// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Generic Encryptor use keys::directory::*; use common::*; use rcrypto::pbkdf2::*; use rcrypto::aes; use rcrypto::hmac::*; use crypto; const KEY_LENGTH: u32 = 32; const KEY_ITERATIONS: u32 = 4096; const KEY_LENGTH_AES: u32 = KEY_LENGTH/2; const KEY_LENGTH_USIZE: usize = KEY_LENGTH as usize; const KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE: usize = KEY_LENGTH_AES as usize; pub trait EncryptedHashMap { // Returns existing value for the key, if any fn get(&self, key: &Key, password: &str) -> Option; // Insert new encrypted key-value and returns previous if there was any fn insert(&mut self, key: Key, value: Value, password: &str) -> Option; // Removes key-value by key and returns the removed one, if any exists and password was provided fn remove (&mut self, key: &Key, password: Option<&str>) -> Option; // Deletes key-value by key and returns if the key-value existed fn delete(&mut self, key: &Key) -> bool { self.remove::<&[u8]>(key, None).is_some() } } pub struct SecretStore { directory: KeyDirectory } impl SecretStore { fn new() -> SecretStore { let mut path = ::std::env::home_dir().expect("Failed to get home dir"); path.push(".keys"); SecretStore { directory: KeyDirectory::new(&path) } } #[cfg(test)] fn new_test(path: &::tests::helpers::RandomTempPath) -> SecretStore { SecretStore { directory: KeyDirectory::new(path.as_path()) } } } fn derive_key_iterations(password: &str, salt: &H256, c: u32) -> (Bytes, Bytes) { let mut h_mac = Hmac::new(::rcrypto::sha2::Sha256::new(), password.as_bytes()); let mut derived_key = vec![0u8; KEY_LENGTH_USIZE]; pbkdf2(&mut h_mac, &salt.as_slice(), c, &mut derived_key); let derived_right_bits = &derived_key[0..KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE]; let derived_left_bits = &derived_key[KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE..KEY_LENGTH_USIZE]; (derived_right_bits.to_vec(), derived_left_bits.to_vec()) } fn derive_key(password: &str, salt: &H256) -> (Bytes, Bytes) { derive_key_iterations(password, salt, KEY_ITERATIONS) } fn derive_mac(derived_left_bits: &[u8], cipher_text: &[u8]) -> Bytes { let mut mac = vec![0u8; KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE + cipher_text.len()]; mac[0..KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE].clone_from_slice(derived_left_bits); mac[KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE..cipher_text.len()+KEY_LENGTH_AES_USIZE].clone_from_slice(cipher_text); mac } impl EncryptedHashMap for SecretStore { fn get(&self, key: &H128, password: &str) -> Option { match self.directory.get(key) { Some(key_file) => { let mut instance = Value::default(); instance.populate_raw(&key_file.crypto.cipher_text); Some(instance) }, None => None } } fn insert(&mut self, key: H128, value: Value, password: &str) -> Option { let previous = if let Some(_) = self.directory.get(&key) { self.get(&key, password) } else { None }; let salt = H256::random(); let iv = H128::random(); let mut key_file = KeyFileContent::new(KeyFileCrypto::new_pbkdf2(vec![], iv.clone(), salt.clone(), KEY_ITERATIONS, KEY_LENGTH)); let (derived_left_bits, derived_right_bits) = derive_key(password, &salt); let mut cipher_text = vec![0u8; value.as_slice().len()]; crypto::aes::encrypt(&derived_left_bits, &iv.as_slice(), &value.as_slice(), &mut cipher_text); key_file.crypto.cipher_text = cipher_text.clone(); key_file.crypto.mac = derive_mac(&derived_right_bits, &cipher_text).sha3(); previous } fn remove(&mut self, key: &H128, password: Option<&str>) -> Option { let previous = match (self.directory.get(&key), password) { (Some(_), Some(pass)) => self.get(&key, pass), (_, _) => None }; previous } } #[cfg(test)] mod vector_tests { use super::{derive_key,derive_mac,derive_key_iterations}; use common::*; #[test] fn mac_vector() { let password = "testpassword"; let salt = H256::from_str("ae3cd4e7013836a3df6bd7241b12db061dbe2c6785853cce422d148a624ce0bd").unwrap(); let cipher_text = FromHex::from_hex("5318b4d5bcd28de64ee5559e671353e16f075ecae9f99c7a79a38af5f869aa46").unwrap(); let iterations = 262144u32; let (derived_left_bits, derived_right_bits) = derive_key_iterations(password, &salt, iterations); assert_eq!("f06d69cdc7da0faffb1008270bca38f5", derived_left_bits.to_hex()); assert_eq!("e31891a3a773950e6d0fea48a7188551", derived_right_bits.to_hex()); let mut mac_body = derive_mac(&derived_right_bits, &cipher_text); assert_eq!("e31891a3a773950e6d0fea48a71885515318b4d5bcd28de64ee5559e671353e16f075ecae9f99c7a79a38af5f869aa46", mac_body.to_hex()); let mac = mac_body.sha3(); assert_eq!("517ead924a9d0dc3124507e3393d175ce3ff7c1e96529c6c555ce9e51205e9b2", format!("{:?}", mac)); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use tests::helpers::*; use common::*; #[test] fn secret_store_insert() { let temp = RandomTempPath::create_dir(); let mut sstore = SecretStore::new_test(&temp); sstore.insert(H128::random(), "Cat".to_owned(), "pass"); } }