// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Helpers for fetching blockchain data either from the light client or the network. use std::cmp; use std::sync::Arc; use light::on_demand::error::Error as OnDemandError; use ethcore::basic_account::BasicAccount; use ethcore::encoded; use ethcore::filter::Filter as EthcoreFilter; use ethcore::ids::BlockId; use ethcore::receipt::Receipt; use jsonrpc_core::{Result, Error}; use jsonrpc_core::futures::{future, Future}; use jsonrpc_core::futures::future::Either; use jsonrpc_macros::Trailing; use light::cache::Cache; use light::client::LightChainClient; use light::{cht, MAX_HEADERS_PER_REQUEST}; use light::on_demand::{ request, OnDemand, HeaderRef, Request as OnDemandRequest, Response as OnDemandResponse, ExecutionResult, }; use light::request::Field; use sync::LightSync; use ethereum_types::{U256, Address}; use hash::H256; use parking_lot::Mutex; use fastmap::H256FastMap; use transaction::{Action, Transaction as EthTransaction, SignedTransaction, LocalizedTransaction}; use v1::helpers::{CallRequest as CallRequestHelper, errors, dispatch}; use v1::types::{BlockNumber, CallRequest, Log, Transaction}; const NO_INVALID_BACK_REFS_PROOF: &str = "Fails only on invalid back-references; back-references here known to be valid; qed"; const WRONG_RESPONSE_AMOUNT_TYPE_PROOF: &str = "responses correspond directly with requests in amount and type; qed"; /// Helper for fetching blockchain data either from the light client or the network /// as necessary. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LightFetch { /// The light client. pub client: Arc, /// The on-demand request service. pub on_demand: Arc, /// Handle to the network. pub sync: Arc, /// The light data cache. pub cache: Arc>, /// Gas Price percentile pub gas_price_percentile: usize, } /// Extract a transaction at given index. pub fn extract_transaction_at_index(block: encoded::Block, index: usize) -> Option { block.transactions().into_iter().nth(index) // Verify if transaction signature is correct. .and_then(|tx| SignedTransaction::new(tx).ok()) .map(|signed_tx| { let (signed, sender, _) = signed_tx.deconstruct(); let block_hash = block.hash(); let block_number = block.number(); let transaction_index = index; let cached_sender = Some(sender); LocalizedTransaction { signed, block_number, block_hash, transaction_index, cached_sender, } }) .map(|tx| Transaction::from_localized(tx)) } // extract the header indicated by the given `HeaderRef` from the given responses. // fails only if they do not correspond. fn extract_header(res: &[OnDemandResponse], header: HeaderRef) -> Option { match header { HeaderRef::Stored(hdr) => Some(hdr), HeaderRef::Unresolved(idx, _) => match res.get(idx) { Some(&OnDemandResponse::HeaderByHash(ref hdr)) => Some(hdr.clone()), _ => None, }, } } impl LightFetch { // push the necessary requests onto the request chain to get the header by the given ID. // yield a header reference which other requests can use. fn make_header_requests(&self, id: BlockId, reqs: &mut Vec) -> Result { if let Some(h) = self.client.block_header(id) { return Ok(h.into()); } match id { BlockId::Number(n) => { let cht_root = cht::block_to_cht_number(n).and_then(|cn| self.client.cht_root(cn as usize)); match cht_root { None => Err(errors::unknown_block()), Some(root) => { let req = request::HeaderProof::new(n, root) .expect("only fails for 0; client always stores genesis; client already queried; qed"); let idx = reqs.len(); let hash_ref = Field::back_ref(idx, 0); reqs.push(req.into()); reqs.push(request::HeaderByHash(hash_ref.clone()).into()); Ok(HeaderRef::Unresolved(idx + 1, hash_ref)) } } } BlockId::Hash(h) => { let idx = reqs.len(); reqs.push(request::HeaderByHash(h.into()).into()); Ok(HeaderRef::Unresolved(idx, h.into())) } _ => Err(errors::unknown_block()) // latest, earliest, and pending will have all already returned. } } /// Get a block header from the on demand service or client, or error. pub fn header(&self, id: BlockId) -> impl