// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . export default { accountDetails: { address: { hint: `账户地址`, label: `地址` }, name: { hint: `描述账户的名字`, label: `账户名` }, phrase: { hint: `账户恢复词`, label: `账户恢复词(安全保存,别人拥有它就可以完全控制你的账户)` } }, accountDetailsGeth: { imported: `你已经从Geth keystore导入了{number}个地址` }, button: { back: `返回`, cancel: `取消`, close: `关闭`, create: `创建`, import: `导入`, next: `下一步`, print: `打印恢复词` }, creationType: { fromGeth: { label: `从Geth keystore导入账户` }, fromJSON: { label: `从JSON文件导入账户` }, fromNew: { label: `手动创建新账户` }, fromPhrase: { label: `通过恢复词恢复账户` }, fromPresale: { label: `从以太坊预售钱包导入账户` }, fromRaw: { label: `导入私钥` } }, newAccount: { hint: { hint: `(可选)帮助你记住密码的提示`, label: `密码提示` }, name: { hint: `描述账户的名字`, label: `账户名` }, password: { hint: `足够强的密码`, label: `密码` }, password2: { hint: `确认你的密码`, label: `再次输入密码` } }, newGeth: { noKeys: `现在Geth keystore中没有可导入的私钥` }, newImport: { file: { hint: `要导入的钱包文件`, label: `钱包文件` }, hint: { hint: `(可选)帮助你记住密码的提示`, label: `密码提示` }, name: { hint: `描述账户的名字`, label: `账户名` }, password: { hint: `输入密码,解锁钱包`, label: `密码` } }, rawKey: { hint: { hint: `(可选)帮助你记住密码的提示`, label: `密码提示` }, name: { hint: `描述账户的名字`, label: `账户名` }, password: { hint: `足够强的密码`, label: `密码` }, password2: { hint: `确认密码`, label: `再次输入密码` }, private: { hint: `原始的十六进制编码私钥`, label: `私钥` } }, recoveryPhrase: { hint: { hint: `(可选)帮助你记住密码的提示`, label: `密码提示` }, name: { hint: `描述账户的名字`, label: `账户名` }, password: { hint: `足够强的密码`, label: `密码` }, password2: { hint: `确认密码`, label: `再次输入密码` }, phrase: { hint: `账户恢复词`, label: `账户恢复词` }, windowsKey: { label: `在Windows系统上由Parity 1.4.5以前的版本创建的私钥` } }, title: { accountInfo: `账户信息`, createAccount: `创建账户`, createType: `创建类型`, importWallet: `导入钱包` } };