///! Rust VM implementation use common::*; use evm; use super::instructions as instructions; use super::instructions::Instruction; use std::num::wrapping::OverflowingOps; #[cfg(feature = "evm_debug")] macro_rules! evm_debug { ($x: expr) => { println!($x); } } #[cfg(feature = "evm_debug")] fn color(instruction: Instruction, name: &'static str) -> String { let c = instruction as usize % 6; let colors = [31, 34, 33, 32, 35, 36]; format!("\x1B[1;{}m{}\x1B[0m", colors[c], name) } #[cfg(not(feature = "evm_debug"))] macro_rules! evm_debug { ($x: expr) => {} } type CodePosition = usize; type Gas = U256; type ProgramCounter = usize; /// Stack trait with VM-friendly API trait Stack { /// Returns `Stack[len(Stack) - no_from_top]` fn peek(&self, no_from_top: usize) -> &T; /// Swaps Stack[len(Stack)] and Stack[len(Stack) - no_from_top] fn swap_with_top(&mut self, no_from_top: usize); /// Returns true if Stack has at least `no_of_elems` elements fn has(&self, no_of_elems: usize) -> bool; /// Get element from top and remove it from Stack. Panics if stack is empty. fn pop_back(&mut self) -> T; /// Get elements from top and remove them from Stack. Panics if stack is empty. fn pop_n(&mut self, no_of_elems: usize) -> Vec; /// Add element on top of the Stack fn push(&mut self, elem: T); /// Get number of elements on Stack fn size(&self) -> usize; } impl Stack for Vec { fn peek(&self, no_from_top: usize) -> &S { return &self[self.len() - no_from_top - 1]; } fn swap_with_top(&mut self, no_from_top: usize) { let len = self.len(); self.swap(len - no_from_top - 1, len - 1); } fn has(&self, no_of_elems: usize) -> bool { self.len() >= no_of_elems } fn pop_back(&mut self) -> S { let val = self.pop(); match val { Some(x) => { evm_debug!({ format!(" POP: {}", x) }); x }, None => panic!("Tried to pop from empty stack.") } } fn pop_n(&mut self, no_of_elems: usize) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::new(); for _i in 1..no_of_elems+1 { vec.push(self.pop_back()); } vec } fn push(&mut self, elem: S) { evm_debug!({ format!(" PUSH: {}", elem) }); self.push(elem); } fn size(&self) -> usize { self.len() } } trait Memory { /// Retrieve current size of the memory fn size(&self) -> usize; /// Resize (shrink or expand) the memory to specified size (fills 0) fn resize(&mut self, new_size: usize); /// Resize the memory only if its smaller fn expand(&mut self, new_size: usize); /// Write single byte to memory fn write_byte(&mut self, offset: U256, value: U256); /// Write a word to memory. Does not resize memory! fn write(&mut self, offset: U256, value: U256); /// Read a word from memory fn read(&self, offset: U256) -> U256; /// Write slice of bytes to memory. Does not resize memory! fn write_slice(&mut self, offset: U256, &[u8]); /// Retrieve part of the memory between offset and offset + size fn read_slice(&self, offset: U256, size: U256) -> &[u8]; /// Retrieve writeable part of memory fn writeable_slice(&mut self, offset: U256, size: U256) -> &mut[u8]; fn dump(&self); } fn is_valid_range(off: usize, size: usize) -> bool { // When size is zero we haven't actually expanded the memory let (_a, overflow) = off.overflowing_add(size); size > 0 && !overflow } impl Memory for Vec { fn dump(&self) { println!("MemoryDump:"); for i in self.iter() { println!({ format!("{:02x} ", i) }); } println!(""); } fn size(&self) -> usize { return self.len() } fn read_slice(&self, init_off_u: U256, init_size_u: U256) -> &[u8] { let off = init_off_u.low_u64() as usize; let size = init_size_u.low_u64() as usize; if !is_valid_range(off, size) { &self[0..0] } else { &self[off..off+size] } } fn read(&self, offset: U256) -> U256 { let off = offset.low_u64() as usize; U256::from(&self[off..off+32]) } fn writeable_slice(&mut self, offset: U256, size: U256) -> &mut [u8] { let off = offset.low_u64() as usize; let s = size.low_u64() as usize; if !is_valid_range(off, s) { &mut self[0..0] } else { &mut self[off..off+s] } } fn write_slice(&mut self, offset: U256, slice: &[u8]) { let off = offset.low_u64() as usize; // TODO [todr] Optimize? for pos in off..off+slice.len() { self[pos] = slice[pos - off]; } } fn write(&mut self, offset: U256, value: U256) { let off = offset.low_u64() as usize; let mut val = value; let end = off + 32; for pos in 0..32 { self[end - pos - 1] = val.low_u64() as u8; val = val >> 8; } } fn write_byte(&mut self, offset: U256, value: U256) { let off = offset.low_u64() as usize; let val = value.low_u64() as u64; self[off] = val as u8; } fn resize(&mut self, new_size: usize) { self.resize(new_size, 0); } fn expand(&mut self, size: usize) { if size > self.len() { Memory::resize(self, size) } } } /// Abstraction over raw vector of Bytes. Easier state management of PC. struct CodeReader<'a> { position: ProgramCounter, code: &'a Bytes } impl<'a> CodeReader<'a> { /// Get `no_of_bytes` from code and convert to U256. Move PC fn read(&mut self, no_of_bytes: usize) -> U256 { let pos = self.position; self.position += no_of_bytes; let max = cmp::min(pos + no_of_bytes, self.code.len()); U256::from(&self.code[pos..max]) } fn len (&self) -> usize { self.code.len() } } enum RequiredMem { Mem(U256), OutOfMemory } enum InstructionCost { Gas(U256), GasMem(U256, RequiredMem), GasMemCopy(U256, RequiredMem, U256) } enum InstructionResult { AdditionalGasCost(U256), JumpToPosition(U256), StopExecutionWithGasCost(U256), StopExecution } pub struct Interpreter; impl evm::Evm for Interpreter { fn exec(&self, params: &ActionParams, ext: &mut evm::Ext) -> evm::Result { let code = ¶ms.code.clone().unwrap(); let valid_jump_destinations = self.find_jump_destinations(&code); let mut current_gas = params.gas.clone(); let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(ext.schedule().stack_limit); let mut mem = vec![]; let mut reader = CodeReader { position: 0, code: &code }; while reader.position < code.len() { let instruction = code[reader.position]; reader.position += 1; // Calculate gas cost let (gas_cost, mem_size) = try!(self.get_gas_cost_mem(ext, instruction, &mut mem, &stack)); try!(self.verify_gas(¤t_gas, &gas_cost)); mem.expand(mem_size); current_gas = current_gas - gas_cost; evm_debug!({ format!("[0x{:x}][{}(0x{:x}) Gas: {}\n Gas Before: {}", reader.position, color(instruction, instructions::get_info(instruction).name), instruction, gas_cost, current_gas + gas_cost ) }); // Execute instruction let result = try!(self.exec_instruction( current_gas, params, ext, instruction, &mut reader, &mut mem, &mut stack )); // Advance match result { InstructionResult::JumpToPosition(position) => { let pos = try!(self.verify_jump(position, &valid_jump_destinations)); reader.position = pos; }, InstructionResult::AdditionalGasCost(gas_cost) => { current_gas = current_gas - gas_cost; }, InstructionResult::StopExecutionWithGasCost(gas_cost) => { current_gas = current_gas - gas_cost; reader.position = code.len(); }, InstructionResult::StopExecution => { reader.position = code.len(); } } } Ok(current_gas) } } impl Interpreter { fn get_gas_cost_mem(&self, ext: &evm::Ext, instruction: Instruction, mem: &mut Memory, stack: &Stack ) -> Result<(U256, usize), evm::Error> { let schedule = ext.schedule(); let info = instructions::get_info(instruction); if !schedule.have_delegate_call && instruction == instructions::DELEGATECALL { return Err(evm::Error::BadInstruction { instruction: instruction }); } if info.tier == instructions::GasPriceTier::InvalidTier { return Err(evm::Error::BadInstruction { instruction: instruction }); } try!(self.verify_instructions_requirements(&info, schedule.stack_limit, stack)); let tier = instructions::get_tier_idx(info.tier); let default_gas = U256::from(schedule.tier_step_gas[tier]); let cost = match instruction { instructions::SSTORE => { let address = H256::from(stack.peek(0)); let newval = stack.peek(1); let val = U256::from(ext.storage_at(&address).as_slice()); let gas = if self.is_zero(&val) && !self.is_zero(newval) { schedule.sstore_set_gas } else if !self.is_zero(&val) && self.is_zero(newval) { schedule.sstore_reset_gas } else { schedule.sstore_reset_gas }; InstructionCost::Gas(U256::from(gas)) }, instructions::SLOAD => { InstructionCost::Gas(U256::from(schedule.sload_gas)) }, instructions::MSTORE => { InstructionCost::GasMem(default_gas, self.mem_needed_const(stack.peek(0), 32)) }, instructions::MLOAD => { InstructionCost::GasMem(default_gas, self.mem_needed_const(stack.peek(0), 32)) }, instructions::MSTORE8 => { InstructionCost::GasMem(default_gas, self.mem_needed_const(stack.peek(0), 1)) }, instructions::RETURN => { InstructionCost::GasMem(default_gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(0), stack.peek(1))) }, instructions::SHA3 => { match add_u256_usize(stack.peek(1), 31) { (_w, true) => InstructionCost::GasMem(U256::zero(), RequiredMem::OutOfMemory), (w, false) => { let words = w >> 5; let gas = U256::from(schedule.sha3_gas) + (U256::from(schedule.sha3_word_gas) * words); InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(0), stack.peek(1))) } } }, instructions::CALLDATACOPY => { InstructionCost::GasMemCopy(default_gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(0), stack.peek(2)), stack.peek(2).clone()) }, instructions::CODECOPY => { InstructionCost::GasMemCopy(default_gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(0), stack.peek(2)), stack.peek(2).clone()) }, instructions::EXTCODECOPY => { InstructionCost::GasMemCopy(default_gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(1), stack.peek(3)), stack.peek(3).clone()) }, instructions::JUMPDEST => { InstructionCost::Gas(U256::one()) }, instructions::LOG0...instructions::LOG4 => { let no_of_topics = instructions::get_log_topics(instruction); let log_gas = schedule.log_gas + schedule.log_topic_gas * no_of_topics; let data_gas = stack.peek(1).clone() * U256::from(schedule.log_data_gas); let gas = try!(self.gas_add(data_gas, U256::from(log_gas))); InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, self.mem_needed(stack.peek(0), stack.peek(1))) }, instructions::CALL | instructions::CALLCODE => { // [todr] we actuall call gas_cost is calculated in ext let gas = U256::from(schedule.call_gas); let mem = self.mem_max( self.mem_needed(stack.peek(5), stack.peek(6)), self.mem_needed(stack.peek(3), stack.peek(4)) ); InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, mem) }, instructions::DELEGATECALL => { match add_u256_usize(stack.peek(0), schedule.call_gas) { (_gas, true) => InstructionCost::GasMem(U256::zero(), RequiredMem::OutOfMemory), (gas, false) => { let mem = self.mem_max( self.mem_needed(stack.peek(4), stack.peek(5)), self.mem_needed(stack.peek(2), stack.peek(3)) ); InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, mem) } } }, instructions::CREATE => { let gas = U256::from(schedule.create_gas); let mem = self.mem_needed(stack.peek(1), stack.peek(2)); InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, mem) }, instructions::EXP => { let expon = stack.peek(1); let bytes = ((expon.bits() + 7) / 8) as usize; let gas = U256::from(schedule.exp_gas + schedule.exp_byte_gas * bytes); InstructionCost::Gas(gas) }, _ => InstructionCost::Gas(default_gas) }; match cost { InstructionCost::Gas(gas) => { Ok((gas, 0)) }, InstructionCost::GasMem(gas, mem_size) => match mem_size { RequiredMem::Mem(mem_size) => { let (mem_gas, new_mem_size) = self.mem_gas_cost(schedule, mem.size(), &mem_size); let gas = try!(self.gas_add(gas, mem_gas)); Ok((gas, new_mem_size)) }, RequiredMem::OutOfMemory => Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) }, InstructionCost::GasMemCopy(gas, mem_size, copy) => match mem_size { RequiredMem::Mem(mem_size) => { let (mem_gas, new_mem_size) = self.mem_gas_cost(schedule, mem.size(), &mem_size); match add_u256_usize(©, 31) { (_c, true) => Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas), (copy, false) => { let copy_gas = U256::from(schedule.copy_gas) * (copy / U256::from(32)); let gas = try!(self.gas_add(try!