// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import sinon from 'sinon'; import Store from './store'; const TEST_HISTORY_URLA = 'http://testingA'; const TEST_HISTORY_URLB = 'http://testingB'; const TEST_HISTORY = { '': new Date(678), [TEST_HISTORY_URLA]: new Date(123), [TEST_HISTORY_URLB]: new Date(456) }; const TEST_TOKEN = 'testing-123'; const TEST_URL1 = 'http://some.test.domain.com'; const TEST_URL2 = 'http://something.different.com'; let api; let store; function createApi () { api = { dappsPort: 8545, dappsUrl: 'http://home.web3.site:8545', parity: { listRecentDapps: sinon.stub().resolves(TEST_HISTORY) }, signer: { generateWebProxyAccessToken: sinon.stub().resolves(TEST_TOKEN) } }; return api; } function create () { store = new Store(createApi()); return store; } describe('views/Web/Store', () => { beforeEach(() => { create(); }); describe('@action', () => { describe('gotoUrl', () => { it('uses the nextUrl when none specified', () => { store.setNextUrl('https://parity.io'); return store.gotoUrl().then(() => { expect(store.currentUrl).to.equal('https://parity.io'); }); }); it('adds https when no protocol', () => { return store.gotoUrl('google.com').then(() => { expect(store.currentUrl).to.equal('https://google.com'); }); }); }); describe('restoreUrl', () => { it('sets the nextUrl to the currentUrl', () => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); store.setNextUrl(TEST_URL2); store.restoreUrl(); expect(store.nextUrl).to.equal(TEST_URL1); }); }); describe('setCurrentUrl', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); }); it('sets the url', () => { expect(store.currentUrl).to.equal(TEST_URL1); }); }); describe('setHistory', () => { let history; beforeEach(() => { store.setHistory(TEST_HISTORY); history = store.history.peek(); }); it('sets the history', () => { expect(history.length).to.equal(2); }); it('adds hostname to entries', () => { expect(history[1].hostname).to.be.ok; }); it('removes hostname http prefixes', () => { expect(history[1].hostname.indexOf('http')).to.equal(-1); }); it('sorts the entries according to recently accessed', () => { expect(history[0].url).to.equal(TEST_HISTORY_URLB); expect(history[1].url).to.equal(TEST_HISTORY_URLA); }); }); describe('setLoading', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.setLoading(true); }); it('sets the loading state (true)', () => { expect(store.isLoading).to.be.true; }); it('sets the loading state (false)', () => { store.setLoading(false); expect(store.isLoading).to.be.false; }); }); describe('setNextUrl', () => { it('sets the url', () => { store.setNextUrl(TEST_URL1); expect(store.nextUrl).to.equal(TEST_URL1); }); }); describe('setToken', () => { it('sets the token', () => { store.setToken(TEST_TOKEN); expect(store.token).to.equal(TEST_TOKEN); }); }); }); describe('@computed', () => { describe('encodedUrl', () => { describe('encodedPath', () => { it('encodes current', () => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); expect(store.encodedPath).to.match( /http:\/\/home\.web3\.site:8545\/web\/DSTPRV1BD1T78W1T5WQQ6VVDCMQ78SBKEGQ68VVDC5MPWBK3DXPG\?t=[0-9]*$/ ); }); }); it('encodes current', () => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); expect(store.encodedUrl).to.match( /^http:\/\/DSTPRV1BD1T78W1T5WQQ6VVDCMQ78SBKEGQ68VVDC5MPWBK3DXPG\.web\.web3\.site:8545\?t=[0-9]*$/ ); }); }); describe('frameId', () => { it('creates an id', () => { expect(store.frameId).to.be.ok; }); }); describe('isPristine', () => { it('is true when current === next', () => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); store.setNextUrl(TEST_URL1); expect(store.isPristine).to.be.true; }); it('is false when current !== next', () => { store.setCurrentUrl(TEST_URL1); store.setNextUrl(TEST_URL2); expect(store.isPristine).to.be.false; }); }); }); describe('operations', () => { describe('generateToken', () => { beforeEach(() => { return store.generateToken(); }); it('calls signer_generateWebProxyAccessToken', () => { expect(api.signer.generateWebProxyAccessToken).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('sets the token as retrieved', () => { expect(store.token).to.equal(TEST_TOKEN); }); }); describe('loadHistory', () => { beforeEach(() => { return store.loadHistory(); }); it('calls parity_listRecentDapps', () => { expect(api.parity.listRecentDapps).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('sets the history as retrieved', () => { expect(store.history.peek().length).not.to.equal(0); }); }); }); });