Future + Send { let mut reqs = Vec::new(); let header_ref = match self.make_header_requests(id, &mut reqs) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => return Either::A(future::err(e)), }; Either::B(self.send_requests(reqs, |res| extract_header(&res, header_ref) .expect("these responses correspond to requests that header_ref belongs to \ therefore it will not fail; qed") )) } /// Helper for getting contract code at a given block. pub fn code(&self, address: Address, id: BlockId) -> impl Future, Error = Error> + Send { let mut reqs = Vec::new(); let header_ref = match self.make_header_requests(id, &mut reqs) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => return Either::A(future::err(e)), }; reqs.push(request::Account { header: header_ref.clone(), address: address }.into()); let account_idx = reqs.len() - 1; reqs.push(request::Code { header: header_ref, code_hash: Field::back_ref(account_idx, 0) }.into()); Either::B(self.send_requests(reqs, |mut res| match res.pop() { Some(OnDemandResponse::Code(code)) => code, _ => panic!(WRONG_RESPONSE_AMOUNT_TYPE_PROOF), })) } /// Helper for getting account info at a given block. /// `None` indicates the account doesn't exist at the given block. pub fn account(&self, address: Address, id: BlockId) -> impl Future, Error = Error> + Send { let mut reqs = Vec::new(); let header_ref = match self.make_header_requests(id, &mut reqs) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => return Either::A(future::err(e)), }; reqs.push(request::Account { header: header_ref, address: address }.into()); Either::B(self.send_requests(reqs, |mut res|match res.pop() { Some(OnDemandResponse::Account(acc)) => acc, _ => panic!(WRONG_RESPONSE_AMOUNT_TYPE_PROOF), })) } /// Helper for getting proved execution. pub fn proved_execution(&self, req: CallRequest, num: Trailing) -> impl Future + Send { const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE: u64 = 21_000; // starting gas when gas not provided. const START_GAS: u64 = 50_000; let (sync, on_demand, client) = (self.sync.clone(), self.on_demand.clone(), self.client.clone()); let req: CallRequestHelper = req.into(); // Note: Here we treat `Pending` as `Latest`. // Since light clients don't produce pending blocks // (they don't have state) we can safely fallback to `Latest`. let id = match num.unwrap_or_default() { BlockNumber::Num(n) => BlockId::Number(n), BlockNumber::Earliest => BlockId::Earliest, BlockNumber::Latest => BlockId::Latest, BlockNumber::Pending => { warn!("`Pending` is deprecated and may be removed in future versions. Falling back to `Latest`"); BlockId::Latest } }; let from = req.from.unwrap_or_else(|| Address::zero()); let nonce_fut = match req.nonce { Some(nonce) => Either::A(future::ok(Some(nonce))), None => Either::B(self.account(from, id).map(|acc| acc.map(|a| a.nonce))), }; let gas_price_percentile = self.gas_price_percentile; let gas_price_fut = match req.gas_price { Some(price) => Either::A(future::ok(price)), None => Either::B(dispatch::fetch_gas_price_corpus( self.sync.clone(), self.client.clone(), self.on_demand.clone(), self.cache.clone(), ).map(move |corp| match corp.percentile(gas_price_percentile) { Some(percentile) => *percentile, None => DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE.into(), })) }; // if nonce resolves, this should too since it'll be in the LRU-cache. let header_fut = self.header(id); // fetch missing transaction fields from the network. Box::new(nonce_fut.join(gas_price_fut).and_then(move |(nonce, gas_price)| { future::done( Ok((req.gas.is_some(), EthTransaction { nonce: nonce.unwrap_or_default(), action: req.to.map_or(Action::Create, Action::Call), gas: req.gas.unwrap_or_else(|| START_GAS.into()), gas_price, value: req.value.unwrap_or_else(U256::zero), data: req.data.unwrap_or_default(), })) ) }).join(header_fut).and_then(move |((gas_known, tx), hdr)| { // then request proved execution. // TODO: get last-hashes from network. let env_info = match client.env_info(id) { Some(env_info) => env_info, _ => return Either::A(future::err(errors::unknown_block())), }; Either::B(execute_tx(gas_known, ExecuteParams { from: from, tx: tx, hdr: hdr, env_info: env_info, engine: client.engine().clone(), on_demand: on_demand, sync: sync, })) })) } /// Get a block itself. Fails on unknown block ID. pub fn block(&self, id: BlockId) -> impl Future + Send { let mut reqs = Vec::new(); let header_ref = match self.make_header_requests(id, &mut reqs) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => return Either::A(future::err(e)), }; reqs.push(request::Body(header_ref).into()); Either::B(self.send_requests(reqs, |mut res| match res.pop() { Some(OnDemandResponse::Body(b)) => b, _ => panic!(WRONG_RESPONSE_AMOUNT_TYPE_PROOF), })) } /// Get the block receipts. Fails on unknown block ID. pub fn receipts(&self, id: BlockId) -> impl Future, Error = Error> + Send { let mut reqs = Vec::new(); let header_ref = match self.make_header_requests(id, &mut reqs) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => return Either::A(future::err(e)), }; reqs.push(request::BlockReceipts(header_ref).into()); Either::B(self.send_requests(reqs, |mut res| match res.pop() { Some(OnDemandResponse::Receipts(b)) => b, _ => panic!(WRONG_RESPONSE_AMOUNT_TYPE_PROOF), })) } /// Get transaction logs pub fn logs(&self, filter: EthcoreFilter) -> impl Future, Error = Error> + Send { use std::collections::BTreeMap; use jsonrpc_core::futures::stream::{self, Stream}; const MAX_BLOCK_RANGE: u64 = 1000; let fetcher = self.clone(); self.headers_range_by_block_id(filter.from_block, filter.to_block, MAX_BLOCK_RANGE) .and_then(move |mut headers| { if headers.is_empty() { return Either::A(future::ok(Vec::new())); } let on_demand = &fetcher.on_demand; let maybe_future = fetcher.sync.with_context(move |ctx| { // find all headers which match the filter, and fetch the receipts for each one. // match them with their numbers for easy sorting later. let bit_combos = filter.bloom_possibilities(); let receipts_futures: Vec<_> = headers.drain(..) .filter(|ref hdr| { let hdr_bloom = hdr.log_bloom(); bit_combos.iter().any(|bloom| hdr_bloom.contains_bloom(bloom)) }) .map(|hdr| (hdr.number(), hdr.hash(), request::BlockReceipts(hdr.into()))) .map(|(num, hash, req)| on_demand.request(ctx, req).expect(NO_INVALID_BACK_REFS_PROOF).map(move |x| (num, hash, x))) .collect(); // as the receipts come in, find logs within them which match the filter. // insert them into a BTreeMap to maintain order by number and block index. stream::futures_unordered(receipts_futures) .fold(BTreeMap::new(), move |mut matches, (num, hash, receipts)| { let mut block_index = 0; for (transaction_index, receipt) in receipts.into_iter().enumerate() { for (transaction_log_index, log) in receipt.logs.into_iter().enumerate() { if filter.matches(&log) { matches.insert((num, block_index), Log { address: log.address.into(), topics: log.topics.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), data: log.data.into(), block_hash: Some(hash.into()), block_number: Some(num.into()), // No way to easily retrieve transaction hash, so let's just skip it. transaction_hash: None, transaction_index: Some(transaction_index.into()), log_index: Some(block_index.into()), transaction_log_index: Some(transaction_log_index.into()), log_type: "mined".into(), removed: false, }); } block_index += 1; } } future::ok::<_,OnDemandError>(matches) }) // and then collect them into a vector. .map(|matches| matches.