// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see .
use std::path::Path;
use super::test_common::*;
use client::EvmTestClient;
use ethjson;
use rlp::Rlp;
use types::header::Header;
use types::transaction::UnverifiedTransaction;
use transaction_ext::Transaction;
/// Run transaction jsontests on a given folder.
pub fn run_test_path(p: &Path, skip: &[&'static str], h: &mut H) {
::json_tests::test_common::run_test_path(p, skip, do_json_test, h)
/// Run transaction jsontests on a given file.
pub fn run_test_file(p: &Path, h: &mut H) {
::json_tests::test_common::run_test_file(p, do_json_test, h)
// Block number used to run the tests.
// Make sure that all the specified features are activated.
const BLOCK_NUMBER: u64 = 0x6ffffffffffffe;
fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8], start_stop_hook: &mut H) -> Vec {
let tests = ethjson::transaction::Test::load(json_data).unwrap();
let mut failed = Vec::new();
for (name, test) in tests.into_iter() {
start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStart);
for (spec_name, result) in test.post_state {
let spec = match EvmTestClient::spec_from_json(&spec_name) {
Some(spec) => spec,
None => {
println!(" - {} | {:?} Ignoring tests because of missing spec", name, spec_name);
let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool, title: &str| if !cond {
failed.push(format!("{}-{:?}", name, spec_name));
println!("Transaction failed: {:?}-{:?}: {:?}", name, spec_name, title);
let rlp: Vec = test.rlp.clone().into();
let res = Rlp::new(&rlp)
.and_then(|t: UnverifiedTransaction| {
let mut header: Header = Default::default();
// Use high enough number to activate all required features.
let minimal = t.gas_required(&spec.engine.schedule(header.number())).into();
if t.gas < minimal {
return Err(::types::transaction::Error::InsufficientGas {
minimal, got: t.gas,
spec.engine.verify_transaction_basic(&t, &header)?;
Ok(spec.engine.verify_transaction_unordered(t, &header)?)
match (res, result.hash, result.sender) {
(Ok(t), Some(hash), Some(sender)) => {
fail_unless(t.sender() == sender.into(), "sender mismatch");
fail_unless(t.hash() == hash.into(), "hash mismatch");
(Err(_), None, None) => {},
data => {
&format!("Validity different: {:?}", data)
start_stop_hook(&name, HookType::OnStop);
for f in &failed {
println!("FAILED: {:?}", f);
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttAddress, "TransactionTests/ttAddress"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttData, "TransactionTests/ttData"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttGasLimit, "TransactionTests/ttGasLimit"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttGasPrice, "TransactionTests/ttGasPrice"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttNonce, "TransactionTests/ttNonce"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttRSValue, "TransactionTests/ttRSValue"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttSignature, "TransactionTests/ttSignature"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttValue, "TransactionTests/ttValue"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttVValue, "TransactionTests/ttVValue"}
declare_test!{TransactionTests_ttWrongRLP, "TransactionTests/ttWrongRLP"}