// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Tendermint message handling. use util::*; use super::{Height, Round, BlockHash, Step}; use error::Error; use header::Header; use rlp::*; use ethkey::{recover, public_to_address}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct ConsensusMessage { pub signature: H520, pub height: Height, pub round: Round, pub step: Step, pub block_hash: Option } fn consensus_round(header: &Header) -> Result { let round_rlp = header.seal().get(0).expect("seal passed basic verification; seal has 3 fields; qed"); UntrustedRlp::new(round_rlp.as_slice()).as_val() } impl ConsensusMessage { pub fn new(signature: H520, height: Height, round: Round, step: Step, block_hash: Option) -> Self { ConsensusMessage { signature: signature, height: height, round: round, step: step, block_hash: block_hash } } pub fn new_proposal(header: &Header) -> Result { Ok(ConsensusMessage { signature: try!(UntrustedRlp::new(header.seal()[1].as_slice()).as_val()), height: header.number() as Height, round: try!(consensus_round(header)), step: Step::Propose, block_hash: Some(header.bare_hash()) }) } pub fn is_height(&self, height: Height) -> bool { self.height == height } pub fn is_round(&self, height: Height, round: Round) -> bool { self.height == height && self.round == round } pub fn is_step(&self, height: Height, round: Round, step: Step) -> bool { self.height == height && self.round == round && self.step == step } pub fn is_block_hash(&self, h: Height, r: Round, s: Step, block_hash: Option) -> bool { self.height == h && self.round == r && self.step == s && self.block_hash == block_hash } pub fn is_aligned(&self, m: &ConsensusMessage) -> bool { self.is_block_hash(m.height, m.round, m.step, m.block_hash) } pub fn verify(&self) -> Result { let full_rlp = ::rlp::encode(self); let block_info = Rlp::new(&full_rlp).at(1); let public_key = try!(recover(&self.signature.into(), &block_info.as_raw().sha3())); Ok(public_to_address(&public_key)) } pub fn precommit_hash(&self) -> H256 { message_info_rlp(self.height, self.round, Step::Precommit, self.block_hash).sha3() } } impl PartialOrd for ConsensusMessage { fn partial_cmp(&self, m: &ConsensusMessage) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(m)) } } impl Step { fn number(&self) -> u8 { match *self { Step::Propose => 0, Step::Prevote => 1, Step::Precommit => 2, Step::Commit => 3, } } } impl Ord for ConsensusMessage { fn cmp(&self, m: &ConsensusMessage) -> Ordering { if self.height != m.height { self.height.cmp(&m.height) } else if self.round != m.round { self.round.cmp(&m.round) } else if self.step != m.step { self.step.number().cmp(&m.step.number()) } else { self.signature.cmp(&m.signature) } } } impl Decodable for Step { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { match try!(decoder.as_rlp().as_val()) { 0u8 => Ok(Step::Propose), 1 => Ok(Step::Prevote), 2 => Ok(Step::Precommit), _ => Err(DecoderError::Custom("Invalid step.")), } } } impl Encodable for Step { fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { s.append(&self.number()); } } /// (signature, height, round, step, block_hash) impl Decodable for ConsensusMessage { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { let rlp = decoder.as_rlp(); let m = try!(rlp.at(1)); let block_message: H256 = try!(m.val_at(3)); Ok(ConsensusMessage { signature: try!(rlp.val_at(0)), height: try!(m.val_at(0)), round: try!(m.val_at(1)), step: try!(m.val_at(2)), block_hash: match block_message.is_zero() { true => None, false => Some(block_message), } }) } } impl Encodable for ConsensusMessage { fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { let info = message_info_rlp(self.height, self.round, self.step, self.block_hash); s.begin_list(2) .append(&self.signature) .append_raw(&info, 1); } } pub fn message_info_rlp(height: Height, round: Round, step: Step, block_hash: Option) -> Bytes { // TODO: figure out whats wrong with nested list encoding let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(5); s.append(&height).append(&round).append(&step).append(&block_hash.unwrap_or_else(H256::zero)); s.out() } pub fn message_full_rlp(signature: &H520, vote_info: &Bytes) -> Bytes { let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(signature).append_raw(vote_info, 1); s.out() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use util::*; use rlp::*; use super::super::Step; use super::*; use account_provider::AccountProvider; use header::Header; #[test] fn encode_decode() { let message = ConsensusMessage { signature: H520::default(), height: 10, round: 123, step: Step::Precommit, block_hash: Some("1".sha3()) }; let raw_rlp = ::rlp::encode(&message).to_vec(); let rlp = Rlp::new(&raw_rlp); assert_eq!(message, rlp.as_val()); let message = ConsensusMessage { signature: H520::default(), height: 1314, round: 0, step: Step::Prevote, block_hash: None }; let raw_rlp = ::rlp::encode(&message); let rlp = Rlp::new(&raw_rlp); assert_eq!(message, rlp.as_val()); } #[test] fn generate_and_verify() { let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider()); let addr = tap.insert_account("0".sha3(), "0").unwrap(); tap.unlock_account_permanently(addr, "0".into()).unwrap(); let mi = message_info_rlp(123, 2, Step::Precommit, Some(H256::default())); let raw_rlp = message_full_rlp(&tap.sign(addr, None, mi.sha3()).unwrap().into(), &mi); let rlp = UntrustedRlp::new(&raw_rlp); let message: ConsensusMessage = rlp.as_val().unwrap(); match message.verify() { Ok(a) if a == addr => {}, _ => panic!(), }; } #[test] fn proposal_message() { let mut header = Header::default(); let seal = vec![ ::rlp::encode(&0u8).to_vec(), ::rlp::encode(&H520::default()).to_vec(), Vec::new() ]; header.set_seal(seal); let message = ConsensusMessage::new_proposal(&header).unwrap(); assert_eq!( message, ConsensusMessage { signature: Default::default(), height: 0, round: 0, step: Step::Propose, block_hash: Some(header.bare_hash()) } ); } #[test] fn message_info_from_header() { let header = Header::default(); let pro = ConsensusMessage { signature: Default::default(), height: 0, round: 0, step: Step::Propose, block_hash: Some(header.bare_hash()) }; let pre = message_info_rlp(0, 0, Step::Precommit, Some(header.bare_hash())); assert_eq!(pro.precommit_hash(), pre.sha3()); } }