// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of OpenEthereum. // OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with OpenEthereum. If not, see . use super::test_common::*; use bytes::Bytes; use ethjson; use ethtrie; use evm::Finalize; use executive::*; use externalities::*; use hash::keccak; use machine::EthereumMachine as Machine; use rlp::RlpStream; use state::{Backend as StateBackend, State, Substate}; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc}; use test_helpers::get_temp_state; use trace::{NoopTracer, NoopVMTracer, Tracer, VMTracer}; use vm::{ self, ActionParams, CallType, ContractCreateResult, CreateContractAddress, EnvInfo, Ext, MessageCallResult, ReturnData, Schedule, }; use super::HookType; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] struct CallCreate { data: Bytes, destination: Option
, gas_limit: U256, value: U256, } impl From for CallCreate { fn from(c: ethjson::vm::Call) -> Self { let dst: Option = c.destination.into(); CallCreate { data: c.data.into(), destination: dst.map(Into::into), gas_limit: c.gas_limit.into(), value: c.value.into(), } } } /// Tiny wrapper around executive externalities. /// Stores callcreates. struct TestExt<'a, T: 'a, V: 'a, B: 'a> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer, B: StateBackend, { ext: Externalities<'a, T, V, B>, callcreates: Vec, nonce: U256, sender: Address, } impl<'a, T: 'a, V: 'a, B: 'a> TestExt<'a, T, V, B> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer, B: StateBackend, { fn new( state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, machine: &'a Machine, schedule: &'a Schedule, depth: usize, origin_info: &'a OriginInfo, substate: &'a mut Substate, output: OutputPolicy, address: Address, tracer: &'a mut T, vm_tracer: &'a mut V, ) -> ethtrie::Result { let static_call = false; Ok(TestExt { nonce: state.nonce(&address)?, ext: Externalities::new( state, info, machine, schedule, depth, 0, origin_info, substate, output, tracer, vm_tracer, static_call, ), callcreates: vec![], sender: address, }) } } impl<'a, T: 'a, V: 'a, B: 'a> Ext for TestExt<'a, T, V, B> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer, B: StateBackend, { fn storage_at(&self, key: &H256) -> vm::Result { self.ext.storage_at(key) } fn initial_storage_at(&self, key: &H256) -> vm::Result { self.ext.initial_storage_at(key) } fn set_storage(&mut self, key: H256, value: H256) -> vm::Result<()> { self.ext.set_storage(key, value) } fn exists(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result { self.ext.exists(address) } fn exists_and_not_null(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result { self.ext.exists_and_not_null(address) } fn balance(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result { self.ext.balance(address) } fn origin_balance(&self) -> vm::Result { self.ext.origin_balance() } fn blockhash(&mut self, number: &U256) -> H256 { self.ext.blockhash(number) } fn create( &mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8], address: CreateContractAddress, _trap: bool, ) -> Result { self.callcreates.push(CallCreate { data: code.to_vec(), destination: None, gas_limit: *gas, value: *value, }); let contract_address = contract_address(address, &self.sender, &self.nonce, &code).0; Ok(ContractCreateResult::Created(contract_address, *gas)) } fn calc_address(&self, code: &[u8], address: CreateContractAddress) -> Option
{ Some(contract_address(address, &self.sender, &self.nonce, &code).0) } fn call( &mut self, gas: &U256, _sender_address: &Address, receive_address: &Address, value: Option, data: &[u8], _code_address: &Address, _call_type: CallType, _trap: bool, ) -> Result { self.callcreates.push(CallCreate { data: data.to_vec(), destination: Some(receive_address.clone()), gas_limit: *gas, value: value.unwrap(), }); Ok(MessageCallResult::Success(*gas, ReturnData::empty())) } fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result>> { self.ext.extcode(address) } fn extcodesize(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result> { self.ext.extcodesize(address) } fn extcodehash(&self, address: &Address) -> vm::Result> { self.ext.extcodehash(address) } fn log(&mut self, topics: Vec, data: &[u8]) -> vm::Result<()> { self.ext.log(topics, data) } fn ret(self, gas: &U256, data: &ReturnData, apply_state: bool) -> Result { self.ext.ret(gas, data, apply_state) } fn suicide(&mut self, refund_address: &Address) -> vm::Result<()> { self.ext.suicide(refund_address) } fn schedule(&self) -> &Schedule { self.ext.schedule() } fn env_info(&self) -> &EnvInfo { self.ext.env_info() } fn chain_id(&self) -> u64 { 0 } fn depth(&self) -> usize { 0 } fn is_static(&self) -> bool { false } fn add_sstore_refund(&mut self, value: usize) { self.ext.add_sstore_refund(value) } fn sub_sstore_refund(&mut self, value: usize) { self.ext.sub_sstore_refund(value) } fn al_is_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.ext.al_is_enabled() } fn al_contains_storage_key(&self, address: &Address, key: &H256) -> bool { self.ext.al_contains_storage_key(address, key) } fn al_insert_storage_key(&mut self, address: Address, key: H256) { self.ext.al_insert_storage_key(address, key) } fn al_contains_address(&self, address: &Address) -> bool { self.ext.al_contains_address(address) } fn al_insert_address(&mut self, address: Address) { self.ext.al_insert_address(address) } } /// run an json executive test pub fn json_executive_test( path: &Path, json_data: &[u8], start_stop_hook: &mut H, ) -> Vec { let tests = ethjson::vm::Test::load(json_data).expect(&format!( "Could not parse JSON executive test data from {}", path.display() )); let mut failed = Vec::new(); for (name, vm) in tests.into_iter() { if !super::debug_include_test(&name) { continue; } start_stop_hook(&format!("{}", name), HookType::OnStart); let mut fail = false; let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool, s: &str| { if !cond && !fail { failed.push(format!("{}: {}", name, s)); fail = true } }; macro_rules! try_fail { ($e: expr) => { match $e { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { let msg = format!("Internal error: {}", e); fail_unless(false, &msg); continue; } } }; } let out_of_gas = vm.out_of_gas(); let mut state = get_temp_state(); state.populate_from(From::from(vm.pre_state.clone())); let info: EnvInfo = From::from(vm.env); let machine = { let mut machine = ::ethereum::new_frontier_test_machine(); machine.set_schedule_creation_rules(Box::new(move |s, _| s.max_depth = 1)); machine }; let params = ActionParams::from(vm.transaction); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let mut tracer = NoopTracer; let mut vm_tracer = NoopVMTracer; let vm_factory = state.vm_factory(); let origin_info = OriginInfo::from(¶ms); // execute let (res, callcreates) = { let schedule = machine.schedule(info.number); let mut ex = try_fail!(TestExt::new( &mut state, &info, &machine, &schedule, 0, &origin_info, &mut substate, OutputPolicy::Return, params.address.clone(), &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer, )); let evm = vm_factory.create(params, &schedule, 0); let res = evm .exec(&mut ex) .ok() .expect("TestExt never trap; resume error never happens; qed"); // a return in finalize will not alter callcreates let callcreates = ex.callcreates.clone(); (res.finalize(ex), callcreates) }; let output = match &res { Ok(res) => res.return_data.to_vec(), Err(_) => Vec::new(), }; let log_hash = { let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(substate.logs.len()); for l in &substate.logs { rlp.append(l); } keccak(&rlp.drain()) }; match res { Err(_) => fail_unless(out_of_gas, "didn't expect to run out of gas."), Ok(res) => { fail_unless(!out_of_gas, "expected to run out of gas."); fail_unless( Some(res.gas_left) == vm.gas_left.map(Into::into), "gas_left is incorrect", ); let vm_output: Option> = vm.output.map(Into::into); fail_unless(Some(output) == vm_output, "output is incorrect"); fail_unless(Some(log_hash) == vm.logs.map(|h| h.0), "logs are incorrect"); for (address, account) in vm.post_state.unwrap().into_iter() { let address = address.into(); if let Some(code) = account.code { let code: Vec = code.into(); let found_code = try_fail!(state.code(&address)); fail_unless( found_code .as_ref() .map_or_else(|| code.is_empty(), |c| &**c == &code), "code is incorrect", ); } let found_balance = try_fail!(state.balance(&address)); let found_nonce = try_fail!(state.nonce(&address)); if let Some(balance) = account.balance { fail_unless(found_balance == balance.into(), "balance is incorrect"); } if let Some(nonce) = account.nonce { fail_unless(found_nonce == nonce.into(), "nonce is incorrect"); } if let Some(storage) = account.storage { for (k, v) in storage { let key: U256 = k.into(); let value: U256 = v.into(); let found_storage = try_fail!(state.storage_at(&address, &From::from(&key))); fail_unless( found_storage == From::from(&value), "storage is incorrect", ); } } } let calls: Option> = vm.calls.map(|c| c.into_iter().map(From::from).collect()); fail_unless(Some(callcreates) == calls, "callcreates does not match"); } }; if fail { println!(" - vm: {:?}...FAILED", name); } else { println!(" - vm: {:?}...OK", name); } start_stop_hook(&format!("{}", name), HookType::OnStop); } failed }