## ethkey-cli Parity Ethereum keys generator. ### Usage ``` Parity Ethereum Keys Generator. Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. Usage: ethkey info [options] ethkey generate random [options] ethkey generate prefix [options] ethkey sign ethkey verify public ethkey verify address
ethkey recover
ethkey [-h | --help] Options: -h, --help Display this message and exit. -s, --secret Display only the secret key. -p, --public Display only the public key. -a, --address Display only the address. -b, --brain Use parity brain wallet algorithm. Not recommended. Commands: info Display public key and address of the secret. generate random Generates new random Ethereum key. generate prefix Random generation, but address must start with a prefix ("vanity address"). sign Sign message using a secret key. verify Verify signer of the signature by public key or address. recover Try to find brain phrase matching given address from partial phrase. ``` ### Examples #### `info ` *Display info about private key.* - `` - ethereum secret, 32 bytes long ``` ethkey info 17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55 ``` ``` secret: 17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55 public: 689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124 address: 26d1ec50b4e62c1d1a40d16e7cacc6a6580757d5 ``` -- #### `info --brain ` *Display info about private key generate from brain wallet recovery phrase.* - `` - Parity recovery phrase, 12 words ``` ethkey info --brain "this is sparta" ``` ``` The recover phrase was not generated by Parity: The word 'this' does not come from the dictionary. secret: aa22b54c0cb43ee30a014afe5ef3664b1cde299feabca46cd3167a85a57c39f2 public: c4c5398da6843632c123f543d714d2d2277716c11ff612b2a2f23c6bda4d6f0327c31cd58c55a9572c3cc141dade0c32747a13b7ef34c241b26c84adbb28fcf4 address: 006e27b6a72e1f34c626762f3c4761547aff1421 ``` -- #### `generate random` *Generate new keypair randomly.* ``` ethkey generate random ``` ``` secret: 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5 public: 35f222d88b80151857a2877826d940104887376a94c1cbd2c8c7c192eb701df88a18a4ecb8b05b1466c5b3706042027b5e079fe3a3683e66d822b0e047aa3418 address: a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e ``` -- #### `generate random --brain` *Generate new keypair with recovery phrase randomly.* ``` ethkey generate random --brain ``` ``` recovery phrase: thwarting scandal creamer nuzzle asparagus blast crouch trusting anytime elixir frenzied octagon secret: 001ce488d50d2f7579dc190c4655f32918d505cee3de63bddc7101bc91c0c2f0 public: 4e19a5fdae82596e1485c69b687c9cc52b5078e5b0668ef3ce8543cd90e712cb00df822489bc1f1dcb3623538a54476c7b3def44e1a51dc174e86448b63f42d0 address: 00cf3711cbd3a1512570639280758118ba0b2bcb ``` -- #### `generate prefix ` *Generate new keypair randomly with address starting with prefix.* - `` - desired address prefix, 0 - 32 bytes long. ``` ethkey generate prefix ff ``` ``` secret: 2075b1d9c124ea673de7273758ed6de14802a9da8a73ceb74533d7c312ff6acd public: 48dbce4508566a05509980a5dd1335599fcdac6f9858ba67018cecb9f09b8c4066dc4c18ae2722112fd4d9ac36d626793fffffb26071dfeb0c2300df994bd173 address: fff7e25dff2aa60f61f9d98130c8646a01f31649 ``` -- #### `generate prefix --brain ` *Generate new keypair with recovery phrase randomly with address starting with prefix.* - `` - desired address prefix, 0 - 32 bytes long. ``` ethkey generate prefix --brain 00cf ``` ``` recovery phrase: thwarting scandal creamer nuzzle asparagus blast crouch trusting anytime elixir frenzied octagon secret: 001ce488d50d2f7579dc190c4655f32918d505cee3de63bddc7101bc91c0c2f0 public: 4e19a5fdae82596e1485c69b687c9cc52b5078e5b0668ef3ce8543cd90e712cb00df822489bc1f1dcb3623538a54476c7b3def44e1a51dc174e86448b63f42d0 address: 00cf3711cbd3a1512570639280758118ba0b2bcb ``` -- #### `sign ` *Sign a message with a secret.* - `` - ethereum secret, 32 bytes long - `` - message to sign, 32 bytes long ``` ethkey sign 17d08f5fe8c77af811caa0c9a187e668ce3b74a99acc3f6d976f075fa8e0be55 bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987 ``` ``` c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200 ``` -- #### `verify public ` *Verify the signature.* - `` - ethereum public, 64 bytes long - `` - message signature, 65 bytes long - `` - message, 32 bytes long ``` ethkey verify public 689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124 c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200 bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987 ``` ``` true ``` -- #### `verify address
` *Verify the signature.* - `
` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `` - message signature, 65 bytes long - `` - message, 32 bytes long ``` ethkey verify address 689268c0ff57a20cd299fa60d3fb374862aff565b20b5f1767906a99e6e09f3ff04ca2b2a5cd22f62941db103c0356df1a8ed20ce322cab2483db67685afd124 c1878cf60417151c766a712653d26ef350c8c75393458b7a9be715f053215af63dfd3b02c2ae65a8677917a8efa3172acb71cb90196e42106953ea0363c5aaf200 bd50b7370c3f96733b31744c6c45079e7ae6c8d299613246d28ebcef507ec987 ``` ``` true ``` -- #### `recover
` *Try to recover an account given expected address and partial (too short or with invalid words) recovery phrase.* - `
` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long - `` - known phrase, can be in a form of `thwarting * creamer` ``` RUST_LOG="info" ethkey recover "00cf3711cbd3a1512570639280758118ba0b2bcb" "thwarting scandal creamer nuzzle asparagus blast crouch trusting anytime elixir frenzied octag" ``` ``` INFO:ethkey::brain_recover: Invalid word 'octag', looking for potential substitutions. INFO:ethkey::brain_recover: Closest words: ["ocean", "octagon", "octane", "outage", "tag", "acting", "acts", "aorta", "cage", "chug"] INFO:ethkey::brain_recover: Starting to test 7776 possible combinations. thwarting scandal creamer nuzzle asparagus blast crouch trusting anytime elixir frenzied octagon secret: 001ce488d50d2f7579dc190c4655f32918d505cee3de63bddc7101bc91c0c2f0 public: 4e19a5fdae82596e1485c69b687c9cc52b5078e5b0668ef3ce8543cd90e712cb00df822489bc1f1dcb3623538a54476c7b3def44e1a51dc174e86448b63f42d0 address: 00cf3711cbd3a1512570639280758118ba0b2bcb ``` ## Parity Ethereum toolchain _This project is a part of the Parity Ethereum toolchain._ - [evmbin](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/evmbin/) - EVM implementation for Parity Ethereum. - [ethabi](https://github.com/paritytech/ethabi) - Parity Ethereum function calls encoding. - [ethstore](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/ethstore) - Parity Ethereum key management. - [ethkey](https://github.com/paritytech/parity-ethereum/blob/master/accounts/ethkey) - Parity Ethereum keys generator. - [whisper](https://github.com/paritytech/whisper) - Implementation of Whisper-v2 PoC.