// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { action, computed, observable } from 'mobx'; import store from 'store'; import { sha3 } from '@parity/api/util/sha3'; import filteredRequests from './filteredRequests'; const LS_PERMISSIONS = '_parity::dapps::methods'; let nextQueueId = 0; export default class Store { @observable permissions = {}; @observable requests = []; @observable tokens = {}; middleware = []; sources = {}; constructor (provider) { this.provider = provider; this.permissions = store.get(LS_PERMISSIONS) || {}; window.addEventListener('message', this.receiveMessage, false); } @computed get hasRequests () { return this.requests.length !== 0; } @computed get squashedRequests () { const duplicates = {}; return this.requests.filter(({ request: { data: { method, token } } }) => { const section = this.getFilteredSectionName(method); const id = `${token}:${section}`; if (!duplicates[id]) { duplicates[id] = true; return true; } return false; }); } @action createToken = (appId) => { const token = sha3(`${appId}:${Date.now()}`); this.tokens = Object.assign({}, this.tokens, { [token]: appId }); return token; } @action removeRequest = (_queueId) => { this.requests = this.requests.filter(({ queueId }) => queueId !== _queueId); delete this.sources[_queueId]; } @action queueRequest = (request) => { const { data, origin, source } = request; const appId = this.tokens[data.token]; let queueId = ++nextQueueId; this.sources[queueId] = source; this.requests = this.requests.concat([{ appId, queueId, request: { data, origin } }]); } @action addTokenPermission = (method, token) => { const id = `${method}:${this.tokens[token]}`; this.permissions = Object.assign({}, this.permissions, { [id]: true }); this.savePermissions(); } @action approveSingleRequest = ({ queueId, request: { data } }) => { const source = this.sources[queueId]; this.removeRequest(queueId); if (data.api) { this.executePubsubCall(data, source); } else { this.executeMethodCall(data, source); } } @action approveRequest = (queueId, approveAll) => { const queued = this.findRequest(queueId); if (approveAll) { const { request: { data: { method, token, params } } } = queued; this.getFilteredSection(method || params[0]).methods.forEach((m) => { this.addTokenPermission(m, token); this.findMatchingRequests(m, token).forEach(this.approveSingleRequest); }); } else { this.approveSingleRequest(queued); } } @action rejectRequest = (queueId) => { const { request: { data } } = this.findRequest(queueId); const source = this.sources[queueId]; this.removeRequest(queueId); this.rejectMessage(source, data); } @action rejectMessage = (source, { id, from, method, token }) => { source.postMessage({ error: `Method ${method} not allowed`, id, from: 'shell', result: null, to: from, token }, '*'); } @action setPermissions = (_permissions) => { const permissions = {}; Object.keys(_permissions).forEach((id) => { permissions[id] = !!_permissions[id]; }); this.permissions = Object.assign({}, this.permissions, permissions); this.savePermissions(); return true; } addMiddleware (middleware) { if (!middleware || (typeof middleware !== 'function')) { throw new Error('Interceptor middleware does not implement a function'); } this.middleware.push(middleware); } hasValidToken = (method, appId, token) => { if (!token) { return method === 'shell_requestNewToken'; } return this.tokens[token] === appId; } hasTokenPermission = (method, token) => { return this.hasAppPermission(method, this.tokens[token]); } hasAppPermission = (method, appId) => { return this.permissions[`${method}:${appId}`] || false; } savePermissions = () => { store.set(LS_PERMISSIONS, this.permissions); } findRequest (_queueId) { return this.requests.find(({ queueId }) => queueId === _queueId); } findMatchingRequests (_method, _token) { return this.requests.filter(({ request: { data: { method, token, params } } }) => (method === _method || (params && params[0] === _method)) && token === _token); } _methodCallbackPost = (id, from, source, token) => { return (error, result) => { source.postMessage({ error: error ? error.message : null, id, from: 'shell', to: from, result, token }, '*'); }; } executePubsubCall = ({ api, id, from, token, params }, source) => { const callback = this._methodCallbackPost(id, from, source, token); this.provider .subscribe(api, callback, params) .then((result, error) => { this._methodCallbackPost(id, from, source, token)(null, result); }); } executeMethodCall = ({ id, from, method, params, token }, source) => { const callback = this._methodCallbackPost(id, from, source, token); const isHandled = this.middleware.find((middleware) => middleware(from, method, params, callback)); if (!isHandled) { this.provider.send(method, params, callback); } } getFilteredSectionName = (method) => { return Object.keys(filteredRequests).find((key) => { return filteredRequests[key].methods.includes(method); }); } getFilteredSection = (method) => { return filteredRequests[this.getFilteredSectionName(method)]; } receiveMessage = ({ data, origin, source }) => { if (!data) { return; } const { from, method, to, token, params, api, subId, id } = data; if (to !== 'shell' || !from || from === 'shell') { return; } if (!this.hasValidToken(method, from, token)) { this.rejectMessage(source, data); return; } if ((method && this.getFilteredSection(method) && !this.hasTokenPermission(method, token)) || (api && this.getFilteredSection(params[0]) && !this.hasTokenPermission(method, token))) { this.queueRequest({ data, origin, source }); return; } if (api) { this.executePubsubCall(data, source); } else if (subId) { subId === '*' ? this.provider.unsubscribeAll().then(v => this._methodCallbackPost(id, from, source, token)(null, v)) : this.provider.unsubscribe(subId).then(v => this._methodCallbackPost(id, from, source, token)(null, v)); } else { this.executeMethodCall(data, source); } } static instance = null; static create (provider) { if (!Store.instance) { Store.instance = new Store(provider); } return Store.instance; } static get () { return Store.instance; } }