// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Transactions Confirmations rpc implementation use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use rlp::{UntrustedRlp, View}; use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider; use ethcore::client::MiningBlockChainClient; use ethcore::transaction::{SignedTransaction, PendingTransaction}; use ethcore::miner::MinerService; use jsonrpc_core::Error; use v1::traits::Signer; use v1::types::{TransactionModification, ConfirmationRequest, ConfirmationResponse, ConfirmationResponseWithToken, U256, Bytes}; use v1::helpers::{errors, SignerService, SigningQueue, ConfirmationPayload}; use v1::helpers::dispatch::{self, dispatch_transaction, WithToken}; /// Transactions confirmation (personal) rpc implementation. pub struct SignerClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService { signer: Weak, accounts: Weak, client: Weak, miner: Weak, } impl SignerClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService { /// Create new instance of signer client. pub fn new( store: &Arc, client: &Arc, miner: &Arc, signer: &Arc, ) -> Self { SignerClient { signer: Arc::downgrade(signer), accounts: Arc::downgrade(store), client: Arc::downgrade(client), miner: Arc::downgrade(miner), } } fn active(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO: only call every 30s at most. take_weak!(self.client).keep_alive(); Ok(()) } fn confirm_internal(&self, id: U256, modification: TransactionModification, f: F) -> Result, Error> where F: FnOnce(&C, &M, &AccountProvider, ConfirmationPayload) -> Result, Error>, { try!(self.active()); let id = id.into(); let accounts = take_weak!(self.accounts); let signer = take_weak!(self.signer); let client = take_weak!(self.client); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); signer.peek(&id).map(|confirmation| { let mut payload = confirmation.payload.clone(); // Modify payload if let ConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(ref mut request) = payload { if let Some(gas_price) = modification.gas_price { request.gas_price = gas_price.into(); } if let Some(gas) = modification.gas { request.gas = gas.into(); } if let Some(ref min_block) = modification.min_block { request.min_block = min_block.as_ref().and_then(|b| b.to_min_block_num()); } } let result = f(&*client, &*miner, &*accounts, payload); // Execute if let Ok(ref response) = result { signer.request_confirmed(id, Ok((*response).clone())); } result }).unwrap_or_else(|| Err(errors::invalid_params("Unknown RequestID", id))) } } impl Signer for SignerClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService { fn requests_to_confirm(&self) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let signer = take_weak!(self.signer); Ok(signer.requests() .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect() ) } // TODO [ToDr] TransactionModification is redundant for some calls // might be better to replace it in future fn confirm_request(&self, id: U256, modification: TransactionModification, pass: String) -> Result { self.confirm_internal(id, modification, move |client, miner, accounts, payload| { dispatch::execute(client, miner, accounts, payload, dispatch::SignWith::Password(pass)) }).map(|v| v.into_value()) } fn confirm_request_with_token(&self, id: U256, modification: TransactionModification, token: String) -> Result { self.confirm_internal(id, modification, move |client, miner, accounts, payload| { dispatch::execute(client, miner, accounts, payload, dispatch::SignWith::Token(token)) }).and_then(|v| match v { WithToken::No(_) => Err(errors::internal("Unexpected response without token.", "")), WithToken::Yes(response, token) => Ok(ConfirmationResponseWithToken { result: response, token: token, }), }) } fn confirm_request_raw(&self, id: U256, bytes: Bytes) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let id = id.into(); let signer = take_weak!(self.signer); let client = take_weak!(self.client); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); signer.peek(&id).map(|confirmation| { let result = match confirmation.payload { ConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(request) => { let signed_transaction: SignedTransaction = try!( UntrustedRlp::new(&bytes.0).as_val().map_err(errors::from_rlp_error) ); let sender = try!( signed_transaction.sender().map_err(|e| errors::invalid_params("Invalid signature.", e)) ); // Verification let sender_matches = sender == request.from; let data_matches = signed_transaction.data == request.data; let value_matches = signed_transaction.value == request.value; let nonce_matches = match request.nonce { Some(nonce) => signed_transaction.nonce == nonce, None => true, }; // Dispatch if everything is ok if sender_matches && data_matches && value_matches && nonce_matches { let pending_transaction = PendingTransaction::new(signed_transaction, request.min_block); dispatch_transaction(&*client, &*miner, pending_transaction) .map(Into::into) .map(ConfirmationResponse::SendTransaction) } else { let mut error = Vec::new(); if !sender_matches { error.push("from") } if !data_matches { error.push("data") } if !value_matches { error.push("value") } if !nonce_matches { error.push("nonce") } Err(errors::invalid_params("Sent transaction does not match the request.", error)) } }, // TODO [ToDr]: // 1. Sign - verify signature // 2. Decrypt - pass through? _ => Err(errors::unimplemented(Some("Non-transaction requests does not support RAW signing yet.".into()))), }; if let Ok(ref response) = result { signer.request_confirmed(id, Ok(response.clone())); } result }).unwrap_or_else(|| Err(errors::invalid_params("Unknown RequestID", id))) } fn reject_request(&self, id: U256) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let signer = take_weak!(self.signer); let res = signer.request_rejected(id.into()); Ok(res.is_some()) } fn generate_token(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let signer = take_weak!(self.signer); signer.generate_token() .map_err(|e| errors::token(e)) } }