// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { getBalances, getTokens } from './balancesActions'; import { setAddressImage } from './imagesActions'; import * as abis from '../../contracts/abi'; import imagesEthereum from '../../../assets/images/contracts/ethereum-black-64x64.png'; const ETH = { name: 'Ethereum', tag: 'ETH', image: imagesEthereum }; export default class Balances { constructor (store, api) { this._api = api; this._store = store; this._tokens = {}; this._images = {}; this._accountsInfo = null; this._tokenreg = null; this._fetchingTokens = false; this._fetchedTokens = false; this._tokenregSubId = null; this._tokenregMetaSubId = null; } start () { this._subscribeBlockNumber(); this._subscribeAccountsInfo(); this._retrieveTokens(); } _subscribeAccountsInfo () { this._api .subscribe('parity_accountsInfo', (error, accountsInfo) => { if (error) { return; } this._accountsInfo = accountsInfo; this._retrieveTokens(); }) .catch((error) => { console.warn('_subscribeAccountsInfo', error); }); } _subscribeBlockNumber () { this._api .subscribe('eth_blockNumber', (error) => { if (error) { return console.warn('_subscribeBlockNumber', error); } this._retrieveTokens(); }) .catch((error) => { console.warn('_subscribeBlockNumber', error); }); } getTokenRegistry () { if (this._tokenreg) { return Promise.resolve(this._tokenreg); } return this._api.parity .registryAddress() .then((registryAddress) => { const registry = this._api.newContract(abis.registry, registryAddress); return registry.instance.getAddress.call({}, [this._api.util.sha3('tokenreg'), 'A']); }) .then((tokenregAddress) => { const tokenreg = this._api.newContract(abis.tokenreg, tokenregAddress); this._tokenreg = tokenreg; this.attachToTokens(); return tokenreg; }); } _retrieveTokens () { if (this._fetchingTokens) { return; } if (this._fetchedTokens) { return this._retrieveBalances(); } this._fetchingTokens = true; this._fetchedTokens = false; this .getTokenRegistry() .then((tokenreg) => { return tokenreg.instance.tokenCount .call() .then((numTokens) => { const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < numTokens.toNumber(); i++) { promises.push(this.fetchTokenInfo(tokenreg, i)); } return Promise.all(promises); }); }) .then(() => { this._fetchingTokens = false; this._fetchedTokens = true; this._store.dispatch(getTokens(this._tokens)); this._retrieveBalances(); }) .catch((error) => { console.warn('balances::_retrieveTokens', error); }); } _retrieveBalances () { if (!this._accountsInfo) { return; } const addresses = Object .keys(this._accountsInfo) .filter((address) => { const account = this._accountsInfo[address]; return !account.meta || !account.meta.deleted; }); this._balances = {}; Promise .all(addresses.map((a) => this.fetchAccountBalance(a))) .then((balances) => { addresses.forEach((a, idx) => { this._balances[a] = balances[idx]; }); this._store.dispatch(getBalances(this._balances)); }) .catch((error) => { console.warn('_retrieveBalances', error); }); } attachToTokens () { this.attachToTokenMetaChange(); this.attachToNewToken(); } attachToNewToken () { if (this._tokenregSubId) { return; } this._tokenreg .instance .Registered .subscribe({ fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest', skipInitFetch: true }, (error, logs) => { if (error) { return console.error('balances::attachToNewToken', 'failed to attach to tokenreg Registered', error.toString(), error.stack); } const promises = logs.map((log) => { const id = log.params.id.value.toNumber(); return this.fetchTokenInfo(this._tokenreg, id); }); return Promise.all(promises); }) .then((tokenregSubId) => { this._tokenregSubId = tokenregSubId; }) .catch((e) => { console.warn('balances::attachToNewToken', e); }); } attachToTokenMetaChange () { if (this._tokenregMetaSubId) { return; } this._tokenreg .instance .MetaChanged .subscribe({ fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest', topics: [ null, this._api.util.asciiToHex('IMG') ], skipInitFetch: true }, (error, logs) => { if (error) { return console.error('balances::attachToTokenMetaChange', 'failed to attach to tokenreg MetaChanged', error.toString(), error.stack); } // In case multiple logs for same token // in one block. Take the last value. const tokens = logs .filter((log) => log.type === 'mined') .reduce((_tokens, log) => { const id = log.params.id.value.toNumber(); const image = log.params.value.value; const token = Object.values(this._tokens).find((c) => c.id === id); const { address } = token; _tokens[address] = { address, id, image }; return _tokens; }, {}); Object .values(tokens) .forEach((token) => { const { address, image } = token; if (this._images[address] !== image.toString()) { this._store.dispatch(setAddressImage(address, image)); this._images[address] = image.toString(); } }); }) .then((tokenregMetaSubId) => { this._tokenregMetaSubId = tokenregMetaSubId; }) .catch((e) => { console.warn('balances::attachToTokenMetaChange', e); }); } fetchTokenInfo (tokenreg, tokenId) { return Promise .all([ tokenreg.instance.token.call({}, [tokenId]), tokenreg.instance.meta.call({}, [tokenId, 'IMG']) ]) .then(([ tokenData, image ]) => { const [ address, tag, format, name ] = tokenData; const contract = this._api.newContract(abis.eip20, address); if (this._images[address] !== image.toString()) { this._store.dispatch(setAddressImage(address, image)); this._images[address] = image.toString(); } const token = { format: format.toString(), id: tokenId, address, tag, name, contract }; this._tokens[address] = token; return token; }) .catch((e) => { console.warn('balances::fetchTokenInfo', `couldn't fetch token #${tokenId}`, e); }); } /** * TODO?: txCount is only shown on an address page, so we * might not need to fetch it for each address for each block, * but only for one address when the user is on the account * view. */ fetchAccountBalance (address) { const _tokens = Object.values(this._tokens); const tokensPromises = _tokens .map((token) => { return token.contract.instance.balanceOf.call({}, [ address ]); }); return Promise .all([ this._api.eth.getTransactionCount(address), this._api.eth.getBalance(address) ].concat(tokensPromises)) .then(([ txCount, ethBalance, ...tokensBalance ]) => { const tokens = [] .concat( { token: ETH, value: ethBalance }, _tokens .map((token, index) => ({ token, value: tokensBalance[index] })) ); const balance = { txCount, tokens }; return balance; }); } }