use common::*; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use engine::*; use null_engine::*; /// Converts file from base64 gzipped bytes to json pub fn gzip64res_to_json(source: &[u8]) -> Json { // there is probably no need to store genesis in based64 gzip, // but that's what go does, and it was easy to load it this way let data = source.from_base64().expect("Genesis block is malformed!"); let data_ref: &[u8] = &data; let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(data_ref).expect("Gzip is invalid"); let mut s: String = "".to_string(); decoder.read_to_string(&mut s).expect("Gzip is invalid"); Json::from_str(&s).expect("Json is invalid") } /// Convert JSON value to equivlaent RLP representation. // TODO: handle container types. fn json_to_rlp(json: &Json) -> Bytes { match json { &Json::Boolean(o) => encode(&(if o {1u64} else {0})), &Json::I64(o) => encode(&(o as u64)), &Json::U64(o) => encode(&o), &Json::String(ref s) if s.len() >= 2 && &s[0..2] == "0x" && U256::from_str(&s[2..]).is_ok() => { encode(&U256::from_str(&s[2..]).unwrap()) }, &Json::String(ref s) => { encode(s) }, _ => panic!() } } /// Convert JSON to a string->RLP map. fn json_to_rlp_map(json: &Json) -> HashMap { json.as_object().unwrap().iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, json_to_rlp(v))).fold(HashMap::new(), |mut acc, kv| { acc.insert(kv.0.clone(), kv.1); acc }) } //TODO: add code and data #[derive(Debug)] /// Genesis account data. Does no thave a DB overlay cache pub struct GenesisAccount { // Balance of the account. balance: U256, // Nonce of the account. nonce: U256, } impl GenesisAccount { /// TODO [arkpar] Please document me pub fn rlp(&self) -> Bytes { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(4); stream.append(&self.nonce); stream.append(&self.balance); stream.append(&SHA3_NULL_RLP); stream.append(&SHA3_EMPTY); stream.out() } } /// Parameters for a block chain; includes both those intrinsic to the design of the /// chain and those to be interpreted by the active chain engine. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Spec { // User friendly spec name /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub name: String, // What engine are we using for this? /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub engine_name: String, /// Known nodes on the network in enode format. pub nodes: Vec, // Parameters concerning operation of the specific engine we're using. // Name -> RLP-encoded value /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub engine_params: HashMap, // Builtin-contracts are here for now but would like to abstract into Engine API eventually. /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub builtins: HashMap, // Genesis params. /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub parent_hash: H256, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub author: Address, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub difficulty: U256, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub gas_limit: U256, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub gas_used: U256, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub timestamp: u64, /// TODO [arkpar] Please document me pub extra_data: Bytes, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub genesis_state: HashMap, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub seal_fields: usize, /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub seal_rlp: Bytes, // May be prepopulated if we know this in advance. state_root_memo: RwLock>, } impl Spec { /// Convert this object into a boxed Engine of the right underlying type. // TODO avoid this hard-coded nastiness - use dynamic-linked plugin framework instead. pub fn to_engine(self) -> Result, Error> { match self.engine_name.as_ref() { "NullEngine" => Ok(NullEngine::new_boxed(self)), "Ethash" => Ok(super::ethereum::Ethash::new_boxed(self)), _ => Err(Error::UnknownEngineName(self.engine_name.clone())) } } /// Return the state root for the genesis state, memoising accordingly. pub fn state_root(&self) -> H256 { if { *self.state_root_memo.write().unwrap() = Some(sec_trie_root(self.genesis_state.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_vec(), v.rlp())).collect())); } } /// Get the known knodes of the network in enode format. pub fn nodes(&self) -> &Vec { &self.nodes } /// TODO [Gav Wood] Please document me pub fn genesis_header(&self) -> Header { Header { parent_hash: self.parent_hash.clone(), timestamp: self.timestamp, number: 0, author:, transactions_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP.clone(), uncles_hash: RlpStream::new_list(0).out().sha3(), extra_data: self.extra_data.clone(), state_root: self.state_root().clone(), receipts_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP.clone(), log_bloom: H2048::new().clone(), gas_used: self.gas_used.clone(), gas_limit: self.gas_limit.clone(), difficulty: self.difficulty.clone(), seal: { let seal = { let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(self.seal_fields); s.append_raw(&self.seal_rlp, self.seal_fields); s.out() }; let r = Rlp::new(&seal); (0..self.seal_fields).map(|i| }, hash: RefCell::new(None), bare_hash: RefCell::new(None), } } /// Compose the genesis