// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Router implementation //! Processes request handling authorization and dispatching it to proper application. pub mod auth; mod host_validation; use signer_address; use std::sync::Arc; use std::collections::HashMap; use url::{Url, Host}; use hyper::{self, server, Next, Encoder, Decoder, Control, StatusCode}; use hyper::net::HttpStream; use apps::{self, DAPPS_DOMAIN}; use apps::fetcher::ContentFetcher; use endpoint::{Endpoint, Endpoints, EndpointPath}; use handlers::{Redirection, extract_url, ContentHandler}; use self::auth::{Authorization, Authorized}; /// Special endpoints are accessible on every domain (every dapp) #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)] pub enum SpecialEndpoint { Rpc, Api, Utils, None, } pub struct Router { control: Option, signer_port: Option, endpoints: Arc, fetch: Arc, special: Arc>>, authorization: Arc, allowed_hosts: Option>, handler: Box + Send>, } impl server::Handler for Router { fn on_request(&mut self, req: server::Request) -> Next { // Choose proper handler depending on path / domain let url = extract_url(&req); let endpoint = extract_endpoint(&url); let is_utils = endpoint.1 == SpecialEndpoint::Utils; trace!(target: "dapps", "Routing request to {:?}. Details: {:?}", url, req); // Validate Host header if let Some(ref hosts) = self.allowed_hosts { trace!(target: "dapps", "Validating host headers against: {:?}", hosts); let is_valid = is_utils || host_validation::is_valid(&req, hosts, self.endpoints.keys().cloned().collect()); if !is_valid { debug!(target: "dapps", "Rejecting invalid host header."); self.handler = host_validation::host_invalid_response(); return self.handler.on_request(req); } } trace!(target: "dapps", "Checking authorization."); // Check authorization let auth = self.authorization.is_authorized(&req); if let Authorized::No(handler) = auth { debug!(target: "dapps", "Authorization denied."); self.handler = handler; return self.handler.on_request(req); } let control = self.control.take().expect("on_request is called only once; control is always defined at start; qed"); debug!(target: "dapps", "Handling endpoint request: {:?}", endpoint); self.handler = match endpoint { // First check special endpoints (ref path, ref endpoint) if self.special.contains_key(endpoint) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resolving to special endpoint."); self.special.get(endpoint) .expect("special known to contain key; qed") .to_async_handler(path.clone().unwrap_or_default(), control) }, // Then delegate to dapp (Some(ref path), _) if self.endpoints.contains_key(&path.app_id) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resolving to local/builtin dapp."); self.endpoints.get(&path.app_id) .expect("special known to contain key; qed") .to_async_handler(path.clone(), control) }, // Try to resolve and fetch the dapp (Some(ref path), _) if self.fetch.contains(&path.app_id) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resolving to fetchable content."); self.fetch.to_async_handler(path.clone(), control) }, // NOTE [todr] /home is redirected to home page since some users may have the redirection cached // (in the past we used 301 instead of 302) // It should be safe to remove it in (near) future. // // 404 for non-existent content (Some(ref path), _) if *req.method() == hyper::Method::Get && path.app_id != "home" => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resolving to 404."); Box::new(ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::NotFound, "404 Not Found", "Requested content was not found.", None, self.signer_port, )) }, // Redirect any other GET request to signer. _ if *req.method() == hyper::Method::Get => { if let Some(port) = self.signer_port { trace!(target: "dapps", "Redirecting to signer interface."); Redirection::boxed(&format!("http://{}", signer_address(port))) } else { trace!(target: "dapps", "Signer disabled, returning 404."); Box::new(ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::NotFound, "404 Not Found", "Your homepage is not available when Trusted Signer is disabled.", Some("You can still access dapps by writing a correct address, though. Re-enabled Signer to get your homepage back."), self.signer_port, )) } }, // RPC by default _ => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resolving to RPC call."); self.special.get(&SpecialEndpoint::Rpc) .expect("RPC endpoint always stored; qed") .to_async_handler(EndpointPath::default(), control) } }; // Delegate on_request to proper handler self.handler.on_request(req) } /// This event occurs each time the `Request` is ready to be read from. fn on_request_readable(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder) -> Next { self.handler.on_request_readable(decoder) } /// This event occurs after the first time this handled signals `Next::write()`. fn on_response(&mut self, response: &mut server::Response) -> Next { self.handler.on_response(response) } /// This event occurs each time the `Response` is ready to be written to. fn on_response_writable(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder) -> Next { self.handler.on_response_writable(encoder) } } impl Router { pub fn new( control: Control, signer_port: Option, content_fetcher: Arc, endpoints: Arc, special: Arc>>, authorization: Arc, allowed_hosts: Option>, ) -> Self { let handler = special.get(&SpecialEndpoint::Utils) .expect("Utils endpoint always stored; qed") .to_handler(EndpointPath::default()); Router { control: Some(control), signer_port: signer_port, endpoints: endpoints, fetch: content_fetcher, special: special, authorization: authorization, allowed_hosts: allowed_hosts, handler: handler, } } } fn extract_endpoint(url: &Option) -> (Option, SpecialEndpoint) { fn special_endpoint(url: &Url) -> SpecialEndpoint { if url.path.len() <= 1 { return SpecialEndpoint::None; } match url.path[0].as_ref() { apps::RPC_PATH => SpecialEndpoint::Rpc, apps::API_PATH => SpecialEndpoint::Api, apps::UTILS_PATH => SpecialEndpoint::Utils, _ => SpecialEndpoint::None, } } match *url { Some(ref url) => match url.host { Host::Domain(ref domain) if domain.ends_with(DAPPS_DOMAIN) => { let len = domain.len() - DAPPS_DOMAIN.len(); let id = domain[0..len].to_owned(); (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: id, host: domain.clone(), port: url.port, using_dapps_domains: true, }), special_endpoint(url)) }, _ if url.path.len() > 1 => { let id = url.path[0].clone(); (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: id.clone(), host: format!("{}", url.host), port: url.port, using_dapps_domains: false, }), special_endpoint(url)) }, _ => (None, special_endpoint(url)), }, _ => (None, SpecialEndpoint::None) } } #[test] fn should_extract_endpoint() { assert_eq!(extract_endpoint(&None), (None, SpecialEndpoint::None)); // With path prefix assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://localhost:8080/status/index.html").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "status".to_owned(), host: "localhost".to_owned(), port: 8080, using_dapps_domains: false, }), SpecialEndpoint::None) ); // With path prefix assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://localhost:8080/rpc/").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "rpc".to_owned(), host: "localhost".to_owned(), port: 8080, using_dapps_domains: false, }), SpecialEndpoint::Rpc) ); assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://my.status.parity/parity-utils/inject.js").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "my.status".to_owned(), host: "my.status.parity".to_owned(), port: 80, using_dapps_domains: true, }), SpecialEndpoint::Utils) ); // By Subdomain assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://my.status.parity/test.html").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "my.status".to_owned(), host: "my.status.parity".to_owned(), port: 80, using_dapps_domains: true, }), SpecialEndpoint::None) ); // RPC by subdomain assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://my.status.parity/rpc/").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "my.status".to_owned(), host: "my.status.parity".to_owned(), port: 80, using_dapps_domains: true, }), SpecialEndpoint::Rpc) ); // API by subdomain assert_eq!( extract_endpoint(&Url::parse("http://my.status.parity/api/").ok()), (Some(EndpointPath { app_id: "my.status".to_owned(), host: "my.status.parity".to_owned(), port: 80, using_dapps_domains: true, }), SpecialEndpoint::Api) ); }