// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import * as abis from '@parity/shared/contracts/abi'; import { api } from './parity'; const sortEvents = (a, b) => b.blockNumber.cmp(a.blockNumber) || b.logIndex.cmp(a.logIndex); const logToEvent = (log) => { const key = api.util.sha3(JSON.stringify(log)); const { blockNumber, logIndex, transactionHash, transactionIndex, params, type } = log; return { type: log.event, state: type, blockNumber, logIndex, transactionHash, transactionIndex, params: Object.keys(params).reduce((data, name) => { data[name] = params[name].value; return data; }, {}), key }; }; export function attachInterface (callback) { return api.parity .registryAddress() .then((registryAddress) => { console.log(`the registry was found at ${registryAddress}`); const registry = api.newContract(abis.registry, registryAddress).instance; return Promise .all([ registry.getAddress.call({}, [api.util.sha3('signaturereg'), 'A']), api.parity.accountsInfo() ]); }) .then(([address, accountsInfo]) => { console.log(`signaturereg was found at ${address}`); const contract = api.newContract(abis.signaturereg, address); const accounts = Object .keys(accountsInfo) .reduce((obj, address) => { const info = accountsInfo[address] || {}; return Object.assign(obj, { [address]: { address, name: info.name || 'Unnamed' } }); }, {}); const fromAddress = Object.keys(accounts)[0]; return { accounts, address, accountsInfo, contract, instance: contract.instance, fromAddress }; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('attachInterface', error); }); } export function attachBlockNumber (instance, callback) { return api.subscribe('eth_blockNumber', (error, blockNumber) => { if (error) { console.error('blockNumber', error); return; } instance.totalSignatures .call() .then((totalSignatures) => { callback({ blockNumber, totalSignatures }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('totalSignatures', error); }); }); } export function attachEvents (contract, callback) { const blocks = { '0': {} }; let mined = []; let pending = []; let events = []; const options = { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'pending', limit: 50 }; return contract.subscribe('Registered', options, (error, _logs) => { if (error) { console.error('events', error); return; } const logs = _logs.map(logToEvent); mined = logs .filter((log) => log.state === 'mined') .map((log) => { const blockNumber = log.blockNumber.toString(); if (!blocks[blockNumber]) { blocks[blockNumber] = {}; getBlock(blockNumber).then((block) => { Object.assign(blocks[blockNumber], block); }); } return Object.assign(log, { block: blocks[blockNumber] }); }) .reverse() .concat(mined) .sort(sortEvents); pending = logs .filter((log) => log.state === 'pending') .reverse() .filter((event) => !pending.find((log) => log.params.method === event.params.method)) .concat(pending) .filter((event) => !mined.find((log) => log.params.method === event.params.method)) .sort(sortEvents); events = pending.concat(mined); callback({ events }); }); } export function getBlock (blockNumber) { return api.parity.getBlockHeaderByNumber(blockNumber); } export function callRegister (instance, id, options = {}) { return instance.register.call(options, [id]); } export function postRegister (instance, id, options = {}) { return api.parity .defaultAccount() .then((defaultAddress) => { options.from = defaultAddress; return instance.register.estimateGas(options, [id]); }) .then((gas) => { options.gas = gas.mul(1.2).toFixed(0); console.log('postRegister', `gas estimated at ${gas.toFormat(0)}, setting to ${gas.mul(1.2).toFormat(0)}`); instance.register.postTransaction(options, [id]); }); }