// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { isEqual, uniq } from 'lodash'; import Contract from '@parity/api/contract'; import { ERROR_CODES } from '@parity/api/transport/error'; import { bytesToHex, toHex } from '@parity/api/util/format'; import { wallet as WALLET_ABI } from '@parity/shared/contracts/abi'; import { MAX_GAS_ESTIMATION } from '@parity/shared/util/constants'; import WalletsUtils from '@parity/shared/util/wallets'; import { newError } from '~/ui/Errors/actions'; const UPDATE_OWNERS = 'owners'; const UPDATE_REQUIRE = 'require'; const UPDATE_DAILYLIMIT = 'dailylimit'; const UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS = 'transactions'; const UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS = 'confirmations'; export function confirmOperation (address, owner, operation) { return modifyOperation('confirm', address, owner, operation); } export function revokeOperation (address, owner, operation) { return modifyOperation('revoke', address, owner, operation); } function modifyOperation (method, address, owner, operation) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { api } = getState(); const contract = new Contract(api, WALLET_ABI).at(address); const options = { from: owner, gas: MAX_GAS_ESTIMATION }; const values = [ operation ]; dispatch(setOperationPendingState(address, operation, true)); contract.instance[method] .estimateGas(options, values) .then((gas) => { options.gas = gas.mul(1.2); return contract.instance[method].postTransaction(options, values); }) .then((requestId) => { return api .pollMethod('parity_checkRequest', requestId) .catch((e) => { dispatch(setOperationPendingState(address, operation, false)); if (e.code === ERROR_CODES.REQUEST_REJECTED) { return; } throw e; }); }) .catch((error) => { dispatch(setOperationPendingState(address, operation, false)); dispatch(newError(error)); }); }; } export function attachWallets (_wallets) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { wallet, api } = getState(); const prevAddresses = wallet.walletsAddresses; const nextAddresses = Object.keys(_wallets).map((a) => a.toLowerCase()).sort(); if (isEqual(prevAddresses, nextAddresses)) { return; } if (wallet.filterSubId) { api.eth.uninstallFilter(wallet.filterSubId); } if (nextAddresses.length === 0) { return dispatch(updateWallets({ wallets: {}, walletsAddresses: [], filterSubId: null })); } const filterOptions = { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest', address: nextAddresses }; api.eth .newFilter(filterOptions) .then((filterId) => { dispatch(updateWallets({ wallets: _wallets, walletsAddresses: nextAddresses, filterSubId: filterId })); }) .catch((error) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { console.error('walletActions::attachWallets', error); } else { throw error; } }); fetchWalletsInfo(Object.keys(_wallets))(dispatch, getState); }; } export function load (api) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const contract = new Contract(api, WALLET_ABI); dispatch(setWalletContract(contract)); api.subscribe('eth_blockNumber', (error) => { if (error) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return console.error('[eth_blockNumber] walletActions::load', error); } else { throw error; } } const { filterSubId } = getState().wallet; if (!filterSubId) { return; } api.eth .getFilterChanges(filterSubId) .then((logs) => contract.parseEventLogs(logs)) .then((logs) => { parseLogs(logs)(dispatch, getState); }) .catch((error) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return console.error('[getFilterChanges] walletActions::load', error); } else { throw error; } }); }); }; } function fetchWalletsInfo (updates) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (Array.isArray(updates)) { const _updates = updates.reduce((updates, address) => { updates[address] = { [ UPDATE_OWNERS ]: true, [ UPDATE_REQUIRE ]: true, [ UPDATE_DAILYLIMIT ]: true, [ UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS ]: true, [ UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS ]: true, address }; return updates; }, {}); return fetchWalletsInfo(_updates)(dispatch, getState); } const { api } = getState(); const _updates = Object.values(updates); Promise .all(_updates.map((update) => { const contract = new Contract(api, WALLET_ABI).at(update.address); return fetchWalletInfo(contract, update, getState); })) .then((updates) => { dispatch(updateWalletsDetails(updates)); }) .catch((error) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { return console.error('walletAction::fetchWalletsInfo', error); } else { throw error; } }); }; } function fetchWalletInfo (contract, update, getState) { const promises = []; if (update[UPDATE_OWNERS]) { promises.push(fetchWalletOwners(contract)); } if (update[UPDATE_REQUIRE]) { promises.push(fetchWalletRequire(contract)); } if (update[UPDATE_DAILYLIMIT]) { promises.push(fetchWalletDailylimit(contract)); } if (update[UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS]) { promises.push(fetchWalletTransactions(contract)); } return Promise .all(promises) .then((updates) => { if (update[UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS]) { const ownersUpdate = updates.find((u) => u.key === UPDATE_OWNERS); const transactionsUpdate = updates.find((u) => u.key === UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS); const owners = ownersUpdate && ownersUpdate.value || null; const transactions = transactionsUpdate && transactionsUpdate.value || null; return fetchWalletConfirmations(contract, update[UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS], owners, transactions, getState) .then((update) => { updates.push(update); return updates; }); } return updates; }) .then((updates) => { const wallet = { address: update.address }; updates.forEach((update) => { wallet[update.key] = update.value; }); return