// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use ethkey::{Public, Secret, Random, Generator, math}; use key_server_cluster::Error; #[derive(Debug)] /// Encryption result. pub struct EncryptedSecret { /// Common encryption point. pub common_point: Public, /// Ecnrypted point. pub encrypted_point: Public, } /// Generate random scalar pub fn generate_random_scalar() -> Result { Ok(Random.generate()?.secret().clone()) } /// Generate random point pub fn generate_random_point() -> Result { Ok(Random.generate()?.public().clone()) } /// Update point by multiplying to random scalar pub fn update_random_point(point: &mut Public) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(math::public_mul_secret(point, &generate_random_scalar()?)?) } /// Generate random polynom of threshold degree pub fn generate_random_polynom(threshold: usize) -> Result, Error> { let mut polynom: Vec<_> = Vec::with_capacity(threshold + 1); for _ in 0..threshold + 1 { polynom.push(generate_random_scalar()?); } debug_assert_eq!(polynom.len(), threshold + 1); Ok(polynom) } /// Compute value of polynom, using `node_number` as argument pub fn compute_polynom(polynom: &[Secret], node_number: &Secret) -> Result { debug_assert!(!polynom.is_empty()); let mut result = polynom[0].clone(); for i in 1..polynom.len() { // calculate pow(node_number, i) let mut appendum = node_number.clone(); appendum.pow(i)?; // calculate coeff * pow(point, i) appendum.mul(&polynom[i])?; // calculate result + coeff * pow(point, i) result.add(&appendum)?; } Ok(result) } /// Generate public keys for other participants. pub fn public_values_generation(threshold: usize, derived_point: &Public, polynom1: &[Secret], polynom2: &[Secret]) -> Result, Error> { debug_assert_eq!(polynom1.len(), threshold + 1); debug_assert_eq!(polynom2.len(), threshold + 1); // compute t+1 public values let mut publics = Vec::with_capacity(threshold + 1); for i in 0..threshold + 1 { let coeff1 = &polynom1[i]; let mut multiplication1 = math::generation_point(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut multiplication1, &coeff1)?; let coeff2 = &polynom2[i]; let mut multiplication2 = derived_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut multiplication2, &coeff2)?; math::public_add(&mut multiplication1, &multiplication2)?; publics.push(multiplication1); } debug_assert_eq!(publics.len(), threshold + 1); Ok(publics) } /// Check keys passed by other participants. pub fn keys_verification(threshold: usize, derived_point: &Public, number_id: &Secret, secret1: &Secret, secret2: &Secret, publics: &[Public]) -> Result { // calculate left part let mut multiplication1 = math::generation_point(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut multiplication1, secret1)?; let mut multiplication2 = derived_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut multiplication2, secret2)?; math::public_add(&mut multiplication1, &multiplication2)?; let left = multiplication1; // calculate right part let mut right = publics[0].clone(); for i in 1..threshold + 1 { let mut secret_pow = number_id.clone(); secret_pow.pow(i)?; let mut public_k = publics[i].clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut public_k, &secret_pow)?; math::public_add(&mut right, &public_k)?; } Ok(left == right) } /// Compute secret share. pub fn compute_secret_share<'a, I>(mut secret_values: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let mut secret_share = secret_values.next().expect("compute_secret_share is called when cluster has at least one node; qed").clone(); while let Some(secret_value) = secret_values.next() { secret_share.add(secret_value)?; } Ok(secret_share) } /// Compute public key share. pub fn compute_public_share(self_secret_value: &Secret) -> Result { let mut public_share = math::generation_point(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut public_share, self_secret_value)?; Ok(public_share) } /// Compute joint public key. pub fn compute_joint_public<'a, I>(mut public_shares: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let mut joint_public = public_shares.next().expect("compute_joint_public is called when cluster has at least one node; qed").clone(); while let Some(public_share) = public_shares.next() { math::public_add(&mut joint_public, &public_share)?; } Ok(joint_public) } #[cfg(test)] /// Compute joint secret key. pub fn compute_joint_secret<'a, I>(mut secret_coeffs: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let mut joint_secret = secret_coeffs.next().expect("compute_joint_private is called when cluster has at least one node; qed").clone(); while let Some(secret_coeff) = secret_coeffs.next() { joint_secret.add(secret_coeff)?; } Ok(joint_secret) } /// Encrypt secret with joint public key. pub fn encrypt_secret(secret: &Public, joint_public: &Public) -> Result { // this is performed by KS-cluster client (or KS master) let key_pair = Random.generate()?; // k * T let mut common_point = math::generation_point(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut common_point, key_pair.secret())?; // M + k * y let mut encrypted_point = joint_public.