#!/usr/bin/env bash function run_installer() { ####### Init vars HOMEBREW_PREFIX=/usr/local HOMEBREW_CACHE=/Library/Caches/Homebrew HOMEBREW_REPO=https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION="10.7.0" declare OS_TYPE declare OSX_VERSION declare GIT_PATH declare RUBY_PATH declare BREW_PATH declare INSTALL_FILES="" errorMessages="" isOsVersion=false isGit=false isRuby=false isBrew=false canContinue=true depCount=0 depFound=0 ####### Setup colors red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` white=`tput setaf 7` b=`tput bold` u=`tput sgr 0 1` ul=`tput smul` xl=`tput rmul` stou=`tput smso` xtou=`tput rmso` dim=`tput dim` reverse=`tput rev` reset=`tput sgr0` n=$'\n' function head() { echo "${blue}${b}==>${white} $1${reset}" } function info() { echo "${blue}${b}==>${reset} $1" } function successHeading() { echo "${green}${b}==> $1${reset}" } function success() { echo "${green}${b}==>${reset}${green} $1${reset}" } function error() { echo "${red}==> ${u}${b}${red}$1${reset}" } function smallError() { echo "${red}==>${reset} $1" } function green() { echo "${green}$1${reset}" } function red() { echo "${red}$1${reset}" } function check() { echo "${green}${bold} ✓${reset} $1${reset}" } function uncheck() { echo "${red}${bold} ✘${reset} $1${reset}" } ####### Setup methods function wait_for_user() { if [[ $( ask_user "$1" ) == false ]]; then abort_install "${red}==>${reset} Process stopped by user. To resume the install run the one-liner command again." fi } function ask_user() { while : do read -p "${blue}==>${reset} $1 [Y/n] " imp case $imp in [yY] ) echo true; break ;; '' ) echo true; break ;; [nN] ) echo false; break ;; * ) echo "Unrecognized option provided. Please provide either 'Y' or 'N'"; esac done } function prompt_for_input() { while : do read -p "$1 " imp echo $imp return done } function exe() { echo "\$ $@"; "$@" } function sudo() { if $isSudo; then `which sudo` "$@" else "$@" fi } function detect_os() { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]] then OS_TYPE="linux" get_linux_dependencies elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]] then OS_TYPE="osx" get_osx_dependencies else OS_TYPE="win" abort_install "${red}==>${reset} ${b}OS not supported:${reset} Parity one-liner currently support OS X and Linux.${n}For instructions on installing parity on other platforms please visit ${u}${blue}http://ethcore.io/${reset}" fi echo if [[ $depCount == $depFound ]] then green "Found all dependencies ($depFound/$depCount)" else if [[ $canContinue == true ]] then red "Some dependencies are missing ($depFound/$depCount)" elif [[ $canContinue == false && $depFound == 0 ]] then red "All dependencies are missing and cannot be auto-installed ($depFound/$depCount)" abort_install "$errorMessages"; elif [[ $canContinue == false ]] then red "Some dependencies which cannot be auto-installed are missing ($depFound/$depCount)" abort_install "$errorMessages"; fi fi } function get_osx_dependencies() { macos_version find_git find_ruby find_brew } function macos_version() { declare -a reqVersion declare -a localVersion depCount=$((depCount+1)) OSX_VERSION=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$OSX_VERSION" ] then uncheck "OS X version not supported 🔥" isOsVersion=false canContinue=false else IFS='.' read -a localVersion <<< "$OSX_VERSION" IFS='.' read -a reqVersion <<< "$OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION" if (( ${reqVersion[0]} <= ${localVersion[0]} )) && (( ${reqVersion[1]} <= ${localVersion[1]} )) then check "OS X Version ${OSX_VERSION}" isOsVersion=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) return else uncheck "OS X version not supported" isOsVersion=false canContinue=false fi fi errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Mac OS version too old:${reset} eth requires OS X version ${red}$OSX_REQUIERED_VERSION${reset} at least in order to run.${n}" errorMessages+=" Please update the OS and reload the install process.${n}" } function find_eth() { ETH_PATH=`which eth 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $ETH_PATH ]] then check "Found eth: $ETH_PATH" echo "$($ETH_PATH -V)" isEth=true else uncheck "Eth is missing" isEth=false fi } function find_git() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) GIT_PATH=`which git 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $GIT_PATH ]] then check "$($GIT_PATH --version)" isGit=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Git is missing" isGit=false fi } function find_ruby() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) RUBY_PATH=`which ruby 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $RUBY_PATH ]] then RUBY_VERSION=`ruby -e "print RUBY_VERSION"` check "Ruby ${RUBY_VERSION}" isRuby=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Ruby is missing 🔥" isRuby=false canContinue=false errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Couldn't find Ruby:${reset} Brew requires Ruby which could not be found.${n}" errorMessages+=" Please install Ruby using these instructions ${u}${blue}https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/${reset}.