// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see .
use std::time::Duration;
use std::io::Read;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::cmp;
use cli::{Args, ArgsError};
use hash::keccak;
use ethereum_types::{U256, H256, Address};
use parity_version::{version_data, version};
use bytes::Bytes;
use ansi_term::Colour;
use sync::{NetworkConfiguration, validate_node_url, self};
use ethcore::ethstore::ethkey::{Secret, Public};
use ethcore::client::{VMType};
use ethcore::miner::{stratum, MinerOptions};
use ethcore::verification::queue::VerifierSettings;
use miner::pool;
use rpc::{IpcConfiguration, HttpConfiguration, WsConfiguration};
use parity_rpc::NetworkSettings;
use cache::CacheConfig;
use helpers::{to_duration, to_mode, to_block_id, to_u256, to_pending_set, to_price, geth_ipc_path, parity_ipc_path, to_bootnodes, to_addresses, to_address, to_queue_strategy, to_queue_penalization, passwords_from_files};
use dir::helpers::{replace_home, replace_home_and_local};
use params::{ResealPolicy, AccountsConfig, GasPricerConfig, MinerExtras, SpecType};
use ethcore_logger::Config as LogConfig;
use dir::{self, Directories, default_hypervisor_path, default_local_path, default_data_path};
use dapps::Configuration as DappsConfiguration;
use ipfs::Configuration as IpfsConfiguration;
use ethcore_private_tx::{ProviderConfig, EncryptorConfig};
use secretstore::{NodeSecretKey, Configuration as SecretStoreConfiguration, ContractAddress as SecretStoreContractAddress};
use updater::{UpdatePolicy, UpdateFilter, ReleaseTrack};
use run::RunCmd;
use blockchain::{BlockchainCmd, ImportBlockchain, ExportBlockchain, KillBlockchain, ExportState, DataFormat};
use export_hardcoded_sync::ExportHsyncCmd;
use presale::ImportWallet;
use account::{AccountCmd, NewAccount, ListAccounts, ImportAccounts, ImportFromGethAccounts};
use snapshot::{self, SnapshotCommand};
use network::{IpFilter};
const DEFAULT_MAX_PEERS: u16 = 50;
const DEFAULT_MIN_PEERS: u16 = 25;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Cmd {
SignerToken(WsConfiguration, LogConfig),
SignerSign {
id: Option,
pwfile: Option,
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf,
SignerList {
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf
SignerReject {
id: Option,
port: u16,
authfile: PathBuf
pub struct Execute {
pub logger: LogConfig,
pub cmd: Cmd,
/// Configuration for the Parity client.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Configuration {
/// Arguments to be interpreted.
pub args: Args,
impl Configuration {
/// Parses a configuration from a list of command line arguments.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let _cfg = parity::Configuration::parse_cli(&["--light", "--chain", "kovan"]).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_cli>(command: &[S]) -> Result {
let config = Configuration {
args: Args::parse(command)?,
pub(crate) fn into_command(self) -> Result {
let dirs = self.directories();
let pruning = self.args.arg_pruning.parse()?;
let pruning_history = self.args.arg_pruning_history;
let vm_type = self.vm_type()?;
let spec = self.chain()?;
let mode = match self.args.arg_mode.as_ref() {
"last" => None,
mode => Some(to_mode(&mode, self.args.arg_mode_timeout, self.args.arg_mode_alarm)?),
let update_policy = self.update_policy()?;
let logger_config = self.logger_config();
let ws_conf = self.ws_config()?;
let http_conf = self.http_config()?;
let ipc_conf = self.ipc_config()?;
let net_conf = self.net_config()?;
let network_id = self.network_id();
let cache_config = self.cache_config();
let tracing = self.args.arg_tracing.parse()?;
let fat_db = self.args.arg_fat_db.parse()?;
let compaction = self.args.arg_db_compaction.parse()?;
let wal = !self.args.flag_fast_and_loose;
let warp_sync = !self.args.flag_no_warp;
let geth_compatibility = self.args.flag_geth;
let dapps_conf = self.dapps_config();
let ipfs_conf = self.ipfs_config();
let secretstore_conf = self.secretstore_config()?;
let format = self.format()?;
let cmd = if self.args.flag_version {
} else if self.args.cmd_signer {
let authfile = ::signer::codes_path(&ws_conf.signer_path);
if self.args.cmd_signer_new_token {
Cmd::SignerToken(ws_conf, logger_config.clone())
} else if self.args.cmd_signer_sign {
let pwfile = self.accounts_config()?.password_files.first().map(|pwfile| {
Cmd::SignerSign {
id: self.args.arg_signer_sign_id,
pwfile: pwfile,
port: ws_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else if self.args.cmd_signer_reject {
Cmd::SignerReject {
id: self.args.arg_signer_reject_id,
port: ws_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else if self.args.cmd_signer_list {
Cmd::SignerList {
port: ws_conf.port,
authfile: authfile,
} else {
} else if self.args.cmd_tools && self.args.cmd_tools_hash {
} else if self.args.cmd_db && self.args.cmd_db_kill {
Cmd::Blockchain(BlockchainCmd::Kill(KillBlockchain {
spec: spec,
dirs: dirs,
pruning: pruning,
} else if self.args.cmd_account {
let account_cmd = if self.args.cmd_account_new {
let new_acc = NewAccount {
iterations: self.args.arg_keys_iterations,
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
password_file: self.accounts_config()?.password_files.first().map(|x| x.to_owned()),
} else if self.args.cmd_account_list {