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut encrypted_point, key_pair.secret())?; math::public_add(&mut encrypted_point, secret)?; Ok(EncryptedSecret { common_point: common_point, encrypted_point: encrypted_point, }) } /// Compute shadow for the node. pub fn compute_node_shadow<'a, I>(node_number: &Secret, node_secret_share: &Secret, mut other_nodes_numbers: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let other_node_number = match other_nodes_numbers.next() { Some(other_node_number) => other_node_number, None => return Ok(node_secret_share.clone()), }; let mut shadow = node_number.clone(); shadow.sub(other_node_number)?; shadow.inv()?; shadow.mul(other_node_number)?; while let Some(other_node_number) = other_nodes_numbers.next() { let mut shadow_element = node_number.clone(); shadow_element.sub(other_node_number)?; shadow_element.inv()?; shadow_element.mul(other_node_number)?; shadow.mul(&shadow_element)?; } shadow.mul(&node_secret_share)?; Ok(shadow) } /// Compute shadow point for the node. pub fn compute_node_shadow_point(access_key: &Secret, common_point: &Public, node_shadow: &Secret, decrypt_shadow: Option) -> Result<(Public, Option), Error> { let mut shadow_key = node_shadow.clone(); let decrypt_shadow = match decrypt_shadow { None => None, Some(mut decrypt_shadow) => { // update shadow key shadow_key.mul(&decrypt_shadow)?; // now udate decrypt shadow itself decrypt_shadow.dec()?; decrypt_shadow.mul(node_shadow)?; Some(decrypt_shadow) } }; shadow_key.mul(access_key)?; let mut node_shadow_point = common_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut node_shadow_point, &shadow_key)?; Ok((node_shadow_point, decrypt_shadow)) } /// Compute joint shadow point. pub fn compute_joint_shadow_point<'a, I>(mut nodes_shadow_points: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let mut joint_shadow_point = nodes_shadow_points.next().expect("compute_joint_shadow_point is called when at least two nodes are required to decrypt secret; qed").clone(); while let Some(node_shadow_point) = nodes_shadow_points.next() { math::public_add(&mut joint_shadow_point, &node_shadow_point)?; } Ok(joint_shadow_point) } #[cfg(test)] /// Compute joint shadow point (version for tests). pub fn compute_joint_shadow_point_test<'a, I>(access_key: &Secret, common_point: &Public, mut nodes_shadows: I) -> Result where I: Iterator { let mut joint_shadow = nodes_shadows.next().expect("compute_joint_shadow_point_test is called when at least two nodes are required to decrypt secret; qed").clone(); while let Some(node_shadow) = nodes_shadows.next() { joint_shadow.add(node_shadow)?; } joint_shadow.mul(access_key)?; let mut joint_shadow_point = common_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut joint_shadow_point, &joint_shadow)?; Ok(joint_shadow_point) } /// Decrypt data using joint shadow point. pub fn decrypt_with_joint_shadow(threshold: usize, access_key: &Secret, encrypted_point: &Public, joint_shadow_point: &Public) -> Result { let mut inv_access_key = access_key.clone(); inv_access_key.inv()?; let mut mul = joint_shadow_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut mul, &inv_access_key)?; let mut decrypted_point = encrypted_point.clone(); if threshold % 2 != 0 { math::public_add(&mut decrypted_point, &mul)?; } else { math::public_sub(&mut decrypted_point, &mul)?; } Ok(decrypted_point) } /// Prepare common point for shadow decryption. pub fn make_common_shadow_point(threshold: usize, mut common_point: Public) -> Result { if threshold % 2 != 1 { Ok(common_point) } else { math::public_negate(&mut common_point)?; Ok(common_point) } } #[cfg(test)] /// Decrypt shadow-encrypted secret. pub fn decrypt_with_shadow_coefficients(mut decrypted_shadow: Public, mut common_shadow_point: Public, shadow_coefficients: Vec) -> Result { let mut shadow_coefficients_sum = shadow_coefficients[0].clone(); for shadow_coefficient in shadow_coefficients.iter().skip(1) { shadow_coefficients_sum.add(shadow_coefficient)?; } math::public_mul_secret(&mut common_shadow_point, &shadow_coefficients_sum)?; math::public_add(&mut decrypted_shadow, &common_shadow_point)?; Ok(decrypted_shadow) } #[cfg(test)] /// Decrypt data using joint secret (version