#!/bin/bash set -e # fail on any error set -u # treat unset variables as error #ARGUMENTS: 1. BUILD_PLATFORM (target for binaries) 2. PLATFORM (target for cargo) 3. ARC (architecture) 4. & 5. CC & CXX flags BUILD_PLATFORM=$1 PLATFORM=$2 ARC=$3 CC=$4 CXX=$5 EXT=deb VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") echo "--------------------" echo "Build for platform: " $BUILD_PLATFORM echo "Cargo target: " $PLATFORM echo "CC&CXX flags: " $CC ", " $CXX echo "Architecture: " $ARC echo "Libssl version: " $LIBSSL echo "Package: " $EXT echo "Parity version: " $VER echo "Branch: " $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME echo "--------------------" echo "RUST:" rustup show echo "Cargo:" cargo -V echo "NODEJS:" nodejs -v echo "NPM:" npm -v set_env () { echo "Set ENVIROMENT" HOST_CC=gcc HOST_CXX=g++ rm -rf .cargo mkdir -p .cargo echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config echo "linker= \"$CC\"" >> .cargo/config cat .cargo/config } build () { echo "Build parity:" cargo build --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS echo "Build evmbin:" cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin echo "Build ethstore-cli:" cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli echo "Build ethkep-cli:" cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli echo "Strip binaries:" $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/parity $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey echo "Checksum calculation:" rm -rf *.md5 export SHA3=$(target/$PLATFORM/release/parity tools hash target/$PLATFORM/release/parity) echo "Parity file SHA3:" $SHA3 md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm > parity-evm.md5 md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore > ethstore.md5 md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey > ethkey.md5 } make_deb () { rm -rf deb echo "create DEBIAN files" mkdir -p deb/usr/bin/ mkdir -p deb/DEBIAN echo "create copyright, docs, compat" cp LICENSE deb/DEBIAN/copyright echo "https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki" >> deb/DEBIAN/docs echo "8" >> deb/DEBIAN/compat echo "create control file" control=deb/DEBIAN/control echo "Package: parity" >> $control echo "Version: $VER" >> $control echo "Source: parity" >> $control echo "Section: science" >> $control echo "Priority: extra" >> $control echo "Maintainer: Parity Technologies " >> $control echo "Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9)" >> $control echo "Standards-Version: 3.9.5" >> $control echo "Homepage: https://parity.io" >> $control echo "Vcs-Git: git://github.com/paritytech/parity.git" >> $control echo "Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/paritytech/parity" >> $control echo "Architecture: $ARC" >> $control echo "Depends: $LIBSSL" >> $control echo "Description: Ethereum network client by Parity Technologies" >> $control size=`du deb/|awk 'END {print $1}'` echo "Installed-Size: $size" >> $control echo "build .deb package" cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb" md5sum "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb" > "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb.md5" } make_pkg () { echo "make PKG" cd mac xcodebuild -configuration Release cd .. packagesbuild -v mac/Parity.pkgproj productsign --sign 'Developer ID Installer: PARITY TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (P2PX3JU8FT)' target/$PLATFORM/release/Parity\ Ethereum.pkg target/$PLATFORM/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg mv target/$PLATFORM/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg "parity-"$VER"_"$ARC".pkg" md5sum "parity-"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT >> "parity-"$VER"_"$ARC".pkg.md5" } push_binaries () { echo "Push binaries to AWS S3" aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret if [[ "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "master" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "beta" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "stable" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "nightly" ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity-evm --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity-evm.md5 --body parity-evm.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethstore --body target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethstore.md5 --body ethstore.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethkey --body target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethkey.md5 --body ethkey.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT --body "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT".md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT".md5" } make_archive () { echo "add artifacts to archive" rm -rf parity.zip zip -r parity.zip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey parity.md5 parity-evm.md5 ethstore.md5 ethkey.md5 } push_release () { echo "push release" curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM } windows () { set PLATFORM=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc set INCLUDE="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include;C:\vs2015\VC\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt" set LIB="C:\vs2015\VC\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64" set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 set RUSTFLAGS=%RUSTFLAGS% rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc cargo clean cargo build --features final --release #%CARGOFLAGS% cargo build --release -p ethstore-cli #%CARGOFLAGS% cargo build --release -p ethkey-cli #%CARGOFLAGS% cargo build --release -p evmbin #%CARGOFLAGS% signtool sign /f %keyfile% /p %certpass% target\release\parity.exe target\release\parity.exe tools hash target\release\parity.exe > parity.sha3 set /P SHA3= InstallParity.exe.md5 zip win-installer.zip InstallParity.exe InstallParity.exe.md5 md5sums win-installer.zip > win-installer.zip.md5 cd ..\target\release\ md5sums parity.exe > parity.exe.md5 zip parity.zip parity.exe parity.md5 md5sums parity.zip > parity.zip.md5 cd ..\.. aws configure set aws_access_key_id %s3_key% aws configure set aws_secret_access_key %s3_secret% echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "master" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "beta" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "stable" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "nightly" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity echo %S3_BUCKET% aws s3 rm --recursive s3://%S3_BUCKET%/%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.exe --body target\release\parity.exe aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.exe.md5 --body target\release\parity.exe.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.zip --body target\release\parity.zip aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.zip.md5 --body target\release\parity.zip.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/InstallParity.exe --body nsis\InstallParity.exe aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/InstallParity.exe.md5 --body nsis\InstallParity.exe.md5 aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/win-installer.zip --body nsis\win-installer.zip aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/win-installer.zip.md5 --body nsis\win-installer.zip.md5 } case $BUILD_PLATFORM in x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) #set strip bin STRIP_BIN="strip" build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu) STRIP_BIN="strip" LIBSSL: "libssl1.1.0 (>=1.1.0)" echo "Use libssl1.1.0 (>=1.1.0) for Debian builds" build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu) STRIP_BIN="strip" build make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; i686-unknown-linux-gnu) STRIP_BIN="strip" set_env build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) STRIP_BIN="arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip" set_env build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) STRIP_BIN="arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip" set_env build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu) STRIP_BIN="aarch64-linux-gnu-strip" set_env build make_deb make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; x86_64-apple-darwin) STRIP_BIN="strip" PLATFORM="x86_64-apple-darwin" EXT="pkg" build make_pkg make_archive push_binaries push_release ;; x86_64-unknown-snap-gnu) cd snap ARC="amd64" EXT="snap" rm -rf *snap sed -i 's/master/'"$VER"'/g' snapcraft.yaml snapcraft cp "parity_"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME"_amd64.snap" "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" md5sum "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" > "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap.md5" push_binaries ;; rust_beta) rustup default beta export STRIP_BIN="strip" build make_archive ;; rust_nightly) rustup default nightly export STRIP_BIN="strip" build make_archive ;; x86_64-pc-windows-msvc) windows push_release esac