// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Account management (personal) rpc implementation use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use util::{Address}; use ethkey::{Brain, Generator}; use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider; use ethcore::client::MiningBlockChainClient; use jsonrpc_core::{Value, Error, to_value}; use v1::traits::ParityAccounts; use v1::types::{H160 as RpcH160, H256 as RpcH256, DappId}; use v1::helpers::errors; /// Account management (personal) rpc implementation. pub struct ParityAccountsClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient { accounts: Weak, client: Weak, } impl ParityAccountsClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient { /// Creates new PersonalClient pub fn new(store: &Arc, client: &Arc) -> Self { ParityAccountsClient { accounts: Arc::downgrade(store), client: Arc::downgrade(client), } } fn active(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO: only call every 30s at most. take_weak!(self.client).keep_alive(); Ok(()) } } impl ParityAccounts for ParityAccountsClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient { fn accounts_info(&self) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let info = try!(store.accounts_info().map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not fetch account info.", e))); let other = store.addresses_info().expect("addresses_info always returns Ok; qed"); Ok(info.into_iter().chain(other.into_iter()).map(|(a, v)| { let m = map![ "name".to_owned() => to_value(&v.name), "meta".to_owned() => to_value(&v.meta), "uuid".to_owned() => if let &Some(ref uuid) = &v.uuid { to_value(uuid) } else { Value::Null } ]; (format!("0x{}", a.hex()), Value::Object(m)) }).collect()) } fn new_account_from_phrase(&self, phrase: String, pass: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); store.insert_account(*Brain::new(phrase).generate().unwrap().secret(), &pass) .map(Into::into) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not create account.", e)) } fn new_account_from_wallet(&self, json: String, pass: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); store.import_presale(json.as_bytes(), &pass) .or_else(|_| store.import_wallet(json.as_bytes(), &pass)) .map(Into::into) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not create account.", e)) } fn new_account_from_secret(&self, secret: RpcH256, pass: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); store.insert_account(secret.into(), &pass) .map(Into::into) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not create account.", e)) } fn test_password(&self, account: RpcH160, password: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let account: Address = account.into(); take_weak!(self.accounts) .test_password(&account, &password) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not fetch account info.", e)) } fn change_password(&self, account: RpcH160, password: String, new_password: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let account: Address = account.into(); take_weak!(self.accounts) .change_password(&account, password, new_password) .map(|_| true) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not fetch account info.", e)) } fn kill_account(&self, account: RpcH160, password: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let account: Address = account.into(); take_weak!(self.accounts) .kill_account(&account, &password) .map(|_| true) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Could not delete account.", e)) } fn remove_address(&self, addr: RpcH160) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let addr: Address = addr.into(); store.remove_address(addr, name)) .expect("remove_address always returns Ok; qed"); Ok(true) } fn set_account_name(&self, addr: RpcH160, name: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let addr: Address = addr.into(); store.set_account_name(addr.clone(), name.clone()) .or_else(|_| store.set_address_name(addr, name)) .expect("set_address_name always returns Ok; qed"); Ok(true) } fn set_account_meta(&self, addr: RpcH160, meta: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let addr: Address = addr.into(); store.set_account_meta(addr.clone(), meta.clone()) .or_else(|_| store.set_address_meta(addr, meta)) .expect("set_address_meta always returns Ok; qed"); Ok(true) } fn set_account_visibility(&self, _address: RpcH160, _dapp: RpcH256, _visible: bool) -> Result { Ok(false) } fn set_dapps_addresses(&self, dapp: DappId, addresses: Vec) -> Result { let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let addresses = addresses.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(); store.set_dapps_addresses(dapp.into(), addresses) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Couldn't set dapps addresses.", e)) .map(|_| true) } fn import_geth_accounts(&self, addresses: Vec) -> Result, Error> { let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); store .import_geth_accounts(addresses.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), false) .map(|imported| imported.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()) .map_err(|e| errors::account("Couldn't import Geth accounts", e)) } fn geth_accounts(&self) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); Ok(store.list_geth_accounts(false) .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect() ) } }