for tests). pub fn decrypt_with_joint_secret(encrypted_point: &Public, common_point: &Public, joint_secret: &Secret) -> Result { let mut common_point_mul = common_point.clone(); math::public_mul_secret(&mut common_point_mul, joint_secret)?; let mut decrypted_point = encrypted_point.clone(); math::public_sub(&mut decrypted_point, &common_point_mul)?; Ok(decrypted_point) } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use ethkey::KeyPair; use super::*; pub fn do_encryption_and_decryption(t: usize, joint_public: &Public, id_numbers: &[Secret], secret_shares: &[Secret], joint_secret: Option<&Secret>, document_secret_plain: Public) -> (Public, Public) { // === PART2: encryption using joint public key === // the next line is executed on KeyServer-client let encrypted_secret = encrypt_secret(&document_secret_plain, &joint_public).unwrap(); // === PART3: decryption === // next line is executed on KeyServer client let access_key = generate_random_scalar().unwrap(); // use t + 1 nodes to compute joint shadow point let nodes_shadows: Vec<_> = (0..t + 1).map(|i| compute_node_shadow(&id_numbers[i], &secret_shares[i], id_numbers.iter() .enumerate() .filter(|&(j, _)| j != i) .take(t) .map(|(_, id_number)| id_number)).unwrap()).collect(); let nodes_shadow_points: Vec<_> = nodes_shadows.iter() .map(|s| compute_node_shadow_point(&access_key, &encrypted_secret.common_point, s, None).unwrap()) .map(|sp| sp.0) .collect(); assert_eq!(nodes_shadows.len(), t + 1); assert_eq!(nodes_shadow_points.len(), t + 1); let joint_shadow_point = compute_joint_shadow_point(nodes_shadow_points.iter()).unwrap(); let joint_shadow_point_test = compute_joint_shadow_point_test(&access_key, &encrypted_secret.common_point, nodes_shadows.iter()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(joint_shadow_point, joint_shadow_point_test); // decrypt encrypted secret using joint shadow point let document_secret_decrypted = decrypt_with_joint_shadow(t, &access_key, &encrypted_secret.encrypted_point, &joint_shadow_point).unwrap(); // decrypt encrypted secret using joint secret [just for test] let document_secret_decrypted_test = match joint_secret { Some(joint_secret) => decrypt_with_joint_secret(&encrypted_secret.encrypted_point, &encrypted_secret.common_point, joint_secret).unwrap(), None => document_secret_decrypted.clone(), }; (document_secret_decrypted, document_secret_decrypted_test) } #[test] fn full_encryption_math_session() { let test_cases = [(0, 2), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5), (1, 10), (2, 10), (3, 10), (4, 10), (5, 10), (6, 10), (7, 10), (8, 10), (9, 10)]; for &(t, n) in &test_cases { // === PART1: DKG === // data, gathered during initialization let id_numbers: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|_| generate_random_scalar().unwrap()).collect(); // data, generated during keys dissemination let polynoms1: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|_| generate_random_polynom(t).unwrap()).collect(); let secrets1: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|i| (0..n).map(|j| compute_polynom(&polynoms1[i], &id_numbers[j]).unwrap()).collect::>()).collect(); // data, generated during keys generation let public_shares: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|i| compute_public_share(&polynoms1[i][0]).unwrap()).collect(); let secret_shares: Vec<_> = (0..n).map(|i| compute_secret_share(secrets1.iter().map(|s| &s[i])).unwrap()).collect(); // joint public key, as a result of DKG let joint_public = compute_joint_public(public_shares.iter()).unwrap(); // compute joint private key [just for test] let joint_secret = compute_joint_secret(polynoms1.iter().map(|p| &p[0])).unwrap(); let joint_key_pair = KeyPair::from_secret(joint_secret.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&joint_public, joint_key_pair.public()); // check secret shares computation [just for test] let secret_shares_polynom: Vec<_> = (0..t + 1).map(|k| compute_secret_share(polynoms1.iter().map(|p| &p[k])).unwrap()).collect(); let secret_shares_calculated_from_polynom: Vec<_> = id_numbers.iter().map(|id_number| compute_polynom(&*secret_shares_polynom, id_number).unwrap()).collect(); assert_eq!(secret_shares, secret_shares_calculated_from_polynom); // now encrypt and decrypt data let document_secret_plain = generate_random_point().unwrap(); let (document_secret_decrypted, document_secret_decrypted_test) = do_encryption_and_decryption(t, &joint_public, &id_numbers, &secret_shares, Some(&joint_secret), document_secret_plain.clone()); assert_eq!(document_secret_plain, document_secret_decrypted_test); assert_eq!(document_secret_plain, document_secret_decrypted); } } }