pragma solidity ^0.4.20; // Adapted from // and: contract TxPermission { /// Allowed transaction types mask uint32 constant None = 0; uint32 constant All = 0xffffffff; uint32 constant Basic = 0x01; uint32 constant Call = 0x02; uint32 constant Create = 0x04; uint32 constant Private = 0x08; /// Contract name function contractName() public constant returns (string) { return "TX_PERMISSION_CONTRACT"; } /// Contract name hash function contractNameHash() public constant returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(contractName()); } /// Contract version function contractVersion() public constant returns (uint256) { return 3; } /// @dev Defines the allowed transaction types which may be initiated by the specified sender with /// the specified gas price and data. Used by the Parity engine each time a transaction is about to be /// included into a block. See /// @param _sender Transaction sender address. /// @param _to Transaction recipient address. If creating a contract, the `_to` address is zero. /// @param _value Transaction amount in wei. /// @param _gasPrice Gas price in wei for the transaction. /// @param _data Transaction data. /// @return `uint32 typesMask` - Set of allowed transactions for `_sender` depending on tx `_to` address, /// `_gasPrice`, and `_data`. The result is represented as a set of flags: /// 0x01 - basic transaction (e.g. ether transferring to user wallet); /// 0x02 - contract call; /// 0x04 - contract creation; /// 0x08 - private transaction. /// `bool cache` - If `true` is returned, the same permissions will be applied from the same /// `_sender` without calling this contract again. function allowedTxTypes( address _sender, address _to, uint256 _value, uint256 _gasPrice, bytes memory _data ) public view returns(uint32 typesMask, bool cache) { if (_gasPrice > 0 || _data.length < 4) return (All, false); return (None, false); } }