// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { api } from '../parity'; import { attachInterface } from '../services'; import Button from '../Button'; import IdentityIcon from '../IdentityIcon'; import Loading from '../Loading'; import styles from './application.css'; const INVALID_URL_HASH = '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'; const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; export default class Application extends Component { state = { fromAddress: null, loading: true, url: '', urlError: null, commit: '', commitError: null, contentHash: '', contentHashError: null, contentHashOwner: null, registerBusy: false, registerError: null, registerState: '', registerType: 'file' } componentDidMount () { attachInterface() .then((state) => { this.setState(state, () => { this.setState({ loading: false }); }); }); } render () { const { loading } = this.state; return loading ? this.renderLoading() : this.renderPage(); } renderLoading () { return ( ); } renderPage () { const { fromAddress, registerBusy, url, urlError, contentHash, contentHashError, contentHashOwner, commit, commitError, registerType, repo, repoError } = this.state; let hashClass = null; if (contentHashError) { hashClass = contentHashOwner !== fromAddress ? styles.hashError : styles.hashWarning; } else { hashClass = styles.hashOk; } let valueInputs = null; if (registerType === 'content') { valueInputs = [
]; } else { valueInputs = (
); } return (
Provide a valid URL to register. The content information can be used in other contracts that allows for reverse lookups, e.g. image registries, dapp registries, etc.
{ valueInputs }
{ contentHashError || contentHash }
{ registerBusy ? this.renderProgress() : this.renderButtons() }
); } renderButtons () { const { accounts, fromAddress, urlError, repoError, commitError, contentHashError, contentHashOwner } = this.state; const account = accounts[fromAddress]; return (
); } renderProgress () { const { registerError, registerState } = this.state; if (registerError) { return (
Your registration has encountered an error
{ registerError }
); } return (
Your URL is being registered
{ registerState }
); } onClickTypeNormal = () => { const { url } = this.state; this.setState({ registerType: 'file', commitError: null, repoError: null }, () => { this.onChangeUrl({ target: { value: url } }); }); } onClickTypeContent = () => { const { repo, commit } = this.state; this.setState({ registerType: 'content', urlError: null }, () => { this.onChangeRepo({ target: { value: repo } }); this.onChangeCommit({ target: { value: commit } }); }); } onChangeCommit = (event) => { const commit = event.target.value; const commitError = null; // TODO: field validation this.setState({ commit, commitError, contentHashError: 'hash lookup in progress' }, () => { const { repo } = this.state; this.lookupHash(`https://codeload.github.com/${repo}/zip/${commit}`); }); } onChangeRepo = (event) => { let repo = event.target.value; const repoError = null; // TODO: field validation if (!repoError) { repo = repo.replace('https://github.com/', ''); } this.setState({ repo, repoError, contentHashError: 'hash lookup in progress' }, () => { const { commit } = this.state; this.lookupHash(`https://codeload.github.com/${repo}/zip/${commit}`); }); } onChangeUrl = (event) => { let url = event.target.value; const urlError = null; // TODO: field validation if (!urlError) { const parts = url.split('/'); if (parts[2] === 'github.com' || parts[2] === 'raw.githubusercontent.com') { url = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${parts.slice(3).join('/')}`.replace('/blob/', '/'); } } this.setState({ url, urlError, contentHashError: 'hash lookup in progress' }, () => { this.lookupHash(url); }); } onClickRegister = () => { const { commit, commitError, contentHashError, contentHashOwner, fromAddress, url, urlError, registerType, repo, repoError } = this.state; // TODO: No errors are currently set, validation to be expanded and added for each // field (query is fast to pick up the issues, so not burning atm) if ((contentHashError && contentHashOwner !== fromAddress) || repoError || urlError || commitError) { return; } if (registerType === 'file') { this.registerUrl(url); } else { this.registerContent(repo, commit); } } trackRequest (promise) { return promise .then((signerRequestId) => { this.setState({ signerRequestId, registerState: 'Transaction posted, Waiting for transaction authorization' }); return api.pollMethod('eth_checkRequest', signerRequestId); }) .then((txHash) => { this.setState({ txHash, registerState: 'Transaction authorized, Waiting for network confirmations' }); return api.pollMethod('eth_getTransactionReceipt', txHash, (receipt) => { if (!receipt || !receipt.blockNumber || receipt.blockNumber.eq(0)) { return false; } return true; }); }) .then((txReceipt) => { this.setState({ txReceipt, registerBusy: false, registerState: 'Network confirmed, Received transaction receipt', url: '', commit: '', commitError: null, contentHash: '', contentHashOwner: null, contentHashError: null }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('onSend', error); this.setState({ registerError: error.message }); }); } registerContent (repo, commit) { const { contentHash, fromAddress, instance } = this.state; this.setState({ registerBusy: true, registerState: 'Estimating gas for the transaction' }); const values = [contentHash, repo, commit]; const options = { from: fromAddress }; this.trackRequest( instance .hint.estimateGas(options, values) .then((gas) => { this.setState({ registerState: 'Gas estimated, Posting transaction to the network' }); const gasPassed = gas.mul(1.2); options.gas = gasPassed.toFixed(0); console.log(`gas estimated at ${gas.toFormat(0)}, passing ${gasPassed.toFormat(0)}`); return instance.hint.postTransaction(options, values); }) ); } registerUrl (url) { const { contentHash, fromAddress, instance } = this.state; this.setState({ registerBusy: true, registerState: 'Estimating gas for the transaction' }); const values = [contentHash, url]; const options = { from: fromAddress }; this.trackRequest( instance .hintURL.estimateGas(options, values) .then((gas) => { this.setState({ registerState: 'Gas estimated, Posting transaction to the network' }); const gasPassed = gas.mul(1.2); options.gas = gasPassed.toFixed(0); console.log(`gas estimated at ${gas.toFormat(0)}, passing ${gasPassed.toFormat(0)}`); return instance.hintURL.postTransaction(options, values); }) ); } onSelectFromAddress = () => { const { accounts, fromAddress } = this.state; const addresses = Object.keys(accounts); let index = 0; addresses.forEach((address, _index) => { if (address === fromAddress) { index = _index; } }); index++; if (index >= addresses.length) { index = 0; } this.setState({ fromAddress: addresses[index] }); } lookupHash (url) { const { instance } = this.state; if (!url || !url.length) { return; } console.log(`lookupHash ${url}`); api.ethcore .hashContent(url) .then((contentHash) => { console.log('lookupHash', contentHash); if (contentHash === INVALID_URL_HASH) { this.setState({ contentHashError: 'invalid url endpoint', contentHash: null }); return; } instance.entries .call({}, [contentHash]) .then(([accountSlashRepo, commit, contentHashOwner]) => { console.log('lookupHash', accountSlashRepo, api.util.bytesToHex(commit), contentHashOwner); if (contentHashOwner !== ZERO_ADDRESS) { this.setState({ contentHashError: contentHash, contentHashOwner, contentHash }); } else { this.setState({ contentHashError: null, contentHashOwner, contentHash }); } }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('lookupHash', error); this.setState({ contentHashError: error.message, contentHash: null }); }); } }