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## Table of Contents 1. [Description](#chapter-001) 2. [Technical Overview](#chapter-002) 3. [Building](#chapter-003)* Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Client Application ```bash parity-ethereum ``` * Parity Ethereum Account Management, Key Management Tool, and Keys Generator ```bash ethcore-accounts, ethkey-cli, ethstore, ethstore-cli ``` * Parity Chain Specification ```bash chainspec ``` * Parity CLI Signer Tool & RPC Client ```bash cli-signer parity-rpc-client ``` * Parity Ethereum Ethash & ProgPoW Implementations ```bash ethash ``` * Parity (EthCore) Library ```bash ethcore ``` * Parity Ethereum Blockchain Database, Test Generator, Configuration, Caching, Importing Blocks, and Block Information ```bash ethcore-blockchain ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Contract Calls and Blockchain Service & Registry Information ```bash ethcore-call-contract ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Database Access & Utilities, Database Cache Manager ```bash ethcore-db ``` * Parity Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Rust Implementation ```bash evm ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Light Client Implementation ```bash ethcore-light ``` * Parity Smart Contract based Node Filter, Manage Permissions of Network Connections ```bash node-filter ``` * Parity Private Transactions ```bash ethcore-private-tx ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Client & Network Service Creation & Registration with the I/O Subsystem ```bash ethcore-service ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Blockchain Synchronization ```bash ethcore-sync ``` * Parity Ethereum Common Types ```bash common-types ``` * Parity Ethereum Virtual Machines (VM) Support Library ```bash vm ``` * Parity Ethereum WASM Interpreter ```bash wasm ``` * Parity Ethereum WASM Test Runner ```bash pwasm-run-test ``` * Parity EVM Implementation ```bash evmbin ``` * Parity Ethereum IPFS-compatible API ```bash parity-ipfs-api ``` * Parity Ethereum JSON Deserialization ```bash ethjson ``` * Parity Ethereum State Machine Generalization for Consensus Engines ```bash parity-machine ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Miner Interface ```bash ethcore-miner parity-local-store price-info ethcore-stratum using_queue ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Logger Implementation ```bash ethcore-logger ``` * C bindings library for the Parity Ethereum client ```bash parity-clib ``` * Parity Ethereum JSON-RPC Servers ```bash parity-rpc ``` * Parity Ethereum (EthCore) Secret Store ```bash ethcore-secretstore ``` * Parity Updater Service ```bash parity-updater parity-hash-fetch ``` * Parity Core Libraries (Parity Util) ```bash ethcore-bloom-journal blooms-db dir eip-712 fake-fetch fastmap fetch ethcore-io journaldb keccak-hasher len-caching-lock macros memory-cache memzero migration-rocksdb ethcore-network ethcore-network-devp2p panic_hook patricia-trie-ethereum registrar rlp_compress rlp_derive parity-runtime stats time-utils triehash-ethereum unexpected parity-version ``` * Parity Whisper Protocol Implementation ```bash parity-whisper whisper-cli ```