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect()) .map_err(errors::on_demand_error) }); match maybe_future { Some(fut) => Either::B(Either::A(fut)), None => Either::B(Either::B(future::err(errors::network_disabled()))), } }) } // Get a transaction by hash. also returns the index in the block. // Only returns transactions in the canonical chain. pub fn transaction_by_hash(&self, tx_hash: H256) -> impl Future, Error = Error> + Send { let params = (self.sync.clone(), self.on_demand.clone()); let fetcher: Self = self.clone(); Box::new(future::loop_fn(params, move |(sync, on_demand)| { let maybe_future = sync.with_context(|ctx| { let req = request::TransactionIndex(tx_hash.clone().into()); on_demand.request(ctx, req) }); let eventual_index = match maybe_future { Some(e) => e.expect(NO_INVALID_BACK_REFS_PROOF).map_err(errors::on_demand_error), None => return Either::A(future::err(errors::network_disabled())), }; let fetcher = fetcher.clone(); let extract_transaction = eventual_index.and_then(move |index| { // check that the block is known by number. // that ensures that it is within the chain that we are aware of. fetcher.block(BlockId::Number(index.num)).then(move |blk| match blk { Ok(blk) => { // if the block is known by number, make sure the // index from earlier isn't garbage. if blk.hash() != index.hash { // index is on a different chain from us. return Ok(future::Loop::Continue((sync, on_demand))) } let index = index.index as usize; let transaction = extract_transaction_at_index(blk, index); if transaction.as_ref().map_or(true, |tx| tx.hash != tx_hash.into()) { // index is actively wrong: indicated block has // fewer transactions than necessary or the transaction // at that index had a different hash. // TODO: punish peer/move into OnDemand somehow? Ok(future::Loop::Continue((sync, on_demand))) } else { let transaction = transaction.map(move |tx| (tx, index)); Ok(future::Loop::Break(transaction)) } } Err(ref e) if e == &errors::unknown_block() => { // block by number not in the canonical chain. Ok(future::Loop::Break(None)) } Err(e) => Err(e), }) }); Either::B(extract_transaction) })) } fn send_requests(&self, reqs: Vec, parse_response: F) -> impl Future + Send where F: FnOnce(Vec) -> T + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { let maybe_future = self.sync.with_context(move |ctx| { Box::new(self.on_demand.request_raw(ctx, reqs) .expect(NO_INVALID_BACK_REFS_PROOF) .map_err(errors::on_demand_cancel) .and_then(|responses| { match responses { Ok(responses) => Ok(parse_response(responses)), Err(e) => Err(errors::on_demand_error(e)), } }) ) }); match maybe_future { Some(recv) => recv, None => Box::new(future::err(errors::network_disabled())) as Box + Send> } } fn headers_range_by_block_id( &self, from_block: BlockId, to_block: BlockId, max: u64 ) -> impl Future, Error = Error> { let fetch_hashes = [from_block, to_block].iter() .filter_map(|block_id| match block_id { BlockId::Hash(hash) => Some(hash.clone()), _ => None, }) .collect::>(); let best_number = self.client.chain_info().best_block_number; let fetcher = self.clone(); self.headers_by_hash(&fetch_hashes[..]).and_then(move |mut header_map| { let (from_block_num, to_block_num) = { let block_number = |id| match id { &BlockId::Earliest => 0, &BlockId::Latest => best_number, &BlockId::Hash(ref h) => header_map.get(h).map(|hdr| hdr.number()) .expect("from_block and to_block headers are fetched by hash; this closure is only called on from_block and to_block; qed"), &BlockId::Number(x) => x, }; (block_number(&from_block), block_number(&to_block)) }; if to_block_num < from_block_num { // early exit for "to" block before "from" block. return Either::A(future::err(errors::filter_block_not_found(to_block))); } else if to_block_num - from_block_num >= max { return Either::A(future::err(errors::request_rejected_param_limit(max, "blocks"))); } let to_header_hint = match to_block { BlockId::Hash(ref h) => header_map.remove(h), _ => None, }; let headers_fut = fetcher.headers_range(from_block_num, to_block_num, to_header_hint); Either::B(headers_fut.map(move |headers| { // Validate from_block if it's a hash let last_hash = headers.last().map(|hdr| hdr.hash()); match (last_hash, from_block) { (Some(h1), BlockId::Hash(h2)) if h1 != h2 => Vec::new(), _ => headers, } })) }) } fn headers_by_hash(&self, hashes: &[H256]) -> impl Future, Error = Error> { let mut refs = H256FastMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(hashes.len(), Default::default()); let mut reqs = Vec::with_capacity(hashes.len()); for hash