// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { range } from 'lodash'; import { bytesToHex, toHex } from '~/api/util/format'; export default class WalletsUtils { static fetchRequire (walletContract) { return walletContract.instance.m_required.call(); } static fetchOwners (walletContract) { const walletInstance = walletContract.instance; return walletInstance .m_numOwners.call() .then((mNumOwners) => { return Promise.all(range(mNumOwners.toNumber()).map((idx) => walletInstance.getOwner.call({}, [ idx ]))); }); } static fetchDailylimit (walletContract) { const walletInstance = walletContract.instance; return Promise .all([ walletInstance.m_dailyLimit.call(), walletInstance.m_spentToday.call(), walletInstance.m_lastDay.call() ]) .then(([ limit, spent, last ]) => ({ limit, spent, last })); } static fetchTransactions (walletContract) { const walletInstance = walletContract.instance; const signatures = { single: toHex(walletInstance.SingleTransact.signature), multi: toHex(walletInstance.MultiTransact.signature), deposit: toHex(walletInstance.Deposit.signature) }; return walletContract .getAllLogs({ topics: [ [ signatures.single, signatures.multi, signatures.deposit ] ] }) .then((logs) => { return logs.sort((logA, logB) => { const comp = logB.blockNumber.comparedTo(logA.blockNumber); if (comp !== 0) { return comp; } return logB.transactionIndex.comparedTo(logA.transactionIndex); }); }) .then((logs) => { const transactions = logs.map((log) => { const signature = toHex(log.topics[0]); const value = log.params.value.value; const from = signature === signatures.deposit ? log.params['_from'].value : walletContract.address; const to = signature === signatures.deposit ? walletContract.address : log.params.to.value; const transaction = { transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, from, to, value }; if (log.params.operation) { transaction.operation = bytesToHex(log.params.operation.value); } if (log.params.data) { transaction.data = log.params.data.value; } return transaction; }); return transactions; }); } }