wallet; }); } function fetchWalletTransactions (contract) { return WalletsUtils .fetchTransactions(contract) .then((transactions) => { return { key: UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS, value: transactions }; }); } function fetchWalletOwners (contract) { return WalletsUtils .fetchOwners(contract) .then((value) => { return { key: UPDATE_OWNERS, value }; }); } function fetchWalletRequire (contract) { return WalletsUtils .fetchRequire(contract) .then((value) => { return { key: UPDATE_REQUIRE, value }; }); } function fetchWalletDailylimit (contract) { return WalletsUtils .fetchDailylimit(contract) .then((value) => { return { key: UPDATE_DAILYLIMIT, value }; }); } function fetchWalletConfirmations (contract, _operations, _owners = null, _transactions = null, getState) { const walletInstance = contract.instance; const wallet = getState().wallet.wallets[contract.address]; const owners = _owners || (wallet && wallet.owners) || null; const transactions = _transactions || (wallet && wallet.transactions) || null; // Full load if no operations given, or if the one given aren't loaded yet const fullLoad = !Array.isArray(_operations) || _operations .filter((op) => !wallet.confirmations.find((conf) => conf.operation === op)) .length > 0; let promise; if (fullLoad) { promise = walletInstance .ConfirmationNeeded .getAllLogs() .then((logs) => { return logs.map((log) => ({ initiator: log.params.initiator.value, to: log.params.to.value, data: log.params.data.value, value: log.params.value.value, operation: bytesToHex(log.params.operation.value), transactionIndex: log.transactionIndex, transactionHash: log.transactionHash, blockNumber: log.blockNumber, confirmedBy: [] })); }) .then((logs) => { return logs.sort((logA, logB) => { const comp = logA.blockNumber.comparedTo(logB.blockNumber); if (comp !== 0) { return comp; } return logA.transactionIndex.comparedTo(logB.transactionIndex); }); }) .then((confirmations) => { if (confirmations.length === 0) { return confirmations; } // Only fetch confirmations for operations not // yet confirmed (ie. not yet a transaction) if (transactions) { const operations = transactions .filter((t) => t.operation) .map((t) => t.operation); return confirmations.filter((confirmation) => { return !operations.includes(confirmation.operation); }); } return confirmations; }); } else { const { confirmations } = wallet; const nextConfirmations = confirmations .filter((conf) => _operations.includes(conf.operation)); promise = Promise.resolve(nextConfirmations); } return promise .then((confirmations) => { if (confirmations.length === 0) { return confirmations; } const uniqConfirmations = Object.values( confirmations.reduce((confirmations, confirmation) => { confirmations[confirmation.operation] = confirmation; return confirmations; }, {}) ); const operations = uniqConfirmations.map((conf) => conf.operation); return Promise .all(operations.map((op) => fetchOperationConfirmations(contract, op, owners))) .then((confirmedBys) => { uniqConfirmations.forEach((_, index) => { uniqConfirmations[index].confirmedBy = confirmedBys[index]; }); return uniqConfirmations; }); }) .then((confirmations) => { const prevConfirmations = wallet.confirmations || []; const nextConfirmations = prevConfirmations .filter((conA) => !confirmations.find((conB) => conB.operation === conA.operation)) .concat(confirmations) .map((conf) => ({ ...conf, pending: false })); return { key: UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS, value: nextConfirmations }; }); } function fetchOperationConfirmations (contract, operation, owners = null) { if (!owners) { console.warn('[fetchOperationConfirmations] try to provide the owners for the Wallet', contract.address); } const walletInstance = contract.instance; const promise = owners ? Promise.resolve({ value: owners }) : fetchWalletOwners(contract); return promise .then((result) => { const owners = result.value; return Promise .all(owners.map((owner) => walletInstance.hasConfirmed.call({}, [ operation, owner ]))) .then((data) => { return owners.filter((owner, index) => data[index]); }); }); } function parseLogs (logs) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (!logs || logs.length === 0) { return; } const WalletSignatures = WalletsUtils.getWalletSignatures(); const updates = {}; logs.forEach((log) => { const { address, topics } = log; const eventSignature = toHex(topics[0]); const prev = updates[address] || { [ UPDATE_DAILYLIMIT ]: true, address }; switch (eventSignature) { case WalletSignatures.OwnerChanged: case WalletSignatures.OwnerAdded: case WalletSignatures.OwnerRemoved: updates[address] = { ...prev, [ UPDATE_OWNERS ]: true }; return; case WalletSignatures.RequirementChanged: updates[address] = { ...prev, [ UPDATE_REQUIRE ]: true }; return; case WalletSignatures.ConfirmationNeeded: case WalletSignatures.Confirmation: case WalletSignatures.Revoke: const operation = bytesToHex(log.params.operation.value); updates[address] = { ...prev, [ UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS ]: uniq( (prev[UPDATE_CONFIRMATIONS] || []).concat(operation) ) }; return; case WalletSignatures.Deposit: case WalletSignatures.SingleTransact: case WalletSignatures.MultiTransact: case WalletSignatures.Old.SingleTransact: case WalletSignatures.Old.MultiTransact: updates[address] = { ...prev, [ UPDATE_TRANSACTIONS ]: true }; return; } }); fetchWalletsInfo(updates)(dispatch, getState); }; } function setOperationPendingState (address, operation, isPending) { return { type: 'setOperationPendingState', address, operation, isPending }; } function updateWalletsDetails (wallets) { return { type: 'updateWalletsDetails', wallets }; } function setWalletContract (contract) { return { type: 'setWalletContract', contract }; } function updateWallets (data) { return { type: 'updateWallets', ...data }; }