block for this chain. pub fn genesis_block(&self) -> Bytes { let empty_list = RlpStream::new_list(0).out(); let header = self.genesis_header(); let mut ret = RlpStream::new_list(3); ret.append(&header); ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1); ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1); ret.out() } } impl FromJson for Spec { /// Loads a chain-specification from a json data structure fn from_json(json: &Json) -> Spec { // once we commit ourselves to some json parsing library (serde?) // move it to proper data structure let mut state = HashMap::new(); let mut builtins = HashMap::new(); if let Some(&Json::Object(ref accounts)) = json.find("accounts") { for (address, acc) in accounts.iter() { let addr = Address::from_str(address).unwrap(); if let Some(ref builtin_json) = acc.find("builtin") { if let Some(builtin) = Builtin::from_json(builtin_json) { builtins.insert(addr.clone(), builtin); } } let balance = acc.find("balance").and_then(|x| match x { &Json::String(ref b) => U256::from_dec_str(b).ok(), _ => None }); let nonce = acc.find("nonce").and_then(|x| match x { &Json::String(ref b) => U256::from_dec_str(b).ok(), _ => None }); // let balance = if let Some(&Json::String(ref b)) = acc.find("balance") {U256::from_dec_str(b).unwrap_or(U256::from(0))} else {U256::from(0)}; // let nonce = if let Some(&Json::String(ref n)) = acc.find("nonce") {U256::from_dec_str(n).unwrap_or(U256::from(0))} else {U256::from(0)}; // TODO: handle code & data if they exist. if balance.is_some() || nonce.is_some() { state.insert(addr, GenesisAccount { balance: balance.unwrap_or(U256::from(0)), nonce: nonce.unwrap_or(U256::from(0)) }); } } } let nodes = if let Some(&Json::Array(ref ns)) = json.find("nodes") { ns.iter().filter_map(|n| if let &Json::String(ref s) = n { Some(s.to_string()) } else {None}).collect() } else { Vec::new() }; let genesis = &json["genesis"];//.as_object().expect("No genesis object in JSON"); let (seal_fields, seal_rlp) = { if genesis.find("mixHash").is_some() && genesis.find("nonce").is_some() { let mut s = RlpStream::new(); s.append(&H256::from_str(&genesis["mixHash"].as_string().expect("mixHash not a string.")[2..]).expect("Invalid mixHash string value")); s.append(&H64::from_str(&genesis["nonce"].as_string().expect("nonce not a string.")[2..]).expect("Invalid nonce string value")); (2, s.out()) } else { // backup algo that will work with sealFields/sealRlp (and without). ( usize::from_str(&genesis["sealFields"].as_string().unwrap_or("0x")[2..]).expect("Invalid sealFields integer data"), genesis["sealRlp"].as_string().unwrap_or("0x")[2..].from_hex().expect("Invalid sealRlp hex data") ) } }; Spec { name: json.find("name").map(|j| j.as_string().unwrap()).unwrap_or("unknown").to_string(), engine_name: json["engineName"].as_string().unwrap().to_string(), engine_params: json_to_rlp_map(&json["params"]), nodes: nodes, builtins: builtins, parent_hash: H256::from_str(&genesis["parentHash"].as_string().unwrap()[2..]).unwrap(), author: Address::from_str(&genesis["author"].as_string().unwrap()[2..]).unwrap(), difficulty: U256::from_str(&genesis["difficulty"].as_string().unwrap()[2..]).unwrap(), gas_limit: U256::from_str(&genesis["gasLimit"].as_string().unwrap()[2..]).unwrap(), gas_used: U256::from(0u8), timestamp: u64::from_str(&genesis["timestamp"].as_string().unwrap()[2..]).unwrap(), extra_data: genesis["extraData"].as_string().unwrap()[2..].from_hex().unwrap(), genesis_state: state, seal_fields: seal_fields, seal_rlp: seal_rlp, state_root_memo: RwLock::new(genesis.find("stateRoot").and_then(|_| genesis["stateRoot"].as_string()).map(|s| H256::from_str(&s[2..]).unwrap())), } } } impl Spec { /// Ensure that the given state DB has the trie nodes in for the genesis state. pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut HashDB) -> bool { if !db.contains(&self.state_root()) { info!("Populating genesis state..."); let mut root = H256::new(); { let mut t = SecTrieDBMut::new(db, &mut root); for (address, account) in self.genesis_state.iter() { t.insert(address.as_slice(), &account.rlp()); } } assert!(db.contains(&self.state_root())); info!("Genesis state is ready"); true } else { false } } /// Create a new Spec from a JSON UTF-8 data resource `data`. pub fn from_json_utf8(data: &[u8]) -> Spec { Self::from_json_str(::std::str::from_utf8(data).unwrap()) } /// Create a new Spec from a JSON string. pub fn from_json_str(s: &str) -> Spec { Self::from_json(&Json::from_str(s).expect("Json is invalid")) } /// Create a new Spec which conforms to the Morden chain except that it's a NullEngine consensus. pub fn new_test() -> Spec { Self::from_json_utf8(include_bytes!("../res/null_morden.json")) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str::FromStr; use util::hash::*; use util::sha3::*; use views::*; use super::*; #[test] fn test_chain() { let test_spec = Spec::new_test(); assert_eq!(test_spec.state_root(), H256::from_str("f3f4696bbf3b3b07775128eb7a3763279a394e382130f27c21e70233e04946a9").unwrap()); let genesis = test_spec.genesis_block(); assert_eq!(BlockView::new(&genesis).header_view().sha3(), H256::from_str("0cd786a2425d16f152c658316c423e6ce1181e15c3295826d7c9904cba9ce303").unwrap()); let _ = test_spec.to_engine(); } }