enacted => self.client.block_header(BlockId::Hash(hash)), }) .map(|header| { let hash = header.hash(); ( header, self.client .block_extra_info(BlockId::Hash(hash)) .expect(EXTRA_INFO_PROOF), ) }) .collect::>(); // Headers self.notify_heads(&headers); // We notify logs enacting and retracting as the order in route. self.notify_logs(new_blocks.route.route(), |filter, ex| match ex { ChainRouteType::Enacted => Ok(self .client .logs(filter) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect()), ChainRouteType::Retracted => Ok(self .client .logs(filter) .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .map(|mut log: Log| { log.log_type = "removed".into(); log.removed = true; log }) .collect()), }); } } impl EthPubSub for EthPubSubClient { type Metadata = Metadata; fn subscribe( &self, _meta: Metadata, subscriber: Subscriber, kind: pubsub::Kind, params: Option, ) { let error = match (kind, params) { (pubsub::Kind::NewHeads, None) => { self.heads_subscribers.write().push(subscriber); return; } (pubsub::Kind::NewHeads, _) => { errors::invalid_params("newHeads", "Expected no parameters.") } (pubsub::Kind::Logs, Some(pubsub::Params::Logs(filter))) => match filter.try_into() { Ok(filter) => { self.logs_subscribers.write().push(subscriber, filter); return; } Err(err) => err, }, (pubsub::Kind::Logs, _) => errors::invalid_params("logs", "Expected a filter object."), (pubsub::Kind::NewPendingTransactions, None) => { self.transactions_subscribers.write().push(subscriber); return; } (pubsub::Kind::NewPendingTransactions, _) => { errors::invalid_params("newPendingTransactions", "Expected no parameters.") } _ => errors::unimplemented(None), }; let _ = subscriber.reject(error); } fn unsubscribe(&self, _: Option, id: SubscriptionId) -> Result { let res = self.heads_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some(); let res2 = self.logs_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some(); let res3 = self.transactions_subscribers.write().remove(&id).is_some(); Ok(res || res2 || res3) } }