[package] description = "Parity Ethereum client" name = "parity-ethereum" # NOTE Make sure to update util/version/Cargo.toml as well version = "2.8.0" license = "GPL-3.0" authors = ["Parity Technologies "] [dependencies] ansi_term = "0.11" atty = "0.2.8" blooms-db = { path = "util/blooms-db" } clap = "2" cli-signer= { path = "cli-signer" } client-traits = { path = "ethcore/client-traits" } common-types = { path = "ethcore/types" } ctrlc = { git = "https://github.com/paritytech/rust-ctrlc.git" } dir = { path = "util/dir" } docopt = "1.0" engine = { path = "ethcore/engine" } ethabi = { version = "9.0.1", optional = true } ethcore = { path = "ethcore", features = ["parity"] } ethcore-accounts = { path = "accounts", optional = true } ethcore-blockchain = { path = "ethcore/blockchain" } ethcore-call-contract = { path = "ethcore/call-contract", optional = true } ethcore-db = { path = "ethcore/db" } ethcore-io = { path = "util/io" } ethcore-light = { path = "ethcore/light" } ethcore-logger = { path = "parity/logger" } ethcore-miner = { path = "miner" } ethcore-network = { path = "util/network" } ethcore-private-tx = { path = "ethcore/private-tx" } ethcore-service = { path = "ethcore/service" } ethcore-sync = { path = "ethcore/sync" } ethereum-types = "0.8.0" ethkey = { path = "accounts/ethkey" } ethstore = { path = "accounts/ethstore" } fdlimit = "0.1" futures = "0.1" journaldb = { path = "util/journaldb" } jsonrpc-core = "14.0.3" keccak-hash = "0.4.0" kvdb = "0.4.0" kvdb-rocksdb = "0.5.0" log = "0.4" migration-rocksdb = { path = "util/migration-rocksdb" } node-filter = { path = "ethcore/node-filter" } num_cpus = "1.2" number_prefix = "0.2" panic_hook = { path = "util/panic-hook" } parity-bytes = "0.1" parity-crypto = { version = "0.5.0", features = ["publickey"] } parity-daemonize = "0.3" parity-hash-fetch = { path = "updater/hash-fetch" } parity-ipfs-api = { path = "ipfs" } parity-local-store = { path = "miner/local-store" } parity-path = "0.1" parity-rpc = { path = "rpc" } parity-runtime = "0.1.1" parity-secretstore = { git = "https://github.com/paritytech/secret-store", rev = "ebe751d", optional = true } parity-updater = { path = "updater" } parity-util-mem = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["jemalloc-global"] } parity-version = { path = "util/version" } parking_lot = "0.10.0" regex = "1.0" registrar = { path = "util/registrar" } rlp = "0.4.0" rpassword = "1.0" rustc-hex = "2.1.0" semver = "0.9" serde = "1.0" serde_derive = "1.0" serde_json = "1.0" snapshot = { path = "ethcore/snapshot" } spec = { path = "ethcore/spec" } term_size = "0.3" textwrap = "0.9" toml = "0.5.6" verification = { path = "ethcore/verification" } [build-dependencies] rustc_version = "0.2" [dev-dependencies] pretty_assertions = "0.1" ipnetwork = "0.12.6" tempdir = "0.3" fake-fetch = { path = "util/fake-fetch" } [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies] winapi = { version = "0.3.4", features = ["winsock2", "winuser", "shellapi"] } [features] default = ["accounts"] accounts = ["ethcore-accounts", "parity-rpc/accounts"] miner-debug = ["ethcore/miner-debug"] json-tests = ["ethcore/json-tests"] test-heavy = ["ethcore/test-heavy"] evm-debug = ["ethcore/evm-debug"] evm-debug-tests = ["ethcore/evm-debug-tests"] slow-blocks = ["ethcore/slow-blocks"] secretstore = ["parity-secretstore", "accounts", "ethabi", "ethcore-call-contract"] final = ["parity-version/final"] deadlock_detection = ["parking_lot/deadlock_detection"] # hardcode version number 1.3.7 of parity to force an update # in order to manually test that parity fall-over to the local version # in case of invalid or deprecated command line arguments are entered test-updater = ["parity-updater/test-updater"] [lib] path = "parity/lib.rs" [[bin]] path = "parity/main.rs" name = "parity" [profile.release] debug = false lto = true [workspace] # This should only list projects that are not # in the dependency tree in any other way # (i.e. pretty much only standalone CLI tools) members = [ "accounts/ethkey/cli", "accounts/ethstore/cli", "chainspec", "ethcore/wasm/run", "evmbin", ]