// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Utilities and helpers for transaction dispatch. use std::fmt::Debug; use std::ops::Deref; use std::sync::Arc; use futures::{future, Future, BoxFuture}; use light::cache::Cache as LightDataCache; use light::client::LightChainClient; use light::on_demand::{request, OnDemand}; use light::TransactionQueue as LightTransactionQueue; use rlp; use util::{Address, H520, H256, U256, Bytes, Mutex, RwLock}; use util::sha3::Hashable; use stats::Corpus; use ethkey::Signature; use ethsync::LightSync; use ethcore::ids::BlockId; use ethcore::miner::MinerService; use ethcore::client::MiningBlockChainClient; use ethcore::transaction::{Action, SignedTransaction, PendingTransaction, Transaction}; use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider; use crypto::DEFAULT_MAC; use jsonrpc_core::Error; use v1::helpers::{errors, TransactionRequest, FilledTransactionRequest, ConfirmationPayload}; use v1::types::{ H256 as RpcH256, H520 as RpcH520, Bytes as RpcBytes, RichRawTransaction as RpcRichRawTransaction, ConfirmationPayload as RpcConfirmationPayload, ConfirmationResponse, SignRequest as RpcSignRequest, DecryptRequest as RpcDecryptRequest, }; /// Has the capability to dispatch, sign, and decrypt. /// /// Requires a clone implementation, with the implication that it be cheap; /// usually just bumping a reference count or two. pub trait Dispatcher: Send + Sync + Clone { // TODO: when ATC exist, use zero-cost // type Out: IntoFuture /// Fill optional fields of a transaction request, fetching gas price but not nonce. fn fill_optional_fields(&self, request: TransactionRequest, default_sender: Address, force_nonce: bool) -> BoxFuture; /// Sign the given transaction request without dispatching, fetching appropriate nonce. fn sign(&self, accounts: Arc, filled: FilledTransactionRequest, password: SignWith) -> BoxFuture, Error>; /// "Dispatch" a local transaction. fn dispatch_transaction(&self, signed_transaction: PendingTransaction) -> Result; } /// A dispatcher which uses references to a client and miner in order to sign /// requests locally. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FullDispatcher { client: Arc, miner: Arc, } impl FullDispatcher { /// Create a `FullDispatcher` from Arc references to a client and miner. pub fn new(client: Arc, miner: Arc) -> Self { FullDispatcher { client, miner, } } } impl Clone for FullDispatcher { fn clone(&self) -> Self { FullDispatcher { client: self.client.clone(), miner: self.miner.clone(), } } } impl FullDispatcher { fn fill_nonce(nonce: Option, from: &Address, miner: &M, client: &C) -> U256 { nonce .or_else(|| miner.last_nonce(from).map(|nonce| nonce + U256::one())) .unwrap_or_else(|| client.latest_nonce(from)) } } impl Dispatcher for FullDispatcher { fn fill_optional_fields(&self, request: TransactionRequest, default_sender: Address, force_nonce: bool) -> BoxFuture { let (client, miner) = (self.client.clone(), self.miner.clone()); let request = request; let from = request.from.unwrap_or(default_sender); let nonce = match force_nonce { false => request.nonce, true => Some(Self::fill_nonce(request.nonce, &from, &miner, &client)), }; future::ok(FilledTransactionRequest { from: from, used_default_from: request.from.is_none(), to: request.to, nonce: nonce, gas_price: request.gas_price.unwrap_or_else(|| default_gas_price(&*client, &*miner)), gas: request.gas.unwrap_or_else(|| miner.sensible_gas_limit()), value: request.value.unwrap_or_else(|| 0.into()), data: request.data.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new), condition: request.condition, }).boxed() } fn sign(&self, accounts: Arc, filled: FilledTransactionRequest, password: SignWith) -> BoxFuture, Error> { let (client, miner) = (self.client.clone(), self.miner.clone()); let network_id = client.signing_network_id(); let address = filled.from; future::done({ let t = Transaction { nonce: Self::fill_nonce(filled.nonce, &filled.from, &miner, &client), action: filled.to.map_or(Action::Create, Action::Call), gas: filled.gas, gas_price: filled.gas_price, value: filled.value, data: filled.data, }; if accounts.is_hardware_address(address) { hardware_signature(&*accounts, address, t, network_id).map(WithToken::No) } else { let hash = t.hash(network_id); let signature = try_bf!