let list_acc = ListAccounts {
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
} else if self.args.cmd_account_import {
let import_acc = ImportAccounts {
from: self.args.arg_account_import_path.expect("CLI argument is required; qed").clone(),
to: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
} else {
} else if self.args.flag_import_geth_keys {
let account_cmd = AccountCmd::ImportFromGeth(
ImportFromGethAccounts {
spec: spec,
to: dirs.keys,
testnet: self.args.flag_testnet
} else if self.args.cmd_wallet {
let presale_cmd = ImportWallet {
iterations: self.args.arg_keys_iterations,
path: dirs.keys,
spec: spec,
wallet_path: self.args.arg_wallet_import_path.clone().unwrap(),
password_file: self.accounts_config()?.password_files.first().map(|x| x.to_owned()),
} else if self.args.cmd_import {
let import_cmd = ImportBlockchain {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_import_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
vm_type: vm_type,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
with_color: logger_config.color,
verifier_settings: self.verifier_settings(),
light: self.args.flag_light,
} else if self.args.cmd_export {
if self.args.cmd_export_blocks {
let export_cmd = ExportBlockchain {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_export_blocks_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
from_block: to_block_id(&self.args.arg_export_blocks_from)?,
to_block: to_block_id(&self.args.arg_export_blocks_to)?,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
} else if self.args.cmd_export_state {
let export_cmd = ExportState {
spec: spec,
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
file_path: self.args.arg_export_state_file.clone(),
format: format,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
at: to_block_id(&self.args.arg_export_state_at)?,
storage: !self.args.flag_export_state_no_storage,
code: !self.args.flag_export_state_no_code,
min_balance: self.args.arg_export_state_min_balance.and_then(|s| to_u256(&s).ok()),
max_balance: self.args.arg_export_state_max_balance.and_then(|s| to_u256(&s).ok()),
} else {
} else if self.args.cmd_snapshot {
let snapshot_cmd = SnapshotCommand {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
file_path: self.args.arg_snapshot_file.clone(),
wal: wal,
kind: snapshot::Kind::Take,
block_at: to_block_id(&self.args.arg_snapshot_at)?,
} else if self.args.cmd_restore {
let restore_cmd = SnapshotCommand {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
file_path: self.args.arg_restore_file.clone(),
wal: wal,
kind: snapshot::Kind::Restore,
block_at: to_block_id("latest")?, // unimportant.
} else if self.args.cmd_export_hardcoded_sync {
let export_hs_cmd = ExportHsyncCmd {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
} else {
let daemon = if self.args.cmd_daemon {
Some(self.args.arg_daemon_pid_file.clone().expect("CLI argument is required; qed"))
} else {
let verifier_settings = self.verifier_settings();
let whisper_config = self.whisper_config();
let (private_provider_conf, private_enc_conf, private_tx_enabled) = self.private_provider_config()?;
let run_cmd = RunCmd {
cache_config: cache_config,
dirs: dirs,
spec: spec,
pruning: pruning,
pruning_history: pruning_history,
pruning_memory: self.args.arg_pruning_memory,
daemon: daemon,
logger_config: logger_config.clone(),
miner_options: self.miner_options()?,
gas_price_percentile: self.args.arg_gas_price_percentile,
poll_lifetime: self.args.arg_poll_lifetime,
ntp_servers: self.ntp_servers(),
ws_conf: ws_conf,
http_conf: http_conf,
ipc_conf: ipc_conf,
net_conf: net_conf,
network_id: network_id,
acc_conf: self.accounts_config()?,
gas_pricer_conf: self.gas_pricer_config()?,
miner_extras: self.miner_extras()?,
stratum: self.stratum_options()?,
update_policy: update_policy,
mode: mode,
tracing: tracing,
fat_db: fat_db,
compaction: compaction,
wal: wal,
vm_type: vm_type,
warp_sync: warp_sync,
warp_barrier: self.args.arg_warp_barrier,
geth_compatibility: geth_compatibility,
net_settings: self.network_settings()?,
dapps_conf: dapps_conf,
ipfs_conf: ipfs_conf,
secretstore_conf: secretstore_conf,
private_provider_conf: private_provider_conf,
private_encryptor_conf: private_enc_conf,
dapp: self.dapp_to_open()?,
name: self.args.arg_identity,
custom_bootnodes: self.args.arg_bootnodes.is_some(),
no_periodic_snapshot: self.args.flag_no_periodic_snapshot,
check_seal: !self.args.flag_no_seal_check,
download_old_blocks: !self.args.flag_no_ancient_blocks,
verifier_settings: verifier_settings,
serve_light: !self.args.flag_no_serve_light,
light: self.args.flag_light,
no_persistent_txqueue: self.args.flag_no_persistent_txqueue,
whisper: whisper_config,
no_hardcoded_sync: self.args.flag_no_hardcoded_sync,
Ok(Execute {
logger: logger_config,
cmd: cmd,
fn vm_type(&self) -> Result {
fn miner_extras(&self) -> Result {
let floor = to_u256(&self.args.arg_gas_floor_target)?;
let ceil = to_u256(&self.args.arg_gas_cap)?;
let extras = MinerExtras {
author: self.author()?,
extra_data: self.extra_data()?,
gas_range_target: (floor, ceil),
engine_signer: self.engine_signer()?,
work_notify: self.work_notify(),
fn author(&self) -> Result {
fn engine_signer(&self) -> Result {
fn format(&self) -> Result