in hashes { refs.entry(*hash).or_insert_with(|| { self.make_header_requests(BlockId::Hash(*hash), &mut reqs) .expect("make_header_requests never fails for BlockId::Hash; qed") }); } self.send_requests(reqs, move |res| { let headers = refs.drain() .map(|(hash, header_ref)| { let hdr = extract_header(&res, header_ref) .expect("these responses correspond to requests that header_ref belongs to; \ qed"); (hash, hdr) }) .collect(); headers }) } fn headers_range( &self, from_number: u64, to_number: u64, to_header_hint: Option ) -> impl Future, Error = Error> { let range_length = (to_number - from_number + 1) as usize; let mut headers: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(range_length); let iter_start = match to_header_hint { Some(hdr) => { let block_id = BlockId::Hash(hdr.parent_hash()); headers.push(hdr); block_id } None => BlockId::Number(to_number), }; headers.extend(self.client.ancestry_iter(iter_start) .take_while(|hdr| hdr.number() >= from_number)); let fetcher = self.clone(); future::loop_fn(headers, move |mut headers| { let remaining = range_length - headers.len(); if remaining == 0 { return Either::A(future::ok(future::Loop::Break(headers))); } let mut reqs: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(2); let start_hash = if let Some(hdr) = headers.last() { hdr.parent_hash().into() } else { let cht_root = cht::block_to_cht_number(to_number) .and_then(|cht_num| fetcher.client.cht_root(cht_num as usize)); let cht_root = match cht_root { Some(cht_root) => cht_root, None => return Either::A(future::err(errors::unknown_block())), }; let header_proof = request::HeaderProof::new(to_number, cht_root) .expect("HeaderProof::new is Some(_) if cht::block_to_cht_number() is Some(_); \ this would return above if block_to_cht_number returned None; qed"); let idx = reqs.len(); let hash_ref = Field::back_ref(idx, 0); reqs.push(header_proof.into()); hash_ref }; let max = cmp::min(remaining as u64, MAX_HEADERS_PER_REQUEST); reqs.push(request::HeaderWithAncestors { block_hash: start_hash, ancestor_count: max - 1, }.into()); Either::B(fetcher.send_requests(reqs, |mut res| { match res.last_mut() { Some(&mut OnDemandResponse::HeaderWithAncestors(ref mut res_headers)) => headers.extend(res_headers.drain(..)), _ => panic!("reqs has at least one entry; each request maps to a response; qed"), }; future::Loop::Continue(headers) })) }) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct ExecuteParams { from: Address, tx: EthTransaction, hdr: encoded::Header, env_info: ::vm::EnvInfo, engine: Arc<::ethcore::engines::EthEngine>, on_demand: Arc, sync: Arc, } // has a peer execute the transaction with given params. If `gas_known` is false, // this will double the gas on each `OutOfGas` error. fn execute_tx(gas_known: bool, params: ExecuteParams) -> impl Future + Send { if !gas_known { Box::new(future::loop_fn(params, |mut params| { execute_tx(true, params.clone()).and_then(move |res| { match res { Ok(executed) => { // TODO: how to distinguish between actual OOG and // exception? if executed.exception.is_some() { let old_gas = params.tx.gas; params.tx.gas = params.tx.gas * 2u32; if params.tx.gas > params.hdr.gas_limit() { params.tx.gas = old_gas; } else { return Ok(future::Loop::Continue(params)) } } Ok(future::Loop::Break(Ok(executed))) } failed => Ok(future::Loop::Break(failed)), } }) })) as Box + Send> } else { trace!(target: "light_fetch", "Placing execution request for {} gas in on_demand", params.tx.gas); let request = request::TransactionProof { tx: params.tx.fake_sign(params.from), header: params.hdr.into(), env_info: params.env_info, engine: params.engine, }; let on_demand = params.on_demand; let proved_future = params.sync.with_context(move |ctx| { on_demand .request(ctx, request) .expect("no back-references; therefore all back-refs valid; qed") .map_err(errors::on_demand_error) }); match proved_future { Some(fut) => Box::new(fut) as Box + Send>, None => Box::new(future::err(errors::network_disabled())) as Box + Send>, } } }