// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.

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//! HTTP/HTTPS URL type. Based on URL type from Iron library.

use url_lib::{self};
pub use url_lib::Host;

/// HTTP/HTTPS URL type for Iron.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Url {
	/// Raw url of url
	pub raw: url_lib::Url,

	/// The host field of the URL, probably a domain.
	pub host: Host,

	/// The connection port.
	pub port: u16,

	/// The URL path, the resource to be accessed.
	/// A *non-empty* vector encoding the parts of the URL path.
	/// Empty entries of `""` correspond to trailing slashes.
	pub path: Vec<String>,

	/// The URL query.
	pub query: Option<String>,

	/// The URL username field, from the userinfo section of the URL.
	/// `None` if the `@` character was not part of the input OR
	/// if a blank username was provided.
	/// Otherwise, a non-empty string.
	pub username: Option<String>,

	/// The URL password field, from the userinfo section of the URL.
	/// `None` if the `@` character was not part of the input OR
	/// if a blank password was provided.
	/// Otherwise, a non-empty string.
	pub password: Option<String>,

impl Url {
	/// Create a URL from a string.
	/// The input must be a valid URL with a special scheme for this to succeed.
	/// HTTP and HTTPS are special schemes.
	/// See: http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#special-scheme
	pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Url, String> {
		// Parse the string using rust-url, then convert.
		match url_lib::Url::parse(input) {
			Ok(raw_url) => Url::from_generic_url(raw_url),
			Err(e) => Err(format!("{}", e))

	/// Create a `Url` from a `rust-url` `Url`.
	pub fn from_generic_url(raw_url: url_lib::Url) -> Result<Url, String> {
		// Map empty usernames to None.
		let username = match raw_url.username() {
			"" => None,
			username => Some(username.to_owned())

		// Map empty passwords to None.
		let password = match raw_url.password() {
			Some(password) if !password.is_empty() => Some(password.to_owned()),
			_ => None,

		let port = raw_url.port_or_known_default().ok_or_else(|| format!("Unknown port for scheme: `{}`", raw_url.scheme()))?;
		let host = raw_url.host().ok_or_else(|| "Valid host, because only data:, mailto: protocols does not have host.".to_owned())?.to_owned();
		let path = raw_url.path_segments().ok_or_else(|| "Valid path segments. In HTTP we won't get cannot-be-a-base URLs".to_owned())?
					.map(|part| part.to_owned()).collect();
		let query = raw_url.query().map(|x| x.to_owned());

		Ok(Url {
			port: port,
			host: host,
			path: path,
			query: query,
			raw: raw_url,
			username: username,
			password: password,

mod test {
    use super::Url;

    fn test_default_port() {
        assert_eq!(Url::parse("http://example.com/wow").unwrap().port, 80u16);
        assert_eq!(Url::parse("https://example.com/wow").unwrap().port, 443u16);

    fn test_explicit_port() {
        assert_eq!(Url::parse("http://localhost:3097").unwrap().port, 3097u16);

    fn test_empty_username() {

    fn test_not_empty_username() {
        let user = Url::parse("http://john:pass@example.com").unwrap().username;
        assert_eq!(user.unwrap(), "john");

        let user = Url::parse("http://john:@example.com").unwrap().username;
        assert_eq!(user.unwrap(), "john");

    fn test_empty_password() {

    fn test_not_empty_password() {
        let pass = Url::parse("http://michael:pass@example.com").unwrap().password;
        assert_eq!(pass.unwrap(), "pass");

        let pass = Url::parse("http://:pass@example.com").unwrap().password;
        assert_eq!(pass.unwrap(), "pass");