${n}" fi } function find_brew() { BREW_PATH=`which brew 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $BREW_PATH ]] then check "$($BREW_PATH -v)" isBrew=true depFound=$((depFound+1)) else uncheck "Homebrew is missing" isBrew=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> Homebrew:${reset}${n}" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/brew${n}" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Library${n}" INSTALL_FILES+=" ${blue}${dim}➜${reset} $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/man/man1/brew.1${n}" fi depCount=$((depCount+1)) } function install_brew() { if [[ $isBrew == false ]] then head "Installing Homebrew" if [[ $isRuby == true ]] then ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" else cd /usr if [[ ! -d $HOMEBREW_PREFIX ]] then sudo mkdir $HOMEBREW_PREFIX sudo chmod g+rwx $HOMEBREW_PREFIX fi if [[ ! -d $HOMEBREW_CACHE ]] then sudo mkdir $HOMEBREW_CACHE sudo chmod g+rwx $HOMEBREW_CACHE fi DEVELOPER_DIR=`/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path 2>/dev/null` if [[ ! $(ls -A $DEVELOPER_DIR) || ! -f $DEVELOPER_DIR/usr/bin/git ]] then info "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):" sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select --install echo "Press any key when the installation has completed" fi cd $HOMEBREW_PREFIX bash -o pipefail -c "curl -fsSL ${HOMEBREW_REPO}/tarball/master | tar xz -m --strip 1" fi find_brew echo if [[ $isBrew == false ]] then abort_install "Couldn't install brew" fi fi } function osx_installer() { osx_dependency_installer info "Updating brew" exe brew update echo info "Installing multirust" exe brew install multirust sudo multirust default beta echo } function osx_dependency_installer() { if [[ $isGit == false ]]; then echo "Installing Git" fi if [[ $isRuby == false ]]; then echo "Installing Ruby" fi if [[ $isBrew == false ]]; then install_brew fi } function linux_version() { source /etc/lsb-release if [[ $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then if [[ $DISTRIB_RELEASE == "14.04" || $DISTRIB_RELEASE == "15.04" || $DISTRIB_RELEASE == "15.10" ]]; then check "Ubuntu" isUbuntu=true else check "Ubuntu, but version not supported" isUbuntu=false fi else check "Ubuntu not found" isUbuntu=false fi } function get_linux_dependencies() { linux_version find_multirust find_curl find_git find_make find_gcc find_apt find_sudo } function find_multirust() { depCount=$((depCount+2)) MULTIRUST_PATH=`which multirust 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $MULTIRUST_PATH ]]; then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "multirust" isMultirust=true if [[ $(multirust show-default 2>/dev/null | grep beta | wc -l) == 3 ]]; then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "rust beta" isMultirustBeta=true else uncheck "rust is not beta" isMultirustBeta=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> multirust -> rust beta:${reset}${n}" fi else uncheck "multirust is missing" uncheck "rust beta is missing" isMultirust=false isMultirustBeta=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> multirust:${reset}${n}" fi } function find_apt() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) APT_PATH=`which apt-get 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $APT_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "apt-get" isApt=true else uncheck "apt-get is missing" isApt=false if [[ $isGCC == false || $isGit == false || $isMake == false || $isCurl == false ]]; then canContinue=false errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Couldn't find apt-get:${reset} We can only use apt-get in order to grab our dependencies.${n}" errorMessages+=" Please switch to a distribution such as Debian or Ubuntu or manually install the missing packages.${n}" fi fi } function find_gcc() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) GCC_PATH=`which g++ 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $GCC_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "g++" isGCC=true else uncheck "g++ is missing" isGCC=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> g++:${reset}${n}" fi } function find_sudo() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) SUDO_PATH=`which sudo 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $SUDO_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "sudo" isSudo=true else uncheck "sudo is missing" if [[ `whoami` == "root" ]]; then if [[ $isApt == false && $isMultirust == false ]]; then canContinue=false errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Couldn't find sudo:${reset} Sudo is needed for the installation of multirust.${n}" errorMessages+=" Please ensure you have sudo installed or alternatively install multirust manually.${n}" fi isSudo=false else canContinue=false errorMessages+="${red}==>${reset} ${b}Couldn't find sudo:${reset} Root access is needed for parts of this installation.${n}" errorMessages+=" Please ensure you have sudo installed or alternatively run this script as root.