// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . use account_utils::AccountProvider; use dir::{default_data_path, helpers::replace_home}; use ethcore::{client::Client, miner::Miner}; use ethereum_types::Address; use ethkey::{Password, Public, Secret}; use parity_runtime::Executor; use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc}; use sync::SyncProvider; /// This node secret key. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum NodeSecretKey { /// Stored as plain text in configuration file. Plain(Secret), /// Stored as account in key store. #[cfg(feature = "accounts")] KeyStore(Address), } /// Secret store service contract address. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum ContractAddress { /// Contract address is read from registry. Registry, /// Contract address is specified. Address(Address), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] /// Secret store configuration pub struct Configuration { /// Is secret store functionality enabled? pub enabled: bool, /// Is HTTP API enabled? pub http_enabled: bool, /// Is auto migrate enabled. pub auto_migrate_enabled: bool, /// ACL check contract address. pub acl_check_contract_address: Option, /// Service contract address. pub service_contract_address: Option, /// Server key generation service contract address. pub service_contract_srv_gen_address: Option, /// Server key retrieval service contract address. pub service_contract_srv_retr_address: Option, /// Document key store service contract address. pub service_contract_doc_store_address: Option, /// Document key shadow retrieval service contract address. pub service_contract_doc_sretr_address: Option, /// This node secret. pub self_secret: Option, /// Other nodes IDs + addresses. pub nodes: BTreeMap, /// Key Server Set contract address. If None, 'nodes' map is used. pub key_server_set_contract_address: Option, /// Interface to listen to pub interface: String, /// Port to listen to pub port: u16, /// Interface to listen to pub http_interface: String, /// Port to listen to pub http_port: u16, /// Data directory path for secret store pub data_path: String, /// Administrator public key. pub admin_public: Option, } /// Secret store dependencies pub struct Dependencies<'a> { /// Blockchain client. pub client: Arc, /// Sync provider. pub sync: Arc, /// Miner service. pub miner: Arc, /// Account provider. pub account_provider: Arc, /// Passed accounts passwords. pub accounts_passwords: &'a [Password], } #[cfg(not(feature = "secretstore"))] mod server { use super::{Configuration, Dependencies, Executor}; /// Noop key server implementation pub struct KeyServer; impl KeyServer { /// Create new noop key server pub fn new( _conf: Configuration, _deps: Dependencies, _executor: Executor, ) -> Result { Ok(KeyServer) } } } #[cfg(feature = "secretstore")] mod server { use super::{Configuration, ContractAddress, Dependencies, Executor, NodeSecretKey}; use ansi_term::Colour::{Red, White}; use db; use ethcore_secretstore; use ethkey::KeyPair; use std::sync::Arc; fn into_service_contract_address( address: ContractAddress, ) -> ethcore_secretstore::ContractAddress { match address { ContractAddress::Registry => ethcore_secretstore::ContractAddress::Registry, ContractAddress::Address(address) => { ethcore_secretstore::ContractAddress::Address(address) } } } /// Key server pub struct KeyServer { _key_server: Box, } impl KeyServer { /// Create new key server pub fn new( mut conf: Configuration, deps: Dependencies, executor: Executor, ) -> Result { let self_secret: Arc = match conf.self_secret.take() { Some(NodeSecretKey::Plain(secret)) => { Arc::new(ethcore_secretstore::PlainNodeKeyPair::new( KeyPair::from_secret(secret) .map_err(|e| format!("invalid secret: {}", e))?, )) } #[cfg(feature = "accounts")] Some(NodeSecretKey::KeyStore(account)) => { // Check if account exists if !deps.account_provider.has_account(account.clone()) { return Err(format!( "Account {} passed as secret store node key is not found", account )); } // Check if any passwords have been read from the password file(s) if deps.accounts_passwords.is_empty() { return Err(format!( "No password found for the secret store node account {}", account )); } // Attempt to sign in the engine signer. let password = deps .accounts_passwords .iter() .find(|p| { deps.account_provider .sign(account.clone(), Some((*p).clone()), Default::default()) .is_ok() }) .ok_or_else(|| { format!( "No valid password for the secret store node account {}", account ) })?; Arc::new( ethcore_secretstore::KeyStoreNodeKeyPair::new( deps.account_provider, account, password.clone(), ) .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?, ) } None => return Err("self secret is required when using secretstore".into()), }; info!( "Starting SecretStore node: {}", White.bold().paint(format!("{:?}", self_secret.public())) ); if conf.acl_check_contract_address.is_none() { warn!( "Running SecretStore with disabled ACL check: {}", Red.bold().paint("everyone has access to stored keys") ); } let key_server_name = format!("{}:{}", conf.interface, conf.port); let mut cconf = ethcore_secretstore::ServiceConfiguration { listener_address: if conf.http_enabled { Some(ethcore_secretstore::NodeAddress { address: conf.http_interface.clone(), port: conf.http_port, }) } else { None }, service_contract_address: conf .service_contract_address .map(into_service_contract_address), service_contract_srv_gen_address: conf .service_contract_srv_gen_address .map(into_service_contract_address), service_contract_srv_retr_address: conf .service_contract_srv_retr_address .map(into_service_contract_address), service_contract_doc_store_address: conf .service_contract_doc_store_address .map(into_service_contract_address), service_contract_doc_sretr_address: conf .service_contract_doc_sretr_address .map(into_service_contract_address), acl_check_contract_address: conf .acl_check_contract_address .map(into_service_contract_address), cluster_config: ethcore_secretstore::ClusterConfiguration { listener_address: ethcore_secretstore::NodeAddress { address: conf.interface.clone(), port: conf.port, }, nodes: conf .nodes .into_iter() .map(|(p, (ip, port))| { ( p, ethcore_secretstore::NodeAddress { address: ip, port: port, }, ) }) .collect(), key_server_set_contract_address: conf .key_server_set_contract_address .map(into_service_contract_address), allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: true, admin_public: conf.admin_public, auto_migrate_enabled: conf.auto_migrate_enabled, }, }; cconf.cluster_config.nodes.insert( self_secret.public().clone(), cconf.cluster_config.listener_address.clone(), ); let db = db::open_secretstore_db(&conf.data_path)?; let key_server = ethcore_secretstore::start( deps.client, deps.sync, deps.miner, self_secret, cconf, db, executor, ) .map_err(|e| format!("Error starting KeyServer {}: {}", key_server_name, e))?; Ok(KeyServer { _key_server: key_server, }) } } } pub use self::server::KeyServer; impl Default for Configuration { fn default() -> Self { let data_dir = default_data_path(); Configuration { enabled: true, http_enabled: true, auto_migrate_enabled: true, acl_check_contract_address: Some(ContractAddress::Registry), service_contract_address: None, service_contract_srv_gen_address: None, service_contract_srv_retr_address: None, service_contract_doc_store_address: None, service_contract_doc_sretr_address: None, self_secret: None, admin_public: None, nodes: BTreeMap::new(), key_server_set_contract_address: Some(ContractAddress::Registry), interface: "".to_owned(), port: 8083, http_interface: "".to_owned(), http_port: 8082, data_path: replace_home(&data_dir, "$BASE/secretstore"), } } } /// Start secret store-related functionality pub fn start( conf: Configuration, deps: Dependencies, executor: Executor, ) -> Result, String> { if !conf.enabled { return Ok(None); } KeyServer::new(conf, deps, executor).map(|s| Some(s)) }