// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . use ethereum_types::{U256, H256}; use ethkey::{Random, Generator}; use rustc_hex::FromHex; use types::transaction::{self, Transaction, SignedTransaction, UnverifiedTransaction}; use pool::{verifier, VerifiedTransaction}; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Tx { pub nonce: u64, pub gas: u64, pub gas_price: u64, } impl Default for Tx { fn default() -> Self { Tx { nonce: 123, gas: 21_000, gas_price: 1, } } } impl Tx { pub fn gas_price(gas_price: u64) -> Self { Tx { gas_price, ..Default::default() } } pub fn signed(self) -> SignedTransaction { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); self.unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None) } pub fn signed_pair(self) -> (SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction) { let (tx1, tx2, _) = self.signed_triple(); (tx1, tx2) } pub fn signed_triple(mut self) -> (SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction) { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); let tx1 = self.clone().unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None); self.nonce += 1; let tx2 = self.clone().unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None); self.nonce += 1; let tx3 = self.unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None); (tx1, tx2, tx3) } pub fn signed_replacement(mut self) -> (SignedTransaction, SignedTransaction) { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); let tx1 = self.clone().unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None); self.gas_price += 1; let tx2 = self.unsigned().sign(keypair.secret(), None); (tx1, tx2) } pub fn unsigned(self) -> Transaction { Transaction { action: transaction::Action::Create, value: U256::from(100), data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), gas: self.gas.into(), gas_price: self.gas_price.into(), nonce: self.nonce.into() } } pub fn big_one(self) -> SignedTransaction { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); let tx = Transaction { action: transaction::Action::Create, value: U256::from(100), data: include_str!("../res/big_transaction.data").from_hex().unwrap(), gas: self.gas.into(), gas_price: self.gas_price.into(), nonce: self.nonce.into() }; tx.sign(keypair.secret(), None) } } pub trait TxExt: Sized { type Out; type Verified; type Hash; fn hash(&self) -> Self::Hash; fn local(self) -> Self::Out; fn retracted(self) -> Self::Out; fn unverified(self) -> Self::Out; fn verified(self) -> Self::Verified; } impl TxExt for (A, B) where A: TxExt, B: TxExt, { type Out = (O, O); type Verified = (V, V); type Hash = (H, H); fn hash(&self) -> Self::Hash { (self.0.hash(), self.1.hash()) } fn local(self) -> Self::Out { (self.0.local(), self.1.local()) } fn retracted(self) -> Self::Out { (self.0.retracted(), self.1.retracted()) } fn unverified(self) -> Self::Out { (self.0.unverified(), self.1.unverified()) } fn verified(self) -> Self::Verified { (self.0.verified(), self.1.verified()) } } impl TxExt for SignedTransaction { type Out = verifier::Transaction; type Verified = VerifiedTransaction; type Hash = H256; fn hash(&self) -> Self::Hash { UnverifiedTransaction::hash(self) } fn local(self) -> Self::Out { verifier::Transaction::Local(self.into()) } fn retracted(self) -> Self::Out { verifier::Transaction::Retracted(self.into()) } fn unverified(self) -> Self::Out { verifier::Transaction::Unverified(self.into()) } fn verified(self) -> Self::Verified { VerifiedTransaction::from_pending_block_transaction(self) } } impl TxExt for Vec { type Out = Vec; type Verified = Vec; type Hash = Vec; fn hash(&self) -> Self::Hash { self.iter().map(|tx| tx.hash()).collect() } fn local(self) -> Self::Out { self.into_iter().map(Into::into).map(verifier::Transaction::Local).collect() } fn retracted(self) -> Self::Out { self.into_iter().map(Into::into).map(verifier::Transaction::Retracted).collect() } fn unverified(self) -> Self::Out { self.into_iter().map(Into::into).map(verifier::Transaction::Unverified).collect() } fn verified(self) -> Self::Verified { self.into_iter().map(VerifiedTransaction::from_pending_block_transaction).collect() } } pub trait PairExt { type Type; fn into_vec(self) -> Vec; } impl PairExt for (A, A) { type Type = A; fn into_vec(self) -> Vec { vec![self.0, self.1] } }