// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import { registry as registryAbi, tokenreg as tokenregAbi, githubhint as githubhintAbi } from '../../../contracts/abi'; import { loadToken, setTokenPending, deleteToken, setTokenData } from '../Tokens/actions'; const { api } = window.parity; export const SET_LOADING = 'SET_LOADING'; export const setLoading = (isLoading) => ({ type: SET_LOADING, isLoading }); export const FIND_CONTRACT = 'FIND_CONTRACT'; export const loadContract = () => (dispatch) => { dispatch(setLoading(true)); api.ethcore .registryAddress() .then((registryAddress) => { console.log(`registry found at ${registryAddress}`); const registry = api.newContract(registryAbi, registryAddress).instance; return Promise.all([ registry.getAddress.call({}, [api.util.sha3('tokenreg'), 'A']), registry.getAddress.call({}, [api.util.sha3('githubhint'), 'A']) ]); }) .then(([ tokenregAddress, githubhintAddress ]) => { console.log(`tokenreg was found at ${tokenregAddress}`); const tokenregContract = api .newContract(tokenregAbi, tokenregAddress); const githubhintContract = api .newContract(githubhintAbi, githubhintAddress); dispatch(setContractDetails({ address: tokenregAddress, instance: tokenregContract.instance, raw: tokenregContract })); dispatch(setGithubhintDetails({ address: githubhintAddress, instance: githubhintContract.instance, raw: githubhintContract })); dispatch(loadContractDetails()); dispatch(subscribeEvents()); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('loadContract error', error); }); }; export const LOAD_CONTRACT_DETAILS = 'LOAD_CONTRACT_DETAILS'; export const loadContractDetails = () => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const instance = state.status.contract.instance; Promise .all([ api.personal.listAccounts(), instance.owner.call(), instance.fee.call() ]) .then(([accounts, owner, fee]) => { console.log(`owner as ${owner}, fee set at ${fee.toFormat()}`); const isOwner = accounts.filter(a => a === owner).length > 0; dispatch(setContractDetails({ fee, owner, isOwner })); dispatch(setLoading(false)); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('loadContractDetails error', error); }); }; export const SET_CONTRACT_DETAILS = 'SET_CONTRACT_DETAILS'; export const setContractDetails = (details) => ({ type: SET_CONTRACT_DETAILS, details }); export const SET_GITHUBHINT_CONTRACT = 'SET_GITHUBHINT_CONTRACT'; export const setGithubhintDetails = (details) => ({ type: SET_GITHUBHINT_CONTRACT, details }); export const subscribeEvents = () => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const contract = state.status.contract.raw; const previousSubscriptionId = state.status.subscriptionId; if (previousSubscriptionId) { contract.unsubscribe(previousSubscriptionId); } contract .subscribe(null, { fromBlock: 'latest', toBlock: 'pending', limit: 50 }, (error, logs) => { if (error) { console.error('setupFilters', error); return; } if (!logs || logs.length === 0) return; logs.forEach(log => { const event = log.event; const type = log.type; const params = log.params; if (event === 'Registered' && type === 'pending') { return dispatch(setTokenData(params.id.toNumber(), { tla: '...', base: -1, address: params.addr, name: params.name, isPending: true })); } if (event === 'Registered' && type === 'mined') { return dispatch(loadToken(params.id.toNumber())); } if (event === 'Unregistered' && type === 'pending') { return dispatch(setTokenPending(params.id.toNumber(), true)); } if (event === 'Unregistered' && type === 'mined') { return dispatch(deleteToken(params.id.toNumber())); } if (event === 'MetaChanged' && type === 'pending') { return dispatch(setTokenData( params.id.toNumber(), { metaPending: true, metaMined: false } )); } if (event === 'MetaChanged' && type === 'mined') { setTimeout(() => { dispatch(setTokenData( params.id.toNumber(), { metaPending: false, metaMined: false } )); }, 5000); return dispatch(setTokenData( params.id.toNumber(), { metaPending: false, metaMined: true } )); } console.log('new log event', log); }); }) .then((subscriptionId) => { dispatch(setSubscriptionId(subscriptionId)); }); }; export const SET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = 'SET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'; export const setSubscriptionId = subscriptionId => ({ type: SET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, subscriptionId });