(self.gas_add(gas, copy_gas)), mem_gas)); Ok((gas, new_mem_size)) } } }, RequiredMem::OutOfMemory => Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) } } } fn gas_add(&self, a: U256, b: U256) -> Result { match a.overflowing_add(b) { (_val, true) => Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas), (val, false) => Ok(val) } } fn mem_gas_cost(&self, schedule: &evm::Schedule, current_mem_size: usize, mem_size: &U256) -> (U256, usize) { let gas_for_mem = |mem_size: U256| { let s = mem_size >> 5; s * U256::from(schedule.memory_gas) + s * s / U256::from(schedule.quad_coeff_div) }; let current_mem_size = U256::from(current_mem_size); let req_mem_size_rounded = ((mem_size.clone() + U256::from(31)) >> 5) << 5; let new_mem_gas = gas_for_mem(U256::from(req_mem_size_rounded)); let current_mem_gas = gas_for_mem(current_mem_size); (if req_mem_size_rounded > current_mem_size { new_mem_gas - current_mem_gas } else { U256::zero() }, req_mem_size_rounded.low_u64() as usize) } fn mem_max(&self, m_a: RequiredMem, m_b: RequiredMem) -> RequiredMem { match (m_a, m_b) { (RequiredMem::Mem(a), RequiredMem::Mem(b)) => { RequiredMem::Mem(cmp::max(a, b)) }, (RequiredMem::OutOfMemory, _) | (_, RequiredMem::OutOfMemory) => { RequiredMem::OutOfMemory } } } fn mem_needed_const(&self, mem: &U256, add: usize) -> RequiredMem { match mem.overflowing_add(U256::from(add)) { (_, true) => RequiredMem::OutOfMemory, (mem, false) => RequiredMem::Mem(mem) } } fn mem_needed(&self, offset: &U256, size: &U256) -> RequiredMem { if self.is_zero(size) { RequiredMem::Mem(U256::zero()) } else { match offset.clone().overflowing_add(size.clone()) { (_result, true) => RequiredMem::OutOfMemory, (result, false) => { RequiredMem::Mem(result) } } } } fn exec_instruction(&self, gas: Gas, params: &ActionParams, ext: &mut evm::Ext, instruction: Instruction, code: &mut CodeReader, mem: &mut Memory, stack: &mut Stack ) -> Result { match instruction { instructions::JUMP => { let jump = stack.pop_back(); return Ok(InstructionResult::JumpToPosition( jump )); }, instructions::JUMPI => { let jump = stack.pop_back(); let condition = stack.pop_back(); if !self.is_zero(&condition) { return Ok(InstructionResult::JumpToPosition( jump )); } }, instructions::JUMPDEST => { // ignore }, instructions::CREATE => { let endowment = stack.pop_back(); let init_off = stack.pop_back(); let init_size = stack.pop_back(); let contract_code = mem.read_slice(init_off, init_size); let (gas_left, maybe_address) = ext.create(&gas, &endowment, &contract_code); match maybe_address { Some(address) => stack.push(address_to_u256(address)), None => stack.push(U256::zero()) } return Ok(InstructionResult::AdditionalGasCost( gas - gas_left )); }, instructions::CALL | instructions::CALLCODE | instructions::DELEGATECALL => { let call_gas = stack.pop_back(); let code_address = stack.pop_back(); let code_address = u256_to_address(&code_address); let value = if instruction == instructions::DELEGATECALL { params.value } else { stack.pop_back() }; let address = if instruction == instructions::CALL { &code_address } else { ¶ms.address }; let in_off = stack.pop_back(); let in_size = stack.pop_back(); let out_off = stack.pop_back(); let out_size = stack.pop_back(); let (gas_left, call_successful) = { // we need to write and read from memory in the same time // and we don't want to copy let input = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(mem.read_slice(in_off, in_size)) }; let output = mem.writeable_slice(out_off, out_size); try!( ext.call(&gas, &call_gas, address, &value, input, &code_address, output) ) }; if call_successful { stack.push(U256::one()); } else { stack.push(U256::zero()); } return Ok(InstructionResult::AdditionalGasCost( gas - gas_left )); }, instructions::RETURN => { let init_off = stack.pop_back(); let init_size = stack.pop_back(); let return_code = mem.read_slice(init_off, init_size); let gas_left = try!(ext.ret(&gas, &return_code)); return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecutionWithGasCost( gas - gas_left )); }, instructions::STOP => { return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecution); }, instructions::SUICIDE => { let address = stack.pop_back(); ext.suicide(&u256_to_address(&address)); return Ok(InstructionResult::StopExecution); }, instructions::LOG0...instructions::LOG4 => { let no_of_topics = instructions::get_log_topics(instruction); let offset = stack.pop_back(); let size = stack.pop_back(); let topics = stack.pop_n(no_of_topics) .iter() .map(H256::from) .collect(); ext.log(topics, mem.read_slice(offset, size).to_vec()); }, instructions::PUSH1...instructions::PUSH32 => { let bytes = instructions::get_push_bytes(instruction); let val = code.read(bytes); stack.push(val); }, instructions::MLOAD => { let word = mem.read(stack.pop_back()); stack.push(U256::from(word)); }, instructions::MSTORE => { let offset = stack.pop_back(); let word = stack.pop_back(); mem.write(offset, word); }, instructions::MSTORE8 => { let offset = stack.pop_back(); let byte = stack.pop_back(); mem.write_byte(offset, byte); }, instructions::MSIZE => { stack.push(U256::from(mem.size())); }, instructions::SHA3 => { let offset = stack.pop_back(); let size = stack.pop_back(); let sha3 = mem.read_slice(offset, size).sha3(); stack.push(U256::from(sha3.as_slice())); }, instructions::SLOAD => { let key = H256::from(&stack.pop_back()); let word = U256::from(ext.storage_at(&key).as_slice()); stack.push(word); }, instructions::SSTORE => { let key = H256::from(&stack.pop_back()); let word = H256::from(&stack.pop_back()); ext.set_storage_at(key, word); }, instructions::PC => { stack.push(U256::from(code.position - 1)); }, instructions::GAS => { stack.push(gas.clone()); }, instructions::ADDRESS => { stack.push(address_to_u256(params.address.clone())); }, instructions::ORIGIN => { stack.push(address_to_u256(params.origin.clone())); }, instructions::BALANCE => { let address = u256_to_address(&stack.pop_back()); let balance = ext.balance(&address); stack.push(balance); }, instructions::CALLER => { stack.push(address_to_u256(params.sender.clone())); }, instructions::CALLVALUE => { stack.push(params.value.clone()); }, instructions::CALLDATALOAD => { let big_id = stack.pop_back(); let id = big_id.low_u64() as usize; let max = id.wrapping_add(32); let data = params.data.clone().unwrap_or(vec![]); let bound = cmp::min(data.len(), max); if id < bound && big_id < U256::from(data.len()) { let mut v = data[id..bound].to_vec(); v.resize(32, 0); stack.push(U256::from(&v[..])) } else { stack.push(U256::zero()) } }, instructions::CALLDATASIZE => { stack.push(U256::from(params.data.clone().unwrap_or(vec![]).len())); }, instructions::CODESIZE => { stack.push(U256::from(code.len())); }, instructions::EXTCODESIZE => { let address = u256_to_address(&stack.pop_back()); let len = ext.extcode(&address).len(); stack.push(U256::from(len)); }, instructions::CALLDATACOPY => { self.copy_data_to_memory(mem, stack, ¶ms.data.clone().unwrap_or(vec![])); }, instructions::CODECOPY => { self.copy_data_to_memory(mem, stack, ¶ms.code.clone().unwrap_or(vec![])); }, instructions::EXTCODECOPY => { let address = u256_to_address(&stack.pop_back()); let code = ext.extcode(&address); self.copy_data_to_memory(mem, stack, &code); }, instructions::GASPRICE => { stack.push(params.gas_price.clone()); }, instructions::BLOCKHASH => { let block_number = stack.pop_back(); let block_hash = ext.blockhash(&block_number); stack.push(U256::from(block_hash.as_slice())); }, instructions::COINBASE => { stack.push(address_to_u256(ext.env_info().author.clone())); }, instructions::TIMESTAMP => { stack.push(U256::from(ext.env_info().timestamp)); }, instructions::NUMBER => { stack.push(U256::from(ext.env_info().number)); }, instructions::DIFFICULTY => { stack.push(ext.env_info().difficulty.clone()); }, instructions::GASLIMIT => { stack.push(ext.env_info().gas_limit.clone()); }, _ => { try!(self.exec_stack_instruction(instruction, stack)); } }; Ok(InstructionResult::AdditionalGasCost(U256::zero())) } fn copy_data_to_memory(&self, mem: &mut Memory, stack: &mut Stack, data: &Bytes) { let offset = stack.pop_back(); let index = stack.pop_back(); let size = stack.pop_back(); let data_size = data.len(); if index < U256::from(data_size) { let u_index = index.low_u64() as usize; let bound_size = if size + index > U256::from(data_size) { data_size } else { size.low_u64() as usize + u_index }; mem.write_slice(offset, &data[u_index..bound_size]); } } fn verify_instructions_requirements(&self, info: &instructions::InstructionInfo, stack_limit: usize, stack: &Stack) -> Result<(), evm::Error> { if !stack.has(info.args) { Err(evm::Error::StackUnderflow { instruction: info.name, wanted: info.args, on_stack: stack.size() }) } else if stack.size() - info.args + info.ret > stack_limit { Err(evm::Error::OutOfStack { instruction: info.name, wanted: info.ret - info.args, limit: stack_limit }) } else { Ok(()) } } fn verify_gas(&self, current_gas: &U256, gas_cost: &U256) -> Result<(), evm::Error> { if current_gas < gas_cost { Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) } else { Ok(()) } } fn verify_jump(&self, jump_u: U256, valid_jump_destinations: &HashSet) -> Result { let jump = jump_u.low_u64() as usize; if valid_jump_destinations.contains(&jump) && jump_u < U256::from(!0 as usize) { Ok(jump) } else { Err(evm::Error::BadJumpDestination { destination: jump }) } } fn is_zero(&self, val: &U256) -> bool { &U256::zero() == val } fn bool_to_u256(&self, val: bool) -> U256 { if val { U256::one() } else { U256::zero() } } fn exec_stack_instruction(&self, instruction: Instruction, stack : &mut Stack) -> Result<(), evm::Error> { match instruction { instructions::DUP1...instructions::DUP16 => { let position = instructions::get_dup_position(instruction); let val = stack.peek(position).clone(); stack.push(val); }, instructions::SWAP1...instructions::SWAP16 => { let position = instructions::get_swap_position(instruction); stack.swap_with_top(position) }, instructions::POP => { stack.pop_back(); }, instructions::ADD => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_add(b); stack.push(c); }, instructions::MUL => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_mul(b); stack.push(c); }, instructions::SUB => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_sub(b); stack.push(c); }, instructions::DIV => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(if !self.is_zero(&b) { let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_div(b); c } else { U256::zero() }); }, instructions::MOD => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(if !self.is_zero(&b) { let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_rem(b); c } else { U256::zero() }); }, instructions::SDIV => { let (a, sign_a) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); let (b, sign_b) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); // -2^255 let min = U256::from_str("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap(); stack.push(if self.is_zero(&b) { U256::zero() } else if a == min && b == !U256::zero() { min } else { let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_div(b); set_sign(c, sign_a ^ sign_b) }); }, instructions::SMOD => { let ua = stack.pop_back(); let ub = stack.pop_back(); let (a, sign_a) = get_and_reset_sign(ua); let (b, _sign_b) = get_and_reset_sign(ub); stack.push(if !self.is_zero(&b) { let (c, _overflow) = a.overflowing_rem(b); set_sign(c, sign_a) } else { U256::zero() }); }, instructions::EXP => { let base = stack.pop_back(); let expon = stack.pop_back(); let (res, _overflow) = base.overflowing_pow(expon); stack.push(res); }, instructions::NOT => { let a = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(!a); }, instructions::LT => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(a < b)); }, instructions::SLT => { let (a, neg_a) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); let (b, neg_b) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); let is_positive_lt = a < b && (neg_a | neg_b) == false; let is_negative_lt = a > b && (neg_a & neg_b) == true; let has_different_signs = neg_a == true && neg_b == false; stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(is_positive_lt | is_negative_lt | has_different_signs)); }, instructions::GT => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(a > b)); }, instructions::SGT => { let (a, neg_a) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); let (b, neg_b) = get_and_reset_sign(stack.pop_back()); let is_positive_gt = a > b && (neg_a | neg_b) == false; let is_negative_gt = a < b && (neg_a & neg_b) == true; let has_different_signs = neg_a == false && neg_b == true; stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(is_positive_gt | is_negative_gt | has_different_signs)); }, instructions::EQ => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(a == b)); }, instructions::ISZERO => { let a = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(self.bool_to_u256(self.is_zero(&a))); }, instructions::AND => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(a & b); }, instructions::OR => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(a | b); }, instructions::XOR => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(a ^ b); }, instructions::BYTE => { let word = stack.pop_back(); let val = stack.pop_back(); let byte = if word < U256::from(32) { (val >> (8 * (31 - word.low_u64() as usize))) & U256::from(0xff) } else { U256::zero() }; stack.push(byte); }, instructions::ADDMOD => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); let c = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(if !self.is_zero(&c) { // upcast to 512 let a5 = U512::from(a); let (res, _overflow) = a5.overflowing_add(U512::from(b)); let (x, _overflow) = res.overflowing_rem(U512::from(c)); U256::from(x) } else { U256::zero() }); }, instructions::MULMOD => { let a = stack.pop_back(); let b = stack.pop_back(); let c = stack.pop_back(); stack.push(if !self.is_zero(&c) { let a5 = U512::from(a); let (res, _overflow) = a5.overflowing_mul(U512::from(b)); let (x, _overflow) = res.overflowing_rem(U512::from(c)); U256::from(x) } else { U256::zero() }); }, instructions::SIGNEXTEND => { let bit = stack.pop_back(); if bit < U256::from(32) { let number = stack.pop_back(); let bit_position = (bit.low_u64() * 8 + 7) as usize; let bit = number.bit(bit_position); let mask = (U256::one() << bit_position) - U256::one(); stack.push(if bit { number | !mask } else { number & mask }); } }, _ => { return Err(evm::Error::BadInstruction { instruction: instruction }); } } Ok(()) } fn find_jump_destinations(&self, code : &Bytes) -> HashSet { let mut jump_dests = HashSet::new(); let mut position = 0; while position < code.len() { let instruction = code[position]; if instruction == instructions::JUMPDEST { jump_dests.insert(position); } else if instructions::is_push(instruction) { position += instructions::get_push_bytes(instruction); } position += 1; } return jump_dests; } } fn get_and_reset_sign(value: U256) -> (U256, bool) { let sign = (value >> 255).low_u64() == 1; (set_sign(value, sign), sign) } pub fn set_sign(value: U256, sign: bool) -> U256 { if sign { let (val, _overflow) = (!U256::zero() ^ value).overflowing_add(U256::one()); val } else { value } } fn add_u256_usize(value: &U256, num: usize) -> (U256, bool) { value.clone().overflowing_add(U256::from(num)) } fn u256_to_address(value: &U256) -> Address { Address::from(H256::from(value)) } fn address_to_u256(value: Address) -> U256 { U256::from(H256::from(value).as_slice()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use common::*; use super::*; use evm; #[test] fn test_find_jump_destinations() { // given let interpreter = Interpreter; let code = "7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff5b01600055".from_hex().unwrap(); // when let valid_jump_destinations = interpreter.find_jump_destinations(&code); // then assert!(valid_jump_destinations.contains(&66)); } #[test] fn test_calculate_mem_cost() { // given let interpreter = Interpreter; let schedule = evm::Schedule::default(); let current_mem_size = 0; let mem_size = U256::from(5); // when let (mem_cost, mem_size) = interpreter.mem_gas_cost(&schedule, current_mem_size, &mem_size); // then assert_eq!(mem_cost, U256::from(3)); assert_eq!(mem_size, 32); } #[test] fn test_memory_read_and_write() { // given let mem : &mut super::Memory = &mut vec![]; mem.resize(0x80 + 32); // when mem.write(U256::from(0x80), U256::from(0xabcdef)); // then assert_eq!(mem.read(U256::from(0x80)), U256::from(0xabcdef)); } #[test] fn test_memory_read_and_write_byte() { // given let mem : &mut super::Memory = &mut vec![]; mem.resize(32); // when mem.write_byte(U256::from(0x1d), U256::from(0xab)); mem.write_byte(U256::from(0x1e), U256::from(0xcd)); mem.write_byte(U256::from(0x1f), U256::from(0xef)); // then assert_eq!(mem.read(U256::from(0x00)), U256::from(0xabcdef)); } }