(signature(&*accounts, address, hash, password)); Ok(signature.map(|sig| { SignedTransaction::new(t.with_signature(sig, network_id)) .expect("Transaction was signed by AccountsProvider; it never produces invalid signatures; qed") })) } }).boxed() } fn dispatch_transaction(&self, signed_transaction: PendingTransaction) -> Result { let hash = signed_transaction.transaction.hash(); self.miner.import_own_transaction(&*self.client, signed_transaction) .map_err(errors::transaction) .map(|_| hash) } } /// Get a recent gas price corpus. // TODO: this could be `impl Trait`. pub fn fetch_gas_price_corpus( sync: Arc, client: Arc, on_demand: Arc, cache: Arc>, ) -> BoxFuture, Error> { const GAS_PRICE_SAMPLE_SIZE: usize = 100; if let Some(cached) = { cache.lock().gas_price_corpus() } { return future::ok(cached).boxed() } let cache = cache.clone(); let eventual_corpus = sync.with_context(|ctx| { // get some recent headers with gas used, // and request each of the blocks from the network. let block_requests = client.ancestry_iter(BlockId::Latest) .filter(|hdr| hdr.gas_used() != U256::default()) .take(GAS_PRICE_SAMPLE_SIZE) .map(|hdr| request::Body(hdr.into())) .collect::>(); // when the blocks come in, collect gas prices into a vector on_demand.request(ctx, block_requests) .expect("no back-references; therefore all back-references are valid; qed") .map(|bodies| { bodies.into_iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut v, block| { for t in block.transaction_views().iter() { v.push(t.gas_price()) } v }) }) .map(move |prices| { // produce a corpus from the vector, cache it, and return // the median as the intended gas price. let corpus: ::stats::Corpus<_> = prices.into(); cache.lock().set_gas_price_corpus(corpus.clone()); corpus }) }); match eventual_corpus { Some(corp) => corp.map_err(|_| errors::no_light_peers()).boxed(), None => future::err(errors::network_disabled()).boxed(), } } /// Returns a eth_sign-compatible hash of data to sign. /// The data is prepended with special message to prevent /// chosen-plaintext attacks. pub fn eth_data_hash(mut data: Bytes) -> H256 { let mut message_data = format!("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n{}", data.len()) .into_bytes(); message_data.append(&mut data); message_data.sha3() } /// Dispatcher for light clients -- fetches default gas price, next nonce, etc. from network. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LightDispatcher { /// Sync service. pub sync: Arc, /// Header chain client. pub client: Arc, /// On-demand request service. pub on_demand: Arc, /// Data cache. pub cache: Arc>, /// Transaction queue. pub transaction_queue: Arc>, } impl LightDispatcher { /// Create a new `LightDispatcher` from its requisite parts. /// /// For correct operation, the OnDemand service is assumed to be registered as a network handler, pub fn new( sync: Arc, client: Arc, on_demand: Arc, cache: Arc>, transaction_queue: Arc>, ) -> Self { LightDispatcher { sync: sync, client: client, on_demand: on_demand, cache: cache, transaction_queue: transaction_queue, } } /// Get a recent gas price corpus. // TODO: this could be `impl Trait`. pub fn gas_price_corpus(&self) -> BoxFuture, Error> { fetch_gas_price_corpus( self.sync.clone(), self.client.clone(), self.on_demand.clone(), self.cache.clone(), ) } /// Get an account's next nonce. pub fn next_nonce(&self, addr: Address) -> BoxFuture { // fast path where we don't go to network; nonce provided or can be gotten from queue. let maybe_nonce = self.transaction_queue.read().next_nonce(&addr); if let Some(nonce) = maybe_nonce { return future::ok(nonce).boxed() } let best_header = self.client.best_block_header(); let account_start_nonce = self.client.engine().account_start_nonce(best_header.number()); let nonce_future = self.sync.with_context(|ctx| self.on_demand.request(ctx, request::Account { header: best_header.into(), address: addr, }).expect("no back-references; therefore all back-references valid; qed")); match nonce_future { Some(x) => x.map(move |acc| acc.map_or(account_start_nonce, |acc| acc.nonce)) .map_err(|_| errors::no_light_peers()) .boxed(), None => future::err(errors::network_disabled()).boxed() } } } impl Dispatcher for LightDispatcher { fn fill_optional_fields(&self, request: TransactionRequest, default_sender: Address, force_nonce: bool) -> BoxFuture { const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE: U256 = U256([0, 0, 0, 21_000_000]); let gas_limit = self.client.best_block_header().gas_limit(); let request_gas_price = request.gas_price.clone(); let request_nonce = request.nonce.clone(); let from = request.from.unwrap_or(default_sender); let with_gas_price = move |gas_price| { let request = request; FilledTransactionRequest { from: from.clone(), used_default_from: request.from.is_none(), to: request.to, nonce: request.nonce, gas_price: gas_price, gas: request.gas.unwrap_or_else(|| gas_limit / 3.into()), value: request.value.unwrap_or_else(|| 0.into()), data: request.data.