// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . //! Standardized JSON VM output. use std::{collections::HashMap, io}; use bytes::ToPretty; use ethcore::{pod_state, trace}; use ethereum_types::{H256, U256}; use display; use info as vm; pub trait Writer: io::Write + Send + Sized { fn clone(&self) -> Self; fn default() -> Self; } impl Writer for io::Stdout { fn clone(&self) -> Self { io::stdout() } fn default() -> Self { io::stdout() } } impl Writer for io::Stderr { fn clone(&self) -> Self { io::stderr() } fn default() -> Self { io::stderr() } } /// JSON formatting informant. pub struct Informant { code: Vec, instruction: u8, depth: usize, stack: Vec, storage: HashMap, subinfos: Vec>, subdepth: usize, trace_sink: Trace, out_sink: Out, } impl Default for Informant { fn default() -> Self { Self::new(io::stderr(), io::stdout()) } } impl Informant { /// std json informant using out only. pub fn out_only() -> Self { Self::new(io::stdout(), io::stdout()) } } impl Informant { /// std json informant using err only. pub fn err_only() -> Self { Self::new(io::stderr(), io::stderr()) } } impl Informant { pub fn new(trace_sink: Trace, out_sink: Out) -> Self { Informant { code: Default::default(), instruction: Default::default(), depth: Default::default(), stack: Default::default(), storage: Default::default(), subinfos: Default::default(), subdepth: 0, trace_sink, out_sink, } } fn with_informant_in_depth)>( informant: &mut Informant, depth: usize, f: F, ) { if depth == 0 { f(informant); } else { Self::with_informant_in_depth( informant .subinfos .last_mut() .expect("prepare/done_trace are not balanced"), depth - 1, f, ); } } fn dump_state_into( trace_sink: &mut Trace, root: H256, end_state: &Option, ) { if let Some(ref end_state) = end_state { let dump_data = json!({ "root": root, "accounts": end_state, }); writeln!(trace_sink, "{}", dump_data).expect("The sink must be writeable."); } } } impl vm::Informant for Informant { type Sink = (Trace, Out); fn before_test(&mut self, name: &str, action: &str) { let out_data = json!({ "action": action, "test": name, }); writeln!(&mut self.out_sink, "{}", out_data).expect("The sink must be writeable."); } fn set_gas(&mut self, _gas: U256) {} fn clone_sink(&self) -> Self::Sink { (self.trace_sink.clone(), self.out_sink.clone()) } fn finish( result: vm::RunResult<::Output>, (ref mut trace_sink, ref mut out_sink): &mut Self::Sink, ) { match result { Ok(success) => { let trace_data = json!({"stateRoot": success.state_root}); writeln!(trace_sink, "{}", trace_data).expect("The sink must be writeable."); Self::dump_state_into(trace_sink, success.state_root, &success.end_state); let out_data = json!({ "output": format!("0x{}", success.output.to_hex()), "gasUsed": format!("{:#x}", success.gas_used), "time": display::as_micros(&success.time), }); writeln!(out_sink, "{}", out_data).expect("The sink must be writeable."); } Err(failure) => { let out_data = json!({ "error": &failure.error.to_string(), "gasUsed": format!("{:#x}", failure.gas_used), "time": display::as_micros(&failure.time), }); Self::dump_state_into(trace_sink, failure.state_root, &failure.end_state); writeln!(out_sink, "{}", out_data).expect("The sink must be writeable."); } } } } impl trace::VMTracer for Informant { type Output = (); fn trace_next_instruction(&mut self, pc: usize, instruction: u8, current_gas: U256) -> bool { let subdepth = self.subdepth; Self::with_informant_in_depth(self, subdepth, |informant: &mut Informant| { let info = ::evm::Instruction::from_u8(instruction).map(|i| i.info()); informant.instruction = instruction; let trace_data = json!({ "pc": pc, "op": instruction, "opName": info.map(|i| i.name).unwrap_or(""), "gas": format!("{:#x}", current_gas), "stack": informant.stack, "storage": informant.storage, "depth": informant.depth, }); writeln!(&mut informant.trace_sink, "{}", trace_data) .expect("The sink must be writeable."); }); true } fn trace_prepare_execute( &mut self, _pc: usize, _instruction: u8, _gas_cost: U256, _mem_written: Option<(usize, usize)>, store_written: Option<(U256, U256)>, ) { let subdepth = self.subdepth; Self::with_informant_in_depth(self, subdepth, |informant: &mut Informant| { if let Some((pos, val)) = store_written { informant.storage.insert(pos.into(), val.into()); } }); } fn trace_executed(&mut self, _gas_used: U256, stack_push: &[U256], _mem: &[u8]) { let subdepth = self.subdepth; Self::with_informant_in_depth(self, subdepth, |informant: &mut Informant| { let info = ::evm::Instruction::from_u8(informant.instruction).map(|i| i.info()); let len = informant.stack.len(); let info_args = info.map(|i| i.args).unwrap_or(0); informant .stack .truncate(if len > info_args { len - info_args } else { 0 }); informant.stack.extend_from_slice(stack_push); }); } fn prepare_subtrace(&mut self, code: &[u8]) { let subdepth = self.subdepth; Self::with_informant_in_depth(self, subdepth, |informant: &mut Informant| { let mut vm = Informant::new(informant.trace_sink.clone(), informant.out_sink.clone()); vm.depth = informant.depth + 1; vm.code = code.to_vec(); informant.subinfos.push(vm); }); self.subdepth += 1; } fn done_subtrace(&mut self) { self.subdepth -= 1; let subdepth = self.subdepth; Self::with_informant_in_depth(self, subdepth, |informant: &mut Informant| { informant.subinfos.pop(); }); } fn drain(self) -> Option { None } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; use info::tests::run_test; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct TestWriter(pub Arc>>); impl Writer for TestWriter { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Clone::clone(self) } fn default() -> Self { Default::default() } } impl io::Write for TestWriter { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.0.lock().unwrap().write(buf) } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { self.0.lock().unwrap().flush() } } pub fn informant() -> (Informant, Arc>>) { let trace_writer: TestWriter = Default::default(); let out_writer: TestWriter = Default::default(); let res = trace_writer.0.clone(); (Informant::new(trace_writer, out_writer), res) } #[test] fn should_trace_failure() { let (inf, res) = informant(); run_test( inf, move |_, expected| { let bytes = res.lock().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&**bytes)) }, "60F8d6", 0xffff, r#"{"depth":1,"gas":"0xffff","op":96,"opName":"PUSH1","pc":0,"stack":[],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfffc","op":214,"opName":"","pc":2,"stack":["0xf8"],"storage":{}} "#, ); let (inf, res) = informant(); run_test( inf, move |_, expected| { let bytes = res.lock().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&**bytes)) }, "F8d6", 0xffff, r#"{"depth":1,"gas":"0xffff","op":248,"opName":"","pc":0,"stack":[],"storage":{}} "#, ); } #[test] fn should_trace_create_correctly() { let (informant, res) = informant(); run_test( informant, move |_, expected| { let bytes = res.lock().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&**bytes)) }, "32343434345830f138343438323439f0", 0xffff, r#"{"depth":1,"gas":"0xffff","op":50,"opName":"ORIGIN","pc":0,"stack":[],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfffd","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":1,"stack":["0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfffb","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":2,"stack":["0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfff9","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":3,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfff7","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":4,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfff5","op":88,"opName":"PC","pc":5,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfff3","op":48,"opName":"ADDRESS","pc":6,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x5"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0xfff1","op":241,"opName":"CALL","pc":7,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x5","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e21","op":56,"opName":"CODESIZE","pc":8,"stack":["0x1"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e1f","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":9,"stack":["0x1","0x10"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e1d","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":10,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e1b","op":56,"opName":"CODESIZE","pc":11,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e19","op":50,"opName":"ORIGIN","pc":12,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0","0x0","0x10"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e17","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":13,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0","0x0","0x10","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e15","op":57,"opName":"CODECOPY","pc":14,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0","0x0","0x10","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":1,"gas":"0x9e0c","op":240,"opName":"CREATE","pc":15,"stack":["0x1","0x10","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x210c","op":50,"opName":"ORIGIN","pc":0,"stack":[],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x210a","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":1,"stack":["0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x2108","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":2,"stack":["0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x2106","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":3,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x2104","op":52,"opName":"CALLVALUE","pc":4,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x2102","op":88,"opName":"PC","pc":5,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x2100","op":48,"opName":"ADDRESS","pc":6,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x5"],"storage":{}} {"depth":2,"gas":"0x20fe","op":241,"opName":"CALL","pc":7,"stack":["0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x0","0x5","0xbd770416a3345f91e4b34576cb804a576fa48eb1"],"storage":{}} "#, ) } }