use std::fmt; use memorydb::*; use sha3::*; use hashdb::*; use hash::*; use nibbleslice::*; use bytes::*; use rlp::*; //use log::*; pub const NULL_RLP: [u8; 1] = [0x80; 1]; pub const SHA3_NULL_RLP: H256 = H256( [0x56, 0xe8, 0x1f, 0x17, 0x1b, 0xcc, 0x55, 0xa6, 0xff, 0x83, 0x45, 0xe6, 0x92, 0xc0, 0xf8, 0x6e, 0x5b, 0x48, 0xe0, 0x1b, 0x99, 0x6c, 0xad, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x62, 0x2f, 0xb5, 0xe3, 0x63, 0xb4, 0x21] ); pub trait Trie { fn root(&self) -> &H256; fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { *self.root() == SHA3_NULL_RLP } // TODO: consider returning &[u8]... fn contains(&self, key: &[u8]) -> bool; fn at<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a [u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]>; fn insert(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]); fn remove(&mut self, key: &[u8]); } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Node<'a> { Leaf(NibbleSlice<'a>, &'a[u8]), ExtensionRaw(NibbleSlice<'a>, &'a[u8]), ExtensionSha3(NibbleSlice<'a>, &'a[u8]), Branch(Option<[&'a[u8]; 16]>, &'a [u8]) } impl <'a>Node<'a> { pub fn decoded(node_rlp: &'a [u8]) -> Node<'a> { let r = Rlp::new(node_rlp); match r.prototype() { // either leaf or extension - decode first item with NibbleSlice::??? // and use is_leaf return to figure out which. // if leaf, second item is a value (is_data()) // if extension, second item is a node (either SHA3 to be looked up and // fed back into this function or inline RLP which can be fed back into this function). Prototype::List(2) => match NibbleSlice::from_encoded( { (slice, true) => Node::Leaf(slice,, (slice, false) => match { // its just raw extension 0...31 => Node::ExtensionRaw(slice,, // its SHA3 of raw extension + the length of sha3 33 => Node::ExtensionSha3(slice,, _ => { panic!(); } } }, // branch - first 16 are nodes, 17th is a value (or empty). Prototype::List(17) => { let mut nodes: [&'a [u8]; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() }; for i in 0..16 { nodes[i] =; } Node::Branch(Some(nodes), }, // an empty branch index. Prototype::Data(0) => Node::Branch(None,, // something went wrong. _ => panic!("Rlp is not valid.") } } pub fn encoded(&self) -> Bytes { match *self { Node::Leaf(ref slice, ref value) => { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2); stream.append(&slice.encoded(true)); stream.append(value); stream.out() }, Node::ExtensionRaw(ref slice, ref raw_rlp) => { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2); stream.append(&slice.encoded(false)); stream.append_raw(raw_rlp, 1); stream.out() }, Node::ExtensionSha3(ref slice, ref sha3) => { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2); stream.append(&slice.encoded(false)); stream.append(sha3); stream.out() }, Node::Branch(Some(ref nodes), ref value) => { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(17); for i in 0..16 { stream.append_raw(nodes[i], 1); } stream.append(value); stream.out() }, Node::Branch(_, _) => { let mut stream = RlpStream::new(); stream.append_empty_data(); stream.out() } } } } //enum ValidationResult<'a> { //Valid, //Invalid { node: Node<'a>, depth: usize } //} enum Operation { New(H256, Bytes), Delete(H256), } struct Diff (Vec); impl Diff { fn new() -> Diff { Diff(vec![]) } /// Given the RLP that encodes a node, append a reference to that node `out` and leave `diff` /// such that the reference is valid, once applied. fn new_node(&mut self, rlp: Bytes, out: &mut RlpStream) { if rlp.len() >= 32 { trace!("new_node: reference node {:?}", rlp.pretty()); let rlp_sha3 = rlp.sha3(); out.append(&rlp_sha3); self.0.push(Operation::New(rlp_sha3, rlp)); } else { trace!("new_node: inline node {:?}", rlp.pretty()); out.append_raw(&rlp, 1); } } /// Given the RLP that encodes a now-unused node, leave `diff` in such a state that it is noted. fn delete_node_sha3(&mut self, old_sha3: H256) { self.0.push(Operation::Delete(old_sha3)); } fn delete_node(&mut self, old: &Rlp) { if old.is_data() && old.size() == 32 { self.0.push(Operation::Delete(H256::decode(old))); } } fn replace_node(&mut self, old: &Rlp, rlp: Bytes, out: &mut RlpStream) { self.delete_node(old); self.new_node(rlp, out); } } pub struct TrieDB { db: Box, root: H256, } impl fmt::Debug for TrieDB { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(writeln!(f, "[")); let root_rlp = self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"); try!(self.fmt_all(root_rlp, f, 0)); writeln!(f, "]") } } impl TrieDB { pub fn new_boxed(db_box: Box) -> Self { let mut r = TrieDB{ db: db_box, root: H256::new() }; r.set_root_rlp(&NULL_RLP); r } pub fn new(db: T) -> Self where T: HashDB + 'static { Self::new_boxed(Box::new(db)) } pub fn new_memory() -> Self { Self::new(MemoryDB::new()) } pub fn db(&self) -> &HashDB { self.db.as_ref() } fn set_root_rlp(&mut self, root_data: &[u8]) { self.db.kill(&self.root); self.root = self.db.insert(root_data); trace!("set_root_rlp {:?} {:?}", root_data.pretty(), self.root); } fn apply(&mut self, diff: Diff) { trace!("applying {:?} changes", diff.0.len()); for d in diff.0.into_iter() { match d { Operation::Delete(h) => { trace!("TrieDB::apply --- {:?}", &h); self.db.kill(&h); }, Operation::New(h, d) => { trace!("TrieDB::apply +++ {:?} -> {:?}", &h, d.pretty()); self.db.emplace(h, d); } } } } fn fmt_indent(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, size: usize) -> fmt::Result { for _ in 0..size { try!(write!(f, " ")); } Ok(()) } fn fmt_all(&self, node: &[u8], f: &mut fmt::Formatter, deepness: usize) -> fmt::Result { let node = Node::decoded(node); match node { Node::Leaf(slice, value) => try!(writeln!(f, "Leaf {:?}, {:?}", slice, value.pretty())), Node::ExtensionRaw(ref slice, ref item) => { try!(write!(f, "Extension (raw): {:?} ", slice)); try!(self.fmt_all(item, f, deepness + 1)); }, Node::ExtensionSha3(ref slice, sha3) => { try!(write!(f, "Extension (sha3): {:?} ", slice)); let rlp = self.db.lookup(&H256::from_slice(sha3)).expect("sha3 not found!"); try!(self.fmt_all(rlp, f, deepness + 1)); }, Node::Branch(Some(ref nodes), ref value) => { try!(writeln!(f, "Branch: ")); try!(self.fmt_indent(f, deepness + 1)); try!(writeln!(f, ": {:?}", value.pretty())); for i in 0..16 { match Node::decoded(nodes[i]) { Node::Branch(None, _) => (), _ => { try!(self.fmt_indent(f, deepness + 1)); try!(write!(f, "{:x}: ", i)); try!(self.fmt_all(nodes[i], f, deepness + 1)); } } } }, // empty Node::Branch(_, _) => { // do nothing } }; Ok(()) } fn get<'a>(&'a self, key: &NibbleSlice<'a>) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { let root_rlp = self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"); self.get_from_node(&root_rlp, key) } fn get_from_node<'a>(&'a self, node: &'a [u8], key: &NibbleSlice<'a>) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { match Node::decoded(node) { Node::Leaf(ref slice, ref value) if key == slice => Some(value), Node::ExtensionRaw(ref slice, ref item) if key.starts_with(slice) => { self.get_from_node(item, &key.mid(slice.len())) }, Node::ExtensionSha3(ref slice, ref sha3) => { // lookup for this item let rlp = self.db.lookup(&H256::from_slice(sha3)).expect("sha3 not found!"); self.get_from_node(rlp, &key.mid(slice.len())) }, Node::Branch(Some(ref nodes), ref value) => match key.is_empty() { true => Some(value), false => self.get_from_node(nodes[ as usize], &key.mid(1)) }, _ => None } } fn add(&mut self, key: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8]) { trace!("ADD: {:?} {:?}", key, value.pretty()); // determine what the new root is, insert new nodes and remove old as necessary. let mut todo: Diff = Diff::new(); let root_rlp = self.augmented(self.db.lookup(&self.root).expect("Trie root not found!"), key, value, &mut todo); self.apply(todo); self.set_root_rlp(&root_rlp); trace!("/"); } fn compose_leaf(partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8]) -> Bytes { trace!("compose_leaf {:?} {:?} ({:?})", partial, value.pretty(), partial.encoded(true).pretty()); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&partial.encoded(true)); s.append(&value); let r = s.out(); trace!("compose_leaf: -> {:?}", r.pretty()); r } fn compose_raw(partial: &NibbleSlice, raw_payload: &[u8], is_leaf: bool) -> Bytes { println!("compose_raw {:?} {:?} {:?} ({:?})", partial, raw_payload.pretty(), is_leaf, partial.encoded(is_leaf)); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&partial.encoded(is_leaf)); s.append_raw(raw_payload, 1); let r = s.out(); println!("compose_raw: -> {:?}", r.pretty()); r } fn compose_stub_branch(value: &[u8]) -> Bytes { let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); for _ in 0..16 { s.append_empty_data(); } s.append(&value); s.out() } fn compose_extension(partial: &NibbleSlice, raw_payload: &[u8]) -> Bytes { Self::compose_raw(partial, raw_payload, false) } fn create_extension(partial: &NibbleSlice, downstream_node: Bytes, diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("create_extension partial: {:?}, downstream_node: {:?}", partial, downstream_node.pretty()); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&partial.encoded(false)); diff.new_node(downstream_node, &mut s); s.out() } /// Return the bytes encoding the node represented by `rlp`. It will be unlinked from /// the trie. fn take_node<'a, 'rlp_view>(&'a self, rlp: &'rlp_view Rlp<'a>, diff: &mut Diff) -> &'a [u8] where 'a: 'rlp_view { if rlp.is_list() { trace!("take_node {:?} (inline)", rlp.raw().pretty()); rlp.raw() } else if rlp.is_data() && rlp.size() == 32 { let h = H256::decode(rlp); let r = self.db.lookup(&h).expect("Trie root not found!"); trace!("take_node {:?} (indirect for {:?})", rlp.raw().pretty(), r); diff.delete_node_sha3(h); r } else { trace!("take_node {:?} (???)", rlp.raw().pretty()); panic!("Empty or invalid node given?"); } } /// Transform an existing extension or leaf node to an invalid single-entry branch. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn transmuted_extension_to_branch(orig_partial: &NibbleSlice, orig_raw_payload: &[u8], diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("transmuted_extension_to_branch"); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); assert!(!orig_partial.is_empty()); // extension nodes are not allowed to have empty partial keys. let index =; // orig is extension - orig_raw_payload is a node itself. for i in 0..17 { if index == i { if orig_partial.len() > 1 { // still need an extension diff.new_node(Self::compose_extension(&orig_partial.mid(1), orig_raw_payload), &mut s); } else { // was an extension of length 1 - just redirect the payload into here. s.append_raw(orig_raw_payload, 1); } } else { s.append_empty_data(); } } s.out() } fn transmuted_leaf_to_branch(orig_partial: &NibbleSlice, orig_raw_payload: &[u8], diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("transmuted_leaf_to_branch"); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); let index = if orig_partial.is_empty() {16} else {}; // orig is leaf - orig_raw_payload is data representing the actual value. for i in 0..17 { if index == i { // this is our node. diff.new_node(Self::compose_raw(&orig_partial.mid(if i == 16 {0} else {1}), orig_raw_payload, true), &mut s); } else { s.append_empty_data(); } } s.out() } /// Transform an existing extension or leaf node plus a new partial/value to a two-entry branch. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node nor destroy the original.** fn transmuted_to_branch_and_augmented(&self, orig_is_leaf: bool, orig_partial: &NibbleSlice, orig_raw_payload: &[u8], partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8], diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("transmuted_to_branch_and_augmented"); let intermediate = match orig_is_leaf { true => Self::transmuted_leaf_to_branch(orig_partial, orig_raw_payload, diff), false => Self::transmuted_extension_to_branch(orig_partial, orig_raw_payload, diff), }; self.augmented(&intermediate, partial, value, diff) // TODO: implement without having to make an intermediate representation. } /// Given a branch node's RLP `orig` together with a `partial` key and `value`, return the /// RLP-encoded node that accomodates the trie with the new entry. Mutate `diff` so that /// once applied the returned node is valid. fn augmented_into_branch(&self, orig: &Rlp, partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8], diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("augmented_into_branch"); let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(17); let index = if partial.is_empty() {16} else { as usize}; for i in 0usize..17 { match (index == i, i) { (true, 16) => // leaf entry - just replace. { s.append(&value); }, (true, i) if => // easy - original had empty slot. diff.new_node(Self::compose_leaf(&partial.mid(1), value), &mut s), (true, i) => { // harder - original has something there already let new = self.augmented(, &partial.mid(1), value, diff); diff.replace_node(&, new, &mut s); } (false, i) => { s.append_raw(, 1); }, } } s.out() } /// Determine the RLP of the node, assuming we're inserting `partial` into the /// node currently of data `old`. This will *not* delete any hash of `old` from the database; /// it will just return the new RLP that includes the new node. /// /// The database will be updated so as to make the returned RLP valid through inserting /// and deleting nodes as necessary. /// /// **This operation will not insert the new node now destroy the original.** fn augmented(&self, old: &[u8], partial: &NibbleSlice, value: &[u8], diff: &mut Diff) -> Bytes { trace!("augmented (old: {:?}, partial: {:?}, value: {:?})", old.pretty(), partial, value.pretty()); // already have an extension. either fast_forward, cleve or transmute_to_branch. let old_rlp = Rlp::new(old); match old_rlp.prototype() { Prototype::List(17) => { trace!("branch: ROUTE,AUGMENT"); // already have a branch. route and augment. self.augmented_into_branch(&old_rlp, partial, value, diff) }, Prototype::List(2) => { let existing_key_rlp =; let (existing_key, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(; match (is_leaf, partial.common_prefix(&existing_key)) { (true, cp) if cp == existing_key.len() && partial.len() == existing_key.len() => { // equivalent-leaf: replace trace!("equivalent-leaf: REPLACE"); Self::compose_leaf(partial, value) }, (_, 0) => { // one of us isn't empty: transmute to branch here trace!("no-common-prefix, not-both-empty (exist={:?}; new={:?}): TRANSMUTE,AUGMENT", existing_key.len(), partial.len()); self.transmuted_to_branch_and_augmented(is_leaf, &existing_key,, partial, value, diff) }, (_, cp) if cp == existing_key.len() => { trace!("complete-prefix (cp={:?}): AUGMENT-AT-END", cp); // fully-shared prefix for this extension: // transform to an extension + augmented version of onward node. let downstream_node: Bytes = if is_leaf { // no onward node because we're a leaf - create fake stub and use that. self.augmented(&Self::compose_stub_branch(, &partial.mid(cp), value, diff) } else { self.augmented(self.take_node(&, diff), &partial.mid(cp), value, diff) }; Self::create_extension(&existing_key, downstream_node, diff) }, (_, cp) => { // partially-shared prefix for this extension: // split into two extensions, high and low, pass the // low through augment with the value before inserting the result // into high to create the new. // TODO: optimise by doing this without creating augmented_low. trace!("partially-shared-prefix (exist={:?}; new={:?}; cp={:?}): AUGMENT-AT-END", existing_key.len(), partial.len(), cp); // low (farther from root) let low = Self::compose_raw(&existing_key.mid(cp),, is_leaf); let augmented_low = self.augmented(&low, &partial.mid(cp), value, diff); // high (closer to root) let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2); s.append(&existing_key.encoded_leftmost(cp, false)); diff.new_node(augmented_low, &mut s); s.out() }, } }, Prototype::Data(0) => { trace!("empty: COMPOSE"); Self::compose_leaf(partial, value) }, _ => panic!("Invalid RLP for node."), } } } impl Trie for TrieDB { fn root(&self) -> &H256 { &self.root } fn contains(&self, _key: &[u8]) -> bool { unimplemented!(); } fn at<'a>(&'a self, key: &'a [u8]) -> Option<&'a [u8]> { self.get(&NibbleSlice::new(key)) } fn insert(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) { self.add(&NibbleSlice::new(key), value); } fn remove(&mut self, _key: &[u8]) { unimplemented!(); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use triehash::*; use super::*; use nibbleslice::*; use rlp; use env_logger; #[test] fn test_node_leaf() { let k = vec![0x20u8, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; let v: Vec = From::from("cat"); let (slice, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(&k); assert_eq!(is_leaf, true); let leaf = Node::Leaf(slice, &v); let rlp = leaf.encoded(); let leaf2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(leaf, leaf2); } #[test] fn test_node_extension() { let k = vec![0x00u8, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45]; // in extension, value must be valid rlp let v = rlp::encode(&"cat"); let (slice, is_leaf) = NibbleSlice::from_encoded(&k); assert_eq!(is_leaf, false); let ex = Node::ExtensionRaw(slice, &v); let rlp = ex.encoded(); let ex2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(ex, ex2); } #[test] fn test_node_empty_branch() { let branch = Node::Branch(None, &b""[..]); let rlp = branch.encoded(); let branch2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(branch, branch2); } #[test] fn test_node_branch() { let k = rlp::encode(&"cat"); let mut nodes: [&[u8]; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() }; for i in 0..16 { nodes[i] = &k; } let v: Vec = From::from("dog"); let branch = Node::Branch(Some(nodes), &v); let rlp = branch.encoded(); let branch2 = Node::decoded(&rlp); assert_eq!(branch, branch2); } #[test] fn test_at_empty() { let t = TrieDB::new_memory(); assert_eq!([0x5]), None); } #[test] fn test_at_one() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!([0x1, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x1u8, 0x23]); } #[test] fn test_at_three() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!([0x01, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!([0xf1, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!([0x81, 0x23]).unwrap(), &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!([0x82, 0x23]), None); } #[test] fn test_print_trie() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x02u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); println!("trie:"); println!("{:?}", t); //assert!(false); } #[test] fn test_at_dog() { env_logger::init().unwrap(); let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); let v: Vec<(Vec, Vec)> = vec![ (From::from("do"), From::from("verb")), (From::from("dog"), From::from("puppy")), (From::from("doge"), From::from("coin")), (From::from("horse"), From::from("stallion")), ]; for i in 0..v.len() { let key: &[u8]= &v[i].0; let val: &[u8] = &v[i].1; t.insert(&key, &val); } // trace!("{:?}", t); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(v)); /*for i in 0..v.len() { let key: &[u8]= &v[i].0; let val: &[u8] = &v[i].1; assert_eq!(, val); }*/ } #[test] fn playpen() { env_logger::init().unwrap(); let big_value = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], big_value); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], big_value); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()) ])); } #[test] fn init() { let t = TrieDB::new_memory(); assert_eq!(*t.root(), SHA3_NULL_RLP); assert!(t.is_empty()); } #[test] fn insert_on_empty() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]) ])); } #[test] fn insert_replace_root() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x23u8, 0x45]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x23u8, 0x45]) ])); } #[test] fn insert_make_branch_root() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], &[0x11u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], vec![0x11u8, 0x23]) ])); } #[test] fn insert_into_branch_root() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0xf1u8, 0x23], &[0xf1u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x81u8, 0x23], &[0x81u8, 0x23]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x81u8, 0x23], vec![0x81u8, 0x23]), (vec![0xf1u8, 0x23], vec![0xf1u8, 0x23]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_value_into_branch_root() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[], &[0x0]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![], vec![0x0]), (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_split_leaf() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], &[0x01u8, 0x23]); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x34], &[0x01u8, 0x34]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], vec![0x01u8, 0x23]), (vec![0x01u8, 0x34], vec![0x01u8, 0x34]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_split_extenstion() { let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01, 0x23, 0x45], &[0x01]); t.insert(&[0x01, 0xf3, 0x45], &[0x02]); t.insert(&[0x01, 0xf3, 0xf5], &[0x03]); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01, 0x23, 0x45], vec![0x01]), (vec![0x01, 0xf3, 0x45], vec![0x02]), (vec![0x01, 0xf3, 0xf5], vec![0x03]), ])); } #[test] fn insert_big_value() { let big_value0 = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let big_value1 = b"11111111111111111111111111111111"; let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], big_value0); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], big_value1); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], big_value0.to_vec()), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], big_value1.to_vec()) ])); } #[test] fn insert_duplicate_value() { let big_value = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"; let mut t = TrieDB::new_memory(); t.insert(&[0x01u8, 0x23], big_value); t.insert(&[0x11u8, 0x23], big_value); assert_eq!(*t.root(), trie_root(vec![ (vec![0x01u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()), (vec![0x11u8, 0x23], big_value.to_vec()) ])); } }