${n}" fi fi } function find_git() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) GIT_PATH=`which git 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $GIT_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "git" isGit=true else uncheck "git is missing" isGit=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> git:${reset}${n}" fi } function find_make() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) MAKE_PATH=`which make 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $MAKE_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "make" isMake=true else uncheck "make is missing" isMake=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> make:${reset}${n}" fi } function find_curl() { depCount=$((depCount+1)) CURL_PATH=`which curl 2>/dev/null` if [[ -f $CURL_PATH ]] then depFound=$((depFound+1)) check "curl" isCurl=true else uncheck "curl is missing" isCurl=false INSTALL_FILES+="${blue}${dim}==> curl:${reset}${n}" fi } function linux_installer() { if [[ $isGCC == false || $isGit == false || $isMake == false || $isCurl == false ]]; then info "Installing build dependencies..." sudo apt-get update -qq if [[ $isGit == false ]]; then sudo apt-get install -q -y git fi if [[ $isGCC == false ]]; then sudo apt-get install -q -y g++ gcc fi if [[ $isMake == false ]]; then sudo apt-get install -q -y make fi if [[ $isCurl == false ]]; then sudo apt-get install -q -y curl fi echo fi if [[ $isMultirust == false ]]; then info "Installing multirust..." if [[ $isSudo == false ]]; then apt-get install -q -y sudo fi curl -sf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brson/multirust/master/quick-install.sh | sudo sh -s -- --yes echo fi if [[ $isMultirustBeta == false ]]; then info "Installing rust beta..." multirust default beta echo fi } function install() { echo head "Installing Parity build dependencies" if [[ $OS_TYPE == "osx" ]] then osx_installer elif [[ $OS_TYPE == "linux" ]] then linux_installer fi } function verify_installation() { info "Verifying installation" if [[ $OS_TYPE == "linux" ]]; then find_curl find_git find_make find_gcc find_multirust if [[ $isCurl == false || $isGit == false || $isMake == false || $isGCC == false || $isMultirustBeta == false ]]; then abort_install fi fi } function build_parity() { info "Downloading Parity..." git clone https://github.com/ethcore/parity cd parity git submodule init git submodule update info "Building..." cargo build --release cd .. echo successHeading "Parity is built!" info "Parity source code is in ${b}$(pwd)/parity${reset}. From there, you can:" info "- Run a client & sync the chain with:" info " ${b}cargo run --bin parity --release${reset}" info "- Run a JSONRPC-capable client (for use with netstats) with:" info " ${b}cargo run --bin parity --release -- -j --jsonrpc-url${reset}" info "- Run tests with:" info " ${b}cargo test --release --features ethcore/json-tests -p ethcore${reset}" info "- Install the client with:" info " ${b}sudo cp parity/target/release/parity${reset} /usr/local/bin" echo } function install_netstats() { echo "Installing netstats" secret=$(prompt_for_input "Please enter the netstats secret:") instance_name=$(prompt_for_input "Please enter your instance name:") contact_details=$(prompt_for_input "Please enter your contact details (optional):") # install ethereum & install dependencies sudo apt-get install -y -qq build-essential git unzip wget nodejs npm ntp cloud-utils # add node symlink if it doesn't exist [[ ! -f /usr/bin/node ]] && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node # set up time update cronjob sudo bash -c "cat > /etc/cron.hourly/ntpdate << EOF #!/bin/sh pm2 flush sudo service ntp stop sudo ntpdate -s ntp.ubuntu.com sudo service ntp start EOF" sudo chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/ntpdate [ ! -d "www" ] && git clone https://github.com/cubedro/eth-net-intelligence-api netstats cd netstats sudo npm install sudo npm install pm2 -g cat > app.json << EOL [ { "name" : "node-app", "script" : "app.js", "log_date_format" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z", "merge_logs" : false, "watch" : false, "max_restarts" : 10, "exec_interpreter" : "node", "exec_mode" : "fork_mode", "env": { "NODE_ENV" : "production", "RPC_HOST" : "localhost", "RPC_PORT" : "8545", "LISTENING_PORT" : "30303", "INSTANCE_NAME" : "${instance_name}", "CONTACT_DETAILS" : "${contact_details}", "WS_SERVER" : "wss://rpc.ethstats.net", "WS_SECRET" : "${secret}", "VERBOSITY" : 2 } } ] EOL pm2 start app.json cd .. } function abort_install() { echo error "Installation aborted" echo -e "$1" echo exit 0 } function finish() { echo successHeading "Installation successful!" echo exit 0 } ####### Run the script tput clear echo echo echo " ${blue}∷ ${b}${green} WELCOME TO PARITY ${reset} ${blue}∷${reset}" echo echo # Check dependencies head "Checking OS dependencies" detect_os if [[ $INSTALL_FILES != "" ]]; then echo head "In addition to the Parity build dependencies, this script will install:" echo "$INSTALL_FILES" echo fi # Prompt user to continue or abort wait_for_user "${b}Last chance!${reset} Sure you want to install this software?" # Install dependencies and eth install # Check installation verify_installation if [[ ! -e parity ]]; then # Maybe install parity if [[ $(ask_user "${b}Parity${reset} Would you like to download and build parity?") == true ]]; then # Do get parity. build_parity fi fi if [[ $OS_TYPE == "linux" && $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then if [[ $(ask_user "${b}Netstats${reset} Would you like to download, install and configure a Netstats client?${n}${b}${red}WARNING: ${reset}${red}This will need a secret and reconfigure any existing node/NPM installation you have.${reset} ") == true ]]; then install_netstats fi fi # Display goodby message finish } run_installer