// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { observable, computed, action, transaction } from 'mobx'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { uniq } from 'lodash'; import { wallet as walletAbi } from '~/contracts/abi'; import { bytesToHex } from '~/api/util/format'; import Contract from '~/api/contract'; import ERRORS from './errors'; import { ERROR_CODES } from '~/api/transport/error'; import { DEFAULT_GAS, MAX_GAS_ESTIMATION } from '~/util/constants'; import GasPriceStore from '~/ui/GasPriceEditor/store'; const TITLES = { transfer: 'transfer details', sending: 'sending', complete: 'complete', extras: 'extra information', rejected: 'rejected' }; const STAGES_BASIC = [TITLES.transfer, TITLES.sending, TITLES.complete]; const STAGES_EXTRA = [TITLES.transfer, TITLES.extras, TITLES.sending, TITLES.complete]; export default class TransferStore { @observable stage = 0; @observable extras = false; @observable valueAll = false; @observable sending = false; @observable tag = 'ETH'; @observable isEth = true; @observable busyState = null; @observable rejected = false; @observable data = ''; @observable dataError = null; @observable minBlock = '0'; @observable minBlockError = null; @observable recipient = ''; @observable recipientError = ERRORS.requireRecipient; @observable sender = ''; @observable senderError = null; @observable sendersBalances = {}; @observable total = '0.0'; @observable totalError = null; @observable value = '0.0'; @observable valueError = null; account = null; balance = null; onClose = null; senders = null; isWallet = false; wallet = null; gasStore = null; @computed get steps () { const steps = [].concat(this.extras ? STAGES_EXTRA : STAGES_BASIC); if (this.rejected) { steps[steps.length - 1] = TITLES.rejected; } return steps; } @computed get isValid () { const detailsValid = !this.recipientError && !this.valueError && !this.totalError && !this.senderError; const extrasValid = !this.gasStore.errorGas && !this.gasStore.errorPrice && !this.minBlockError && !this.totalError; const verifyValid = !this.passwordError; switch (this.stage) { case 0: return detailsValid; case 1: return this.extras ? extrasValid : verifyValid; case 2: return verifyValid; } } get token () { return this.balance.tokens.find((balance) => balance.token.tag === this.tag).token; } constructor (api, props) { this.api = api; const { account, balance, gasLimit, senders, newError, sendersBalances } = props; this.account = account; this.balance = balance; this.isWallet = account && account.wallet; this.newError = newError; this.gasStore = new GasPriceStore(api, { gasLimit }); if (this.isWallet) { this.wallet = props.wallet; this.walletContract = new Contract(this.api, walletAbi); } if (senders) { this.senders = senders; this.sendersBalances = sendersBalances; this.senderError = ERRORS.requireSender; } } @action onNext = () => { this.stage += 1; } @action onPrev = () => { this.stage -= 1; } @action handleClose = () => { this.stage = 0; } @action onUpdateDetails = (type, value) => { switch (type) { case 'all': return this._onUpdateAll(value); case 'extras': return this._onUpdateExtras(value); case 'data': return this._onUpdateData(value); case 'gas': return this._onUpdateGas(value); case 'gasPrice': return this._onUpdateGasPrice(value); case 'minBlock': return this._onUpdateMinBlock(value); case 'recipient': return this._onUpdateRecipient(value); case 'sender': return this._onUpdateSender(value); case 'tag': return this._onUpdateTag(value); case 'value': return this._onUpdateValue(value); } } @action onSend = () => { this.onNext(); this.sending = true; this .send() .then((requestId) => { this.busyState = 'Waiting for authorization in the Parity Signer'; return this.api .pollMethod('parity_checkRequest', requestId) .catch((e) => { if (e.code === ERROR_CODES.REQUEST_REJECTED) { this.rejected = true; return false; } throw e; }); }) .then((txhash) => { transaction(() => { this.onNext(); this.sending = false; this.txhash = txhash; this.busyState = 'Your transaction has been posted to the network'; }); if (this.isWallet) { return this._attachWalletOperation(txhash); } }) .catch((error) => { this.sending = false; this.newError(error); }); } @action _attachWalletOperation = (txhash) => { let ethSubscriptionId = null; return this.api.subscribe('eth_blockNumber', () => { this.api.eth .getTransactionReceipt(txhash) .then((tx) => { if (!tx) { return; } const logs = this.walletContract.parseEventLogs(tx.logs); const operations = uniq(logs .filter((log) => log && log.params && log.params.operation) .map((log) => bytesToHex(log.params.operation.value))); if (operations.length > 0) { this.operation = operations[0]; } this.api.unsubscribe(ethSubscriptionId); ethSubscriptionId = null; }); }).then((subId) => { ethSubscriptionId = subId; }); } @action _onUpdateAll = (valueAll) => { this.valueAll = valueAll; this.recalculateGas(); } @action _onUpdateExtras = (extras) => { this.extras = extras; } @action _onUpdateData = (data) => { this.data = data; this.recalculateGas(); } @action _onUpdateGas = (gas) => { this.recalculate(); } @action _onUpdateMinBlock = (minBlock) => { console.log('minBlock', minBlock); transaction(() => { this.minBlock = minBlock; this.minBlockError = this._validatePositiveNumber(minBlock); }); } @action _onUpdateGasPrice = (gasPrice) => { this.recalculate(); } @action _onUpdateRecipient = (recipient) => { let recipientError = null; if (!recipient || !recipient.length) { recipientError = ERRORS.requireRecipient; } else if (!this.api.util.isAddressValid(recipient)) { recipientError = ERRORS.invalidAddress; } transaction(() => { this.recipient = recipient; this.recipientError = recipientError; this.recalculateGas(); }); } @action _onUpdateSender = (sender) => { let senderError = null; if (!sender || !sender.length) { senderError = ERRORS.requireSender; } else if (!this.api.util.isAddressValid(sender)) { senderError = ERRORS.invalidAddress; } transaction(() => { this.sender = sender; this.senderError = senderError; this.recalculateGas(); }); } @action _onUpdateTag = (tag) => { transaction(() => { this.tag = tag; this.isEth = tag.toLowerCase().trim() === 'eth'; this.recalculateGas(); }); } @action _onUpdateValue = (value) => { let valueError = this._validatePositiveNumber(value); if (!valueError) { valueError = this._validateDecimals(value); } transaction(() => { this.value = value; this.valueError = valueError; this.recalculateGas(); }); } @action recalculateGas = () => { if (!this.isValid) { this.gasStore.setGas('0'); return this.recalculate(); } this .estimateGas() .then((gasEst) => { let gas = gasEst; if (gas.gt(DEFAULT_GAS)) { gas = gas.mul(1.2); } transaction(() => { this.gasStore.setEstimated(gasEst.toFixed(0)); this.gasStore.setGas(gas.toFixed(0)); this.recalculate(); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.warn('etimateGas', error); this.recalculate(); }); } @action recalculate = () => { const { account } = this; if (!account || !this.balance) { return; } const balance = this.senders ? this.sendersBalances[this.sender] : this.balance; if (!balance) { return; } const { tag, valueAll, isEth, isWallet } = this; const gasTotal = new BigNumber(this.gasStore.price || 0).mul(new BigNumber(this.gasStore.gas || 0)); const availableEth = new BigNumber(balance.tokens[0].value); const senderBalance = this.balance.tokens.find((b) => tag === b.token.tag); const format = new BigNumber(senderBalance.token.format || 1); const available = isWallet ? this.api.util.fromWei(new BigNumber(senderBalance.value)) : (new BigNumber(senderBalance.value)).div(format); let { value, valueError } = this; let totalEth = gasTotal; let totalError = null; if (valueAll) { if (isEth && !isWallet) { const bn = this.api.util.fromWei(availableEth.minus(gasTotal)); value = (bn.lt(0) ? new BigNumber(0.0) : bn).toString(); } else if (isEth) { value = (available.lt(0) ? new BigNumber(0.0) : available).toString(); } else { value = available.toString(); } } if (isEth && !isWallet) { totalEth = totalEth.plus(this.api.util.toWei(value || 0)); } if (new BigNumber(value || 0).gt(available)) { valueError = ERRORS.largeAmount; } else if (valueError === ERRORS.largeAmount) { valueError = null; } if (totalEth.gt(availableEth)) { totalError = ERRORS.largeAmount; } transaction(() => { this.total = this.api.util.fromWei(totalEth).toFixed(); this.totalError = totalError; this.value = value; this.valueError = valueError; this.gasStore.setErrorTotal(totalError); this.gasStore.setEthValue(totalEth); }); } send () { const { options, values } = this._getTransferParams(); options.minBlock = new BigNumber(this.minBlock || 0).gt(0) ? this.minBlock : null; return this._getTransferMethod().postTransaction(options, values); } _estimateGas (forceToken = false) { const { options, values } = this._getTransferParams(true, forceToken); return this._getTransferMethod(true, forceToken).estimateGas(options, values); } estimateGas () { if (this.isEth || !this.isWallet) { return this._estimateGas(); } return Promise .all([ this._estimateGas(true), this._estimateGas() ]) .then((results) => results[0].plus(results[1])); } _getTransferMethod (gas = false, forceToken = false) { const { isEth, isWallet } = this; if (isEth && !isWallet && !forceToken) { return gas ? this.api.eth : this.api.parity; } if (isWallet && !forceToken) { return this.wallet.instance.execute; } return this.token.contract.instance.transfer; } _getData (gas = false) { const { isEth, isWallet } = this; if (!isWallet || isEth) { return this.data && this.data.length ? this.data : ''; } const func = this._getTransferMethod(gas, true); const { options, values } = this._getTransferParams(gas, true); return this.token.contract.getCallData(func, options, values); } _getTransferParams (gas = false, forceToken = false) { const { isEth, isWallet } = this; const to = (isEth && !isWallet) ? this.recipient : (this.isWallet ? this.wallet.address : this.token.address); const options = { from: this.sender || this.account.address, to }; if (!gas) { options.gas = this.gasStore.gas; options.gasPrice = this.gasStore.price; } else { options.gas = MAX_GAS_ESTIMATION; } if (isEth && !isWallet && !forceToken) { options.value = this.api.util.toWei(this.value || 0); options.data = this._getData(gas); return { options, values: [] }; } if (isWallet && !forceToken) { const to = isEth ? this.recipient : this.token.contract.address; const value = isEth ? this.api.util.toWei(this.value || 0) : new BigNumber(0); const values = [ to, value, this._getData(gas) ]; return { options, values }; } const values = [ this.recipient, new BigNumber(this.value || 0).mul(this.token.format).toFixed(0) ]; return { options, values }; } _validatePositiveNumber (num) { try { const v = new BigNumber(num); if (v.lt(0)) { return ERRORS.invalidAmount; } } catch (e) { return ERRORS.invalidAmount; } return null; } _validateDecimals (num) { const { balance } = this; if (this.tag === 'ETH') { return null; } const token = balance.tokens.find((balance) => balance.token.tag === this.tag).token; const s = new BigNumber(num).mul(token.format || 1).toFixed(); if (s.indexOf('.') !== -1) { return ERRORS.invalidDecimals; } return null; } }