// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . use super::{test_common::*, HookType}; use client::{EvmTestClient, EvmTestError, TransactErr, TransactSuccess}; use ethjson; use pod_state::PodState; use std::path::Path; use trace; use types::transaction::SignedTransaction; use vm::EnvInfo; fn skip_test( test: ðjson::test::StateTests, subname: &str, chain: &String, number: usize, ) -> bool { trace!(target: "json-tests", "[state, skip_test] subname: '{}', chain: '{}', number: {}", subname, chain, number); test.skip.iter().any(|state_test| { if let Some(subtest) = state_test.names.get(subname) { trace!(target: "json-tests", "[state, skip_test] Maybe skipping {:?}", subtest); chain == &subtest.chain && (subtest.subnumbers[0] == "*" || subtest.subnumbers.contains(&number.to_string())) } else { false } }) } pub fn json_chain_test( state_test: ðjson::test::StateTests, path: &Path, json_data: &[u8], start_stop_hook: &mut H, ) -> Vec { let _ = ::env_logger::try_init(); let tests = ethjson::state::test::Test::load(json_data).expect(&format!( "Could not parse JSON state test data from {}", path.display() )); let mut failed = Vec::new(); for (name, test) in tests.into_iter() { if !super::debug_include_test(&name) { continue; } start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStart); { let multitransaction = test.transaction; let env: EnvInfo = test.env.into(); let pre: PodState = test.pre_state.into(); for (spec_name, states) in test.post_states { let total = states.len(); let spec = match EvmTestClient::spec_from_json(&spec_name) { Some(spec) => spec, None => { panic!( "Unimplemented chainspec '{:?}' in test '{}'", spec_name, name ); } }; for (i, state) in states.into_iter().enumerate() { let info = format!( " - state: {} | {:?} ({}/{}) ...", name, spec_name, i + 1, total ); if skip_test(&state_test, &name, &spec.name, i + 1) { println!("{}: SKIPPED", info); continue; } let post_root: H256 = state.hash.into(); let transaction: SignedTransaction = multitransaction.select(&state.indexes).into(); let result = || -> Result<_, EvmTestError> { Ok(EvmTestClient::from_pod_state(&spec, pre.clone())?.transact( &env, transaction, trace::NoopTracer, trace::NoopVMTracer, )) }; match result() { Err(err) => { println!("{} !!! Unexpected internal error: {:?}", info, err); flushln!("{} fail", info); failed.push(name.clone()); } Ok(Ok(TransactSuccess { state_root, .. })) if state_root != post_root => { println!( "{} !!! State mismatch (got: {}, expect: {}", info, state_root, post_root ); flushln!("{} fail", info); failed.push(name.clone()); } Ok(Err(TransactErr { state_root, ref error, .. })) if state_root != post_root => { println!( "{} !!! State mismatch (got: {}, expect: {}", info, state_root, post_root ); println!("{} !!! Execution error: {:?}", info, error); flushln!("{} fail", info); failed.push(name.clone()); } Ok(Err(TransactErr { error, .. })) => { flushln!("{} ok ({:?})", info, error); } Ok(_) => { flushln!("{} ok", info); } } } } } start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStop); } failed }