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new), condition: request.condition, } }; // fast path for known gas price. let gas_price = match request_gas_price { Some(gas_price) => future::ok(with_gas_price(gas_price)).boxed(), None => fetch_gas_price_corpus( self.sync.clone(), self.client.clone(), self.on_demand.clone(), self.cache.clone() ).and_then(|corp| match corp.median() { Some(median) => future::ok(*median), None => future::ok(DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE), // fall back to default on error. }).map(with_gas_price).boxed() }; match (request_nonce, force_nonce) { (_, false) | (Some(_), true) => gas_price, (None, true) => { let next_nonce = self.next_nonce(from); gas_price.and_then(move |mut filled| next_nonce .map_err(|_| errors::no_light_peers()) .map(move |nonce| { filled.nonce = Some(nonce); filled }) ).boxed() }, } } fn sign(&self, accounts: Arc, filled: FilledTransactionRequest, password: SignWith) -> BoxFuture, Error> { let network_id = self.client.signing_network_id(); let address = filled.from; let with_nonce = move |filled: FilledTransactionRequest, nonce| { let t = Transaction { nonce: nonce, action: filled.to.map_or(Action::Create, Action::Call), gas: filled.gas, gas_price: filled.gas_price, value: filled.value, data: filled.data, }; if accounts.is_hardware_address(address) { return hardware_signature(&*accounts, address, t, network_id).map(WithToken::No) } let hash = t.hash(network_id); let signature = signature(&*accounts, address, hash, password)?; Ok(signature.map(|sig| { SignedTransaction::new(t.with_signature(sig, network_id)) .expect("Transaction was signed by AccountsProvider; it never produces invalid signatures; qed") })) }; // fast path for pre-filled nonce. if let Some(nonce) = filled.nonce { return future::done(with_nonce(filled, nonce)).boxed() } self.next_nonce(address) .map_err(|_| errors::no_light_peers()) .and_then(move |nonce| with_nonce(filled, nonce)) .boxed() } fn dispatch_transaction(&self, signed_transaction: PendingTransaction) -> Result { let hash = signed_transaction.transaction.hash(); self.transaction_queue.write().import(signed_transaction) .map_err(Into::into) .map_err(errors::transaction) .map(|_| hash) } } /// Single-use account token. pub type AccountToken = String; /// Values used to unlock accounts for signing. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum SignWith { /// Nothing -- implies the account is already unlocked. Nothing, /// Unlock with password. Password(String), /// Unlock with single-use token. Token(AccountToken), } /// A value, potentially accompanied by a signing token. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum WithToken { /// No token. No(T), /// With token. Yes(T, AccountToken), } impl Deref for WithToken { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { match *self { WithToken::No(ref v) => v, WithToken::Yes(ref v, _) => v, } } } impl WithToken { /// Map the value with the given closure, preserving the token. pub fn map(self, f: F) -> WithToken where S: Debug, F: FnOnce(T) -> S, { match self { WithToken::No(v) => WithToken::No(f(v)), WithToken::Yes(v, token) => WithToken::Yes(f(v), token), } } /// Convert into inner value, ignoring possible token. pub fn into_value(self) -> T { match self { WithToken::No(v) => v, WithToken::Yes(v, _) => v, } } /// Convert the `WithToken` into a tuple. pub fn into_tuple(self) -> (T, Option) { match self { WithToken::No(v) => (v, None), WithToken::Yes(v, token) => (v, Some(token)) } } } impl From<(T, AccountToken)> for WithToken { fn from(tuple: (T, AccountToken)) -> Self { WithToken::Yes(tuple.0, tuple.1) } } impl From<(T, Option)> for WithToken { fn from(tuple: (T, Option)) -> Self { match tuple.1 { Some(token) => WithToken::Yes(tuple.0, token), None => WithToken::No(tuple.0), } } } /// Execute a confirmation payload. pub fn execute( dispatcher: D, accounts: Arc, payload: ConfirmationPayload, pass: SignWith ) -> BoxFuture, Error> { match payload { ConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(request) => { let condition = request.condition.clone().map(Into::into); dispatcher.sign(accounts, request, pass) .map(move |v| v.map(move |tx| PendingTransaction::new(tx, condition))) .map(WithToken::into_tuple) .map(|(tx, token)| (tx, token, dispatcher)) .and_then(|(tx, tok, dispatcher)| { dispatcher.dispatch_transaction(tx) .map(RpcH256::from) .map(ConfirmationResponse::SendTransaction) .map(move |h| WithToken::from((h, tok))) }).boxed() }, ConfirmationPayload::SignTransaction(request) => { dispatcher.sign(accounts, request, pass) .map(|result| result .map(RpcRichRawTransaction::from) .map(ConfirmationResponse::SignTransaction) ).boxed() }, ConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(address, data) => { if accounts.is_hardware_address(address) { return future::err(errors::unsupported("Signing via hardware wallets is not supported.", None)).boxed(); } let hash = eth_data_hash(data); let res = signature(&accounts, address, hash, pass) .map(|result| result .map(|rsv| H520(rsv.into_electrum())) .map(RpcH520::from) .map(ConfirmationResponse::Signature) ); future::done(res).boxed() }, ConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(address, data) => { if accounts.is_hardware_address(address) { return future::err(errors::unsupported("Decrypting via hardware wallets is not supported.", None)).boxed(); } let res = decrypt(&accounts, address, data, pass) .map(|result| result .map(RpcBytes) .map(ConfirmationResponse::Decrypt) ); future::done(res).boxed() }, } } fn signature(accounts: &AccountProvider, address: Address, hash: H256, password: SignWith) -> Result, Error> { match password.clone() { SignWith::Nothing => accounts.sign(address, None, hash).map(WithToken::No), SignWith::Password(pass) => accounts.sign(address, Some(pass), hash).map(WithToken::No), SignWith::Token(token) => accounts.sign_with_token(address, token, hash).map(Into::into), }.map_err(|e| match password { SignWith::Nothing => errors::signing(e), _ => errors::password(e), }) } // obtain a hardware signature from the given account. fn hardware_signature(accounts: &AccountProvider, address: Address, t: Transaction, network_id: Option) -> Result { debug_assert!(accounts.is_hardware_address(address)); let mut stream = rlp::RlpStream::new(); t.rlp_append_unsigned_transaction(&mut stream, network_id); let signature = accounts.sign_with_hardware(address, &stream.as_raw()) .map_err(|e| { debug!(target: "miner", "Error signing transaction with hardware wallet: {}", e); errors::account("Error signing transaction with hardware wallet", e) })?; SignedTransaction::new(t.with_signature(signature, network_id)) .map_err(|e| { debug!(target: "miner", "Hardware wallet has produced invalid signature: {}", e); errors::account("Invalid signature generated", e) }) } fn decrypt(accounts: &AccountProvider, address: Address, msg: Bytes, password: SignWith) -> Result, Error> { match password.clone() { SignWith::Nothing => accounts.decrypt(address, None, &DEFAULT_MAC, &msg).map(WithToken::No), SignWith::Password(pass) => accounts.decrypt(address, Some(pass), &DEFAULT_MAC, &msg).map(WithToken::No), SignWith::Token(token) => accounts.decrypt_with_token(address, token, &DEFAULT_MAC, &msg).map(Into::into), }.map_err(|e| match password { SignWith::Nothing => errors::signing(e), _ => errors::password(e), }) } /// Extract the default gas price from a client and miner. pub fn default_gas_price(client: &C, miner: &M) -> U256 where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService, { client.gas_price_corpus(100).median().cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| miner.sensible_gas_price()) } /// Convert RPC confirmation payload to signer confirmation payload. /// May need to resolve in the future to fetch things like gas price. pub fn from_rpc(payload: RpcConfirmationPayload, default_account: Address, dispatcher: &D) -> BoxFuture where D: Dispatcher { match payload { RpcConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(request) => { dispatcher.fill_optional_fields(request.into(), default_account, false) .map(ConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction) .boxed() }, RpcConfirmationPayload::SignTransaction(request) => { dispatcher.fill_optional_fields(request.into(), default_account, false) .map(ConfirmationPayload::SignTransaction) .boxed() }, RpcConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(RpcDecryptRequest { address, msg }) => { future::ok(ConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(address.into(), msg.into())).boxed() }, RpcConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(RpcSignRequest { address, data }) => { future::ok(ConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(address.into(), data.into())).boxed() }, } }