# Security Policy Parity Technologies is committed to resolving security vulnerabilities in our software quickly and carefully. We take the necessary steps to minimize risk, provide timely information, and deliver vulnerability fixes and mitigations required to address security issues. ## Reporting a Vulnerability Security vulnerabilities in Parity software should be reported by email to security@parity.io. If you think your report might be eligible for the Parity Bug Bounty Program, your email should be send to bugbounty@parity.io. Your report should include the following: - your name - description of the vulnerability - attack scenario (if any) - components - reproduction - other details Try to include as much information in your report as you can, including a description of the vulnerability, its potential impact, and steps for reproducing it. Be sure to use a descriptive subject line. You'll receive a response to your email within two business days indicating the next steps in handling your report. We encourage finders to use encrypted communication channels to protect the confidentiality of vulnerability reports. You can encrypt your report using our public key. This key is [on MIT's key server](https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5D0F03018D07DE73) server and reproduced below. After the initial reply to your report, our team will endeavor to keep you informed of the progress being made towards a fix. These updates will be sent at least every five business days. Thank you for taking the time to responsibly disclose any vulnerabilities you find. ## Responsible Investigation and Reporting Responsible investigation and reporting includes, but isn't limited to, the following: - Don't violate the privacy of other users, destroy data, etc. - Don’t defraud or harm Parity Technologies Ltd or its users during your research; you should make a good faith effort to not interrupt or degrade our services. - Don't target our physical security measures, or attempt to use social engineering, spam, distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, etc. - Initially report the bug only to us and not to anyone else. - Give us a reasonable amount of time to fix the bug before disclosing it to anyone else, and give us adequate written warning before disclosing it to anyone else. - In general, please investigate and report bugs in a way that makes a reasonable, good faith effort not to be disruptive or harmful to us or our users. Otherwise your actions might be interpreted as an attack rather than an effort to be helpful. ## Bug Bounty Program Our Bug Bounty Program allows us to recognise and reward members of the Parity community for helping us find and address significant bugs, in accordance with the terms of the Parity Bug Bounty Program. A detailed description on eligibility, rewards, legal information and terms & conditions for contributors can be found on [our website](https://paritytech.io/bug-bounty.html). ## Plaintext PGP Key ``` -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQENBFlyIAwBCACe0keNPjgYzZ1Oy/8t3zj/Qw9bHHqrzx7FWy8NbXnYBM19NqOZ DIP7Oe0DvCaf/uruBskCS0iVstHlEFQ2AYe0Ei0REt9lQdy61GylU/DEB3879IG+ 6FO0SnFeYeerv1/hFI2K6uv8v7PyyVDiiJSW0I1KIs2OBwJicTKmWxLAeQsRgx9G yRGalrVk4KP+6pWTA7k3DxmDZKZyfYV/Ej10NtuzmsemwDbv98HKeomp/kgFOfSy 3AZjeCpctlsNqpjUuXa0/HudmH2WLxZ0fz8XeoRh8XM9UudNIecjrDqmAFrt/btQ /3guvlzhFCdhYPVGsUusKMECk/JG+Xx1/1ZjABEBAAG0LFBhcml0eSBTZWN1cml0 eSBDb250YWN0IDxzZWN1cml0eUBwYXJpdHkuaW8+iQFUBBMBCAA+FiEE2uUVYCjP N6B8aTiDXQ8DAY0H3nMFAllyIAwCGwMFCQPCZwAFCwkIBwIGFQgJCgsCBBYCAwEC HgECF4AACgkQXQ8DAY0H3nM60wgAkS3A36Zc+upiaxU7tumcGv+an17j7gin0sif +0ELSjVfrXInM6ovai+NhUdcLkJ7tCrKS90fvlaELK5Sg9CXBWCTFccKN4A/B7ey rOg2NPXUecnyBB/XqQgKYH7ujYlOlqBDXMfz6z8Hj6WToxg9PPMGGomyMGh8AWxM 3yRPFs5RKt0VKgN++5N00oly5Y8ri5pgCidDvCLYMGTVDHFKwkuc9w6BlWlu1R1e /hXFWUFAP1ffTAul3QwyKhjPn2iotCdxXjvt48KaU8DN4iL7aMBN/ZBKqGS7yRdF D/JbJyaaJ0ZRvFSTSXy/sWY3z1B5mtCPBxco8hqqNfRkCwuZ6LkBDQRZciAMAQgA 8BP8xrwe12TOUTqL/Vrbxv/FLdhKh53J6TrPKvC2TEEKOrTNo5ahRq+XOS5E7G2N x3b+fq8gR9BzFcldAx0XWUtGs/Wv++ulaSNqTBxj13J3G3WGsUfMKxRgj//piCUD bCFLQfGZdKk0M1o9QkPVARwwmvCNiNB/l++xGqPtfc44H5jWj3GoGvL2MkShPzrN yN/bJ+m+R5gtFGdInqa5KXBuxxuW25eDKJ+LzjbgUgeC76wNcfOiQHTdMkcupjdO bbGFwo10hcbRAOcZEv6//Zrlmk/6nPxEd2hN20St2bSN0+FqfZ267mWEu3ejsgF8 ArdCpv5h4fBvJyNwiTZwIQARAQABiQE8BBgBCAAmFiEE2uUVYCjPN6B8aTiDXQ8D AY0H3nMFAllyIAwCGwwFCQPCZwAACgkQXQ8DAY0H3nNisggAl4fqhRlA34wIb190 sqXHVxiCuzPaqS6krE9xAa1+gncX485OtcJNqnjugHm2rFE48lv7oasviuPXuInE /OgVFnXYv9d/Xx2JUeDs+bFTLouCDRY2Unh7KJZasfqnMcCHWcxHx5FvRNZRssaB WTZVo6sizPurGUtbpYe4/OLFhadBqAE0EUmVRFEUMc1YTnu4eLaRBzoWN4d2UWwi LN25RSrVSke7LTSFbgn9ntQrQ2smXSR+cdNkkfRCjFcpUaecvFl9HwIqoyVbT4Ym 0hbpbbX/cJdc91tKa+psa29uMeGL/cgL9fAu19yNFRyOTMxjZnvql1X/WE1pLmoP ETBD1Q== =K9Qw -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ```