// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import Encoder from './encoder'; import Token from '../token'; import { padAddress, padFixedBytes, padU32 } from '../util/pad'; describe('abi/encoder/Encoder', () => { describe('encodeToken', () => { it('requires token as Token', () => { expect(() => Encoder.encodeToken()).to.throw(/Token/); }); it('encodes address tokens in Mediate(raw)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('address', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes bool tokens in Mediate(raw)', () => { const mediatet = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('bool', true)); const mediatef = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('bool', false)); expect(mediatet.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediatet.value).to.be.ok; expect(mediatef.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediatef.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes int tokens in Mediate(raw)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('int', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes uint tokens in Mediate(raw)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('uint', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes fixedBytes tokens in Mediate(raw)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('fixedBytes', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('raw'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes bytes tokens in Mediate(prefixed)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('bytes', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('prefixed'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes string tokens in Mediate(prefixed)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('string', '123')); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('prefixed'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes fixedArray tokens in Mediate(fixedArray)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('fixedArray', [new Token('uint', '123')])); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('fixedArray'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('encodes array tokens in Mediate(array)', () => { const mediate = Encoder.encodeToken(new Token('array', [new Token('uint', '123')])); expect(mediate.type).to.equal('array'); expect(mediate.value).to.be.ok; }); it('throws an Error on invalid tokens', () => { const token = new Token('address'); token._type = 'noMatch'; expect(() => Encoder.encodeToken(token)).to.throw(/noMatch/); }); }); describe('encode', () => { it('requires tokens array', () => { expect(() => Encoder.encode()).to.throw(/array/); }); describe('addresses', () => { const address1 = '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111'; const address2 = '2222222222222222222222222222222222222222'; const address3 = '3333333333333333333333333333333333333333'; const address4 = '4444444444444444444444444444444444444444'; const encAddress1 = padAddress(address1); const encAddress2 = padAddress(address2); const encAddress3 = padAddress(address3); const encAddress4 = padAddress(address4); const tokenAddress1 = new Token('address', address1); const tokenAddress2 = new Token('address', address2); const tokenAddress3 = new Token('address', address3); const tokenAddress4 = new Token('address', address4); it('encodes an address', () => { const token = tokenAddress1; expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(encAddress1); }); it('encodes an array of addresses', () => { const expected = `${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(2)}${encAddress1}${encAddress2}`; const token = new Token('array', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes an fixedArray of addresses', () => { const expected = `${encAddress1}${encAddress2}`; const token = new Token('fixedArray', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes two addresses', () => { const expected = `${encAddress1}${encAddress2}`; const tokens = [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]; expect(Encoder.encode(tokens)).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes fixed array of dynamic array addresses', () => { const tokens1 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); const tokens2 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress3, tokenAddress4]); const fixed = new Token('fixedArray', [tokens1, tokens2]); const expected = `${padU32(0x40)}${padU32(0xa0)}${padU32(2)}${encAddress1}${encAddress2}${padU32(2)}${encAddress3}${encAddress4}`; expect(Encoder.encode([fixed])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes dynamic array of fixed array addresses', () => { const tokens1 = new Token('fixedArray', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); const tokens2 = new Token('fixedArray', [tokenAddress3, tokenAddress4]); const dynamic = new Token('array', [tokens1, tokens2]); const expected = `${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(2)}${encAddress1}${encAddress2}${encAddress3}${encAddress4}`; expect(Encoder.encode([dynamic])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes dynamic array of dynamic array addresses', () => { const tokens1 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress1]); const tokens2 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress2]); const dynamic = new Token('array', [tokens1, tokens2]); const expected = `${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(2)}${padU32(0x80)}${padU32(0xc0)}${padU32(1)}${encAddress1}${padU32(1)}${encAddress2}`; expect(Encoder.encode([dynamic])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes dynamic array of dynamic array addresses (2)', () => { const tokens1 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); const tokens2 = new Token('array', [tokenAddress3, tokenAddress4]); const dynamic = new Token('array', [tokens1, tokens2]); const expected = `${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(2)}${padU32(0x80)}${padU32(0xe0)}${padU32(2)}${encAddress1}${encAddress2}${padU32(2)}${encAddress3}${encAddress4}`; expect(Encoder.encode([dynamic])).to.equal(expected); }); it('encodes fixed array of fixed array addresses', () => { const tokens1 = new Token('fixedArray', [tokenAddress1, tokenAddress2]); const tokens2 = new Token('fixedArray', [tokenAddress3, tokenAddress4]); const dynamic = new Token('fixedArray', [tokens1, tokens2]); const expected = `${encAddress1}${encAddress2}${encAddress3}${encAddress4}`; expect(Encoder.encode([dynamic])).to.equal(expected); }); }); describe('bytes', () => { const bytes1 = '0x1234'; const bytes2 = '0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002'; const bytes3 = '0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; it('encodes fixed bytes', () => { const token = new Token('fixedBytes', bytes1); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(padFixedBytes(bytes1)); }); it('encodes bytes', () => { const token = new Token('bytes', bytes1); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(`${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(2)}${padFixedBytes(bytes1)}`); }); it('encodes bytes (short of boundary)', () => { const token = new Token('bytes', bytes2); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(`${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(0x1f)}${padFixedBytes(bytes2)}`); }); it('encodes bytes (two blocks)', () => { const input = `${bytes3}${bytes3.slice(-64)}`; const token = new Token('bytes', input); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(`${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(0x40)}${padFixedBytes(input)}`); }); it('encodes two consecutive bytes', () => { const in1 = '0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002'; const in2 = '0x0010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002'; const tokens = [new Token('bytes', in1), new Token('bytes', in2)]; expect(Encoder.encode(tokens)).to.equal(`${padU32(0x40)}${padU32(0x80)}${padU32(0x1f)}${padFixedBytes(in1)}${padU32(0x20)}${padFixedBytes(in2)}`); }); }); describe('string', () => { it('encodes a string', () => { const string = 'gavofyork'; const stringEnc = padFixedBytes('0x6761766f66796f726b'); const token = new Token('string', string); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(`${padU32(0x20)}${padU32(string.length.toString(16))}${stringEnc}`); }); }); describe('uint', () => { it('encodes a uint', () => { const token = new Token('uint', 4); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(padU32(4)); }); }); describe('int', () => { it('encodes a int', () => { const token = new Token('int', 4); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(padU32(4)); }); }); describe('bool', () => { it('encodes a bool (true)', () => { const token = new Token('bool', true); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(padU32(1)); }); it('encodes a bool (false)', () => { const token = new Token('bool', false); expect(Encoder.encode([token])).to.equal(padU32(0)); }); }); describe('comprehensive test', () => { it('encodes a complex sequence', () => { const bytes = '0x131a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b131a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b'; const tokens = [new Token('int', 5), new Token('bytes', bytes), new Token('int', 3), new Token('bytes', bytes)]; expect(Encoder.encode(tokens)).to.equal(`${padU32(5)}${padU32(0x80)}${padU32(3)}${padU32(0xe0)}${padU32(0x40)}${bytes.substr(2)}${padU32(0x40)}${bytes.substr(2)}`); }); it('encodes a complex sequence (nested)', () => { const array = [new Token('int', 5), new Token('int', 6), new Token('int', 7)]; const tokens = [new Token('int', 1), new Token('string', 'gavofyork'), new Token('int', 2), new Token('int', 3), new Token('int', 4), new Token('array', array)]; const stringEnc = padFixedBytes('0x6761766f66796f726b'); expect(Encoder.encode(tokens)).to.equal(`${padU32(1)}${padU32(0xc0)}${padU32(2)}${padU32(3)}${padU32(4)}${padU32(0x100)}${padU32(9)}${stringEnc}${padU32(3)}${padU32(5)}${padU32(6)}${padU32(7)}`); }); }); }); });