// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import { api } from '../../parity'; import AddressSelect from '../../AddressSelect'; import Container from '../../Container'; import styles from './deployment.css'; const ERRORS = { name: 'specify a valid name >2 & <32 characters', tla: 'specify a valid TLA, 3 characters in length', usedtla: 'the TLA used is not available for registration', supply: 'supply needs to be valid >999 & <1 trillion' }; export default class Deployment extends Component { static contextTypes = { accounts: PropTypes.object.isRequired, router: PropTypes.object.isRequired, managerInstance: PropTypes.object.isRequired, registryInstance: PropTypes.object.isRequired, tokenregInstance: PropTypes.object.isRequired } state = { base: null, deployBusy: false, deployDone: false, deployError: null, deployState: null, globalReg: false, globalFee: 0, globalFeeText: '1.000', fromAddress: null, name: '', nameError: ERRORS.name, tla: '', tlaError: ERRORS.tla, totalSupply: '5000000', totalSupplyError: null, signerRequestId: null, txHash: null } componentDidMount () { const { managerInstance, tokenregInstance } = this.context; Promise .all([ managerInstance.base.call(), tokenregInstance.fee.call() ]) .then(([base, globalFee]) => { this.setState({ base, baseText: base.toFormat(0), globalFee, globalFeeText: api.util.fromWei(globalFee).toFormat(3) }); }); } render () { const { deployBusy } = this.state; return deployBusy ? this.renderDeploying() : this.renderForm(); } renderDeploying () { const { deployDone, deployError, deployState } = this.state; if (deployDone) { return (
Your token has been deployed
); } if (deployError) { return (
Your deployment has encountered an error
{ deployError }
); } return (
Your token is currently being deployed to the network
{ deployState }
); } renderForm () { const { accounts } = this.context; const { baseText, name, nameError, tla, tlaError, totalSupply, totalSupplyError } = this.state; const hasError = !!(nameError || tlaError || totalSupplyError); const error = `${styles.input} ${styles.error}`; const addresses = Object.keys(accounts).filter((address) => accounts[address].uuid); //
// // //
// register on network (fee: { globalFeeText }ETH) //
return (
the owner account to eploy from
{ nameError || 'an identifying name for the token' }
{ tlaError || 'unique network acronym for this token' }
{ totalSupplyError || `number of tokens (base: ${baseText})` }
); } onChangeFrom = (event) => { const fromAddress = event.target.value; this.setState({ fromAddress }); } onChangeName = (event) => { const name = event.target.value; const nameError = name && (name.length > 2) && (name.length < 32) ? null : ERRORS.name; this.setState({ name, nameError }); } onChangeRegistrar = (event) => { this.setState({ globalReg: event.target.value === 'yes' }, this.testTlaAvailability); } onChangeSupply = (event) => { const totalSupply = parseInt(event.target.value, 10); const totalSupplyError = isFinite(totalSupply) && totalSupply > 999 ? null : ERRORS.supply; this.setState({ totalSupply, totalSupplyError }); } onChangeTla = (event) => { const _tla = event.target.value; const tla = _tla && (_tla.length > 3) ? _tla.substr(0, 3) : _tla; const tlaError = tla && (tla.length === 3) ? null : ERRORS.tla; this.setState({ tla, tlaError }, this.testTlaAvailability); } testTlaAvailability = () => { const { registryInstance, tokenregInstance } = this.context; const { globalReg, tla, tlaError } = this.state; const tokenreg = globalReg ? tokenregInstance : registryInstance; if (tlaError && tlaError !== ERRORS.usedtla) { return; } tokenreg .fromTLA.call({}, [tla]) .then(([id, addr, base, name, owner]) => { if (owner !== '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { this.setState({ tlaError: ERRORS.usedtla }); } else if (tlaError === ERRORS.usedtla) { this.setState({ tlaError: null }); } }) .catch((error) => { console.log('testTlaAvailability', error); }); } onDeploy = () => { const { managerInstance, registryInstance, tokenregInstance } = this.context; const { base, deployBusy, fromAddress, globalReg, globalFee, name, nameError, tla, tlaError, totalSupply, totalSupplyError } = this.state; const hasError = !!(nameError || tlaError || totalSupplyError); if (hasError || deployBusy) { return; } const tokenreg = (globalReg ? tokenregInstance : registryInstance).address; const values = [base.mul(totalSupply), tla, name, tokenreg]; const options = { from: fromAddress, value: globalReg ? globalFee : 0 }; this.setState({ deployBusy: true, deployState: 'Estimating gas for the transaction' }); managerInstance .deploy.estimateGas(options, values) .then((gas) => { this.setState({ deployState: 'Gas estimated, Posting transaction to the network' }); const gasPassed = gas.mul(1.2); options.gas = gasPassed.toFixed(0); console.log(`gas estimated at ${gas.toFormat(0)}, passing ${gasPassed.toFormat(0)}`); return managerInstance.deploy.postTransaction(options, values); }) .then((signerRequestId) => { this.setState({ signerRequestId, deployState: 'Transaction posted, Waiting for transaction authorization' }); return api.pollMethod('eth_checkRequest', signerRequestId); }) .then((txHash) => { this.setState({ txHash, deployState: 'Transaction authorized, Waiting for network confirmations' }); return api.pollMethod('eth_getTransactionReceipt', txHash, (receipt) => { if (!receipt || !receipt.blockNumber || receipt.blockNumber.eq(0)) { return false; } return true; }); }) .then((txReceipt) => { this.setState({ txReceipt, deployDone: true, deployState: 'Network confirmed, Received transaction receipt' }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('onDeploy', error); this.setState({ deployError: error.message }); }); } }