// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Ethcore-specific rpc implementation. use util::{U256, Address, RotatingLogger, FixedHash, Uint}; use util::network_settings::NetworkSettings; use util::misc::version_data; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use jsonrpc_core::*; use ethminer::MinerService; use ethcore::client::BlockChainClient; use ethcore::trace::VMTrace; use ethcore::transaction::{Transaction as EthTransaction, SignedTransaction, Action}; use v1::traits::Ethcore; use v1::types::{Bytes, CallRequest}; /// Ethcore implementation. pub struct EthcoreClient where C: BlockChainClient, M: MinerService { client: Weak, miner: Weak, logger: Arc, settings: Arc, } impl EthcoreClient where C: BlockChainClient, M: MinerService { /// Creates new `EthcoreClient`. pub fn new(client: &Arc, miner: &Arc, logger: Arc, settings: Arc) -> Self { EthcoreClient { client: Arc::downgrade(client), miner: Arc::downgrade(miner), logger: logger, settings: settings, } } // TODO: share with eth.rs fn sign_call(&self, request: CallRequest) -> Result { let client = take_weak!(self.client); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); let from = request.from.unwrap_or(Address::zero()); Ok(EthTransaction { nonce: request.nonce.unwrap_or_else(|| client.latest_nonce(&from)), action: request.to.map_or(Action::Create, Action::Call), gas: request.gas.unwrap_or(U256::from(50_000_000)), gas_price: request.gas_price.unwrap_or_else(|| miner.sensible_gas_price()), value: request.value.unwrap_or_else(U256::zero), data: request.data.map_or_else(Vec::new, |d| d.to_vec()) }.fake_sign(from)) } } fn vm_trace_to_object(t: &VMTrace) -> Value { let mut ret = BTreeMap::new(); ret.insert("code".to_owned(), to_value(&t.code).unwrap()); let mut subs = t.subs.iter(); let mut next_sub = subs.next(); let ops = t.operations .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, op)| { let mut m = map![ "pc".to_owned() => to_value(&op.pc).unwrap(), "cost".to_owned() => match op.gas_cost <= U256::from(!0u64) { true => to_value(&op.gas_cost.low_u64()), false => to_value(&op.gas_cost), }.unwrap() ]; if let Some(ref ex) = op.executed { let mut em = map![ "used".to_owned() => to_value(&ex.gas_used.low_u64()).unwrap(), "push".to_owned() => to_value(&ex.stack_push).unwrap() ]; if let Some(ref md) = ex.mem_diff { em.insert("mem".to_owned(), Value::Object(map![ "off".to_owned() => to_value(&md.offset).unwrap(), "data".to_owned() => to_value(&md.data).unwrap() ])); } if let Some(ref sd) = ex.store_diff { em.insert("store".to_owned(), Value::Object(map![ "key".to_owned() => to_value(&sd.location).unwrap(), "val".to_owned() => to_value(&sd.value).unwrap() ])); } m.insert("ex".to_owned(), Value::Object(em)); } if next_sub.is_some() && next_sub.unwrap().parent_step == i { m.insert("sub".to_owned(), vm_trace_to_object(next_sub.unwrap())); next_sub = subs.next(); } Value::Object(m) }) .collect::>(); ret.insert("ops".to_owned(), Value::Array(ops)); Value::Object(ret) } impl Ethcore for EthcoreClient where C: BlockChainClient + 'static, M: MinerService + 'static { fn set_min_gas_price(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(U256,)>(params).and_then(|(gas_price,)| { take_weak!(self.miner).set_minimal_gas_price(gas_price); to_value(&true) }) } fn set_gas_floor_target(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(U256,)>(params).and_then(|(gas_floor_target,)| { take_weak!(self.miner).set_gas_floor_target(gas_floor_target); to_value(&true) }) } fn set_extra_data(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Bytes,)>(params).and_then(|(extra_data,)| { take_weak!(self.miner).set_extra_data(extra_data.to_vec()); to_value(&true) }) } fn set_author(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(Address,)>(params).and_then(|(author,)| { take_weak!(self.miner).set_author(author); to_value(&true) }) } fn set_transactions_limit(&self, params: Params) -> Result { from_params::<(usize,)>(params).and_then(|(limit,)| { take_weak!(self.miner).set_transactions_limit(limit); to_value(&true) }) } fn transactions_limit(&self, _: Params) -> Result { to_value(&take_weak!(self.miner).transactions_limit()) } fn min_gas_price(&self, _: Params) -> Result { to_value(&take_weak!(self.miner).minimal_gas_price()) } fn extra_data(&self, _: Params) -> Result { to_value(&Bytes::new(take_weak!(self.miner).extra_data())) } fn gas_floor_target(&self, _: Params) -> Result { to_value(&take_weak!(self.miner).gas_floor_target()) } fn dev_logs(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { let logs = self.logger.logs(); to_value(&logs.deref().as_slice()) } fn dev_logs_levels(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { to_value(&self.logger.levels()) } fn net_chain(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { to_value(&self.settings.chain) } fn net_max_peers(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { to_value(&self.settings.max_peers) } fn net_port(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { to_value(&self.settings.network_port) } fn node_name(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { to_value(&self.settings.name) } fn rpc_settings(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); map.insert("enabled".to_owned(), Value::Bool(self.settings.rpc_enabled)); map.insert("interface".to_owned(), Value::String(self.settings.rpc_interface.clone())); map.insert("port".to_owned(), Value::U64(self.settings.rpc_port as u64)); Ok(Value::Object(map)) } fn default_extra_data(&self, _params: Params) -> Result { let version = version_data(); to_value(&Bytes::new(version)) } fn vm_trace_call(&self, params: Params) -> Result { trace!(target: "jsonrpc", "vm_trace_call: {:?}", params); from_params(params) .and_then(|(request,)| { let signed = try!(self.sign_call(request)); let r = take_weak!(self.client).call(&signed, true); if let Ok(executed) = r { if let Some(vm_trace) = executed.vm_trace { return Ok(vm_trace_to_object(&vm_trace)); } } Ok(Value::Null) }) } }