// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . use ethereum_types::{H256, U64}; use ethkey::{public_to_address, recover, Signature}; use hash::keccak; use jsonrpc_core::Result; use v1::{ helpers::{dispatch::eth_data_hash, errors}, types::{Bytes, RecoveredAccount}, }; /// helper method for parity_verifySignature pub fn verify_signature( is_prefixed: bool, message: Bytes, r: H256, s: H256, v: U64, chain_id: Option, ) -> Result { let hash = if is_prefixed { eth_data_hash(message.0) } else { keccak(message.0) }; let v = v.as_u64(); let is_valid_for_current_chain = match (chain_id, v) { (None, v) if v == 0 || v == 1 => true, (Some(chain_id), v) if v >= 35 => (v - 35) / 2 == chain_id, _ => false, }; let v = if v >= 35 { (v - 1) % 2 } else { v }; let signature = Signature::from_rsv(&r, &s, v as u8); let public_key = recover(&signature, &hash).map_err(errors::encryption)?; let address = public_to_address(&public_key); Ok(RecoveredAccount { address, public_key, is_valid_for_current_chain, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use ethereum_types::{H160, U64}; use ethkey::Generator; pub fn add_chain_replay_protection(v: u64, chain_id: Option) -> u64 { v + if let Some(n) = chain_id { 35 + n * 2 } else { 0 } } struct TestCase { should_prefix: bool, signing_chain_id: Option, rpc_chain_id: Option, is_valid_for_current_chain: bool, } /// mocked signer fn sign( should_prefix: bool, data: Vec, signing_chain_id: Option, ) -> (H160, [u8; 32], [u8; 32], U64) { let hash = if should_prefix { eth_data_hash(data) } else { keccak(data) }; let account = ethkey::Random.generate().unwrap(); let address = account.address(); let sig = ethkey::sign(account.secret(), &hash).unwrap(); let (r, s, v) = (sig.r(), sig.s(), sig.v()); let v = add_chain_replay_protection(v as u64, signing_chain_id); let (r_buf, s_buf) = { let (mut r_buf, mut s_buf) = ([0u8; 32], [0u8; 32]); r_buf.copy_from_slice(r); s_buf.copy_from_slice(s); (r_buf, s_buf) }; (address.into(), r_buf, s_buf, v.into()) } fn run_test(test_case: TestCase) { let TestCase { should_prefix, signing_chain_id, rpc_chain_id, is_valid_for_current_chain, } = test_case; let data = vec![5u8]; let (address, r, s, v) = sign(should_prefix, data.clone(), signing_chain_id); let account = verify_signature( should_prefix, data.into(), r.into(), s.into(), v, rpc_chain_id, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(account.address, address.into()); assert_eq!( account.is_valid_for_current_chain, is_valid_for_current_chain ) } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_prefixed_mainnet() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: true, signing_chain_id: Some(1), rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: true, }) } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_not_prefixed_mainnet() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: false, signing_chain_id: Some(1), rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: true, }) } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_incompatible_chain_id() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: false, signing_chain_id: Some(65), rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: true, signing_chain_id: Some(65), rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_no_signing_chain_id() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: false, signing_chain_id: None, rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: true, signing_chain_id: None, rpc_chain_id: Some(1), is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_no_rpc_chain_id() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: false, signing_chain_id: Some(1), rpc_chain_id: None, is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: true, signing_chain_id: Some(1), rpc_chain_id: None, is_valid_for_current_chain: false, }); } #[test] fn test_verify_signature_no_chain_replay_protection() { run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: false, signing_chain_id: None, rpc_chain_id: None, is_valid_for_current_chain: true, }); run_test(TestCase { should_prefix: true, signing_chain_id: None, rpc_chain_id: None, is_valid_for_current_chain: true, }); } }